By imgonnabedramatic

146K 3.1K 27.9K

Chloe and Halle are foster children who long to become famous singers, but their home life holds them back. W... More

Shine The Light
What's In Your Head
If God Spoke
Cry For Me Baby
La Familia
Say Something Part 1
Bougie Party
Lucky Leaf, I Caught You
All This Way Too Much For Me
🕊When I Get Home🕊
Death Becomes Her
All Of The Worries
All Of The Worries (2)
Feel Numb In My Bones
Feel Numb In My Bones (2)
Sneak Peek
We Used To Love
It Was Me

Say Something Part 2

4.3K 146 353
By imgonnabedramatic

Long time coming, but ✌🏾 ⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS ⚠️ will be labeled prior
This is a pretty heavy chapter if you are not in the head space to read please don't!
Thanks to YouSowavyyy  for helping me with this chapter😭


It's over, well almost anyway Bey sighed walking alongside Vanessa and the somber teen with Julius trailing closely behind. The blonde's hand clenched and unclenched a desolate Halle as they made their way down the hall. The two moved almost as if they were tethered, same stride, matching wearisome eyes, and a knot in their throats that wouldn't go away no matter how much they swallowed.

"Shawn just calm down," Angie attempted to shush her furious cousin in-law.

Vanessa squinted her eyes assessing the commotion some ways down the hall. The psychologist pursed her full lips as her curiosity got the best of her. Flattening a small wrinkle in her otherwise untarnished white suit, Vanessa hastened her steps towards the ruckus.

Chloe's arms were wrapped tightly around her middle as she stared at the floor with Blue worried stiff in the chair beside her.

"Nah this crazy as hell! How does this happen," Shawn asked Angela.

Halle and Beyoncé stopped in their tracks behind Vanessa spaced out and threw off balance. Bey sighed and squeezed her eyes shut. Whatever this was needed to end like now. There's only so much she could take in a day. The singer had a migraine out of this world that was sitting directly behind her eyes, and if she didn't get food in her grumbling stomach right now she just may pass out.

"What is going on," Vanessa folded her arms.

Swearing and carrying on in the presence of children was some of the most abhorrent behavior to the psychologist. She couldn't stand it. Shawn tore his attention away from his cousin in-law to face Vanessa; jaw and fist clenched. Alarmed, Vanessa went into work mode.

"Get some air into your lungs before you try to speak, Mr Carter," She rushed out.

Shawn nodded and exhaled looking at everyone who eyeballed him incredulously. Bey raised a brow at her husband. Not much made him upset to the point where someone had to calm him. The blonde gripped Halle's hand tighter preparing herself for whatever would fall from her husband's lips. Shawn looked over his shoulder at Chloe then back towards his wife and Vanessa.

"Um, that nig-" he started.

Vanessa cleared her throat and motioned towards each child that was present.

Shawn scratched his head and began again. Beyoncé held her breath this time.

"Aight look, Chloe went to the vending machine to get Blue a snack, but after ten minutes or so went by, I figured she shoulda been back. I went looking for her thinking she might've got lost or something and found her with that man," Shawn appeared disgusted.

"What man," Beyoncé looked over at her eldest foster daughter, her voice slightly raised.

"Their old foster father, Mike," Shawn replied.

Beyoncé rushed to Chloe, dropping Halle's hand in the process, and kneeled in front of the sulking teen. She looked up at Bey; her eyes full of kindness and vulnerability. The singer grabbed the young teen's hand. Immediately, Chloe could feel the connection to the superstar and it overwhelmed her enough to shy away from the touch.

"Did that man hurt you," Bey's words were tumbling out of her mouth with an urgency that could only be explained by her maternal impulses being on one today.

Bey reminded Chloe so much of her late mother that anytime the singer spoke or looked her way she'd have to do a double take. Of course not by looks, both women were beautiful in their own right, but she could spot kindred spirits when she came across them. Beyoncé rested her hands on the arms of Chloe's chair. The apprehension was stacking inside the teen. She had to move away from the blonde's speculative and sincere eyes; it was complicating her emotions and dimming her clarity. She looked away.

"No," Chloe said; her face not matching her words.

"Chlo,"  her voice still and soft, but pleading as she turned the girl's chin gently to face her.

Chloe's eyes were filled with thick tears and a million words left unsaid.

"You can tell me," Bey tried.

The teen opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by another familiar voice.

"Uh Uh cuz the fact that I even have to come down to this tacky ass building is pissing me off! Girl, trynna talk to me about some damn kids. Could you believe that," Tasha rounded the corner loudly chopping it up on the phone.

Chloe's head jerked up and her eyes found their way over to her younger sister who stood beside Angela looking as if she'd seen the devil incarnate.

Bey followed Chloe's gaze until they landed upon a smirking brunette in stiletto heels. Without trouble, the blonde recognized her from some of the pictures at the Williams' residence. Tasha. One could only assume that the short Jewish man promptly on the woman's heels was her lawyer. The tall dark woman held her large red purse on her arm as her steps halted all at once.

"Hold on, Imma call you back sis," the attitude dripped from the woman's tongue as she ended her call.

Beyoncé stood on the dime and faced the woman who she hated most at the moment. Julius inched a bit closer to his boss; eyeing the stranger with an obscure glint. After sitting for damn near an hour while a little girl groaned and wailed about unspeakable acts done unto her, most of them at the hands of this disgraceful vermin who dared call herself a woman; Bey was boiling over.

"Uh what are you doing here Mrs Williams," Angela shuffled toward Vanessa's side.

"Girl who the hell are you, and why are you questioning me like you know me," Tasha rolled her neck.

Angela closed her eyes for a brief moment to collect herself. She despised when people tried her at work because she couldn't say or do what she wanted. Professionalism is what she strived for daily, and ruining her unblemished reputation for some big mouthed fallen woman wasn't in her foreseeable future.

Halle scurried over to the blonde quickly hiding behind her like she often did with her older sister. This cannot be happening. Tasha walked closer to Halle and Bey stepped forward daring the heated woman to take another step.

