The Soldier of Stars [1] - Ba...

By wexhappyxfew

177K 5.8K 4K

The Soldier of Stars ~ Band of Brothers [1] A young woman who finds peace in the stars, and let's them guide... More

⇒ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ⇐
BAND OF BROTHERS - the ladies
♪ playlist ♪
introduction to the soldier of stars
➢ hazel parker
➢ catherine mccown
➢ elizabeth elliot
1 | operation virago
2 | captain thermes
3 | the springfield rifle
4 | training
5 | camp athene medals
6 | jump wings
7 | new york city
8 | england
9 | reality
10 | looming war
11 | easy company
12 | the men of easy company
13| aldbourne
14 | stars of swindon
15 | the training in england
16 | wartime
17 | the unlikely friendship of joe liebgott
18 | maneuvers
19 | the strength of ncos
20 | sobel's demise
21 | upottery airfield
22 | talks of d-day
23 | the letter
24 | into the unknown
day of days
25 | normandy
26 | the silencing of war
27 | the assembly area
28 | brecourt manor
29 | of a combat medic
30 | safety
31 | d-day plus one
32 | positivity
33 | sainte-come-du-mont
34 | carentan
35 | the duty of a combat medic
36 | the counteroffensive
37 | battle of bloody gulch
38 | the final days
39 | the return to aldbourne
40 | the replacements
41 | the good overpowers the bad
42 | late night talks
43 | moving out
44 | eindhoven
45 | nuenen
46 | retreating
47 | the dawn of night
48 | hope
49 | low morale
50 | in sickness and in health
51 | companions
52 | crossroads
53 | the attack on crossroads
54 | a medic's return
55 | operation pegasus
56 | such is life
58 | the dinner conversation
59 | heart to heart
60 | tell it to the stars
61 | the will of the fight
62 | bitter bastogne
63 | shellings
64 | crazy boys
65 | on the line
66 | god's will
67 | pitiful patrol
68 | solo
69 | always hope
70 | the stand
71 | merry friggin christmas
72 | hands
the breaking point
73 | christmas
74 | the case of the incompetent lieutenant
75 | keeping warm
76 | agony
77 | 5 am cigarettes
78 | gone
79 | when the star goes out

57 | paris

1.2K 54 40
By wexhappyxfew

" She glows golden like a honeycomb, a ray of afternoon sunshine."

- Unknown


Easy Company was falling into a nice routine, and the ability to sleep in beds which weren't a foxhole or a barn floor was a welcoming change. 

Hazel found herself humming Christmas songs daily; she couldn't wait to wake up and be in a warm little barrack with the rest of the guys from Easy, celebrating the year 1945, which would hopefully bring a quick end to the war. She prayed in the morning on most days, and then finally relished the feeling of not running around Holland. 

It was wonderful. 

The only downside was their new CO. 

Lieutenant Norman Dike. 

Lieutenant Dike was what could be conjured up as an excuse for a CO. The man seemed incompetent, forgetful, and the last thing it seemed he wanted to do was run a company of paratroopers. He forgot Hazel daily on practice runs, confused her for a male name, and then told her that she wasn't the sniper as she stood there with the Springfield in her grasp. Then he wouldn't listen to his Lieutenants and plenty of times Lipton tried to get through to him but he brushed him off, saying that he had everything under control. In conclusion, it was a mess, a big mess. They just hoped that by the time the war was over, they never stepped into the combat with him. 

November turned into December, and it grew colder with each night, but it also meant that the thought of Christmas 1944 was on many people's minds. The entire idea of it. Simply just being in a warm place this Christmas with friends, even in the middle of the war, would be comforting. The company continued doing drills, and some training, but they had more free time as they remained on stand down at the moment.

" Mama, Mama, can't you see?"

" Mama, Mama, can't you see?"

" What the Airborne's done to me."

" What the Airborne's done to me."

" Turn, about face. Forward march." The group went through multiple days in the freezing rain, getting used to their new CO Lieutenant Norman Dike, who was practically a mess, but a favorite from Regiment most likely. Catherine had been standing up near Peacock in the rain as the company marched back and forth in front of them, with only 65% strength, mostly being replacements. They were missing multiple people, and Catherine could see as Tab led the platoon on the outside, looking slightly frustrated. She could pick up on his little ticks by now, like when he was angry or pissed. They would be up most nights, checking on the men and women, and then reporting to Dike, who didn't care of seem to have a clue most of the time what the men were doing and that stressed them both out, even though they knew the company would be fine as long as the NCOs held it together the best they could. 

