The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]

By noticemesenpai2000

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Sehun has social anxiety. He is anti-social and has a lot of trouble approaching and talking to people unless... More

Twenty One


171 15 8
By noticemesenpai2000

Sehun and Amber were sat in class long after the bell for lunch break had rung. Most of the students had already filed out of the classroom save for a couple of nerds who stayed behind to study or perform witch trials or whatever the hell they did in there.

"So someone's stalking you, huh?" Amber drawled, turning the note around in her hand. "This should be interesting."

Sehun bit his finger nervously. "Stalking is a strong word..."

"So what else would you call this?"

"Maybe it's a secret admirer? It could just be a one-off thing, you know?"

Amber furrowed her brows in concentration, nodding slowly. "Could be... But who would do this?"

"It could be anyone!"

Amber looked her friend up and down apprehensively, "Don't get too cocky now."

"This is actually a great shot of me though," Sehun said thoughtfully as he eyed the picture. Amber quirked a brow at him.

"So you like being creeped on?"

"I didn't say that."

"Maybe it's just Kai trying to play a prank on you."

"Kai was sitting with me at the booth when this photo was taken."

"Hm... Well my list of suspects ends there," She shrugged.

"Ugh, you're so unhelpful."

"Well just like you said, it could just be a one-off thing. No harm done. So let's just wait it out and see if anything else comes up."

Sehun nodded in agreement, "Sounds like a plan."

"You gonna tell Kai about this?"

"Nah," he shook his head, "Kai would freak out over something like this. He gets super jealous. I'm sure he'd make me wear a potato sack everyday if he could."

"Damn, that's intense," Amber laughed, "Alright, good call."

"Moving on... I do have a question for you, madam. What's going on between you and Victoria?"

Her face immediately went blank at the mention of her name. "What do you mean?"

"I couldn't help but notice that you've been spending an uncomfortable amount of time around me, which means you have no one else to occupy you," Sehun deadpanned.

"Fuck off," Amber scoffed.

"I'm serious though. Did you guys fight?"

"Nah nothing like that."

"Did she do something to bother you?"


"Then you did something to bother her."

"I did not," she glared at him.

"Then tell me what's going on."

"Why do you care anyway?"

"Why wouldn't I care? You're always all up in my business, so why I can't I be all up in yours?"

She shrugged, "Alright good point. But there really is nothing."

"Oh Amber... Why even bother lying to me? I know you like the back of my ass."

Her face scrunched up, "Ew."

"You're being so shifty... You're acting like she made out with you or something and you're trying to hide it."

Her face stiffened and that was enough for Sehun to take it from there. He smirked.

"Oh my God. You did make out! Ewwww! I thought straight people were gross, but this really takes the cake!" he exclaimed, face contorted. "And why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

Amber looked him up and down in disbelief. "Gee, I wonder why."

"Dude seriously! Isn't this like your first kiss? That's a big deal!"

"Ugh, I'm not that much of a prude. Unlike some people."

"Miss you better tell me right this instant everything that happened."

Amber rolled her eyes, "it's not a big deal. She just kinda kissed me all of a sudden. And ever since then I felt really awkward being around her."

"Why though? Aren't you like really into her?"

"I was, for a very long time. But now I don't really know how I should feel about this."

"Do you like her or not?"

She went quiet for a while before answering, shaking her head. "Nah."

Sehun frowned. That didn't sound quite right.

"I see. So now we're just straight up lying to each other huh? What happened to being real and trusting each other and all the shit that you keep preaching about?"

"I'm not lying-"

"Save it, Amber." He shook his head in disbelief, packing his books into his backpack as he got ready to leave. All while trying to act all upset and dramatic and not accidentally crack a smile.

"Hey, chill out art boy." Amber sighed, crossing her arms. "Okay, I might have some leftover feelings for her. But I don't want that right now. I can't deal with this love bullshit. It really stresses me out. So I'm hoping staying away for a while will keep those feelings from crawling back up my ass."

"Love is amazing, why don't you want that?" Sehun asked in disbelief. "Clearly she feels the same way about you."