"And what the fuck are you looking at," Tasha whipped her head around to meet raging hazel eyes.

The woman had no time to react as Bey yanked her hard by her shirt and sent her crashing to the floor. Halle and Blue screamed as Bey's arms found their way around the woman's neck. Julius pulled his boss by her waist attempting to pry her away. Bey's hands tightened like a vice over Tasha's throat.

"Watch your fucking mouth," Bey screamed as she sent blow after blow to Tasha's face.

Desperately, the brunette flailed and kicked, trying to get in some kind of hit to prove that she at least went down fighting. Tasha pulled her leg back and brought it into Bey's stomach full throttle. Downtrodden, Beyoncé doubled over holding her middle clearly in pain. Once Bey was on her feet, she lunged for the woman landing a harrowing jab to her mouth. Tasha stumbled back into her lawyer's arms and spewed blood all over the floor. Ugh. Bey stepped back just in case the bitch had aids or something.

"Who  the hell are you, and why are you questioning me like you know me," Tasha turned toward Angela.

Huh? Didn't  she already ask that?

Bey came back to the conversation after spacing out for a few seconds. She looked around to see if anyone noticed and shook her head to get rid of the ill thoughts that previously clouded her mind. It wasn't real.

"Listen," Angie started but was cut off by a hand in her face.

The social worker smiled in Vanessa's general direction attempting to mask her true feelings in front of a polished and esteemed psychologist such as Dr. Davis. Tasha eased as close as she could with Julius standing in front of Beyoncé and a cowering Halle.

"Hey lil girl! You missed me baby," Tasha waved sarcastically.

The hell-beast snarled. The hair on Halle's neck sat up and her pulse rose. An immediate light wave of perspiration hit her and her throat went dry. Beyoncé moved so that Halle's face was completely hidden by her body. Halle's hands shook as she buried her face into Bey's back. The blonde wanted to knock Tasha's teeth out. Instead she raised both eyebrows in a short movement that seemed to feed her aggressive curiosity but the woman was still in the vicinity so anything was liable to happen. Vanessa broke up the awkwardness by asking the small Jewish man if Tasha was his client. He spoke a half-hearted 'yes' but didn't bother providing any other information like his name or the firm he represented.

"You don't hear me talking to you? Heyy Chlo Chlo don't act brand new cuz you around these snooty folks," Tasha voiced loudly.

A strange feeling came over Chloe; it was rage. She had been so afraid, but when Tasha walked up she just felt angry. She made her hands into fists and looked away. Shawn furrowed his brow. He felt the expletives form in his mouth as soon as the woman rounded the corner. Blue ogled at the adults feeling the tension hover over her head and land in her lap much like a gift from the higher ups.

"Mrs Williams if you could just proceed with me this way," her lawyer called.

"You pay me, or I pay you? Awe okay," Tasha flipped her hair.

Beyoncé gave a warning glance to her cousin who returned the look.

"What's all that eyeballing y'all doing? If you got something to say then say it sweetie! See y'all don't know these girls like I do. I've known them for years and they're liars. All they do is lie lie lie," Tasha moved around to get a good look at Halle.

"Baby girl," Tasha moved her finger in a 'come here' motion.

Halle's eyes fluttered with tears that rolled down reddening cheeks and over lips pursed to express her anguish as she took a step forward.

Beyoncé didn't think twice before placing her hand on the girl's shoulder preventing her from moving. Angela stalked towards the woman. The last thing someone was going to do in her presence was intimidate one of the kids she was obligated to look out for.

"You need to," Angie's tone was deep.

"And who gone make me, boo? Who gone check me? Definitely not miss drunk in love over here," Tasha yelled.

"Alright now," Angela pointed to the woman before pulling out her cell.

Bey's normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and her face contorted into something inhumane. Her eyes flashed and closed into slits. The heat emanating from the singer's body seemed to have taken physical form because Chloe began to fan herself. Don't punch the bitch out! Don't punch the bitch out! That's the mantra Beyoncé repeated again and again.

"What? They ain't tell you they like to lie? Especially that one over there," Tasha pointed to Chloe who sank further in her seat.

Blue wiggled in her seat looking at the scary woman that was staring at her mother like she was in big big trouble.

"I have to potty," she said to no one in particular.

'That's not true' the teen wanted so badly to scream it at the top of her lungs, but the words got so jumbled in her head that she swallowed them whole; her dignity soon thereafter. Blue moved to hold Chloe's hand, but the crushing pain in the older girl's chest was too much and her hand slipped out of the embrace. She closed her eyes trying to absorb the pain without whimpering. Vanessa stared at the oldest Bailey, examining her with squinted eyes.

"Mmhm don't let that lil quiet act get y'all confused," the woman folded her arms.

Angela was off in the corner talking to someone on the phone with one finger in her ear trying desperately to hear. Beyoncé counted to ten in her head, sometimes she hated being a celebrity because everything she did was publicized. Like if she were to beat this bitch out of her Louboutins right now the world would know about it within the hour. The only thing keeping the blonde calm was thinking of what her mother might have done in this situation.

"Ma'am you need to move along,"Julius said through clenched teeth.

The only reason the bodyguard didn't push her away like the rest of Bey's groupies was because her lawyer was present and they were in a federal building. He was honestly tired of hearing this woman's loud mouth this close to his ear.

"I agree with the big guy Mrs Williams there's no need to make a scene here," the lawyer readjusted his glasses.

"Man," Shawn exhaled his frustrations.

If the lady were a man surely Shawn would have lost his chill right now, but he wasn't one to get in the middle of women bickering and his wife and cousin could handle themselves perfectly fine. Vanessa looked the woman up and down like she was scum beneath her shoe. She wanted to see how far Tasha went with her whole intimidation tactic on the children. She watched Chloe and Halle closely as the commotion escalated. The oldest shook her head smirking and blinking tears away at the same time. She tapped her foot and peered down the hallway where no one was. Halle gripped Bey's blazer and peeped at Tasha every now and then.