Catherine had heard from Nixon, basically a mid-March action, at the earliest with training for 3 months, and she hadn't thought that it was a bad idea. The company needed rest and training, to forget about the mess of Market-Garden and Holland combined. So, there Catherine sat in Winters' office, in a chair next to Nixon, Harry handing out coffee.

" Easy still has only 65% strength, and most of those are replacements, including their new CO." Winters said, as Catherine looked towards him.

" How's Lieutenant Dike doing?" Nixon asked WInters, as Harry came over with the coffee, handing it out.

" Three weeks in Holland, the guys are already calling him Foxhole Norman." Harry said.

" Oh really," muttered Catherine, as she sipped the coffee, relishing the warmth that filled her bones.

" Well, they're talking about a mid-March action at the earliest, so, we train the guys for three months, we jump into Berlin, we end the war." Nixon said and Catherine glanced towards Winters for his reaction.

" The only thing holding together Easy Company is the NCOs, Tocca men and women and you Catherine." Winters said. Catherine smiled.

" What can I say?" she said, with a smile.

" Sir, there's a Sergeant Guarnere here to see you." a voice came from the doorway as Zelinski entered. Catherine's' eyes shot open wide as she watched Bill walk in with a limp, and a smirk on his face.

" Look what the train brought in." Harry said with a smirk as Bill saluted, seeing Catherine there.

" Hey, the daredevil." Nixon said.

" Wild Bill himself." Catherine said sipping her drink.

" Hiya, Captain." Bill said as he limped over.

" Welcome back, Bill." WInters said as the two shook hands, Winters smiling. One of the best NCOs had returned from his joyride.

" Jesus, it's true. I never thought I'd see you behind a desk, sir." Bill said, and Catherine snorted as Bill shook everyone's hand, but Catherine stood up and hugged the man, gratefully.

" Yeah, and someday he'll sit behind it." Nixon said.

" Won't that be a rare occurrence." Catherine commented and Winters shook his head with a smile.

" Well, I just went AWOL from the hospital to get back here, sir. I hope that's not gonna cause you a problem." Bill said.

" Would you care if it did?" Winters asked him and Catherine smirked, as she hid it behind sipping her coffee.

" Not a bit, sir." Bill answered, pulling out something from his pocket, " Got a letter for you here from Moose, uh, Lieutenant Heyliger, sir." Winters looked up from what he signed to look at Bill, glancing briefly at Harry.

" He's recovering but it's gonna be a long haul." Bill stated.

" Thanks, Bill." Winters said, glancing at Harry. Catherine had heard from Harry about that whole fiasco and Gene and Lizzie's blow up. She thought they had every right as medics though with their number one duty to be to save peoples' lives. Catherine glanced at Harry and watched as his bit back his lip worriedly, worry for his friend.

" So, I hear there's gonna be a football game, those chumps from the 5-0 Deuce, is that right? You're throwing yourself in there, Mack?" Bill said and Catherine found a smile return to her face.

" Yeah, yeah, I am." Catherine said with a smirk.

" Oh, yeah, Christmas Day." Harry said.

" Great, sky train boys." Bill said, looking back at Winters, " Can't wait." It got quiet as Bill glanced at Winters who grew focused on his work.

" Great." Bill said, before glancing at Harry who looked at Bill.

" Well, uh, I'll just got find some trouble." Bill said, with an obvious wink as he saluted Winters.

" You do that, take Mack with ya." Nixon said as Catherine stood with her drink to follow Bill out as Winters saluted Bill, who then turned away.

" Hey, Bill." Winters said as Bill turned.

" Yes, sir?" Bill asked as Catherine walked towards Bill, looking at Winters.

" No more joyriding, right?" Winters said, and Catherine smirked. Bill nodded, a slight smirk on his face.

" Oh, uh, anybody ever heard of a little joint called, LuLu's?" Bill asked as Catherine glanced at him with a raised brow the other three officers looking at Bill, confused, evidently.

" You got me." Harry said shaking his head. Winters shook his head and Nixon smirked.

" I'll just ask around." Bill said. And with that Bill turned and nodded to Catherine before the two headed out. When Bill and Catherine got out of the office, Bill immediately wrapped an arm over Catherine's shoulder and pulled her into a side hug.

" Glad I finally got back to this fiasco." Bill said, and Catherine smiled widely.

" Oh, I bet. Take some pressure off of some of the other guys, Dike's been a hassle." Catherine told him and Bill sighed.

