My Man...Or Is He Not? (Book...

By hansyra24

2.6K 109 28

Kyle Anderson had an uneventful life that had fallen into a perfect routine of work, friends, and video games... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

285 15 2
By hansyra24

"Oh, my God! This is gold" Prem was laughing like a maniac his eyes bulging out with an evil glint like an eccentric villain from a cartoon who is about to set the world on fire. 

Not the metaphorical kind but a literal one. 

He was looking at the video that I had captured yesterday on my phone where Arthit was twerking his ass to Blackpink lost in his own little world. As much as the sight had made me smirk with mischief thinking about how my goofy boss Prem would enjoy witnessing it, I was so not looking forward to the idiot using it as another opportunity to weave more prank webs. We have loads of work to look forward to and playing pranks is not gonna benefit his company in any way.

"Yeah. You got your gold, Mr. Pirate. Now make yourself scarce before I sink your ship in the sea" I said shooing him away from my office so that I could get back to my work. "Seriously your business is diving into a bottomless pit without me even starting on the pending tax works that you need to sort. It would be great if at least one of us work here instead of playing practical pranks on our friend" I threw at him which of course fell on deaf ears.

"Oh come on Kyle! Don't be a party pooper. Don't you know what the saying goes? All work and no play can make Jack a dull boy" he said in a sing-songy voice. Great, another idiotic philosophy that I definitely do not need right now.

"Fine. I will get back to my office" he said with a defeated sigh and started walking toward the door. He turned around like he had remembered something, "Oh! I completely forgot. There is a party today at Iridian Place hosted by the Suthilaks. We need to start by 5. I will pick you up once you are done with work."

"Wait. Why do I have to go?" I questioned somehow suppressing my mental scream of a dramatic no. I was looking forward to getting drunk and passing out on my couch watching Wednesday on Netflix. Looks like that won't be happening today.

"Because there would be many successful businessmen from prestigious families that I should pay my respects to," he said with a wai accompanied by a charming polite smile that I would never believe in a million years. The man who uses fart sounds in the middle of meetings and in a packed elevator to bring about "humor". His words, not mine. If he thinks for a split second that I would believe he wants to spend an entire evening being polite and respectful to a bunch of rich, pretentious old boomers then he is a bigger idiot than I already think he is.

"OK, now the real reason?" I asked with a raised brow.

"There would be filthy rich people who can give me a shitload of money and I need my lawyer with me when I rob them blind," he said with a villainous laugh and the only thing missing was the red paint on his face, horns, and a tail.

"Now that's more like you" I nodded in agreement.

"Happy to live up to people's expectations" he replied with a shrug and left my office. For the rest of day, he didn't disturb me with any more sudden visits to my office. I should be thankful for that. As for if he managed to get any work done was more than I could ask for. So I pinned it as a conversation for another day.


As we entered Iridian Place, the party was bustling with professionals from various industries all coming together to network and celebrate the success of Suthilak Industries. The business party was a formal event held at a luxurious hotel in the heart of the city. The room was decorated with sleek and modern decor, with tables adorned in crisp white linens and sparkling centerpieces. Guests arrived in their finest attire dressed in tailored suits and elegant dresses, chatting and networking as they made their way to the open bar. 

The main event of the evening was a speech by Suthilak Industries' CEO Kongpob, Arthit's boyfriend, who will outline the company's recent achievements and future growth plans. I could see him as soon as I entered the venue as his charming young CEO demeanor almost always draws attention to him even when he is making any effort to do so. He was talking with someone and laughing at whatever they said. I couldn't find Arthit yet but somehow, I anticipated that he would be here. The more I became accustomed to the place the more I started to feel Prem was right about trying to rob rich businessmen at the party. My eyes began scanning around the room which was filled with a sense of excitement and possibility, as everyone hoped to secure funding and take their businesses to the next level.

"Pretty" I heard a voice from my side and I turned around to find Prem with a taunting smirk. I saw that Arthit had joined the party and was not really thrilled at Prem's choice of words. 

"More like sassy," he said with a flip of l invisible hair that did not help his argument in any way and only made Prem let out a hearty laugh. In all honesty, Arthit looked stunning in the blue suit that made him look cute in his own way. The expensive suit over a neatly pressed shirt and the sparkling golden pin on the vest was practically flashing the company of the wealthiest man in his life now.

"Pretty or Sassy? You tell me Kyle" he said when I had just looked away from the Rolex glinting on his wrist.

"How about pretty sassy?" I tried with a nervous chuckle. I haven't been on the good books of Arthit for a while. What with helping Prem in his pranks and kissing Mew, I am pretty much awaiting a lecture sooner or later which I should try with my might to push ten years far.

"Always knew you swung both ways" Prem countered with a teasing grin. It made me wonder if he knew something from Arthit and his unpleasant discovery of Mew and me at Chaew's birthday party.

"Normally for others, I would have said something like interesting observation. For you I am going to go with 'Duh'" I said trying to play it cool.

