Forbidden || Chase Davenport

By _weasleylife_

93K 2.1K 858

Leo wanted his new step-siblings to experience a normal teenage experience. For Chase Davenport, that meant m... More



7.4K 174 83
By _weasleylife_

During passing, Leo walks over to his bionic brothers. "Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out."

"Oh, great! Do you know a guy who could teach us?" Adam asks.

"Me," Leo replies. "You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams, Danielle."

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" Chase asks.

"Where else is she supposed to put her feet? On the floor? Open your notebook boys because the class is in session."

Leo walks over to Danielle."Hello, Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice."

While Leo was chatting with Danielle, Chase notices Harley walking with a few cheerleaders. The two made eye contact and the girl waved at him before continuing her conversation with the cheerleaders.

Leo walks back to them and Chase asks, "Hey, Leo, do you think Harley would be interested in going to the dance with me."

"Sorry, Chase, but Harley doesn't go to any school dances," Leo tells him. "She never found it interesting enough to go. She turns down anybody who asks her. Trent or the cheerleaders will try to convince her, but she never gives in."

The school bell rings and as Chase walks to class, he thinks about asking the girl to the dance.


Harley walks into the school once lunch was over and sees Adam underneath lockers on the ground.

"Do I want to know why Adam is under the lockers?" She asks and the three boys look at her.

"We're helping Leo get Danielle to go to the dance with him," Chase explains.

Harley noticed Leo pacing back and forth when Chase said that Danielle and her friend were coming.

"Commence phase one of operation: Lady for Leo," Chase says.

Harley leans against the wall with her arms crossed, watching the scene play out.

"Oh no! This man is trapped. He looks like he needs a hero to save him."

"I will take charge or heroically do just do that," Leo says.

With Adam using his bionic strength, Leo pretends that he lifted the lockers off Adam. "Oh, you're a true take-charge hero."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened," Danielle says.

"You and me both," Harley mutters.

"You know, it takes a big man to do something like--" Leo stops as Danielle walks passes him and to Adam.

"Glad you're not hurt." She says to Adam. "You must be so strong."

Leo's eyes widen. "Wait, what? No! He's not the strong one! I'm the strong one. Hero!"

Danielle ignores Leo, "Maybe I should walk you to the nurses' office."

"Oh, but what about Leo?" Adam asks, sneaking a glance at his brother, Leo, and Harley.

"He's not hurt."

"Look at me! I'm an opened wound."

Danielle asks Adam to the dance and after he told her yes, she walks away.

"Great plan, Chase." Leo scolds.

"I did not expect that," Harley says, and Chase nods in agreement.


"You stole my woman!" Leo yells at Adam as the four teens head down to the lab. "Where I come from, we call that a love crime."

"It's not my fault I look brave under lockers," Adam defends. "I was trying to help you."

"How? By saying you'd go to the dance with her?"

"I'm keeping my options open. It's the first time a girl has been interested in me, and it's kind of nice."

"Hey, hey, hey! No!" Chase exclaims. "Guys, this is getting out of hand. It's like watching a chihuahua fight a horse. Is Danielle really worth all of this?"

"Yes!" Leo and Adam yell.

"Oh come on, Chase. You act like you have no idea what they're feeling. Isn't there a special girl out there that's worth it?" Harley asks with a grin.

His eyes widen for a moment before he shakes his head and looks back between the two boys.

"Adam, you cannot go to the dance with Danielle." Chase attempts to negotiate. "It wouldn't be fair – Leo wanted her first!"

"Hey, all is fair in love and fake locker accidents," Adam argues.

Harley looks at Adam with a glare and he sighs in defeat. "Fine. He can have her."

"It's too late," Leo says. "The damage is done. I'll never love again."

Chase sighs. "Leo, I'll talk to Danielle. I'll convince her that Adam is not an option and that she should be with you."

"Yeah, go to the dance with her. Everybody is gonna think you're dating your babysitter." Adam says with a chuckle, receiving a slap on the back of the head from Harley.

Leo charges at him and Adam runs away. The two boys run out of the lab for a moment, Adam screaming before disappearing into the elevator.

"Guess we should go wrangle them," Chase suggests and Harley nods.

Before Harley could walk to the elevator, she feels Chase's hand grab hers and she turns to him.

"Yes?" She asks.

"You know... with this whole dance ordeal, would you by any chance–" Chase stops himself with a sigh, thinking back to what Leo said today. "Never mind."

He walks off and Harley throws him a confused look before following after him.


The next day at school, Harley and Bree walk towards the boys.

"Well, if it isn't little miss flash and scram," Chase says with his arms crossed.

"Haha. Very funny." Bree rolls her eyes. "I think I scared Ethan off."

