We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of...

By Riane_Pereira

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They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. And that's what he brought me, Heaven... More

"Metal Rods and Ex Cons"
"Royal Fuckery"
"Blonde Herpe"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
"I would rather choke on a razor blade"
"That's Pretty Wild"
"Skeletons in the closet"
"Sticky Stickerson"
"Two can play at this game"
"The Devil's Punch"
"Walking Testosterone Bottles"
"The Party Fiasco"
"Mistakes have been made"
"Is she mute?"
"Nathan the nutsack bastard"
"Did you get her pregnant?!"
"Baboons balls"
"Penny for your thoughts"
"The balls that hang on the tree"
"Sausage Fest!"
"Absofuckinglutely Nothing"
"The Christmas Bimbo"
"Mr.Potato Head?"
"Midnight Memories"
"My pecs ARE sexy and firm"
"Nathan Cheated"
"Date..Date.. Oh! DATE!"
"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"
"Lover Of Mine"
"Unless you're secretly gay"
"Nate, Dave and the Cave"
BOOK 2?!?!?!

"Cry me a river... of blood"

718 16 35
By Riane_Pereira


I take a step back as he turns around, holding onto the door frame for balance. "Its nice to see you up close again.." He says, awfully calm. His eyes are condescending, burning with something scarier than rage.

"W-what do you want..." I stutter out, my body trembling. The fear only intensifying when he walks around the counter, closing even more space between us.

"How did you get in?" I finally meet his eyes, pushing myself away from the door frame as i stumble back. "Its always the same question... what do you want, how are you here... why are you here" He smirks at me, tilting his head "Are you scared?" He mocks, his lip pouting.

My lip trembles, i walk backward, further away from him as i look around subtly.

Something i can injure him with. I need to buy myself enough time to escape.

"Its okay, i won't hurt you if you cooperate.." He exits the kitchen, now merely 6 feet away from me. I feel the backs of my legs hit the coffee table, i jerk to a stop.

"What do you want, jason?" He chuckles "Its simple, i want you to suffer. I want you to suffer the way you made me suffer" His demeanour changes in the blink of an eye, going from cocky to angry. My heart beats rapidly in my chest, i wrack my brain for a way to get out of the house.

I need to leave. If i don't, i know he's going to kill me.

He won't let me live after what i did to him.

Nathan will come home to my dead body. There is no doubt in that.

"What's wrong? You're thinking so hard... poor thing." He frowns, mocking pity. He steps closer, his black shirt stretching around his muscular arms as he places them behind his back. "How did you get in" i grit out, a sad attempt at showing him he doesn't scare me. But i'm not going to be some helpless little girl who cries and makes no attempt to save herself.

"Easy, You left the door unlocked. Thank you for that" I laughs, stopping right in front of me. I hold his gaze, refusing to back down.


I'm not the helpless 16 year old i was back then.

"Cut the crap Jason, i made sure to lock the door. I always do..." I narrow my gaze, my hands balling into fists.

"Okay, you caught me" He raises his arms, laughing. I stand my ground.

God it would be nice of nathan walked in right now... but i know he won't because my fate is just that fucked up. He probably stayed the night at a friends, michael might've picked him up.

Damn it why didn't i check my phone when i woke up.

My eyes fall on the front door, i stare at it, my breath falling short. Its locked.

Jason follows my gaze, smirking "Yeah don't even think about it, the keys are with me" My eyes snap to meet his again, i reach for the TV remote behind me and swing it at him, aiming for his head.

He grabs my wrist effortlessly, squeezing it making me wince and drop the remote. "That was a sad attempt... wanna try again?" I glare up at him, he was tall, not as tall as nathan but tall enough to tower over me by a few inches.

I swing my left fist at him, aiming for his side. I land a hit but it inflicts very little pain, my rings jabbing into his ribcage. He clenches his jaw but its obvious, that barely hurt.

He chuckles at my pathetic attempt. Grabbing my throat and pulling me up to his face "You're a pathetic little bitch, you know that?" He spits, glowering at me. I whimper as his grip tightens around my throat, scratching at his arm in an attempt to get him to loosen his grip but he doesn't budge.

My vision starts to darken around the edges "Jason" i gasp out "jason stop-" i grip his arm with both my hands, tugging at it desperately.

He only smiles down at me, lifting me off the floor. "Am i hurting you?" He frowns. I nod, feeling my chest constrict, my lungs screaming for air.

His lip twitches up, pure hate and disgust painted across his face. He scoffs, flinging me across the room. I scream out in pain as my body collides with the glass table, shattering it, i feel the sharp shards piercing my bare skin. "Pathetic. You know how i got in?" He growls, kneeling down beside me and grabbing a hold of my hair.

"Your precious little Nathaniel" He grits out, his blue eyes flaring with rage.

My breath gets caught in my throat, all the pain i'm feeling numbing as my mind races to figure out what he means.