"You say that because things are all sunshine and rainbows between you and Kai right now. When real problems start popping up you'll realise how much this love shit hurts."

"Well I'm not afraid of being hurt," he shrugged. "But since you are so scared of being hurt, think about how you're hurting her right now."

She scoffed, "I'm not..."

"She just broke up with her boyfriend. And now she's gonna feel like her good friend, whom she has feelings for, is also dumping her. Is that what you want? Revenge? Over something that happened in middle school?"

"What? No! I'm already over that. She apologized."

"So stop acting like such a dick. Dude, stop taking life so seriously. You're in high school. You gotta live a little! Whether you get your heart broken, or even shattered... Someday you're going to look back at all these shenanigans and laugh about it. And tell all your future grandchildren lots of stories they probably won't want to hear. But if you continue like this you'll just look back and regret being so afraid to just live a little, while you still had no responsibilities."

She rolled her eyes, "You're seriously gonna preach about life? To me? Last time I checked you are still a 16-year old high school boy who's just having his first relationship and not a salty old lady who's been through the mill and spreading her wisdom."

He scowled at her, offended. She did not just go there. "Fuck off, I'm trying to give you some real ass advice here."

"Well save it."

"Alright fine," he retorted, standing up. "But you out of all people know how fast I had to grow up. I watched my mom regret every single choice she made as she struggled to raise me. On her own. So don't come out here and make me feel like I don't know what I'm talking about. And this has nothing to do with Kai."

Her face softened as something like regret shone in her eyes. Sehun shook his head in disbelief, storming away.

She sighed exasperatedly, kicking a nearby desk in frustration. A few students in the classroom gave her a weird look. She glared.

"Mind your own fucking business."

I love the way the wind plays with your hair.


"Fuck me," Sehun groaned when he found another note the very next day, at the exact same spot. He turned it around and sure enough there was another photo of him.

He was in front of the school building this time, most likely walking out to catch a ride on Kai's bike. He was hugging a few books to his chest, backpack perched on his back. He was looking over to the side, hair blowing with the wind. There were other people blurred out in the background, making him stand out all the more. He couldn't help but admire the shot.

Damn I look good though.

"Hey Kyungsoo... Did you see anyone come into the art club room earlier today?"

Kyungsoo raised a brow, "Earlier than this? Highly doubt it."

Sehun sighed in frustration, looking down at the note. What the hell am I gonna do with you, Z? He wanted to handle this quietly and smartly. Kai didn't have to know. He'd definitely make it a big deal, and he didn't want to stress him out.

"Something wrong?" Kyungsoo asked, seeing as the younger was in disarray.

"Huh? No. Everything's fine." He mumbled.

Sehun shoved the note into his backpack, deciding he would just let it go and focus on his painting before classes started. He was still adding some finishing touches to Lay's painting. The boy reminded him of a unicorn. Or a sheep. Or both... A Shunicorn! Getting back into the mood of painting, he slowly forgot about his possible stalker.

For the test of the day, he kept looking over his shoulder, his hoodie draped over his head as he sneaked around between classes.


He jumped when he felt a tap on his shoulder, immediately turning around and getting into a fighting stance.

"Whoa." Kai put his hands up defensively, chuckling, "Slow down there, Bruce Lee."

"Kai," he sighed, relaxing immediately on seeing his boyfriend. "Hey."

"What's up with you?" He asked curiously, reaching out to pull Sehun's hoodie down, "Why are you sneaking around?"

Sehun swatted his hand away, securing the hoodie around his head. "I uh... I have a really big pimple."

"Huh?" Kai laughed, "Okay you're acting weird. I feel like I barely saw you today."

Sehun licked his lips nervously, "Well, you're seeing me right now."

"I know, but... I kinda miss you."

Sehun blushed, looking down at his feet. "Would you please not openly flirt with me in the hall like that?"

Kai looked around at all the students around them and smirked, "You're right... I'd rather flirt with you somewhere more private."

Sehun gulped. Yeah... I'd rather that too. But of course he wasn't going to say that.

"Like... Where though?"

Kai had a naughty glint in his eyes, "I know a place."

"But we have class in like... Fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes is plenty. You coming or...?"