"Looking good tonight Kyle" Arthit said with a warm smile that I returned.

"Thanks, A" I replied with a nod. For a person who used to have silly banters and lengthy chats on random topics with Arthit,  somehow I am at a  loss for words with him nowadays. The awkward atmosphere seemed to stretch on. Not wanting to make myself any more uncomfortable than I already am, I started small talk with him.

"So where is Kong? I saw him when we came in. But looks like he has disappeared into thin air" I said letting my eyes skim over the hall.

"Yeah, he is with Chaew getting him ready. He is throwing a tantrum to get into his suit. He hates those things. Always want to run around in just shorts" he said with a shake of his head.

"Just run around or maybe dance to the beat?" Prem said with a smirk that had snarkiness written all over it.

"What?" asked Arthit confused by his words.

"Well. I just thought since he has a rising K-pop idol at home he would have caught the dance fever as well" he said trying to hide his laugh behind his champagne glass. 

"What do you say Arthit? I think talent like this should not be wasted. It should be sent in for auditions. What do you say that I post it in our friends' group chat and get a poll in to see what they like? Hmm, what would it be? Will it be the ass twerking or the poor vocals?" he said like he was debating on a serious topic. It finally seemed to dawn on Arthit what his friend has been taunting him with right from start. I could imagine a flashing image of his dance the other day crossing his mind's eye. His cheeks and ears turned pink instantly in embarrassment as soon as the thought registered.

"Oh no, you don't. I will get back to you in a second" he said with a glare. Just when I thought I had escaped from all these tricks, Arthit swiveled in my direction with a pointed finger. 

"You. You are dead meat" he said with fumes coming out of his nose.

"In my defense, I was blackmailed with my job and I can't risk losing it what with moving countries and having nowhere else to live" I tried with a sheepish smile. Before Arthit could beat me to a pulp I was saved by a little superhero.

"Uncle Kyle" I heard Chaew running towards me, his feet pounding against the ground. His arms were outstretched at his sides, and his face brightened with a joyful grin. 

"Now that is the most handsome man in the whole room," Arthit said picking him up in his arms and making him giggle.

"Are you sure? I thought I was the only handsome man in your eyes" said Kong as he stood beside Arthit with a mischievous smile. Now that I got a closer look at him I would say that he is not exaggerating his claim in any way. He is tall and well-built, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His skin is smooth and flawless, with a deep tan that makes him look like he just stepped off a beach. He has a strong jawline and a confident smile, which is accented by his bright white teeth. His dark hair was styled in a neat, classic cut, and his piercing black eyes seemed to sparkle with intelligence. He was dressed in a sharp black suit that fits him perfectly, with a crisp white shirt and a sleek black tie. Overall, he looked like a successful, sophisticated gentleman, and it is easy to see why people are drawn to him. So does Arthit who was trying hard to suppress a shy smile and looking anywhere else but at his boyfriend.

Unable to handle anymore of the sweet couples romance Prem made a gagging sound. "And now we leave before the ants start to bite" I heard Prem say from my side and Kongpob seemed to just laugh at it. After some small talk, Prem went off in another direction with Kongpob to meet someone. Chaew pulled me along with him to explore the bubbling chocolate fountain centerpiece.

"Uncle Kyle. Do you know what I saw? There is chocolate going up. Like this. Like the shower. And it doesn't stop. Let's go there. I will show you come with me" he said running in front of me towards the chocolate fountain.  Before we could reach there he was diverted by the sight of Mr. Suthilak approaching him.

"Grandpa!!" he said running towards Kongpob's father. 

"Chaew. Wait." I tried running behind the little one to catch up with him.

"My little monster. Come here" he guffawed lifting the little one in the air. I haven't met the man often. Maybe once or twice before. As he walked into the grand ballroom, Mr. Suthilak cut a commanding figure. A seasoned businessman in his mid-sixties, he was dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit with a crisp white shirt and a sleek red tie. His salt and pepper hair was neatly styled, and his broad shoulders and upright posture exuded confidence and authority. Despite the many years he had spent climbing the corporate ladder, he still carried himself with the grace and poise of a man half his age. He gave me a polite smile which I returned and we made some small talk about my work and Prem's business before Chaew got restless with the boring talk of the adults.

"Grandpa look. Look. There is chocolate flowing like water" he said tugging his coat to get his attention.

"Oh yes. Isn't that so great? Do you want to go get some marshmallows? Look there is..." he said walking towards the centerpiece in the room with Chaew. He realized that work-related conversations wouldn't hold his grandchild's attention, so he decided to go to the chocolate fountain instead. I was so engrossed in Chaew's conversations with his grandfather that I didn't realize the handsome devil who had been following me everywhere to come and stand beside me.

"Well. Mr. Anderson. What a surprise!" he asked moving closer to me that I was pretty sure far less  acceptable distance for a professional setting. The man tends to completely forget the word personal space when it comes to me. I should be angry. Maybe I am not complaining because a single whiff of his cologne was doing a damn good job of submerging my brain in a bewitching haze of arousal.

