Dragon Mother

By NyNyx_Black

215 23 5

A girl, not just an ordinary girl but a huntress, has experienced something they can call as impossible. She... More

First Thing's First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Dragon Kingdoms
Characters Added
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
^ ...... ^
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Extra Chapter 1

Chapter 6

9 1 0
By NyNyx_Black

- The Dragons and the new home

I Don't know where to go. I Just followed the energy. When i went outside the Forest. To the Mountains. It's already Night. I Think i saw something.
Accidentally. I bumped to a Mountain and i stumbled down. I Felt something.
I Look up and saw Dragons.
'Thank Goodness.'
'Who are you?' Dragon #1. They all Glared. Showing their full teeth.
I Backed away. I'm Not Expecting this.
'Is he really a Dragon?' Dragon #2
'I don't know. He's a Coward.' Dragon #3
Me? Coward? And excuse me. He? I shifted back they all advanced.
"Don't hurt me please!" They stare at me. Eyes wide. I Look at them.
'A. Female?' Dragon #4
'Yeah.' Dragon #5. A Dragon flew above then shifted to an Elder man.
"Well investigate her. Come with me." Elder. I went with him. Should i be thankful that my clothes are. Perfectly fine?
We entered a Cave. There are Old men. On the center is. A Man? He's near my age.
"My King. We found this female. And if i mean female. She is a Dragon." Elder.
The Man Look. His Sapphire eyes staring back at my Crystal ones. I know its strange.
Maybe part of me Being a Dragon.
"Have a Seat. Hope my Dragon Guards did not frighten you." ?
"Thank you."
"What's your name?" ?
"Iyonna Lasha."
"I'm King Calix Sigfred." King Calix
"I'm sorry for being rude. Your Majesty."
"It's alright. Elders. You may." King Calix
"Why are you here?" Elder #1
"I felt radiating energy when i shifted. It Lead me here. I escaped."
"Where you came from?" Elder #2
"Oakville Kingdom. I was raised by Humans not knowing that i am a Dragon."
"That must be hard for you. How old are you?" King Calix
"18." The Elders stared at me.
"Such young age. How did you know you are a Dragon?"
"Luciano Nero Gailis. He's a Mage."
"We know him. He become our protector from. Uh." Elder
"The Kings."
"So, He told you. Sorry for the Guards. Dragons here are only Males. No Females so maybe
they thought." Elder #4
"I Heard."
"Women are Only Riders but. There are only 10 Female Riders/Tamers. And they are Humans.
King Calix, what is your Decision?" Elder #1
"Since she escaped. She will stay. Lead her to the Cave next to Elder Francis." King Calix
"Ofcourse. Female. Welcome home." Elder Francis
"Thank you."
"Come." Elder Francis
"Wait. Elder Francis. Come here for a Second." King Calix. Elder Francis went to him and he
Whispered something. Elder Francis nodded.

.-.-.-.-.- TIME SKIP .-.-.-.-.-

The cave is Huge. It has a Nest on the Side. It's huge.
"This is what a Dragon's house Looks like. Victoria, the Master Tamer will help you
since she is a Female. Now Rest. If you need anything. I'm just on the Next cave.
You need to rest. King Calix wants to see you shift tomorrow Morning.
Maybe he wants you to take a Flight at morning like what we do. Except Guards.
Victoria. You take it from here." Elder Francis then Left. A Woman came to me. She smiled
"Hi. I'm Victoria katherine. A Dragon rider. I've been waiting to see a Female Dragon but
looks like you will shift tomorrow. Come, you have to take a Bath and change." Victoria
She helped me to take a Bath and change into a Blue Fur Robe. I shifted that made her
jump in Surprise. I went inside the Nest and shifted back.
"I Can't cross you know? You need anything?" Victoria
"I'm perfectly fine. Thank you."
"See you tomorrow. I'll come here at 5." Victoria

.-.-.-.-. MORNING AT 5:00 .-.-.-.-.

She help me Dress into a somewhat like hunters Clothes.
"Strange. You seem to look more. Comfortable. I Remember the Five Girl riders wearing
like this are all complaining." Victoria
"I Am a Huntress. Believe it or not."
"Really?! Well, you should get ready. The King is Already up." Victoria
"Iyonna. Time to go." Elder Francis
I Went outside and saw all the Elders and the Dragons and the Riders are Watching.
"To the Center." Elder Francis
"Now. Iyonna right?" King Calix
"Now. Iyonna. We want you to shift. Now." King Calix. I shifted and saw the Elders eyes
"Wow. You're a Huge one for a Female." Elder #1
"Yeah." Elder #2
"Do you know how to harness your power?" King Calix
"Alright. I Will Train you from now on." King Calix
"Did i heard right, your majesty?" Elder 4
"Yes." King Calix then Shifted. It's my turn to widen my Eyes. He's a Black with Violet Dragon. A Little
bit Bigger than me. I forgot to tell that my Scales are White.
'Follow me.' King Calix then Flew. I Followed him and we went infront of a Forest.
'From what i heard you said that you are a Huntress. Right?' King Calix
'Yes. Your majesty.'
'Since you know how to use swords, Daggers, Arrows. I want to teach you on how to Hunt using your Mouth and Claws. Those teeth are sharp you know.' King Calix
'It's. Kinda New.'
'And please. When we are alone. Call me Calix.' King Calix
'Calix.' Calix
'Alright Calix.'
'Let's go.' Calix
We went inside a Forest. Ofcourse. Me Being a Huntress. I made sure there are no noise made.
We went to Trees and saw a Huge Deer.
'Watch. And Learn.' Calix. He slowly advance forward then attacked the Deer in Just a Flash.
He burn it then ate. I somehow felt hungry. He went to the tree again.
'Now. Do it.' Calix
'I don't know how to blow fire.'
'We'll do that later. Just kill a Deer.' Calix
I saw a Deer. I steadied myself. In 1..... 2..... 3
I Jumped to the deer and immediately Sliced it using my Claws.
'Good job. Now. Carry that and come with me.' Calix. No choice. I Used my mouth to carry it
and we went to the field.
'Now. I Want you to breathe in and out. When you breathe out, feel like you are going to Vomit.
Like this.' Calix
then blowed fire forward. I did what he said. I Blowed. Fire!
'Now. Blow on the Deer.' Calix. I Blowed fire and it's cooked. I ate it.
'Hahaha. You're a Fast learner you know?' Calix
'Thank you Calix.'

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