Sehun bit his lip. A tiny part of him was urging him to just go to class, but the bigger (and hornier) part told him to go with Kai. I mean, he is my boyfriend. I reserve the right to sneak off somewhere and mess around with him.

He offered a short nod and with that, they walked together down the hall, taking long stops to try and get there faster. Sehun felt giddy at the thought of being alone with Kai in school. They never really could act natural when there were always so many people around. Kai eventually led him into the gymnasium, holding the door open for him.

"Ladies first."

"Fuck off." Sehun scoffed as he shoved him lightly and making his way in. Kai grabbed his hand and yanked him back to him, closing the door behind them.

He cupped his cheek, caressing it with his thumb as he gazed at him softly.

"I really did miss you."

Sehun felt the heat rise to his cheeks as he bit his bottom lip. "Anyone can still walk in here you know."

"I know," he grinned, taking Sehun's hand in his and tugging him along. They stopped in front of the storage room, as Kai produced a key from his pocket, unlocking the door.

"Did you steal that?" Sehun asked suspiciously.

"Of course not," Kai retorted, closing the door behind them and locking it. "Coach gave it to me so we can get our basketball supplies."

"Aha... and you brought me in here so that you can flirt?"

"Maybe not just flirt," Kai smiled, intertwining his fingers with Sehun's as he pulled him closer. He rested a hand on his waist and just gazed at him for a long minute.

"I feel like I don't kiss you enough."

His eyes shifted down to his lips as Sehun's breathing hitched in his throat. No you don't, not nearly enough. You just noticed?

"And why do you think that is?"

"I keep thinking... Maybe you're scared."

Sehun cocked a brow. Me? Scared? Psh... I've been waiting for you to make a move! "I'm not... Scared." He muttered, looking down at their intertwined hands, shifting a little closer to Kai. His eyes darted up to find Kai's, and he definitely saw something like desire burning in them.

Kai reached up to pull his hoodie down slowly, running a hand through this unkempt hair.

"Much better," he whispered. This time Sehun didn't try to lift it back up as Kai leaned in, eyes fluttering shut, closing the distance between their lips. Sehun felt his heart thump against his ribcage when their lips finally connected in a soft, sweet kiss.

Sehun of course didn't really know what he was doing, so he simply followed Kai's lead. His plump, full lips felt absolutely incredible against his own thin ones. He kept thinking they were like two tiny, wet pillows. Sexy wet pillows. He sighed, relaxing against Kai, feeling as if he could melt into him.

Kai moved his lips languidly, guiding him along, loving how every movement made shivers go down his spine. He quickened his pace a little, twisting his head as his hand rested at the back of the younger's neck. Sehun held him by the waist, pulling them flush against each other. He then took Kai's bottom lip between his teeth and bit down gently. Kai gasped, not having expected that at all. Sehun sure could be bold when he wanted to, and it did nothing but drive Kai crazy, sending a jolt all the way down south. The more time he spent with him, the more he found himself thinking God, he's perfect. And sexy as hell.

Just as things were starting to get a little bit steamy, the shrill sound of the bell rendered them still, breaking their kiss. They panted, breaths mixing between them as Kai let out a soft chuckle.

"Wow... that was... Something."

You really couldn't pick a more interesting time could you, bell?

Sehun found himself groaning in disappointment. He'd been waiting so long for Kai to kiss him. Like kiss him kiss him. But of course he had to get cock-blocked.

"Ugh, do we really even need education?"

"I mean, we can always just skip class and stay here all day, I don't mind." Kai said jokingly, but he was still half serious. He really wouldn't mind some alone time with Sehun.

Sehun honestly wanted to take him up on his offer, but he had never skipped a class ever in his life. And he wasn't about to let his perfect record get ruined. They were already late.

"Stop being a bad influence," he said begrudgingly, "We'll just have to pick up where we left off later."

Kai couldn't help feeling a little flattered by the fact that Sehun actually wanted to keep going. So he really isn't scared huh? I guess I'm even more scared than he is.

"Promise?" Kai asked sheepishly before they could leave, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I-I mean..." Sehun's face reddened on realising what he had said, "We're late for class!"