" I'd figure as much." Bill muttered as the two laughed. When they arrived in through the flap, Catherine could see Hazel sitting with Liebgott, the two talking quietly, as they held letters in their hands, Lizzie was sitting with Skinny as the two were giggling over something faces red as tomatoes.

" Guess who's back guys." Catherine called as she entered the tent. Everyone looked up and saw it was Bill, and excitedly jumped up. Joe Toye went running over to his Pennsylvania pal, and shook his hand excitedly.

" Guess that's a signal not to ever go joyriding again right?" Lizzie said when she approached with a smile.

" You don't gotta worry about that." Bill said with a smile to her as Lizzie smiled.

" You're back!" Hazel said when she approached with Joe and Bill smiled hearing the girl's voice.

" Hey, kid how're you doing?" he asked her, " Still sick?"

" Nope, fever's gone. I'm feeling a lot better." she said with a smile to him.

" Good, good, that nasty thing did a number on ya." Bill said and Hazel nodded with a smile.

" Hey, y'all!" a voice said and the group turned to see Smokey coming into the tent with a bunch of things in his hands.

" 24 hour passes!" he called. Hazel's eyes widened as Smokey went around sticking passes in peoples' hands. Hazel took the pass in her grasp and stared at it softly. 


Paris, France. 

That's where she wanted to go, and where she figured most of the guys were going.

" So," a voice said and Hazel looked up to see Liebgott waving his pass in front of her, " Paris?" A smile lit up Hazel's face. She nodded. She had mentioned Paris plenty of times to Joe back in Aldbourne and now it seems they finally had the chance to go, and Hazel had never been more excited. 

Hazel was glad to find that Lizzie was heading out with Tab, Shifty and Smokey, the group had to be one of the funniest little groups but they meshed so well together and had a funny dynamic. 

Catherine was going with Bill, Joe Toye, Babe and George as well as Perconte. Boy would the stories be filled with chaos when they came back. Hazel was just excited to finally be getting out of the camp and to civilization, to Paris, where there was a bit more freedom than that of what the camp provided.  

Joe Liebgott was currently dragging Hazel Parker, the tiny sniper with barely enough leg to sprint, through the streets of Paris, which were filled with Parisian people. And those Parisian people offered the weirdest looks. Finally Joe stopped in front of a cross walk where cars were.

" Did we come here just so you could drag me through Paris until my hand fell off?" she asked him and slapped his arm. Joe laughed.

" 'Course not," Joe murmured with a wink, but she smacked him again.

" So, where are we going again?" Hazel asked, as Joe's hand held hers gently in his bigger one.

" You'll see." he said with a smirk. Hazel raised a brow as they raced over the cross walk before Joe eventually stopped and turned to look up towards the shop they were next to. Hazel slowly followed his gaze and her eyes widened. They were at a French Chocolate Shop. Hazel looked up at Joe her eyes wide, like golf balls.

" Come on." Joe said, and Hazel smiled. Joe opened the door and Hazel stepped inside and all she could smell was chocolate. There was chocolate everywhere and it was glorious. Hazel looked at Joe who stepped in beside her and smirked at her.

" What do you want?" he asked her. Hazel smiled like a giddy teenager and stepped forward to look at what was in the cases. She bent down crouched in her uniform skirt and stared at the case, there were just so many cases filled with different chocolate assortments. Her mind was exploding. Joe slowly crouched beside her in his own uniform.

" I'm looking at that almond cluster." Joe said, as Hazel looked towards him.

" Almond cluster?" Hazel asked, rather innocently.

" You know, a bunch of almonds dipped in chocolate?" he said, Hazel titled her head. Joe stood and Hazel followed.

" Can I have an almond cluster please?" Joe asked the man behind the counter who nodded and stooped down to pick one out. He handed it to Hazel with a smile and Hazel took it. She looked at it before biting into it. Her eyes widened as Liebgott snickered and then she shoved the entire thing into her mouth and her eyes widened further. It was delicious. Joe laughed at her as she swallowed the food and she smirked at him as she wiped the corner's of her mouth.

" That was so good." she said, licking her lips and glancing back at the window.

" How about some fudge?" Joe suggested. Hazel's eyes widened and she nodded. Her and Joe spent about an hour looking through chocolates and picking others out before heading back out into the crisp air and the slightly warm sunshine. Hazel had gotten some chocolate for Catherine and Lizzie, as well, they both deserved it. 

They ate lunch by the Seine river, at a little shop that sold macarons as well. Hazel most definitely got a chocolate one and it tasted delicious. After lunch the sun came out fully again and Hazel spotted an artist on the side of the street, where a bunch of people stood around watching him draw. Hazel's eyes widened in adoration.