"Mrs Williams," her lawyer was starting to get frustrated.

He was only doing this as a favor for Mike. He owed Mr Williams after Mike so generously designed his home at a discounted rate. He had been Mike's lawyer for years but dropped him as a client after he was involved in a bar fight that went awry. Tasha looked Beyoncé up and down before flipping her hair and turning on her heel. Julius rolled his eyes letting out a short huff before stepping out of Bey's way. Who the hell was that, he thought. It was a minute before Halle stepped from behind Beyoncé. She watched as her despair and dismay strutted down the hall while murmuring things under her breath. No matter how much the shook teen tried, she couldn't  peel her eyes away from Tasha's retreating form. Vanessa turned to face Bey and Shawn with piteous eyes.

"Mr and Mrs Carter, I do apologize for that wretched display that just took place. I will have you know that I and Misses Beyincé will be making a full report of this. This will not go on without fault," Vanessa nodded.

The psychologist looked over at Chloe seeing the teen's chest heaved in and out.

"Maybe you should take the girls to get a bite to eat and we'll reconvene at about twelve thirty."

Shawn nodded for his wife and shoved his hands into his pockets. The blonde beauty slowly kneeled in front of Chloe and began asking her the same questions. Chloe mirrored a bottle ready to burst. She held her breath turning a dark shade of red.

"I have to potty," Blue adjusted herself in her seat.

"Breathe Chloe," Bey urged.

Chloe could hear Beyoncé loud and clear, but her brain wasn't comprehending. Her body screamed for air, yet her lungs defied her.

"Let it out Chlo breathe baby," Bey looked behind herself to Vanessa who walked over and rubbed Chloe's back.

"Chloe, can you hear me," Vanessa asked in a calm tone.

She's seen this hundreds of times, so there was no need to panic. Chloe gazed down at her hands which were intertwined with Bey's. Vanessa was impressed by how long she could keep this up. This had to be practiced. The average person could only hold their breath for about thirty seconds before gasping. Vanessa placed her hand over the teen's heart.

"You feel that? That's your heart rate slowing down. You're depriving yourself of oxygen Chloe. You have about thirty more seconds before the carbon dioxide build up in your bloodstream makes you delirious," Vanessa stated.

"Nobody told me they'd be here on the same day! No, this is unprofessional, let me speak to your supervisor please," Angie looked over to see Blue gripping the end of Bey's blazer as her cousin whispered in Chloe's ear.

"Nobody will believe you!"

"Open your mouth and you got another thing coming!"

"You're such a fucking liar!"

Chloe couldn't get a grip on reality. Who was saying that? She blinked time and time again attempting to focus on the words both women were speaking to her. Shawn stood facing his wife while Halle stood in the middle of the floor listening to the familiar click clacks of Tasha's shoes get softer. The youngest Bailey ambled in the direction she last saw Tasha almost in a trance. Where'd she go? Why did she leave? She passed Angela who's brows were furrowed as she lent an ear to whomever was on the other end of her phone. The diminutive woman glanced briefly at Halle as she wandered down the hall.

"Yes this is she," Angie stated.

"Why are they just allowed to roam the halls if they were being accused of child neglect and abuse," Beyoncé asked her cousin.

"Because charges haven't been brought against them yet, and the courts need statements from them as well," Angie whispered loudly.

"No, not you, I'm sorry who am I speaking with," she said into her phone.

Angie focused her attention on Halle. She snapped her fingers loudly, knocking the girl out of whatever dream-state she was in. The social worker pointed to one of the chairs pressing for Halle to take a seat. After blowing air into her cheeks, Halle plopped down and folded her arms. She took interest in the scene before her. This was nothing new for Chloe, she held her breath all the time. When she's scared, angry, or her brain forgot to tell her body to breathe.

"Excuse me," Shawn spoke to both women.

He had had enough of standing around watching Chloe do this to herself. By now the teen's face was tomato red and he didn't have time for a hospital visit. Beyoncé wiped her tears and stood to get out of her husband's way. Shawn's mouth closed as he tried to form words but nothing came out. He did something next that even surprised him. He went to touch her. He carefully reached out to grab her hand. Chloe's shoulders slumped and the rage she felt that was giving her some kind of energy dissolved. Shawn grabbed her other hand and pulled her into a standing position just as Bey had done earlier. Casually, the man threw his arm over her shoulder and proceeded to walk away from the group. Vanessa, Julius, Bey, and Angie watched closely as Shawn spoke in hushed tones to Chloe who nodded her response. He smiled at the girl once her color returned back to normal. Shawn held his fist out for Chloe to dap which she did so hesitantly.

"Imma take the kids to get something to eat you coming," Bey asked her cousin.

Angela shook her head, "nah I have work to do here."


The driver pulled into Lucky's, a quaint diner not too far from the family services downtown location. Shawn was the first to get out in hopes to escape the hard-nose hostility. It was beginning to chip away at his usual lax disposition. He unbuckled his daughter and held her on his side. Shawn reached his hand out to help Halle step down from the truck; courteous. The trio waited for Bey and Chloe to make an effort at getting out, but they both stared ahead.

"Give us a minute," Bey's tone was soft.

Shawn nodded and closed the door. Bey waited until she saw her family go into the diner before she spoke. Julius stood guard on the outside of the door and the partition was rolled up so the driver wouldn't hear a word.

"You know, I knew him...Mike Williams," Bey said, breaking the silence.

The words hung in the air and then slammed against the emotional wall the teen spent most of her life building. When Chloe turned around Bey could see how puffy her eyes were. He had done that. He had made her cry even though I promised to protect her, make sure she felt safe, Beyoncé thought.

"We went to highschool together. Him and his football friends would terrorize the entire school, doing and saying some of the most foul things to other kids. They got away with it though, couldn't punish the star athletes," Bey sighed and rubbed her hands in circles on her knees.

Chloe never broke eye contact with her.