Kai grinned, placing a quick peck on his lips before unlocking the door and walking Sehun out.

"Hey, would you look at that?" Kris grinned, excitedly showing off his painting. Kyungsoo's blank eyes scanned it before glancing up at the tall boy.

"Oh... It's a... What exactly is it?"

"It's an octopus. Obviously. Don't you see all the tentacles and stuff?"

Kyungsoo quirked a brow, "I... Guess."

"Just say it, it's really bad."

"I'm not saying that it's bad... I'm just saying that it's not exactly good."

"I see you're trying to sugarcoat it. The old Kyungsoo never did that." Kris noted, "I guess you're really starting to fall in love with me."

Kyungsoo blushed a bright red, immediately diverting his gaze. "I am not."

"If you say so," Kris shrugged, "But you can just be honest though. Don't worry about hurting my feelings or whatever. If it's bad it's bad."

"Oh okay. It's atrocious."

"Thanks," Kris rolled his eyes. "Too bad I'm the only one starting to fall for you."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened, almost comically. Kris could barely hold back his snicker. It was so fun to mess around with him sometimes.

"Too bad indeed." He said coldly, holding up his paintbrush. Kris held his hand before it could reach the canvas.

"Why don't you draw me?"

Kyungsoo scoffed, shaking his hand off. "Why would I?"

"Cuz it would make me really happy, I guess? My birthday is coming up."

"Are you asking me for a birthday present?"

"No, I'm asking you to draw me. The present is optional." Kris smiled. "Pretty please?"

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "What do I get in return?"

"Whatever you like," he brought his hand up to caress his cheek, eyeing his lips tentatively.

Sehun walked into the art room just then, making the two break apart immediately. Kris was mildly enraged at the interruption but Kyungsoo simply smirked before going back to work on his painting.

Sehun barely spared the two a glance as he made his way to his usual spot. It was like clockwork at this point. He'd go to the art room first thing in the morning and find another note sitting on his easel. It'd been going on like that all week now.

While part of him was creeped out, another part of him couldn't help feeling intrigued, unknowingly anticipating the contents of each new note he would receive. He couldn't really help it. It's not like he ever experienced anything like that before, and honestly he didn't totally hate it.

Z had quite the eye for photography, he could tell. His shots were absolutely incredible, never mind that they were shots of him. If anything it was more like a self-esteem boost at the beginning of each day. And it wasn't like he was harming anyone. Right?

I love the way you take your time to hone your art.


On the back was a photo of him at his desk, seemingly in between classes. There was barely anyone around him, and it looked like the photo was taken from right outside the classroom. His eyes were downcast to his notebook, most likely doodling at the back of it.

Another perfect shot of him.

How the hell does Z pull this off? Without me noticing?!

He kept thinking that if he were ever to meet this Z person, he would ask him how he took all those shots, what camera he used, and why the hell he chose Sehun of all people.

The door suddenly opened and Sehun instinctively hid the note behind his back, swiftly heading toward his backpack and shoving it in like he always did.

"I guess Z still hasn't given up, huh?" Amber asked, casually walking in.

"Would you keep it down?" He hissed, gesturing to Kyungsoo and Kris who were still in the room.

"Yeah, sure. So what sappy pick up line did he have for you this time?" She asked, voice a little lower now so the other boys wouldn't hear.

"None of your business, hoe." He huffed. He'd been curt with her all week since the little argument they had, avoiding her every chance he got. But she was relentless and kept trying to act normal. He was getting sick of it and he really did miss just hanging out with his best friend like normal but he was hurt and annoyed and wouldn't give up until she apologized at least. Sehun didn't like being treated like some clueless child.

"Actually it is," she reached into his backpack but he was quick to swat her hand away.

"Just give it up, Amber."

"You know I'm surprised you haven't told Kai yet. For a blabbermouth like you I thought you'd have slipped up by now."

"Enough, Amber." He was losing his patience.

"Haven't told Kai what?" A third voice chimed in and the two stiffened, slowly turning their heads in horror. It was Kris.

"What's it to you?" She scowled.