"What did you do to him?" I grit back, my jaw clenching through the pain and anger i have for this man in front of me. He hauls me up off the ground, throwing me on the couch. I feel the blood begin to stain the soft cotton of the grey sofa, my teeth ans jaw aching from clenching them so tight.

"Oh don't worry, he's still alive... for now" He smirks. "You knight in shinning armour is currently somewhere... special. Hopefully my boys haven't hurt him too much" His smile is so sinister it makes me sick. I push myself off the sofa, fighting through the pain "Keep your filthy hands off him, he has nothing to do with this" I warn, squaring up to him. He throws his head back, letting out a booming laugh. "Oh but honey, he has everything to do with this. He's the only thing i can hold against you... too bad you don't remember him" He chuckles, shoving me to sit back. My breath hitches, pain spreading all over my body. The shards now more obvious than before, but the adrenaline courses through my veins, fresh.

I'm not giving up without a fight.

"Let him go, its me you want. You can do whatever the fuck you want to me but let him go" I demand, glaring up at him.

He clicks his tongue "how cliche, do all you heroines in movies talk the same way?" I laugh, did he just compare what he's doing to some 'damsel in distress' movie?

"You sounded just like him when i tied him up this morning, 'let her go, fight me instead'. Bastard had the nerve to kick me into a drum of gasoline, boy did he not see what was coming next" I body stiffens, my heart stopping yet again.

His words only fuel my rage, i get off the couch and launch myself at him, clocking him square in the face.

We fall to the floor, his head hits the bookshelf, rattling it and causing a few books to fall. A heavy hard covered book hits me on the back, causing me to fall beside him and yelp in pain.

He groans, disoriented by my sudden outburst. As he takes these few seconds to recover from the shock i grit my teeth through the pain and scramble away from him, reaching for the glass vase by the kitchen door as i do so.

He gets to his feet, ready to launch himself at me just as i fall back and swing the vase, he lifts his arm to block the hit and the vase breaks on impact, earning him a few jabs and cuts to his arm.

I push myself away, tears pricking my eyes as i feel the burns of the cuts on my arms and back.

"You bitch!" He yells, his voice bouncing off the walls. I yelp as he launches himself at me, slapping me across the face, hard. I whimper, feeling the sting spread across my cheek.

He grabs me by my ankle, dragging me across the floor. I manage to turn onto my side and grab a large shard of glass, struggling to kick him off with my free leg, i knock his grip off and drag the tip of it across his shoulder, he screams out in pain, wacking my arm hard enough for the shard to fall out of my grip and shatter into smaller pieces.

My head snaps to look at him, my eyes widen with panic when i see him pull out a knife, "don't worry, i can't kill you yet. Nathaniel dearest deserves to witness this..." Tears slide down the sides of my face as i lay there staring up at him, the fear now drowned out by absolute terror.

He grabs me by the material of my dress, hoisting me up. "You just earned yourself a painful punishment.." he growls out before his fist collides with my face, knocking me out.

My memory is a blur for the few following events. I phase in and out of a daze, i see a glance of a black car, male voices mashed together and then movement.

When i finally regain consciousness, my eyes adjust to the light, scanning the room with a blurry vision. "Anna?" A voice calls out softly, when my head is on right i look around for the source of the voice. And then my eyes fall on a terrifying sight.

"Nathan..." i whisper, my lip trembling, tears stinging my eyes. "Sweet pea.. are you okay?" He whispers, his body limply suspended in midair by heavy duty chains.

I choke on a sob "Oh god what did he do to you..." The tears fall uncontrollably, but he offers me a soft smile "I'm okay... did he hurt you? You're too far away for me to see clearly" He voice is raspy and weak.

"I-i'm coming" i cough out, tugging the tight ropes but to no avail do they even loosen. I wobble in the chair, dragging my body forward to get closer to him.

I move closer, and that's when i see the state he's in. His face is red, stained with blood. His lip is bleeding, my brow cut and his cheek sports a huge gash.

He's dressed in a grey shirt and black jeans, except the grey is masked by the blood on it. I gasp "Nathan why- why are you bleeding so much?!" I yelp out, coughing a sob.

"You're bleeding.. your cheek-" he tugs at the chains attempting to reach out but hissing. "S-Stop, don't move. Please" i cry out, my vision blurred by my tears. My heart shatters in my chest, he looks so fragile and in so much pain, it pains me so much to see him hurt because of me.

"Where is this, w-where are we" I look around frantically, there's drums of gasoline everywhere. This is a warehouse, the batter up unfinished walls and metal roof make it obvious.

"I-i don't know babygirl.." He groans out.

"I see you two have met. Now-" Jason walks out of a dark corner, pulling a wooden chair out and sitting a few feet away from us. He rests his arms on his knees, clasping his hands together.

"-Lets have a chat shall we. How are you two today? Nathan? Surprised?" He smirks. Nathan lifts his head to glare at him "Shut the fuck up" he growls out, staring daggers at Jason.