"We couldn't stand each other. Well, really, he hated me. I would do anything to avoid bumping into him in the hallways. I'm talking hiding in the stalls until the tardy bell rang and ditching any class I had with him. You know when it all stopped," Bey asked Chloe who now stared at her hands.

She shook her head and waited for the answer.

"When I told my parents. My mama drove up to the school with a bat in the trunk of her car screaming and hollering for a boy named Michael Willard. I was so embarrassed at first, but after she got in touch with him he stopped messing with me. I don't know what she said to him. All I know is he wouldn't even look my way after that," Bey lifted Chloe's chin.

"Did he do something to you before Shawn came?"

Chloe really thought about her answer. Had he done anything? She played the moment back in her mind mulling over each second even slowing and rewinding parts back like her memory bank was a DVR.

"He just talked," Chloe said just above a whisper.

"Did he threaten you in any way," Beyoncé dug deeper.

"You look beautiful."

"Look at you, is this GUCCI?"

"So what, you gone tell them people about us?"

His words played on a loop in the teens head. She picked apart each sentence searching for a threat in his cadence.

"No, he just asked me stuff," Chloe's eyes fell to the floor breaking their eye contact; their connection.

Bey sat up and Chloe did too, following her body like a mirror.

"Stuff like what," Beyoncé's lip turned up.

You're not supposed to tell! You know that! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO!

"Um, he wanted to know if I was gonna snitch on him," Chloe rushed out despite what her brain told her.

Bey stared at her while trying to figure out what she was thinking, "and what'd you say?"

The teen lowered her head in shame.

"You told him you wouldn't tell, didn't you," Beyoncé's eyes softened.

Chloe tensed and didn't speak, but the guardian wasn't really expecting a response. Heartache left and was replaced by something more troublesome.  It was the looming feeling of a familiar beast; awkwardness.

"You gotta say something baby. You just have to. If not for you, do it for your sister, put them away please," Beyoncé stressed.

Chloe turned and looked out the window. Everyone knows that Halle was her Achilles heel. She'd do anything for her sister.

"What would you say if it was Blue," Beyoncé asked.

Chloe winced hearing that name being tied to such ugly happenings.

"What would you tell her to do," the singer added.

To Tell.

"He's crazy," Chloe stressed.

Nobody understands her dilemma.

"He won't touch you," Bey stroked Chloe's cheek.

Chloe held eye contact with the blonde. Maybe she was right, the teen thought. He won't touch me Chloe repeated in her head.

"I asked you a question," Mike said.

Chloe flinched and looked out the window remembering her encounter from earlier.


She's a liar!

She's lying!

Beyoncé's a Liar?

"You're a filthy liar," Tasha's voice boomed and echoed bouncing off every crevice of the girl's brain.

Beyoncé noticed the frightened look etched onto the teen's face and attempted to reach for her hand. Chloe scooted further away until her elbow hit the door. Bey did little to hide the hurt she felt. The blonde put her glasses on opening the car door. Chloe rushed to reach for Bey's hand before the woman could exit. Nothing was said as the singer closed the door again.

"You need a minute," Beyoncé asked.

Chloe nodded and exhaled.


Blue blew bubbles in her drink through a straw. The only other patrons besides the Carters were an older white couple and three emo teens that sat at a booth looking high out of their minds. Beyoncé didn't bother removing her shades, her makeup had been ruined long ago and she didn't have the energy to touch it up. She knew this day would be emotional for everyone, but nothing could've prepared the superstar for the run in she just had. The blonde looked at all three young girls at the table, her eyes lingering on her own child safely in her lap. She gave Blue a hug and a kiss on the cheek so she'd never forget the undying love she had for her. Halle rocked back and forth watching the sweat from her glass crawl down the cup. I'm a liar. All I do is lie, she thought. Images of the raging woman flooded her mind. She didn't hate Tasha. For the first few years, the demented scoundrel actually showed Halle love and affection. She really didn't want them to go to prison; she just wanted to get away. Why couldn't she get away without all these extra happenings? Maybe she should've kept quiet. Maybe Tasha would love her again like she used to. Halle didn't know what switch went off in the woman's mind to make her do those things; it just kind of happened.


Why can't they just leave us alone? After all of these years of wishing death on us, or hearing how much they regretted taking us in, I'd think they'd be happy we were out of their hands. I turned to look at my sister who hadn't uttered a word since she came out of the room with Bey. She toyed around with her bun removing a pin ever so often. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were tear stained. This is how she looked more often than not. It's part of the reason Tasha went at her so hard all the time. The woman couldn't stand the constant sobbing and carrying on. Shawn returned to the table and sat next to his wife who looked like she was on another planet. Shortly after, an older white waitress returned with the food on a little cart. I glanced at the clock. Vanessa said be back by twelve thirty and it was already ten minutes until noon. Great.

Shawn, Blue, and Halle ate their food while Bey and I pushed ours around.

"At least try to put something in your stomach Chloe," Shawn said.

I took a few bites of my fruit just to fulfill his request. Eating was the furthest thing on my mind. Again I glanced at the clock. Huuuuuh. If there was any time Beyoncé should say 'world stop' and it actually happens, it was now.

"It's time to head back to the building boss lady," Julius called over his shoulder.

Sometimes I forget he's there with how quiet he was. It's a talent if I do say so myself.

"May I be excused," I asked Bey.

She nodded and I dashed for the restroom. I wanted to sob uncontrollably; it was still not an option. I stood in a locked stall with my eyes closed trying to meditate and wipe the last two hours from my mind. I emerged moments later from the bathroom and Halle was waiting outside the stall.

"I told," Halle said.

I stepped around her and headed to the sink to wash my hands. After drying my hands with a paper towel, I peered over at Halle who found her feet more interesting than my face. I'm so proud of this girl that I couldn't find words to express. She had the courage to speak up for herself despite everything that meant for her.

"Say something," Halle choked out.

I pulled her in for a warm embrace that was long overdue. I could feel her body relax into my hug.

"I couldn't take it anymore Chlo," Halle's voice was muffled.