"Kai is my best friend, duh. Why do you guys look so suspicious? What's going on? Are you cheating on Kai?"

Sehun almost choked on air. "I- what?"

"Oh, don't worry. Kai already told me everything. And I told Kyungsoo," he shrugged. Sehun plopped down on his seat in disbelief, looking over to his club president who gave him an almost apologetic look. "But now I gotta know what you guys are hiding because it looks super fishy."

"Don't you know it's rude to just intrude in on a private conversation between two people?"

"It ain't private if it involves my best friend."

"Well it sure as hell doesn't involve you.'

"Excuse me, but who do you think you are?"

"Someone's who's about to beat your ass of you don't beat it."

"Are you seriously throwing threats right now?"

Amber stood up, "Yeah actually I am."

"Will you two just SHUT UP!"

The two jumped in surprise, looking over at a furious Sehun. Once he found all three people in the staring at him in shock, he awkwardly cleared his throat, composing himself.

"With no due respect, this has nothing to do with either of you. This is my own personal matter. Whether or not you know about it is entirely up to me!"

"So you are cheating on Kai!"

"I'm not cheating on Kai! Are you crazy? I don't even have any friends outside of this jerkface over here, let alone go and cheat on my first boyfriend that I haven't even been dating for over a month! It's not my fault I have some sort of weird stalker!"

Kris blinked as Amber rolled his eyes.

"See what I meant when I said he was a blabbermouth?"

Sehun smacked his own forehead. Shit.

"You have a stalker?" He asked slowly.

"Not really a stalker... Someone's just been leaving notes on my easel everyday. It's not even a big deal honestly."

"So that's why you were asking me if I'd seen someone coming into the art room early in the morning?" Kyungsoo mentioned, also joining the conversation. Sehun sighed and nodded.

"What kind of notes?" Kris crossed his arms.

"Tacky ass love letters," Amber scoffed, "With a photo of Sehun attached to each one."

"And that's not a big deal? Why haven't you told Kai?" Kris frowned.

"Look, I just don't want to worry him."

"Well you do realize we could report this to the principal, right? They can check the cameras and we can find out who your stalker is, easy." Kyungsoo said thoughtfully.

"Look I just don't think this Z person is causing much harm. And I'm pretty sure at some point he'll just get bored and stop. I don't want to get anyone into trouble over a couple of notes."

"Are you serious right now?" Amber retorted, "He's a stalker, Sehun. Why the hell do you care if he gets into trouble or not?"

"Look, this is my problem. Can you just let me handle this in my own way?!"

"Kai would be super pissed off if he found out you've been hiding this from him," Kris shook his head in disapproval.

"Well he doesn't have to know. Now get off my back, seriously. You guys are stressing me out."

"We're stressing you out? And those creepy ass notes aren't?" Amber exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Yeah, actually." Sehun glared daggers at her and she returned the look with even more spite.

"Cool off you guys, let's think of solutions. How do we catch this guy?" Kris piped in.

"We can just come to the art room really early tomorrow, turn off the lights and wait for the stalker to come in." Kyungsoo suggested.

"Like what time?"

"As soon as the janitor opens the gates. Around 6:30am."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Wait, wait. You guys are seriously gonna do this? For me?" Sehun asked, surprised.

"Well, yeah. Sure. I am the president of this club, and someone's been breaking in here every single day. Of course I'll have to look into it."

"I'm just doing this for my man Kai because I know he'd do the same. You seem pretty dead set on keeping this a secret from him. Also sneaking around school with Kyungsoo at 6:30am actually sounds really fun." He smirked, elbowing Kyungsoo suggestively. The latter's eyes widened, sending him death glare.

"You guys..." Sehun sighed, "You really don't have to trouble yourselves. I'm sure Z will eventually just give up, I mean what's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh hey guys, I see the whole gang is here!"

All four of them stiffened, slowly turning to the door. Kai casually walked in before frowning at them slightly.

"Oh... Is something wrong?" He asked suspiciously. All four of them shook their heads.

"I think I have some... Things to do over on that side of the room." Kyungsoo quickly said, swiftly walking away.

"Alright I'm leaving." Amber drawled as she made her way to the door.

