The Jaded Princess - A Sokka...

By mep_0501

125K 4.6K 1.3K

Orzala has hidden in the shadows all her life. But all that changed when she met him. Sokka x OC This story... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Name Change!
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Technical difficulties
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Five

3.3K 123 15
By mep_0501

"Grandfather, I really don't know if this is a good idea." Orzala trotted beside the king as he walked. The night had come and gone, and the princess had been thoroughly surpised when the king had sent for her at the crack of dawn. "Didn't you just get onto me about threatening the avatar's friends last night? And now you think it's a good idea?" The man turned to her with a crooked smile.

"Yes." He clipped, offering her no further explanation. The girl shook her head in disbelief. "Go collect Aang and bring him to me. You know what to say." A sigh escaped Orzala, but she obeyed, turning and sprinting off toward their chambers.

As she rushed through the halls, the raven-haired girl couldn't help but ponder on what the king's plan was. She saw no good coming from this, but she had never shared in his crazy genius-ness. She had always felt left out until the result had revealed itself.

She swiftly bent the wall of the chamber away with a wave of her hand. Orzala mumbled under her breath as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but they eventually settled on the sleeping form of the avatar. She crept silently toward the boy, shaking his shoulder softly to wake him. "Aang," she called, chuckling as the young airbender blinked blearily. She backed off quickly, however, once he realized his friends were no longer with them.

"Sokka? Katara?!" He turned to Orzala, gray eyes wide with fear. "Where are my friends?!" The princess gave him a sad smile, silently cursing the king for causing this sweet boy pain. She pushed her feelings away quickly and recited the speech she had been given.

"The king will free Sokka and Katara if you complete your challenges." Aang's face fell even more.

"And what if I don't?"

"Trust me, Aang, you will."

"But if I don't?"

Orzala shrugged. "He didn't say. May I have your staff, please?" The boy stood, a solemn expression taking over his features, before kicking up his staff. He spun it slightly, and the princess resisted the urge to scoff as he threw it to her. Show off.

They walked through the halls together in silence, but Orzala didn't miss the sideways glances he kept throwing toward her. "Is there something you would like to ask, Avatar?" The boy grimaced, ashamed she had caught him. He seemed to think for a moment before speaking.

"How come no one knows about you? You'd think the king would be proud to have an heir like you." Orzala slowed, her lips coming to form a thin line as she shook her head.

"I think that's a question for another time. You should focus on your challenges, Aang." He opened his mouth to ask another question, but the girl sped up, leaving him in shock behind her. Aang began to run in an attempt to catch up.

"Orzala-" He stopped short when he realized they were now inside the throne room. The king raised an eyebrow to the two, and Orzala bowed before walking to her grandfather's side. Aang frowned.

"You are dismissed, Orzala." The raven-haired girl gaped at him.

"But Grandfather-!"

"I do believe you're late for your training." Orzala visibly deflated before bowing once more and exiting the room. She didn't acknowledge the sad gray eyes that followed her.


"Come on, Princess. Don't tell me that's the best you got!" A laugh escaped the young girl's lips at this- a rarity for Orzala. It made the guards smile.

"Alright, but remember that you asked for it, Banu!" She shifted her feet, and the ground rumbled. Her green eyes sparkled with amusement as her opponent's face fell. Her hands thrust down in a quick movement and the ground gave out beneath him.

The guards around bellowed with laughter, crowding around as Banu tried to crawl out of the hole she had created. He let out a small cough, cheeks burning red with embarrassment as he sent a playful glare toward the princess. "I told you, you asked for it!" He laughed with the others now, shaking his head as the girl helped him from the ground.

The training hall fell silent, however, as the king waltzed in with the Avatar in tow. "Playing around, are we?" Orzala bowed her head, shooting an apologetic frown toward the guards.

"We were just amused by Banu's defeat, Grandfather."

"Hm. Very well, come along, Orzala. We have some important business to discuss." The princess's features twisted in confusion as she glanced to Aang, and the boy only grinned at her. The king didn't wait for them, leaving the two children to run after him.

Orzala turned to Aang as they followed, the question already on her lips. "Do you know what this is about?" He only smiled again.

She was surprised to find herself in the courtyard when they came to a halt. And she was even more surprised with what awaited her. The water tribe girl sent a small wave toward her from atop the sky bison. The princess turned to her grandfather, jade eyes widening when she realized he was holding her bag and her satchel.

"I-I don't understand..." she stumbled over her words, glancing back and forth between her grandfather and the avatar. The king drew a sharp breath before placing her items into her arms.

"I told you that there would come a day when the world is ready for you. I just didn't realize it would come so quickly."

"You mean-?!"

The old king smiled a sad smile, sending a nod. She laughed aloud, dropping her bags to throw her arms around his neck. He returned the gesture tentatively.

She didn't notice the grave look that crossed his face.

Orzala pulled back, a wide smile stretching her pale lips. The man couldn't help but marvel at how much she resembled her mother. He clutched her hands in his, squeezing them tightly. "Listen to me, my child. What I'm about to tell you, you must follow."

Her dark eyebrows furrowed together, but she nodded. "No one must know of your heritage. Not until this war is over." Her eyes bulged slightly.


"Promise me, you will divulge your identity to no one." She shook her head, blinking confusedly.


"Promise me."

"O-ok. I promise." She didn't miss the sigh of relief that slipped through his chapped lips. "Good. You'll understand soon enough." His wrinkled fingers cupped her cheek as he smiled.

"Now go. Before they decide to leave you." Orzala chuckled, hugging the aged man one last time before collecting her things once more. Aang smiled, watching as his new friend climbed up on Appa and greeted the siblings. He turned to the king.

"Don't worry, Bumi. We take care of one another." He didn't fail to notice the shine of tears building in the king's eyes. But Bumi only let out a broken laugh.

"I don't doubt that, Aang."

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