To silence her tears, I rubbed her back in small circles just as our mom used to do when we were upset.

"I told them," Halle sniffed.

She opened her mouth apparently struggling to find her footing.

"I told them about," Halle pulled away from me to look me in the eye.

She wiped her tears and said she told them about Mike. Something was off about her tone and it sent a pang of dizziness to my head.

"What about him," I asked gingerly.

Halle couldn't look at me. She turned her back and kept quiet.

"Hey," I turned her around to face me.

"What about him," my stomach lurched but I swallowed so nothing came up.

"Did he," I raised my brow implying the unsaid.

Halle looked into my eyes, tears playing just at the rim of hers. I clutched the sink for support.


Not after all I did to protect her from Mike's mannish ways. Halle nodded tears streaming down her face. She checked under all the stalls ensuring they were empty and whispered her biggest secret into my ear. I wanted to hold Halle but I couldn't; not without feeling like my touch would mar her skin. Halle was shaking like a leaf and the fear in her eyes was all too familiar to me. To see the innocence sullied by that fear made me livid, but it broke my heart too. I felt a hot tear coming down my eye, but before I could stop it there was another, then another before I knew it we were both on the floor sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry," I broke down.

I couldn't hold it in. It was too physically painful so the tears flowed like a faucet from my eyes.

"I'm sorry," the pain sat deep.

I failed my father.

"I'm so sorry," the coils were too tight in my stomach.

Seeing the innocence ripped away from this young girl reminded me of having my own stolen and it was at that moment I knew that  I could no longer keep the lid on my emotions. Slowly my tears began to dissipate and I picked myself off of the floor. Halle did the same. She watched with worried eyes as I went to the sink and splashed water on my face. I accidentally stole a glance at myself in the mirror and nearly spit at the person staring back.


You were supposed to protect her. You had one job. ONE! You couldn't even do that! The bathroom door opened revealing Beyoncé in her shades.

"Y'all ready," her voice was husky.

Halle walked to Bey and took her hand. I dried my face with a paper towel and exited behind them.



The Carters and Baileys met up with Angie at the side entrance just as they had before. The social worker was visibly more relaxed than the last time the group laid eyes on her. Angela pulled Shawn to the side.

"You should take Blue and Halle to the kid's waiting area just in case something pops off again."

Overhearing, Halle's face scrunched up. Kids area? Who was a kid here besides Blue?

Angie noticed and chuckled lightly.

"Not like that. It's just a room where young people go to chill. Granted there will be a few snotty faced little ones scattered about but you should be fine," she ensured.

Beyoncé stood beside Chloe unable to shake this mood she was in. After seeing that woman's face and listening to her bump her gums and call the girls liars she was lit aflame from the inside. Shawn walked over and placed a hand on his wife's lower back.

"Angie wants me to take Blue and Halle to a different waiting room. You cool with that," he asked.

If it were just him and Blue he wouldn't have bothered asking, but any time someone offered to take the older girls anywhere out of Bey's home or sight she'd have something to say. Shawn didn't want to cause any added stress.

"Keep an eye on them," Bey got out.

"Alright," Shawn leaned in and kissed her and she kissed him back; it was chaste and simple, but just like that the tension in her shoulders went away.

"I mean it Shawn," Bey pointed to her husband who smiled as he turned back to look at her.

Halle and Chloe exchanged a lasting look before Angela led  the trio down the hallway.


Halle sat on the carpeted floor chanting silent prayers like an incantation. She prayed for God to help her sister through her session. The youngest Bailey truly couldn't imagine her sister in a room talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Chloe was such a closed-mouth person that the mere thought of Vanessa attempting to pry information out of her was a joke within itself. If anything she should be praying that God worked through Vanessa to get Chloe to open up. Halle looked on as teenagers typed senselessly on the public computers. There were a few girls around her age chattering amongst themselves. Every now and then they'd look her way  and continue to laugh and giggle. They must be checking out these Saint Laurent pants and Marine Serre top, Halle thought. Blue plopped down in front of a Halle with two dolls in her hand setting one in the teen's lap.

"Wanna play dolls with me," she asked.

Pressed, Halle shook her head no and dusted a smudge off of her flats. Blue studied the older girl before her and was put away by her low-spirited aura.

"Are you sad because of the mean lady," Blue questioned.

Halle didn't know how to answer. She smiled warily and grabbed one of the dolls fixing its hair. There was a moment before anyone else spoke.

"Is the mean lady your mommy," she asked sweetly.

A bittersweet snicker left Halle's lips, "no she's not my mom."

Blue placed mix matched shoes on the doll's feet before asking Halle where her mother was. Halle looked back at Shawn who was busy typing on his phone in a chair close at hand. Blue was asking some tough questions that Halle really didn't feel like answering. She didn't want to say the wrong thing and have Blue out here perturbed. Halle tried to think about how her own father broke the news about her mother's passing.

"My m-mom... is...with, she's with the angels," Halle's words were fragmented much like she was putting a puzzle together with her thoughts.

Blue unconsciously tipped her head toward the ceiling and looked back to her foster sister disheartened. She fixed her doll's dress so the straps were properly on its shoulders.

"Do you have a daddy," Blue continued to spruce up the doll.

"He's with the angels as well," Halle answered, smoothing the doll's hair down.

"But why," the child sounded genuinely confused.

"Because God needed them more," Halle was confident in her answer this time.

Blue picked up a toy truck making it move back and forth around Halle's body. The teen's words sat with her for a minute.

"It's okay we can share my mommy and daddy," Blue said.

Halle smiled from ear to ear looking at Blue adoringly. She didn't know what to say, so she allowed the moment to pass.


I make mistakes more than I count on my fingers. We good today, then the wrong things come and linger. Forgive and forget, but some things I just remember. I know I make mistakes, but I learn and then it's over.