I frown "what is he talking about?" I look at nathan for an answer, he scoffs "This bastard pretended to be my friend. Faking his identity, i can't believe i was stupid enough to trust him" He throws Jason a nasty look, Jason seems unaffected.

"Aw so sad" He pouts, jumping to his feet. "Now for the fun, so anna... mind telling nathan what happened?"

I cock a brow, scowling at him "what are you talking about" He chuckles, circling us like a predator would its prey.

My skin crawls with the look he throws me. "Where you and your best friend talked the day Nathan left, when you figured out the whole story?" My eyes widen, my mouth falling open.

"H-how do you know about that-" He smirks "Your reaction to the package was the best thing i've ever seen, your face was priceless" My hair stands on ends as i try not to assume what i think he's talking about, too scared to believe it.

"How?!" I yell at him, making him laugh. "You never figured it out? You're smarter than that babe.." I scowl "don't you fucking dare call me that" he scoffs "or what? You'll hurt me?"

"You bet i fucking will!" I yell, tugging at the restraints. "Not before i kill you first, you little bitch" He hisses, bending to level his gaze with mine.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that!" Nathan's voice booms, the chains clanging loudly. Jason rolls his eyes, his lips curling into a menacing sneer.

He picks an object off the floor and walks up to nathan, my eyes fall on the object and i'm ready to scream bloody murder when he lifts the metal baseball bat, swinging it.

Nathan screams as the air suggests its knocked out of him, the sound of metal colliding with bones sounding hauntingly loud in my ears.

"STOP!" I scream. Jason drops the bat with a loud clang, spinning around and smacking me across the face. My head snaps to the side, my jaw burning with pain. 

"Keep your trap shut. I know all this because i installed camera's in your apartment the last time i broke in. You guys are sex addicts, god i mean, don't get me wrong.. i enjoyed it. God your screams made me so hard" I freeze, falling into a state of shock.

Bile rises in my throat, my skin itching with disgust. "Oh god- what the fuck?" Nathan coughs out, a deep scowl etched on his face. Jason chuckles, ignoring him.

He cups my jaw roughly, forcing me to look at him. "They look better than they did 2 years ago, can i see them up close?" He gives me a wicked smile. I scoff, spitting on his face.

"Suck a dick, you sick bastard" he wipes his face before lifting his leg and kicking my chair. I fall back, my head hitting the concrete floor.

I groan, screwing my eyes shut. "Drop the restriction order and confess that you falsely accused me. Or i'll kill him" He points a finger at a limp nathan.

"Don't you dare!" I struggled to crane my neck, "Then give me what i want, and i'll probably let you live.."

I stay silent, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"Boys!" He calls, seconds later two guys run out. I can't see them but i hear their shoes scratching against the uneven floors. "Get me what i told you two, i'm going to teach her a lesson" suddenly my chair is being pulled up, when i look up to see who it is i'm met with stunned, icy blue eyes. He has a ski mask on, but his eyes scream something i can't comprehend.

"Evans! What are you ogling at?!" Jason's booming voice makes us both jump.

No.. i heard that wrong. He did not say evans..

"Go help that little shit, he's useless" I hear him mumble, dismissing him.

Jason stalks off for a few moments, When icy walks back with shaky hands i notice the tattoo on it.

That's no doubt the same tattoo.

He kneels down in front of me, undoing the knots and freeing my legs from its restraints.

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with regret. My heart hammers in its cage, tears slipping down my cheeks "I can't believe you.." I whisper, my voice cracking.

"I'm sorry..." he whispers, walking around me and undoing the ropes around my wrists. Just when i think maybe he'll let me sit freely, i feel metal cuffs slap around my wrists. "Rot in hell" I grit out, disgusted.

I thought Pierce was my friend, clearly it was all just a big show. To get me to fall for his crap and feel bad for him so he could get around me.

He walks away after, Nathan watches the exchange in confusion. "Was that.. pierce?" I nod slowly. He sighs, once again pulling at the chains in hopes that it'll loosen, but to no avail.

I let out a frustrated groan, angry tears spilling down my cheeks. "Anna" nathan calls, but i stare at my feet. "Anastasia look at me." He calls out again, i look at him this time.

"Don't drop any charges you hear me? Don't worry about me sweet pea.. i'll be fine, he doesn't have the balls to kill me. This is just an act to scare you" I shake my head "Nathan he's angry, anger can change things." He smiles faintly, "i know... why didn't you tell me you figured out the truth?" I wipe my tears with my shoulder, wincing when the warm saltiness seeps into an open cut.

"I was supposed to tell you today..." He gives me a sad smile "i'm sorry baby girl.. i couldn't protect you" He whispers. "No, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i dragged you into this m-mess" I sob out, his weak form setting an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Before he can say anything else, jason comes back with his two minions on either sides of him. One being pierce.

"Let me introduce you, This" he gestures to pierce "Is pierce, and this" he points at the other guy "is chester" they take their ski masks off, i cough, my eyes widening with shock.

Everything that happened at the party makes sense now...