"Mr. Suppasit. I am here strictly on business" I said, clearing my throat to bring myself back to the present. I pried my eyes away from him and trailed them anywhere in the room but him.

He bent down to whisper in my ear, "Oh. Sure. If there is anyone who likes to be in your business, then it would be me", his lips ever so slightly brushing the tip of my ear. I felt the hairs on every part of my body raise as goosebumps took a rollercoaster ride straight from my ears all along my arms to the tip of my toes. I swiftly looked around to see if anyone was noticing us, especially Arthit. I didn't want to give in to the temptations like before and lose myself to the cunning devil.

"Touch me again as you did at Chaew's birthday party, I will gut you like a fish and replace that chocolate fountain with your head" I hissed. Sadly that did nothing to make him back off. In fact, his grin only made it look like he was enjoying it more.

"So. You still remember. Is it just a memory or do you relive it every day when you are all alone and hot?" he said the Cheshire grin never slipping.

"Drop it, Mew. This is neither the time nor place to be all.. all.." I stammered trying to find words that didn't imply sexy or seductive. He raised his eyebrow waiting for me to complete my sentence.

"All you" I finished with a huff. To hell, I would say horny or flirtatious. He would definitely come back with a dirty reply that would only make me run to the Men's room to get things under control. For the first time, I missed Prem and Arthit and their senseless banter. It would be the perfect distraction that I need.

"Come on. You know that it was never all me. While you are always "tease first", I have always been "please first". You of all people should know that" he said, trying to provoke me again. But, I refused to answer him. It would not fare well for me if I did. It seemed like there were too many dark corners in the venue that I would end up before the evening came to a close if the guy keeps talking. 

Just to save my ass literally, Kongpob arrived at the right time to greet Mew. I was so thankful when he was dragged by Kongpob to be introduced to someone who I presume must be a big shot that would need a lawyer to help him out of a legal mess. I saw them go and once again I found myself left alone standing awkwardly in the middle of a room full of people who I had never met before with an exception of a handful of them.

Mew had successfully done his job of getting me tempted sauntering in here with his devilish looks and following it with his sensual talk. I made a sweep around the room picking up a drink to cool myself down. The atmosphere was lively and energetic as everyone mingled and enjoyed the delicious hors d'oeuvres being passed around by the waitstaff. Throughout the evening, people mingled and exchanged business cards, making connections and potential partnerships. To my surprise, I have seen Prem talking to more than a handful of men who I could only assume to be prospective investors. At least something was going well. As the night went on, the energy only grew, with everyone feeling excited and invigorated by the opportunities that the party presented. 

I was starting to lose patience after a solid twenty minutes and conversations with Prem's investors and Kongpob's business friends.  As I made my way through the crowded living room, trying to find another drink, I froze in shock. There, standing only a few feet away from Mew, was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was shorter than Mew, around the same height as Arthit. What surprised me was not the fine suit that helped him look more elegant or the way he was conversing with the Suthilak family like he was a part of them. But the fact that how he did not think twice before hooking his arm with Mew and continuing with his casual conversations. On the other hand, it did not surprise anyone around them as it surprised me. 

I had always known that Mew was handsome and successful, but I had never really thought about just how many suitors he might have. I couldn't help but feel a bit of heated jealousy spreading within me which I would deny with my life if anyone ever asked. We had agreed to keep things just as they were. Strictly sexual with no feelings attached. Mew had made sure he did not want a relationship from day one and I have never quite went against that. It worked for me as well, since I was nowhere in a mindset to get into one.

"Oh, Pete is here. We should go and say hello" I heard Prem say to me. I hadn't noticed Prem standing near me as I was too busy gawking at the mysterious man with Mew,  laughing at something that he said and swatting his arm. 

"Who?" I asked still looking at them out the corner of my eye. To add fuel to the fire, Mew was all smiles with the new guy and talked like they knew each other for years. I took a sip of my drink savoring the burn as it traveled down my throat and chest, to mask anything else starting to burn inside me.

"Mew's husband," replied Prem making me spit out the drink in shock. He threw me a confused stare but continued anyways, "You haven't seen him before right? Come let me introduce him to you. I was waiting to talk to him anyway. Wouldn't hurt to rob some Suppasit money. The family is loaded equally like the Suthilaks and everyone knows Pete is the guy who calls the shots when it comes to business and investments". He didn't wait for me and went to talk to this Pete guy. They started talking like long last friends and Mew was shaking his head at whatever Prem was saying. It took a while for the news to register and when it did I had so many questions.

As much as the new information about Mew's life has plunged me into shock, what made the chill travel to my bones was Pete's eyes casually sweeping the crowd and fixating once it landed on me. He looked at me straight in the eye with a smile that was too difficult to decipher.

The eerie smile that looked so sweet somehow seemed to say more than the naked eyes could see. It would be an understatement if I said it terrified me to the core.

It was downright spooky.


Pic: Kyle Anderson

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