Bey, Julius, and I waited for Vanessa to finish setting up whatever that meant. Beyoncé placed her arm around me slowly like she half expected me to recoil from the action. Before realizing it, I rested my head on her shoulder and stared straight ahead. She rested her head on top of mine and I closed my eyes imagining myself walking the Santa Monica pier with the sun high in the sky and the wind at my back. I swallowed and the devil stood before me. There weren't any horns, cloven feet, or a trail of burnt ashen foot prints illustrating his excursion from his fiery pit. No, this prince of darkness wore dark denim jeans and a grey t-shirt and his smile resembled a Cheshire Cat. I could hear click clacks of heels nearing me. I opened my eyes and he was gone and replaced by the doctor from before.

"If you all would follow me," her tone was neutral.

Okay, just go in there and tell the truth pshh easy peasy lemon squeezy. Or, or hear me out, you could go in there and tell them you don't remember a thing. Matter of fact, tell her that this was all a gag, so she'll send you away.

I told them.

Halle's face seemed to flit across the hall, in a mildly hall-of-mirrors effect. The sentence repeated so many times it was now reverberating harmonically, making each entry a sort of duet. I looked up and I was standing in a room with Beyoncé on my left holding my hand. After scanning the room, my eyes landed on something resembling a bluetooth bar speaker on a tripod. There was a remote on the table next to a voice recorder. What is all this?

"Have a seat wherever you like," Vanessa said.

I looked around the oval-shaped table counting the chairs trying to figure out which one to sit in. Beyoncé pulled out a random chair and motioned for me to take a seat before taking the one to my right. Vanessa sat far away from us at the head of the table. Here we go. I could hear my heartbeat double time.


"So I want to introduce you to my light bar, and it's really top of the line. See, there are two different ways that the lights go across. Left to right or right to left. Just notice it and tell me which one of those are most comfortable for you," Vanessa picked up the remote, making the blue lights flicker and dance.

"Um right to left," Chloe answered lowly.

"Now I'm gonna introduce you to my tactals. The grey one goes into your left hand," Vanessa placed two items the size of a usb flash drive in Chloe's palms.

"Those are just here to monitor your eye movements and left and right brain," Vanessa's tone was sugary sweet.

The doctor stood slowly and rounded the chair to pick up a briefcase. She removed one Manila envelope and set it on the table. The woman took her time sliding out a small photo. After pressing record and listening for the beep to tell her when to speak, Vanessa stood behind her chair casually peering out of the window.

"This is Vanessa Davis with the Georgia division of family and children services case number B74852. I am joined by Chloe Elizabeth Bailey and current legal guardian Beyoncé Giselle Knowles- Carter. Mrs Carter has been informed of her right to have a lawyer present and has since waived the presence of legal representation for this meeting," Vanessa said almost robotically.

"State your name and age please," Vanessa smiled turning around to meet the face of heartache .

Chloe fiddled with the items in her hands rolling them around like stress balls.

"Try not to move your hands as much," Dr. Davis deadpanned.

Like a trained animal, Chloe's hands were out and the tactals sat perfectly in the middle of her palms. Most of Vanessa's job was to survey reactions and body movements and take note of any abnormal behaviors. Beyoncé was put off by the tone Vanessa used with Chloe, but she promised not to interrupt. The blonde tucked a loc behind Chloe's ear to let her know she was here.

"Your name and age please," Vanessa stated.

"Chloe Bailey, fifteen years old," the teen mumbled.

Dr. Davis frowned and looked pointedly at Chloe,    "could you speak up for me?"

Noticing the woman's gaze, Chloe sat up straight and rushed out her words full-mouthed.

"Chloe Bailey, fifteen years old."

"So, I hear you're a pianist. What's the first song you mastered," Vanessa tapped her fingers on the photo faced down on the table.

Chloe smiled remembering her very first piano lesson with her father. She had stayed up all night listing all the songs she wanted to learn, so her father could print out the sheet music. She was bummed and even refused to participate in the lesson after seeing her dad's song of choice. Twinkle, twinkle, little star? That's for babies she told him. After much bribing and convincing, her father got her to play the first chord of the lullaby.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Chloe answered.

"Very Impressive. I'm actually not musically inclined at all," Vanessa reached for the remote and turned the blue lights up to an uncomfortable setting.

The lights flashed harshly casting multiple hues of blue across the teen's face. Chloe squinted.

"Something wrong," Vanessa asked.

The lights changed orientation flaring along the bar in hurried spurts. Chloe hesitated for a second trying to figure out the woman's tone. If she wasn't mistaken, it sounded as if she was being mocked.

"The lights, they're too bright," Chloe whispered.

"Didn't catch that," Vanessa's tone was blasé.

She waited to see how long Chloe would hold the tactals straight before shielding her eyes with her hands like the average Joe would. Beyoncé turned away from the lights long ago. The blonde opened her mouth to say something but Vanessa quickly put one finger up silencing the woman.

"The lights are too bright," Chloe said louder.

Vanessa nods, turning the brightness down as she grabs the picture from the table.

"Sorry about that, is this better," Vanessa asked.

Chloe nodded.

"It'll stay at this level from now on," Vanessa watched closely as Chloe struggled to keep the items in her hand steady.

"You can put those down for now," Vanessa smiled.

Carefully, Chloe set the handheld monitors to the side of her. Both Chloe and Bey found the beat of Vanessa's heels on the marbled floor daunting as the woman neared the muddled girl with the photograph in her hand. She slid the picture directly under the addled teen's nose.

"Could you tell me who's in this photo," Vanessa asked.

Chloe looked down to see a smiling little girl with  missing teeth. She appeared to be about eight or nine years old.

"It's me," she said.

"Do you remember when this photo was taken," Vanessa asks sensitively.

Chloe nods.

"If you could please speak your answers," Vanessa stated firmly.

Chloe nodded while chewing on her cheek and then said,

"Yes I remember taking the photo."

"Could you tell me about it?"

"My mom took it when my family went to the zoo," Chloe turned to Bey confused.