" Look,  Joe." Hazel said pointing and Joe stopped and followed her pointed figure.

" Wanna try it out?" Joe asked her and she looked up at him with a smile. He grinned as they hurriedly raced across the street and approached the artist. Hazel slowly stepped forward watching as the charcoal in his hand performed gentle brush strokes against the paper, his hand smooth, gliding over the page, without any smudges. 

It was so graceful. 

Hazel watched as he finished the portrait of the beautiful French woman and then showed it to her. Hazel thought that the old man drawing just loved seeing the smiles on peoples' faces when he finished; she adored that. The old man then turned to her, and spotted her uniform. American. 

A gentle, wise smile struck his face, similar to that of Lieutenant Winters. He gently made a show of pointing towards the chair. Hazel smiled at him and then stepped forward, taking a seat on the stool before facing the man. The old man studied her, his eyes filled with an artistic passion and creative light that Hazel admired. Then he began drawing. Hazel glanced towards Joe who stood behind him, watching her with a smirk on his face. 

If Joe thought that the word happiness and golden was a person, it had to be the epitome of Hazel. The sun was hitting her just right, making her hair appear golden even in the chilling cold, and her cheeks were slightly rosy, her dimples were showing with the shy smile she always wore, and the corners of her eyes were crinkled up. He always knew a genuine smile was one when the corners of anyone's eyes crinkled. 

A small smile remained on Joe's face as he glanced down, watching the man continuing to draw the woman. The old man drew with ease and pleasure, seemingly already knowing every freckle on her face and every curve that was ever present on her body. Joe watched as Hazel met his eyes and he could see the laugh forming behind them, but she held it as the old man continued drawing. The old French artist continued drawing until he took a few more strokes across the page with ease and finished off the picture, with a tiny signature in the corner. Hazel watched as the artist held up the picture, a wise smile upon his face as he showed Hazel.

" Oh, it's beautiful!" Hazel gasped as she stood and came forward, and crouching in front of the man with a smile.

" You very beautiful." the artist said, as he nodded and smiled at her, handing her the art work. Hazel blushed, and smiled as she looked down at the art.

" Merci." Hazel said softly and the artist nodded at her with a smile. Hazel slowly stood with the art in her hands and stepped around toward Joe to show him the picture. Joe took the picture in his hands and smiled at it before glancing at her. 

He thought the artwork was beautiful, but he'd never tell her, but Hazel was artwork in it of herself and not just on the service layer but each and every layer that made up Hazel Parker.

" Merci." Hazel called to the artist, giving a tiny wave before her and Joe were off again. Hazel looked at the picture again and smiled. He had seemed to capture her in that very moment; Hazel had never seen something drawn more beautifully.

" Cute accent." Joe muttered beside her, and Hazel bumped his shoulder with a smirk.

" Shut up." she muttered, shaking her head. Hazel and Joe walked along one of the busier roads, where trees lined the sides, their leaves long ago having fallen off, but with little Christmas wreaths hanging on them and lights strung up in them. The little shops along the street, had a soft glow of lights and warmth exuding from each one and each one Hazel looked in, she saw happy people inside, living their lives happily. It was nice to see. 

Hazel saw couples on the street; French soldiers with French women, older couples, middle aged couples with children, skipping about. It was all so peaceful, it made Hazel smile softly. The sun was setting soon, as the sky changed from light blue to pinks, yellows, oranges and reds, fading into a darkening blue to purple. The sky never failed to amaze her where ever she went. Night time was growing near and their dinner reservation was as well as they walked through the lit up streets as night drew closer.

" Why'd you want to go with me to Paris and not the other guys?" Hazel asked him.

" I don't know, why did you come with me and not the other girls?" Joe questioned with a smirked. Hazel smirked slightly.

" I'll go first, you're my best friend. We do stuff like this, we're spontaneous, so we up and go to Paris." Joe said and Hazel laughed.

" Best friend privileges, Joe Liebgott." Hazel said with a smile on her face.

" That's right." Joe said a smile adorning his lips. 

Hazel adored his toothy grin, she'd never told him though. He always smiled around her, never anyone else. She was his soft spot. 

Everyone knew it too. 


hey!! this chapter makes me SOFT!!! honestly joe being soft and appreciating the little things in life is adorable and under appreciated i feel and should be written about more i feel. he can be hot-headed but that can't be his only personality trait and soft!joe is VALID!! i live for it!! thanks for reading!

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