Dragon Mother

By NyNyx_Black

215 23 5

A girl, not just an ordinary girl but a huntress, has experienced something they can call as impossible. She... More

First Thing's First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Dragon Kingdoms
Characters Added
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
^ ...... ^
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Extra Chapter 1

Chapter 20

1 0 0
By NyNyx_Black

- Leave her for a while

A Month passed of my pregnancy and my Belly is a little big.
Flora left for Ixuipolux again. She said she will bring me the best flowers
as gift when she return. Calix just finished his meeting with the Elders and
Councils. We sat at the Balcony looking over Zileorid. I watch as Children
are trained to shift. Even if their flames are not strong, it is still an advantage and they can fly
and they have strong claws.
"My Queen." Calix
"The council said that Qatopia has been training. So, i have to go there. I'm sorry i-" Calix
"Calix." I smiled at him.
"It's alright. You have your duties. I understand. I'll be alright."
"But, i have to stay for maybe 2 months." Calix
"Come on, 2 months. You'll make it."
He leaned down and kissed my now grown belly.
"I promisd i'll be a good Father to our child." Calix
"I know." He kissed me and smiled.
"I Love you." Calix
"I Love you."

.-.-.-.-. TIME SKIP .-.-.-.-.

I am outside the palace near the gates with Calix because he is leaving for Qatopia.
"Goodluck out there..."
"I will. Always. Take care of yourself while i am gone alright? I don't like it when you're hurt." Calix
"*GIGGLE* I will, i will. You might send the whole kingdoms ablaze."
We shared a kiss before he flew with the elders and some soldiers towards Qatopia. Victoria and i
look at each ther as she nods. We went back inside the palace as i told Victoria that i will stay in my room because i need rest.

Okie....... One bad (Not so much maybe) news imma say... I am going through writer's block and so... *Holds the double door I just kicked on the last chapters*
I am sorry I have to close this door/updates first soooo sorry~ hope for support, comments and votes while I am gone... I will not just edit drafts of Dragon Mother but Also my other novel fanfic: The Awakening of the legend of Light and Dark magic or should I say in its new title "Light and Dark magic Series: The Awakening"
Again I hope for supports and votes and comments~
Cya soon~
This is Daluna27 going off
*Closes the Doors*

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