"I'm with Kyungsoo, so..." Kris also began to walk away. Kai looked between them weirdly before turning to Sehun.

"Okay, not suspicious at all."

"Yeah, we were just talking about organized crime and how to get away with murder." Sehun drawled, watching a small smile spread on Kai's lips.

"Sure. And you're totally not hiding something from me, are you?" Kai leaned in intimidatingly. Sehun gulped.

"Nope. Nothing at all."

Kai opened his mouth to speak but the bell interrupted him before he could get a word out.

I know I was cursing you before, bell, but you seriously could not have come at a better time.

"Oh look at that we're late for class!"

The next morning, Kris and Kyungsoo were outside the school gates by 6:15am. They waited a good ten minutes before the janitor got there and unlocked the doors, letting them in. He did seem a little surprised to see them there that early but didn't say anything. They got in and went up to the third floor straight away, not wasting any time before going into the art room.

Sure enough, the room was empty and just like they had left it the previous day.

They stood around for a while, surveying their surroundings as Kris yawned.

"Okay so now what?" He asked. Kyungsoo took off his scarf and moved two tables to the corner of the room.

"Now we wait. Anyone who walks through that door, that's our culprit."

"This is so exciting, huh?" Kris grinned as they sat on the floor at the corner, right behind the desks where they would be least likely to be spotted.

"Tone it down a little would you? If Z hears us in here, he sure as hell ain't gonna come in." Kyungsoo hissed.

"Okay, okay, sorry," Kris whispered back. They waited in silence for a while before Kris spoke again.

"I'm bored."

Kyungsoo leaned back against the wall, sighing. "Deal with it."

Kris pursed his lips, folding his hands neatly on his lap. He was in a dark room. Hidden from sight. With no one around. With Kyungsoo. He couldn't help his imagination wilding out in all sorts of directions. Think of all the possibilities!

He felt his heart start to race, his hand inching closer to Kyungsoo's. This was his chance to have a romantic moment with him and he was going to fully utilize it. Eventually he put his hand atop Kyungsoo's, feeling him stiffen under his touch. He quickly relaxed though, surprisingly enough turning his hand around so they could intertwine fingers.

Kris felt warm at the gesture, and although Kyungsoo didn't even spare him a glance, he could still feel his affection.

He lifted his other hand up, gently brushing a few strands of Kyungsoo's hair away. Kyungsoo slowly turned to him, biting his lip.

"Hey," Kris whispered, smiling softly.

"Hi," Kyungsoo whispered back, and if it weren't so dark, the other guessed he'd be probably blushing right now.

"This feels kind of ridiculous huh?" He chuckled, looking around the dark room.

"Yeah, it does." Kyungsoo found himself laughing softly too. It always took Kris by surprise when he did and he couldn't help but just stop and stare.

"I didn't even have any breakfast... I'm sure I'll sleep through all my classes as well."

"Why are you really doing this?"

"I already said it, I'm doing this for Kai. Sehun seems a little naïve."

"Yeah, but he's a good kid. Really talented too. Best one in the club if you ask me."

"He's great, sure...but I still think you're better."

Kyungsoo shook his head, "Nah... You didn't see his work. He sees something in people, you know."

"Yeah I don't really care about all that. I see something in your art. It's not like hyper realistic... It's just unique and colorful and... It's your style. I love everything about it."

Kyungsoo pursed his lips as he felt the heat rushing to his face, tightening his grip on Kris' hand. He wasn't just complimenting him, he was sincere, and he could see it in his eyes although the room was quite dark. The fact that Kris appreciated his art meant the world to him.

"You know... I don't really mind this," Kris smiled, bumping their foreheads lightly against each other.