"Now that that's out of the way, lets proceed" He comes around behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. I flinch, attempting to wiggle them off but is grip tightens, causing a sharp pain to go through my right shoulder, i cry out in pain.

Chester and Pierce take their positions in front of nathan, steel rods in their hands. My eyes widen, i jump up in panic but jason grips my hair and forces me to sit back.

"Drop. The. Charges." Jason snarls in my ear, goosebumps and shivers run down my spine. I shake my head, making him scoff.

My face pales as i watch both the boys thrash nathan, resulting in ear piercing screams escape his lips. My bottom lip wobbles, my breathing unsteady. "S-Stop! Please stop!" I cry out, giving up too easily.

"Will you do it?" He beams, when i don't answer he looks up at the boys.

When blood starts to drip onto the floor at a rhythmic pace i panic further. "STOP STOP STOP!" I scream, my throat burning from the intensity.

Jason holds a hand up, Pierce freezes but Chester takes another swing at nathan, hitting his shoulder so hard his arm jerks.

Nathan hangs there, limply with his eyes barely open. "F-fine. I'll drop all the charges" I cry out "just please, let him go" I hang my head, crying harder than i ever have. I cry so hard my chest aches but i don't stop, i was in pain but seeing nathan in pain hurt a billion times more.

I can't believe this is happening.

"For taking so fucking long, and for permanently scarring me, you're going to pay" He whispers in my ear before stepping away. I let out a shaky breath, my busted lip stinging from my tears.

"Anna" Nathan barely whispers, "Baby don't do it.." He whimpers, his face twisting into a pain filled frown. I shake my head "Nathan he'll kill you! I can't let him" I cry out.

Nathan sucks in a deep breath, his lips parting as his face contorts into a pained expression. That's when i lose it, i tug at the cuffs till i feel cuts form around my wrists but i don't stop, witb my feet still free i hoist myself up and walk backwards into the wall at full speed, the wooden chair cracks under pressure and the pieces clatter to the ground.

Jasons head whips around just in time to see me run towards nathan, i'm just a few feet away from him when i hear a gun go off. My eyes widen, and then i look up. To my horror i see blood start to spread around a hole in nathan's chest.

"I love you..." Nathan wheezes out, his eyes falling shut and his body going limp.

An earth shattering scream rips through my throat, but i don't make it further. I feel a sharp pain in my head, i spin around just in time to see Jason's angry face as i fall to the ground but not before he swiftly slides a sharp knife along my stomach, my eyes shutting right after.

Everything goes blank for a few seconds, my ears ring and my head throbs with an unbearable amount of pain.

"Michael and i are really excited to show you something. Mum said she would drive us to his house since she had to speak with uncle James anyway" Nathan smiles down at me. I nod "sure, i'll just text my mum and inform her".

I send mum a quick text, informing her i'll be hanging out at michaels today. She responds immediately, telling me its okay.

I walk up to nathan, beaming "She said okay" He grins, kissing my cheek. I blush, avoiding his eyes shyly.

Nathan's mum pulls up outside the school gates with a huge smile on her face "How was your day kids?" Nathan hops in after me "awesome" we say in sync.

She chuckles, "where's my kiss?" We both take turns at giving her kisses on the cheek. She laughs, "you kids are adorable, lets go" She tells the chauffeur. We smile at each other, nathan casually slips his hand into mine. I look at him, surprised. He just shrugs, smiling at me. "Never let go" I whisper, he nods "I promise.."

The drive is peaceful, we just talk quietly amongst ourselves whilst Nathan's mum talks over the phone to Michaels mum.

That doesn't last long though, all of a sudden we're skidding across the road and then the car turns over, rolling. I hear nathan screaming "Anna!" But i hit my head against something hard, the glass windows burst and i feel the shards slitting my skin open. I see blood, so much blood when everything comes to a still.

There's tyres screeching around us, my eyes fall shut.

Sirens ring in my ears.

I can hear a woman's screams, but her voice is a hum around me. All i can feel is nathan's grip on my hand, never letting go.

When i wake up, the dim yellow lights feel so blinding. I look around, i see my mothers figure slouched beside my bed. "Mum?" I whisper, my lip trembling. She sits up, her eyes red and cheeks stained with tears. "Honey, oh thank god... you're awake" She runs a hand through my hair gently, i wince when i grow aware of the ache in my head.

"What.. what happened?" She frowns. "What's the last thing you remember?" I blink, running over my memories. "I-i remember sitting in the pool, playing with samuel.." Her eyes widen, but she composes herself quickly.

I fall asleep after that, i wake up to hushed whispers. "Please, let me see her" Nathan cries from the door, my father scowls "you're the reason she's in this state, leave Nathaniel. Leave if you know what's best for her. She doesn't remember you, she's lost all memory of you... please, go" His voice sounds broken. The last thing i see is Nathan's face, tears streaming down his cheeks as he node sadly and walks away.

Walks out of my life.