"Ya think?" Leo asks. "You left skid marks in the hallway."

Bree sighs. "Well, I think there's only one way to fix this--"

"Ask him to the dance," Harley suggests.

"That's not a bad idea," Bree agrees.

"Here's your chance. He's at his locker." Chase says.

Bree walks up to Ethan. "Hey, Ethan. Could I talk to you for a second?"

As Ethan turns and smiles at her, she freaks out.

"I've got to make it quick because I'm on my way to –" Ethan stops talking as he sees Bree is no longer there.


Chase walks into the cafeteria and heads over to Danielle and her friends.

"Hi, Danielle."

The blonde turns to Chase.

"Sorry to barge in on your gossip session," He pauses. "That you or may not have been having."

Leo was watching the interaction between the two by the cafeteria doors when Harley walks up to him.

"What's he doing?" She asks her best friend.

"He's telling Danielle Adam has to back out so that I can step in," Leo explains.

Harley nods as she listens to the conversation.

"Remember that guy who heroically lifted a wall of lockers?"

"The tall, good-looking guy?" She smiles.

"No, actually," He takes a seat next to her. "The smaller, more interesting-looking guy."

"Oh! My sturdy little footstool!"

Chase chuckles. "Anyway, I know you like my brother Adam, and that's creating a problem in his friendship with Leo, so I kinda hoping that maybe you'd go to the dance with Leo instead."

"Oh, that is so sweet," Danielle says. "You're worried about your friend. You know what? I know how to fix this whole thing."

"See? I knew that if I just talked to you, everything would work out."

"Sure did. I'm gonna go to the dance with you." She gushes.

Chase's smile faltered.

"See you later, cutie." Danielle and her friend get up from the table and walks away.

"I can't believe it! Harley, did you –" Leo stops talking when he turns to his best friend to see that she wasn't there.


Harley paced in the guest bedroom at the Davenport house. She felt stupid. She swore to herself that she would never go to a school dance, but she thought to get closer to Chase, she would go against herself.

However, Chase going with somebody else messes up her plans.

She stops pacing when she hears footsteps leading to where she was. Frantically, she jumps into the bed and bundles herself in blankets.

The door opens to reveal Tasha and Bree. And seeing the mood Harley was in, they frowned.

"Oh, honey. What's the matter?" Tasha asks as she sits down by her feet. "Is it the whole dance thing?"

Harley sighs. She had to be dramatic to make it seem real. "Sorta. Have you ever experienced heartbreak? Because it sure feels like that's what I have."

"Of course. Everybody does at one point. Now, tell us what's going on."

"Chase is going to the dance with another girl. I never in my high school years wanted to go to a dance, but I had hopes Chase would ask me."

Bree sits down next to Harley. "I didn't know you liked my brother."

"I didn't even know myself." She groans.

"Honey, I know this sucks, but I promise it'll work out in the end," Tasha assures her.

"Yeah. If my brother, who is the smartest person in the world, can't see you're the one he's meant to be with, it's his loss." Bree says.

Harley smiles at the two. "Thanks. It means a lot. But I I am gonna go back to what I've always said and not go."

Before Tasha or Bree can say anything, voices were heard from downstairs.

"How could you swipe Danielle away from both of us?" Adam asks his brother.

The three girls exit the bedroom and listen from the stairway.

"I didn't swipe her away, okay?" Chase says. "She just kind of fell in my lap like a beautiful, flowery angel from heaven -"

"We get it!"

"Look, I didn't mean for this to happen." Chase tries to explain.

"Oh, so you're not taking her to the dance?" Adam asks.

"Of course I'm taking her to the dance! She's like a cottony-white lamb who frolics in a –"

"We get it!" Leo and Adam yell.

"I may not know any dance moves, but a girl is interested in me for the first time. How can I say no to that?"

Harley felt her heart drop.

"No! Whatever happened to 'it's not fair. Leo had her first'?" Adam asks. "Besides, you have Harley! Remember her? The girl you've been crushing on from the start? You say not to do something and you do the same thing. You're a total hypnotist!"

"Hypocrite." Leo corrects.

"Yes, I know! I know about my crush on her, but I can't do anything about it, okay? I have no chance with her. At least with Danielle, I will."

Cue the dramatics, Harley thought.

She walks downstairs, catching the boys' attention. Adam's eyes widen in fear while Chase went to open his mouth, but Harley slammed the front door before he could.


"I hate this," Harley mumbles to herself. She was standing outside of the school, music blasting from inside. She did not want to be here.

Nonetheless, Harley walks into the school and looks around.

"Harley!" Her attention was drawn to Bree, who greeted her with a hug. "You made it!"

"You look amazing." Harley compliments.

"So do you. Come on. Let's go show my brother what is he missing."

