Insomnia [Shota Aizawa x Read...

By Pixelpad

473K 17.3K 6.5K

This is the rewritten version of the first Insomnia. Plot is similar, but has major changes, and hopefully be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

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By Pixelpad

A few weeks had passed since the USJ incident and the Sports Festival was just starting. The students were hustling and bustling to get to their places and class for the announcements while you waited with Present Mic and Eraserhead.

"Which event are you looking forward to?" you asked the two heroes. "Midnight told me the different stages and the cavalry battles sounded the most interesting."

"All of them should be fun to watch!" Mic answered almost immediately. "It'll be a great experience for the students to experiment with their quirks with and against others as well!" You chuckled to yourself. Present Mic would totally be a guy who either types in all caps or ends a text with way more than one exclamation mark.

You nodded and looked to Eraser for his answer. He merely shrugged and stared forward through the glass. The bandages covering him along with his bored eyes made him look absolutely dead both inside and outside.

Mic started tapping his foot impatiently as they waited for the classes to come in. Once he spotted them, however, he stood up and started announcing and introducing the different classes. With exaggerated words and hand movements mixed in with his voice quirk, you wondered if anyone was actually paying attention to the man.

"Bakugo Katsuki of class 1A!" Midnight finally announced.

"Wait, he's the student that placed first in the entrance exam right?" you asked, sitting up to see what his speech was going to be. "That rude porcupine?"

"Yeah, all combat points and no rescue points," Eraser's muffled voice said. His eyes focused on the blond student.

The place was quiet as Bakugo walked up. "I'm gonna place first."

The crowd erupted into surprised gasps and a whole lot of boos. You shook your head. "Yep, rude porcupine." He was making an enemy of himself to everyone, including his own class. Regardless of everyone's reactions, Bakugo stepped down calmly and arrogantly.

"This is going to be fun to watch." You chuckled, then leaned back to watch as Midnight explained the first event.


"You okay?" Mic asked, raising an eyebrow higher than it already was at you. "That's like, the tenth time you've yawned. I swear the festival isn't that boring!"

Eraser huffed arrogantly. "You worry about their yawning and not my tiredness?"

"I'm fine, I just haven't slept in a while." You shrugged, glancing at the preparation for the final event. It was the battle phase, and the three of you were waiting for the next matchup, Todoroki versus Midoriya. The past few fights had been okay and you got to see some interesting quirks, but this one was one you've been looking forward to.

You knew Midoriya had some sort of connection to All Might, maybe being his illegitimate child or something, and Todoroki was the #2 hero's son.

"How does your insomniac work?" Mic asked curiously, passing the time. "Are you not able to stay asleep or not able to go to sleep?"

"Both," you answered simply. "I get nightmares when I sleep, and sometimes I'm either unable to wake up, stuck in that nightmare, or startled awake by whatever happened in the nightmare. And when I try to sleep I guess the fear of getting nightmares keeps me up." The way you said nightmares and the tone in your voice seemed to convey to the two heroes that you didn't want to talk about what the nightmares were.

"If I'm really tired I'd be able to fall asleep," you continued, sighing, "but I've gotten used to staying up for long periods of time."

"Mic already acts like he doesn't need sleep at all." Eraser shifted his casted arms and you heard a stifled yawn.

"Hey, Mummy Man," you started, turning to him. You started using Mic's nickname for him to annoy him, plus it matched his bandage-covered appearance. "How much sleep do you get each day?"

You asked out of pure curiosity and boredom, not expecting an answer.

"Including his naps? I think he sleeps all day between his school work and hero work!" Mic joked. "He spends his free time in the teacher's lounge to sleep. He slept over here once when no one woke him!"

Eraser glared at him through the bandages. "At least I didn't have to walk here and be late."

"But you've never been late," you commented. It was true, his teacher file, while it had a large number in students expelled, had a big zero in latenesses.

Mic huffed an agreement and chuckled. "He used to sleep in class during high school. He got in trouble multiple times for that."

You laughed. "To be fair, you are an underground hero. But since high school? What were you doing?"


"That's some dedication." You could see how this man was actually doing something with his life and knew what he wanted. "But take care of yourself, jeez."

Before Eraser could reply, Mic interrupted, seeing as Todoroki and Midoriya were ready and coming out to face each other.

The faces of the two were determined and solemn, as if they had just talked about something serious.

Mic started introducing the two and you focused on Todoroki. According to his student files, he could use both ice and fire powers, but you never saw him use his fire side. You did have a few theories, however.

His father was Endeavor, and you had seen him multiple times on the news. His attitude seemed like he had little to no care for others, even if he was a hero. Whether he was attempting to act cool by acting cold or was actually a bastard, you wouldn't be surprised if he was mistreating his family.

Speak of the actual devil, you suddenly spotted a large, fiery man among the crowd. Who else could, and would, constantly have a flaming mask, mustache, and beard?

The fighting commenced, and you kept an eye on Todoroki. You could see that the two students were exchanging words along with attacks, and the other heroes seemed to be worried about how intense it was getting.

After a few more minutes and fingers broken, a loud "It's your power!" was shouted out by Midoriya. Your eyes widened in surprise as Todoroki's left side erupted into flames.

As if in response, another loud voice emerged from the crowd. "SHOTOOOO!"

It was Endeavor, and he had the most malicious smile you've seen, and with you basically living with Tomura, that was saying a lot.

You felt bad for Todoroki, as it was probable that he hadn't wanted to use his fire power, especially in front of his father.

"And Endeavor with a very sudden... pep talk?" Mic announced hesitantly. "Must be quite the doting dad."

You snorted. "Have you seen his face? That's the face of a madman right there."

You didn't necessarily hate heroes, you only helped Tomura and Sensei because they were family, and you owed Sensei. But some of these heroes made you question their status and made you prefer villains' side of things.

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