My eyes open slowly, i whimper "Nathan.." i cry out, my body limp. Nearly everything around me is blurry, the ringing is still there but its faint.

My eyes adjust a little, that's when i notice the massive fire that has erupted all around us. My mind panics but my body is too weak to move even a centimetre. Nathan's body hangs above me, now completely limp.

I roll onto my back, groaning "is anyone.. there" i whisper. "She's still alive!" I hear a voice yell, followed by rushed footsteps. Jason hovers over me "She'll die soon.. once she realizes her precious nathan is no more" He smirks as i begin to sob uncontrollably "Nathan wake up!" I cry out helplessly.

Jason draws a gun from behind him, pointing it at me. Panic rises in my throat as it dawns on me.

This is it. This is how i die.

I'll never know what going on a real date with nathan is like, i'll never know what experiencing a normal life with nathan is like.

I'll never get to see us graduate, or Gen and stephen get married, Never get to see the day Nathan gets down on one knee.

Or what our kids would've looked like.

I shut my eyes, holding my breath as i wait for him to shoot me.

The unimaginable amount of pain i feel when i feel a bullet pierce through the skin in my leg is indescribable.

But that's not the only shot i hear go off, Another gun goes off in the distance and Jason falls to the ground beside me with a loud thud, in a daze of pain i crane my neck to look at who shot him, and that's when i see tear filled, icy blue eyes staring at me from a few feet away.

I watch as chester points a gun at pierce, i let out a wobbly, raspy "No!" But its too late, Pierce is quick to shoot chester in the shoulder but chester aims for his heart.

Silent tears slip down the side of my face as i close my eyes and lay there, waiting to bleed out and burn.

Numb. That's what i felt, numb. I lay still, too scared to move.

Was that all a dream? If it was i wouldn't be in so much pain right now.

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the familiar pale yellow lighting. My eyes scan the empty hospital room, i sigh. The faint beeping of my heart monitor being the only noise i can hear.

A doctor in blue scrubs and a white lab coat approach me, she offers me a friendly smile. "You're lucky the ambulance brought you on time. You lost a lot of blood and needed 23 stitches, does your stomach hurt?" I blink up at her, taking in a deep breath.

I try to lift my right hand to pull away the oxygen mask but gasp when a piercing pain causes me to stop. "You fractured your shoulder, cracked a rib and suffered minor head injury. We also managed to get the bullet out of your leg, it was lodged pretty deep which caused a lesser blood flow. Most of the blood lost was from the multiple cuts and the gash across your abdomen." She speaks softly, looking down at my chart.

I nod slowly, my gaze shifting to the soft pink ceiling. "You're on a heavy amount of painkillers right now so you'll feel drowsy and maybe even nauseous depending on how your body takes the medication" I hum, "thank you doctor" i whisper.

"You're welcome honey..." She gives me a pitiful look.

"How long have i been out?" I manage to say, my throat very dry. "About a week..." My eyes widen "A week?!" She nods.


"I-i need to know if he's okay" I cry out, tugging the oxygen mask down with my left hand instead. She frowns, looking down at me "Honey you need to calm down, your blood pressure will skyrocket" I shake my head, tears drifting down my warm cheeks "Please i beg you, tell me he's alive.. tell me he's okay" I grab her hand, pleading her.

She nods "Okay okay, calm down. Breathe, i need you to breathe before i tell you anything" She squeezes my hand. I nod quickly, taking deep calming breaths.

When i've calmed down, she sits on the stool beside me. "There were 3 boys at the crime scene, all of them were brought here and 2 were announced dead on arrival" My heart leaps into my throat, i beg for the love of every goddamn thing Nathan isn't one of them.

"N-Nathaniel O'Connor. Is he okay?" She picks up the another chart she has with her and flicks through the pages. Her eyes scan every single name on there, when she doesn't respond i break into a sobbing mess.

"He's gone, he's dead because of me!" I choke out, making to attempt to wipe away the river of tears.

"Sweetie calm down! Please, his name is here. Its on the list, he's down the hall room 305" She says calmly.

I stop crying, sniffing as i glance at the chart and see his name. I let out a relieved breath.

Just then the door opens, Gen and Monica rushing in. "Oh god Anastasia! Thank god you're alive..." Gen starts weeping and monica falls by my side, holding my hand and crying into it. The sight of them crying makes me cry too.

The kind doctor gets up and politely excuses herself from the room. "Why are you guys crying?" I sniff, my gaze going back and forth between them.

"Because we thought you were dead!" Gem cries out, monica simply nods, wiping her tears away.

After we've all calmed down, i speak. "Did you guys.." I trail off, looking between them. Gen nods "we saw him, he's in a critical state. He's been in a coma since friday when they bought him in, his vitals keep bouncing between stable and critical so they put him in the ICU 3 days ago" I gasp "The ICU?!" Monica nods "I'm so sorry Anna... when we got the news we were in so much shock. We genuinely thought neither of you had made it"

"What about Jason?" She smiles "He was pronounced dead on arrival.."