This was not how she expected this to go at all. She's seen those crime shows. By right, Vanessa was supposed to be grilling her on her story dramatically slamming hard evidence down on the table. There was supposed to be a team of cops behind a two way mirror bickering back and forth on whether she was telling the truth or not. Vanessa reached over the table to grab the manila envelope. She took out another photo and slid it in front of the teen.

"Now could you tell me who's in this photo," Vanessa stepped back and allowed Chloe to examine.

This time the girl wore a dead expression on her face as she stared hard into the camera. The bags beneath the girl's eyes were dark and repulsive; a shell of the child in the last photo.

"It's me, Chloe whispered sadly.

Chloe's breathing was beginning to pick up. Vanessa turned the girl's chair around so that they were face to face.

"Follow my hand," Vanessa moved her hand side to side slowly.

Chloe quickly got lost in the task almost as if Vanessa put her under a spell.

"Do you remember taking that photo," the doctor asks.

There was movement in the corner of Chloe's eye as she tried to focus on the slow movements of Vanessa's hand. The hole burning in Chloe's face from her right side was too much to ignore. She glanced up and almost peed her pants. The teen's eyes bore into ones much similar to hers; a carbon copy. The apparition was notably younger than the fifteen year old. In fact, she appeared to be around ten years old. The realization made her stomach twist and even though it was irrational to think that she had somehow summoned the child here by performing some haughty sacrificial ritual, that's the theory she went with. Chloe gaped at her younger self sitting in a chair across the elongated table.

The child stared back; her gaze needling to a trance. She tilted her head and stood with a smirk. Something was different about this version of Chloe. She was off. The look behind her eyes was bizarre and sent chills up the teen's spine. The doppelgänger clutched something to her chest like her life depended on it. It didn't take long for the teen to recognize the orange hardcover journal. Chloe held back the burgeoning bawl, desperate to escape her throat as the child with her eyes stood up and strolled towards her. She held the journal in her hand loosely this time almost as if it was yesterday's trash. The phantom girl rounded the table dragging one index finger ghoulishly across the shiny timber. Chloe looked to her right expecting to see Beyoncé but was met with an empty chair. She peered to her left hoping Vanessa was there waving her hand. Whoever said the birds of hope were everywhere must have bore false witness because Chloe and the ten year old stood face to face with unyielding stares. The small girl's brown eyes were afire with rage. As their eyes met, Chloe couldn't believe that this was actually happening. I've lost it, she thought. The girl's face changed into one of bewilderment and pure curiosity. Bit by bit, she reached her hand out to touch Chloe's hand. The teen held her breath until she felt dizzy and had to open her mouth to breathe. The ghoul girl jerked away frightened by the small gasp Chloe let out. She brought the teen's attention towards the journal by running her little fingers up and down the hardened cover.

"My journal," Chloe looked fixedly at the shimmering orange novel.

She didn't say anything, but Chloe could tell the girl had heard her from the calculated sneer on her face.

"No it's mine," her eyes were wide open and slightly fearful.

On the other side of the room, a window made a loud shrieking noise as it crumbled into hundreds of tiny pieces. Chloe looked around frantically but only touched shoulders with a sudden quam of darkness. It was then she noticed her feet were coated with murky water. Despite the austere chill in the air, Chloe's face was covered in a thin blanket of perspiration. And then, in an emotionally tense few seconds, sobbing. She turned in circles trying to figure out the origin of the familiar sound, barely standing upright. The teen spotted the back of the ghoul girl from before. The cries now shriller, the sobbing more pathetic. Chloe inched towards her doppelgänger unsure if she wanted to approach her or leave her be.

"What's wrong," Chloe called out.

The crying girl whipped her head around revealing her tear-streaked face. Chloe now understood where the water came from. She was standing in a pit of her own unshed tears. The apparition looked up at her; there was a burning grimace on her resolute face; her eyes glowed with fiery contempt.

"You know What's wrong," the child screamed.

"I-I don't," Chloe backed away until the child lifted the journal that previously occupied her lap.

"Hmm seems to me you do," the girl opened the journal to a random page.

The teen's hand went to her chest as her breathing quickened full tilt.

"You can't read that," she whispered.

"Yes I can. It's mine. I thought I just told you that," the girl stood directly under Chloe's nose, her chest rising and falling with unadulterated malice written across her face.

Chloe focused on the girl trying her hardest not to pull her in for an earnest hug. Those tiny features on her face should never be manipulated and twisted into something emanating hatred.

"Do you remember taking this picture," Vanessa's voice was so far away Chloe almost missed what was said.

The repulsive photo from earlier fell from the darkened sky twirling in a rhythmic ring of circumvention and landed just at the smaller girl's feet. No one rushed to retrieve the now soaked close-up from the cloudy water. Instead, both Chloe and her figment looked on as their likeness disappeared underneath the filthy liquid. A single tear ran down the smaller girl's cheek.

"Yes," they spoke at the same time.

"Tell me about it," Vanessa acted as a siren, luring her in just to stab her in the back void of remorse.

"Follow me," the young girl giggled and skipped into the distance.

Chloe turned in circles trying to find a way out, but she couldn't see anything past her finger tips.

"This way silly," the girl chuckled.

Every muscle in Chloe's body screamed for her not to go, but she refused to stay in the darkness all alone. What's the worst that could happen? The small child took her hand and escorted the older girl into an abysmal obscurity.


Chloe opened her eyes and she was back in the room she shared at the Willams' residence. No no no! I got out, she thought! I escaped. Heartbroken and shaken up, she ran to the door and jiggled the knob, but it wouldn't budge. No! At the sound of a creak in the floorboards, Chloe turned around to see who else was in the room with her. She cringed upon locking eyes with her little look alike. The younger girl lifted her mattress and shoved the journal underneath. Chloe watched as she nervously sat on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest.

"Open this door," Chloe stalked to the girl who stared ahead terrified.

"Shhh he's coming," the girl whispered with an attitude.