"Me neither," Kyungsoo replied softly. The taller lifted his hand to cup his cheek, gently caressing him with his thumb. They gazed at each other for a while before Kris began to lean in. Kyungsoo's eyes were hooded as he leaned in the rest of the way, brushing his lips against Kris'. His stomach was turning, his heart pounding, but he needed that closeness so bad with him. He was always hoping they could have more time alone together, and he didn't get nearly as much as he liked. It's not like he wanted to waste this chance too. His hand landed on Kris' shoulder, lightly clutching his shirt as their lips molded together. Kris gripped the back of his neck, deepening the kiss as he slipped his tongue in. Kyungsoo clutched his shirt ever tighter, hand clasping Kris' as he followed his effortless rhythm. Kris slowly pushed him back against the wall, getting up on his knees to adjust his position but not once breaking their kiss. He straddled Kyungsoo's legs as their kiss grew more frantic and more passionate. Kyungsoo didn't mind, he loved the feel of their bodies against each other. Somehow the thrill of knowing that someone could walk in at any moment made it all the more exciting.

"Kris," he whispered huskily, and the mere sound of it was turning him on so much. Their tongues slid against each other, Kyungsoo digging his fingers into Kris' hair. Kris pulled away for a moment as they caught their breaths, panting into each other.

His eyes widened as Kris began to kiss and suck on his neck. Holy shit that feels... Oh my God.

"Kris," he found himself moaning, quickly biting his lip to prevent any other sounds from pouring out.

"Mmm," Kris groaned breathily. All the sensations were becoming a bit too much for Kyungsoo to handle. Everything just felt so good, Kris' touch was smooth and awakened every single nerve ending in his body and his lips, by God he wished he could have them trace all over his body and he would never get bored.

Shit, since when have I become such a whore... Dear God, the temptations are real. I was normal before this tall dude showed up and turned my life upside down.

Suddenly he felt Kris pull away, gently brushing his fingers against his hair. Wait... Why did he just stop?

"I'm sorry... We might be going a little too fast."

Kyungsoo stared at him with a doe-eyed look, lips flushed and slightly parted.

"I... Wasn't complaining," he muttered. Kris smiled softly.

"I know but... I just... I really care about you, Kyungsoo. I don't want to rush anything with you. Let's just take our time, yeah?" he took his hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. It was clear that Kris had experience and didn't mind this sort of thing, but he didn't want to take things too far with Kyungsoo, not yet at least. He was being considerate and it made Kyungsoo feel really grateful to have him. He found a small smile stretching across his lips as Kris stared on in awe.

"You're not too bad for an airhead," he said with a slight chuckle.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Kris grinned as he pressed a chaste kiss against his lips, getting off his lap and sitting back down beside him. They sat around after that, waiting for something to happen as they chatted about nothing in particular, and of course making out every now and again. Kris couldn't help thinking this was the perfect start to his day, and it really was a lot of fun just hanging out with Kyungsoo.

"It's 7:30," Kyungsoo sighed, "This is when I usually come in, and no one walked in yet."

"But how come? They said he left a note every single day! Why would he suddenly skip out today?"

"I have no idea..." Kyungsoo pondered, standing up and turning on the lights. "Did he somehow find out our plan?"

"But there was no one in here when we were talking about it. Unless..."

The two shared a look.

"Amber?" Kris suggested, eyebrows furrowed.

"Her? Nah there's no way she'd do that. And why would she?"

"Maybe she's in love with Sehun!"

Kyungsoo's shook his head, "What? No way."

"Well then how else do you explain this?"

Kyungsoo thought about it for a while before his eyes widened in realization.

"Wait..." He made his way to Sehun's usual spot. His expression went completely deadpan as he stood in front of his easel, eyeing something. He produced a note from behind his canvas, holding it up for Kris to see.

"Is that...?"

He quickly went over to him, taking a look at the note.

I love the way you sneak around as if I won't be able to see you.


On the back was a photo of Sehun in the hallway, surrounded by students that were blurred out in the background so he was the only one in focus. His hoodie was drawn on top of his head as he was seemingly looking over his shoulder.

"Dude this is creepy... How the hell did it end up here if he never came in?" Kris said, horrified as he studied the note.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, not just at Kris but at both of their stupidity. "He did come in. Yesterday, after school. Not in the morning."

"Oh, shit," Kris blinked, "Son of a-"


So this was a really long chapter with lots of run-ons and dialogue. Hope it was alright tho lol

Whatchu guys think though? Don't forget to leave your comments, they're great motivation for me!

Until next time!

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