"...and so was pierce" Gen says softly, looking down at her rings.

My eyes well up "Poor pierce... he was the only person who cared, even if at a certain point it was an act, i could tell it was genuine at the start.."

"May he rest in peace..." I whisper, closing my eyes.

1 month later.

After a month of treatment i finally get discharged today, Nathan still hasn't regained consciousness. I'm starting to fear he never will, although i don't want to think that i can't help it.

I ended up celebrating my 19th birthday in a hospital bed, and it wasn't all that great because nathan was 5 rooms down fighting for his life.

I haven't seen him for a month, at first it was because he was in the ICU and i too was admitted, hence my doctor didn't allow me to. But after he came out of his critical state i just couldn't bring myself to go see him, i was too afraid.

I was informed that Chester was put in prison for not only aiding and abetting in attempted murder on both nathan and i, but for the murder of Pierce. Gen and Monica were kind enough to attend Pierce's funeral and give his mother my condolences, the also took her flowers that i requested. 

Now that i'm almost completely healed, i'm longing for Nathan's presence. I would never be able to live with myself if i didn't get to see him breathing one last time, even if it meant he was hooked up to a hundred different machines and breathing through a pipe.

The bullet severed multiple veins and nerves but the doctors successfully repaired them, pulled out the bullet and stopped the internal bleeding as well as stitched the gash in his lung.

He broke most of his ribs from the beating he took, and the rest cracked. When Jason hit his arm he tore a few ligaments and dislocated his bone. I swallow the lump forming in my throat as i slip on my sneakers to the best of my abilities with one good arm.

My right arm requires being in a cast for another 3 weeks to ensure maximum healing, the wound from the bullet too is healing but the ache is still there.

As for my rib, i managed to break the same one i broke when i was attacked that night, so the doctor said it would take longer to heal this time since it was more fatal this time. 

My parents flew in the day after the incident, they flew out this morning after making sure nathan and i were both okay, Nathan's mum was here for a while too, she flew out last week though.

That was after apologising to me so much i started crying because she was apologising for my faults. Monica got busier with finals around the corner so the last time i saw her was a good 10 days ago but Gen and Stephen would drop by every day.

Today it was just Gen though since stephen had important matters to attend to. She sits on the sofa opposite me, watching me struggle with my shoelace.

"Would it have killed you to just get me slip-ons or something?" She offers me a sympathetic smile "No, i just wanted to see you struggle" She chuckles, helping me tie my shoelace.

I sign the discharge forms and gather all my things, zipping the bag Gen oh so kindly brought me. "I'll see you in the parking lot" I nod, watching hee retreating figure. With a long sigh i stand up, making sure to keep most of the pressure on my good leg.

My ribs still throbbed when i moved wrong, but it was bearable.

Doctor Walters walks in just as i tuck my phone into my pocket, she smiles "Its good to see you on your feel darling, Don't forget your uhm... reports" She hands me a file, i nod, offering her the first genuine smile in weeks "Thank you for taking care of me, keep an eye on Nathan for me will you?" I smile "I promise, i'll have him on his feet as soon as i can" I chuckle softly "don't make promises you can't keep, Gail..." She offers me a sad smile "Who says i can't keep this one, have a little faith in my treatment" I laugh "Alright, thank you for everything" I pull her into a tight hug, she pats my back lightly "Its alright Anna, Next time i see you it better be to take Nathaniel back home" i smile "i hope so too, can i see him?" She looks taken back "Are you ready?" I nod "I have to, I can't live with myself if i don't..." She nods understandingly.

"305, you know his room. Take care Anna" She waves goodbye, i return it. When she's out of sight i briefly flip through the pages, taking in all the information of whatever treatment was being given to me the past month, including the two minor surgeries.

Once i'm done, i tuck the file into my bag and make my way down the hall. I suck in a deep breath and push the door open to his room, my eyes fall on his still, pale figure and a lump forms in my throat. I drop my bag by his bed and fall on the stool beside him, taking his hand into mine and bursting into a crying mess.

"I'm so sorry Nate, please wake up. This was all my fault.. i should've never dragged you into this mess... i'm so sorry baby" I sob, placing a kiss on his hand with my trembling lips.

He's still as a dead person, the only thing proving he's alive being his shallow breathing, the sound of the oxygen tube puffing ever so softly and his heart monitor beating at a steady pace.

"Please don't die" I let out a broken whisper, my head resting against our intertwined hands as i cry.

All of a sudden the machines go wild, my head snaps up to the monitor to see his pulse dropping, i scream "Some help! I need a doctor in here please!" I yell frantically like a madlady.

I turn to nathan "Please don't die on me, breathe nathan breathe!" I cry out, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Ma'am i'm going to need you to leave the room" A male nurse rushes in, i shake my head "No!" I cry out "I can't leave him here."