The two looped arms as they entered the cafeteria where the dance was being held. Harley looks around as her eyes spot Adam and Chase.

"I can't do this," Harley says, seeing the two brothers by the punch bowl.

"Yes you can," Bree assures. "Don't let him get to you."

The two walk over to the boys and Harley crosses her arms over her chest.

"Hello boys," Bree greets her brothers and they turn to the girls. Chase sees Harley and his eyes widen, nearly choking on the punch he was drinking. "Harley, you –" Chase stops.

"What?" She questions.

"You look beautiful." He smiles, and Harley had to bite the side of her cheek to contain a smile.

Leo walks up to the four teens. "If you're gonna dance in those shoes, I suggest wearing a helmet," Leo tells Bree.

Harley playfully rolls her eyes at Leo. She spots Ethan walking towards Bree and she nudged her friend. "Ethan alert." She mumbles.

"What? Did you do something?"

"I may have mentioned to him that you've been wanting to ask him, but you're just shy. Don't freak out, don't run away, and come to me if you need help."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Bree mumbles, sneaking a glance at Chase. Harley nods.

"I'll be fine. Go have fun." Harley smiles. Turning to Leo, she holds out her hand as Chase and Adam watched. "Wanna dance? Heard you don't have a date."

Leo grabs her hand and walks to the dance floor with her. "What made you change your mind?"

"I realized I shouldn't miss out on things just because I think the worst of them. I can't be a Negative Nancy all my life. I should have some fun."

"You know, you may not say anything, but I can tell there is something with you and Chase. You don't have any experience with guys –" Harley playfully hits his arm. "I'm just saying. Whatever is holding you back, don't be afraid to have some fun. Chase seems to like you." Leo smiles. "You deserve happiness, Harls."

"I'm glad we're best friends." Harley smiles.

"Me too. Otherwise, I would be hanging by my underwear on the hooks in the boys' locker room." Leo says.

"Oh, good memories."

"Why are you staring at them?" Adam asks, seeing how his brother has been staring at Harley and Leo ever since they went on the dance floor.

"Because I know I made a mistake. I should've gone to the dance with Harley, not Danielle. But my insecurities got in the way and I missed my chance to get the girl." Chase sighs.


Leo and Harley sat on the bench and the girl watches as Danielle walks over to Chase.

"There you are." She says. "Wanna dance?"

"Actually, I'm feeling a bit famished." He smiles. "I think it's time to open the refrigerator."

"Do your thing, big boy." Leo encourages.

"What are you up to?" Harley asks as Chase and Danielle go to the dance floor.

"Trust me. You'll love it. Stay right here." Leo says before he walks away.

Harley turns her attention to Chase as he begins to beatbox. He starts singing a ridiculous song with terrible dance moves.

She slaps a hand over her mouth to keep her laughs from escaping.

"Stop!" Danielle exclaims.

By now, Harley was hysterically laughing, needing to lean against Adam for support. "This has been the best part of my night."

"What are you doing?" Danielle asks her date.

"I'm swinging an invisible pickle," Chase replies. He stopped dancing and looks around until his eyes land on Harley, who was laughing.

"Ahem," Adam says, walking over to the two. "How about I show you how a real hero dances?" He asks Danielle. He picks her up by the waist and throws her into the air. She screams as her feet left the ground. He caught her bridal style as she fell back.

Harley was laughing harder than she was before. She could barely breathe now.

"Put me down!" Danielle demands.

"Bet Chase can't toss you around like a rag doll," Adam says as he set her back onto the ground.

"Get away from me!" She screams, pushing away from him.

Harley's laughter was stopped as she heard a record needle scratching. She turns to see Leo walk in with four women.

"Cue it up, G!" He yells.

A song starts playing and they start to dance.

Harley's lips form a smile as she watches her friend. Once he finished his dance routine, the music stopped. "All right, everybody, give it up for my Aunt Janice and her book club!"

Cheers and applause go around, a whistle coming from Harley.

"Hey, Harley," Chase speaks as Danielle begins to dance with Leo. "Would you like to dance?"



"Just because you didn't end up with Danielle as you wanted, does not mean that I will be your second choice." She says.

"But –"

"No. You do not get to talk. You told everyone that you wanted to go with me and I believed it. I had no idea what a fool I looked like when you became Danielle's date."

Leo, Danielle, Adam, Bree, and Ethan watch the interaction.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going home to change into comfortable clothes. My night has been ruined."

With that, she walks off. She had to wipe the fake tears that rolled down her cheeks. She rolls her eyes at how stupid she acted. But as she walked home, she couldn't help but think about Leo's words.

She believed she deserved happiness.

But sadly, she won't be able to have it. Not when she had a job to do.

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