Blaster & Blade 2: Worlds Col...

By GabrielAntihero

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Tyvral is trying to survive in the aftermath of Order 66. Mal'dar is making a crew to continue his Jedi hunti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Annoucement (Not a hiatus!)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

163 8 1
By GabrielAntihero


    “I’m not going to hurt slaves,” growled Tyvral.

    “Then I’ll sell ya to the Pykes,” said Raylin smirking.

    “You wouldn’t dare,” growled Tyvral.

    “Wanna bet?” asked Raylin his smirk turning into a grin.

    Tyvral’s face fell and he felt fear crawl
up his spine, “You would”.

    “Damn straight, now you’re gonna stun those slaves or I make you one,” said Raylin his smile unwavering.

    Tyvral stood frozen and Raylin patted his shoulder, “You’ll make the right call”.

    Tyvral walked numbly through the ship and back to the lounge area. Siel looked at Moora and said something in Umbaran. Moora growled as she tossed him her coin purse. Siel took out several credits and tossed it back. Tyvral sat down back down and buried his face in his hands.

    Tyvral jolted awake as the ship landed. He jumped to his feet and ran to the ramp which was lowering, Moora, Siel, and Raylin were also standing there watching it lower down. Outside were several members of The Pyke Syndicate. 

    They walked the ramp and Tyvral watched helplessly as Raylin shook The Pyke’s hand. He touched his lightsaber which was in the inside pocket of his vest, feeling it settling him.

    “So where are these slaves?” asked Raylin.
   “We can handle a smaller group but these slaves managed to organize an uprising somehow. There are too many and they are too organized for us. So go to their camp and deal with them,” said the leader.

    “Got a tracking fob on the leaders?” asked Raylin.

    One of the other pykes handed him three tracking fobs. “That should suffice,” said the leader.
   “Yup,” said Raylin nodding.

    “Their camp is four clicks to the north. We have provided you with speeders,” said the leader.

    “Well let’s get goin’,” said Raylin.

    The four bounty hunters zoomed on their speeders towards the camp. The camp was a branch of the mines with a courtyard populated with buildings outside of the mines. The slaves fired at them as they got closer but their blast all missed wide. They sped towards the gate to the complex, Moora threw a grenade and it struck the gate. The doors to the gate blew off and went spinning through the air. They zoomed inside the courtyard.

    Moora and Siel immediately got off their speeders and began stunning slaves. Moora was stunning several at a time with her deck sweeper.

    Tyvral leapt off his speeder and jumped out of the way of the blast. The others leapt off and Raylin looked at Tyvral, “You’re with me”.

    Raylin ran towards the wall and fired stun shots at the slaves each one hitting its mark. In his other hand, he held the tracking fob that was beeping the most. Tyvral fumbled with his blaster as he struggled to find how to turn it to stun. He found the switch and jiggled it until it turned to stun. Tyvral breathed a sigh of relief and ran after Raylin. Tyvral fired stun shots at the slaves hitting some of them.

    A slave charged him with a pickaxe and Tyvral jumped out of the way. He shot the slave with a stun shot before shooting another. He ran beside Raylin and they blasted their way to one of the buildings Raylin pressed the button to open the door but it only beeped. Raylin cursed and stunned a slave who ran at them with a pickaxe. “Cut through it!” he snapped.

    Tyvral pulled out his lightsaber and activated it. He pressed it into the door and began to slice through it. He heard sounds on the other side. A voice saying something and growling. Tyvral finished cutting through the door. Raylin kicked it his foot nearly hitting Tyvral who leapt back, “What are doing?”

    “Goin’ in,” said Raylin. He turned his blaster off of stun and walked in. Tyvral walked in a sick feeling in his stomach.

    The building was a small office. Inside were three figures. A red Twi’lek who held a up a pick-ax defensively. Next to him was a Wookie and a Wookie child. The child cried out and Tyvral looked at his blaster in disgust, what am I doing?.

    Survive he heard Dev say.
  “Leave!” shouted the Twi’lek.

    Raylin fired the blast striking the Twi’lek right between the eyes. The Twi’lek fell to the ground and the wookies cried out. Raylin looked at Tyvral, “Kill em’”.

    Tyvral looked at Raylin in disgust, “No,” he deactivated his lightsaber and threw his blaster across the room.

    Raylin spun his blaster and aimed it at Tyvral, “Do it or kill you”.

    Tyvral heard his heart hammering in his ears and the Wookie child sobbing, some things are more important Dev, he thought. Tyvral raised a hand and waved it at Raylin, “You will put away the blaster”.

    Raylin winced and doubled over groaning in pain. Then he straightened up and looked at Tyvral, “I knew it, you’re a Jedi,” he said.

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