Gail rushes in right after, pulling me away "Anna please, let us help him. You have to sit outside darling please" She pulls me away, "Please save him gail! I-i i'll be nothing if he dies!" I scream out, crying so bitterly my body starts to ache from the strain on my stomach and chest muscles.

Gail seats me down outside his room before rushing inside, seconds later they're wheeling nathan out of the room and down the hall. Gail stops in front of me "His heart is failing, we're taking him into the operation theatre. Please, go home. I will personally call you as soon as i stabilized him" She begs me, rushing off behind the other nurses.

I fall against the wall by the chairs outside, sliding down it as i cry silently. After a few minutes of calming down i pull out my phone with shaky hands and dial Gen's number.

"G-gen, its Nathan h-he- h-his heart" I choke out "Please come up here" I squeak out through tears and sobs.

Hours. We spend hours there. I refused to go home and Gen refused to leave without me so we sat in the hallway for god knows how long.

They stabilized Nathan fairly quickly but admitted him in the ICU again, i fell asleep in the worst position ever for the state i was in, my body hurt, my lungs fell like they were bound to collapse and i absolutely loathed the smell of these damned hallways, the crisp creame walls and damned blue accents.

But i stayed, i had no choice. My body refused to move.


Four Days Later

I spent four days driving back and forth between the apartment and the hospital, Nathan was stable now, he started to show signs of recovery. Doctors said it would still take some time, at least until the end of May for him to fully recover since his injuries were four times the fatality of mine.

I greet the nurses at the front desk, now accustomed to their familiar presence. I walk into Nathan's room, his face looking more lively than it did 4 days ago. But he was still in a coma, i just wish he would wake up already.

"Hey handsome, missed me?" I speak, smiling as i drop my bag on the couch and sit beside him. I know he can't reply but people in coma's can still hear you, so i talk to him a lot.

"Wake up already, babe. Do you want to kill me? I've visited deaths doors, and let me tell you, not a fun experience. I miss you like you wouldn't even imagine, i miss your stupid innuendos, your smile... your kisses. Please come back" I whisper, tears clouding my vision as i stare down at his hand, playing with his fingers.

His sudden grip on my hand makes me jump in shock, my gaze snaps to his face to see him smiling weakly at me. My mouth falls open, i blink repeatedly praying to the heavens this isn't a sick dream.

He squeezes my hand again and i know for sure i'm not dreaming this time. Happy tears cascade down my face "You- you're awake" My voice cracks as i finally smile for the first time in so long, i rest my cheek against the back of his hand, my tears falling onto his now warm skin.

He pulls the oxygen mask off, his smile widening "Hey beautiful.." His voice is raspy, almost incoherent but its enough for me to understand him, i let out a sob-like laugh "Oh my god your voice.." I smile, the tears still making their way down my face.

"I am, i came back for you..." he pulls his hand out of mine to caress my cheek, with a shaky hand he wipes away my tears with the pad of his thumb as tears of his own trickle down the sides of his face.

"Why are you crying" i croak out, making him chuckle softly "because the last thing i saw when i closed my eyes that day was your tears and the first thing i see when i wake up are your tears, and that shows me just how much you've been crying" He speaks, full proper sentences.

I frown "how long have you been up" he smiles sheepishly "i woke up this morning, i even ate breakfast. I just told Doctor Walters not to inform you because i wanted to surprise you" I laugh, slapping his arm lightly "you asshole, i was worried sick!" He smiles sadly "i know, and i'm sorry..."

His eyes fall on my arm that was still in a cast, then they scan my face "you've lost so much weight.." i sigh "i know, but i couldn't move around much because of the bullet wound so my exercise was minimal" He frowns "bullet wound? Jason shot you?" He asks, surprised.

I nod, my gaze shifting to his hand as i fiddle with it. "Yeah.." His eyes go from soft to steely and filled with hate.

"I hope that bastard rots in prison" I smile, "he's dead." Nathan's expression makes me laugh "he's what?" He asks, his tone full of disbelief.

"Pierce.. shot him after he shot me and then chester shot pierce dead. Chester is sentenced to life in prison, pierce was buried about 3 weeks ago and Jason was buried in his hometown..." His brows shoot up "hold up, how long have i been out?" I nibble on my bottom lip, hesitantly muttering "a month and 4 days.." he blinks repeatedly.

"What's today's date?" He cocks a brow "Uh.. May 2nd?" He nods "so i missed your birthday..." i smile, leaning over and kissing his forehead "its okay, i didn't really enjoy it since you weren't there anyway" i reassure him, he chuckles, holding my hand tight.

I squeeze it "Never let go..." He grins, knowing exactly what i mean without me having to explain it.

"I promise"


1 Month Later

Nathan recovered faster than we all expected, his scars were still fairly new but they had lightened a few shades. He ended up getting discharged 15 days ago which gave him just enough time to study for our finals, although he was still on medication and offered permission to sit his exams for the first 2 weeks of summer break, he declined the offer and took them with everyone else.

Yesterday was our last day of classes, meaning Today, The 3rd of june, being his birthday. We set up a huge party for him, Michael, Gen, Monica, Stephen and i put up all the decorations while he went out for a lovely spa day treatment. He insisted i go with him but i told him we'd go some other time...

Except i lied. Although this past month has been nothing but rewarding i couldn't help but beat myself up over everything that happened that day. How he got dragged into this huge mess, how he damn nearly died because of me.

I needed to keep him safe, and the only possible way i could do that was to break his heart.

"Guys quickly! Mike said they're coming up any minute now" Monica rushes around, shooing us into corners.

I stand by the light switch beside the door, waiting patiently. The door unlocks and Nathan walks in, i hit the switch and we all scream "Surprise!" As Mike pops a party popper over his head, he laughs "You guys are idiots, but i love you thank you"

He pulls me into his side, smiling down at me as we walk further into the living room. "I got you something" i beam up at him, grabbing the small box off the coffee table Stephen was nice enough to gift us after the last one was ruined.

He raises a brow, giving me a confused smile. I hand him the box "Open it" He chuckles "is this the part where you go on one knee and propose? I know i just turned 21 but that doesn't instantly mean 'put a ring on it', y'know?" He teases. I roll my eyes "Just open it you doofus" he chuckles, popping the box open.

"Its.. a silver chain?" I nod, smiling at him like a little kid. "With a ring on it?" I shrug "its engraved" he takes it out of the box and inspects it.

"Never let go" he whispers, quickly pulling me into a passionate kiss. I smile against his lips, pulling away. "Put it on, don't ever lose it or i'll kill you with my bare hands" he chuckles, quickly rolling the chain on over his head.

"I got you something too, to make up for not being there for your birthday" He grins, pulling a small box out of his back pocket.

My eyes widen "You aren't-" he Laughs "no, not yet" My heart sinks.

More like not ever...

"Open it" I smile, opening the box. A small diamond ring sits in it, sparkling as soon as the light hits it. "Okay then what's with the diamond?" I look at him, wide-eyed.

He chuckles "Its a promise ring, i promise to never let go... and i promise to marry you someday" My eyes tear up as i pull him into a hug in complete awe.

He smiles "I love you, so much..." i nod, sniffing as he slips the ring on my finger and places a chaste kiss on my lips. "I love you more.." i whisper.

After our sappy moment, we dance and sing the rest of the night away with our friends, everything finally at peace. I savour every waking second of the night, right before everyone leaves the boys are bidding each other goodbye when the girls pull me aside. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Gen asks, a worried frown on her face. I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I have to... i can't bear hurting him again" Monica scoffs "You know this is going to hurt him more" i sigh "Its going to hurt me just as much, but i have to be selfish this time... i'm doing it for him" They both don't agree with my plan but roll with it anyway.

They give me the tightest hugs ever, knowing this is probably the last time they'll get to for a long time.

We bid everyone goodbye before cleaning up the small mess in the living room.

After we're done, we change into our PJs and get into Nathan's bed.

The last night i sleep here.. beside him..

"Tonight was perfect sweet pea.. thank you" He kisses me softly, i smile against his lips, holding back tears as i kiss him harder, savouring the flavour of his lips.

"Anytime baby.. I love you, goodnight" I whisper against his lips, placing my head on his shoulders and closing my eyes to block away any tears from escaping.

He kisses the top of my head, right on my scar. "I love you too.. sweet dreams".

I manage to get a few hours of sleep, i wake up on instinct at around 4 am to see nathan sound asleep. I hesitantly move away from him, making sure not to wake him up as i slip out from under the covers and tip-toe around the bed to his side. I stare down at him, my tears betraying me as they slip down my cheeks.

I brush the hair away from his forehead and place a soft kiss on it.

I'll love you forever Nathaniel O'Connor.

I step away from his peaceful figure, grabbing his favourite black hoodie off his desk chair and leaving the room with a heavy heart.

Making my way into my room, i pull both my packed suitcases out of my closet and change into jeans and a sweater, taking one last look around my room i shut the closet door and exit the room quietly, rolling the suitcases as quiet as possible.

I take another long stare at the living room, every single memory good or bad i have here playing through my head. I wipe away my tears and sneak out the door, locking it behind me and heading down to the parking lot.

Once i've loaded my car i waste no time getting in and driving away. Halfway towards the airport i'm balling my eyes out as i make turns, finally pulling up at the airport parking lot. I get out after drying my tears, taking my bags and heading inside.

"All passengers flying to seattle, the gates close in 20 minutes" The lady on the intercom announces, i sigh, pulling out my phone and shooting the girls a quick text.

Take care of him please... - Anna <3

I switch my phone off and head through check in, security and then onto my flight.

I unzip my carry bag to throw my phone in when i see my medical slips sticking out, i pull out the file and tuck the papers back in neatly, glancing at the first page one last time before dropping my phone and the file inside with a heavy heart.

No wonder Gail was so hesitant to give me my reports.

I didn't expect to have a second miscarriage either...


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