The teen didn't have to ask 'who' she backed away from the bed tripping over Halle's favorite stuffed monkey in the process. After catching her footing, Chloe ran to the corner of her room to hide. She knew he would check the bathroom because that used to be one of her favorite places to run to. The small girl rocked back and forth on the bed. Chloe could hear heavy footsteps just outside the door. Like clockwork, her bladder betrayed her. She had to go now! Both girls flinched violently as the door was forced open revealing dark beady eyes. Mike looked at the shaking child; eyes filled with hatred. The young girl held Mike's gaze.

"Get your eyes off of me," Mike growled.

Chloe and the young girl averted their eyes towards the floor.

"Stand up," the man ordered.

Chloe watched from the corner of the room as the girl stood from her bed. Mike yanked her by the shirt tightly, kneeling so that he was eye level with the child.

"Your Social worker is here," he stated simply.

The girl didn't say a word, and Chloe held her breath waiting for what happened next.

"What are you going to tell her," he griped.

The younger child thought it over for a while before saying, " that I like it here and-

"That you love it here,"Mike pulled her closer to his face and whispered in her ear.

"That I love it here, and I want to stay."

Chloe covered her mouth to stifle a cry. She backed herself further into the corner and remained quiet.

"Stay where," Mike fixed the girl's eyebrows, dabbing his tongue with his thumb and smoothing them down.

"Stay here, with you and Tasha," the young girl mumbled.

"That's my girl," Mike stood and smiled.

He held his hand out for the girl to take which she did so apprehensively. Before exiting, she peeked at a cowering Chloe and waved. The teen rushed to the door, but it slammed shut just before she could get a foot out. Alone and afraid, Chloe did a once over of the room. It wasn't really much to it, just two twin sized beds on both sides of the room, a dresser, and a night stand. She shuddered remembering the tragedies that befell these four walls.

"What were you most afraid of," Vanessa's voice penetrated her bubble of loneliness.

Chloe's feet began to move by their own will towards her bed. It was as if she was a robot and someone had stolen her remote and was playing a sick game called life.

"No," she held onto the side table for dear life.

The pull was too strong grabbing her by the leg and tugging her until she fell, hitting her chin on the floor. Her teeth rattled together uncomfortably. Once again, she was being pulled by an invisible assailant. Chloe clawed at the floorboards trying desperately to find something to hold on to. She blinked and she stood upright before her bed. The teen reached for her mattress lifting it up like her body had been occupied by someone else.

"What were you most afraid of," Vanessa's voice sounded again.

Chloe picked up her journal and was awestruck when it opened by its own merits and flipped to a random page. She didn't have to look at the book because she had every page of that journal memorized through and through. The floorboards began to rattle and crumble until there was a huge gaping hole. Chloe backed up, but there was nowhere to go. She felt a push at her back and fell spiraling down into an abyss of mundane screams and suffering.


Chloe found herself kneeling on the floor. She looked down and saw the many grains of grits scattered about. Physically it hurt less than what she expected; the dread and the fear was there, heightened by adrenaline and animosity if she were brutally honest with herself. At some point kneeling there listening to the tic of the clock and then listening to her own fleeting heart, she realized she was having a panic attack, and it had ripped open scars inside her that she hoped would heal.

"Am I talking to myself," Mike screamed causing Chloe to jump in surprise.

The teen hadn't even noticed him standing before her. She shook her head but kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"Stand up," Mike ordered.

Chloe followed the command. Mike brought the back of his hands down with record speed and strength sending Chloe tumbling to the floor. The strike dazed her and when she could focus again he was on top of her. Mike had a firm grip wrapped around her hair; controlling her head, as he pummeled her with another hit to the face.

Chloe could taste copper filling her mouth.


She turned over coughing up the crimson red drink of the reaper. The act of breathing was severe, but the teen's body didn't care about pain, it cared about oxygen and she needed it. She stayed there because Mike didn't give her permission to move just yet. The tall man yanked the girl up by her hair and sat her down on one the chairs.

"It's either you or your sister that gets it; choice is yours," Mike shrugged.

"Me," Chloe croaked without thinking.

It hurt to speak, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to live right now. Chloe clinched her teeth as Mike brought his fist down and connected with her stomach. She kept her hands set at her sides to avoid being accused of fighting back.

"Stand up," Mike said.

Chloe was too winded to stand. She clutched her stomach and tried to focus on taking in short breaths. Maybe this was what she deserved, maybe this was just going to be her life; a series of mishaps, mistakes, and near catastrophes.

"Don't fucking play with me little girl. You wanna go back to that damn closet already, what is wrong with you," Chloe shook her head feverishly.

She watched with wide eyes as Mike snatched his belt off in one smooth motion. Her heart plummeted to her stomach. She squinted checking to see if he'd reach for the button of his jeans. When the man simply folded his belt in half she sent up a thank you to the heavens. She was silent as her foster father let her have it with his belt. She counted the seconds between each swing and prayed that it'd be over soon. Chloe lay on the floor contemplating her next move. Mike hovered over her, breathing loudly and flinging a barrage of insults her way.

"Aww you sad," Mike mocked her.

Chloe remained silent blinking away water works.

"You ignoring me?" He chastised her.

Chloe gathered enough energy to shake her head no.

"You see how your sister disrespects me," Mike turned to Halle who stood by the counter in complete shock.

She had never been a fly on the wall during one of Chloe and Mike's escapades. Prior to this, she's only heard the commotions.

"Use your words," he turned to face Chloe screaming at the top of his lungs.

"No, I'm not ignoring you," the teen answered.

Chloe didn't make a move. She knew exactly what would happen next. Mike grabbed Chloe by the ankle and dragged her across the kitchen floor. Halle yelped and held her hands over her mouth.

"Daddy," Halle cried and attempted to go to her sister.

The youngin couldn't stand seeing Chloe treated like dirt.

"Didn't I tell you to wait by the counter," Mike whipped his head around to a crying Halle who nodded her response.

He wrapped Chloe's locs tight around his hand. She winced but did not cry out as he dragged her up a few steps. She closed her eyes for a split second suddenly lethargic. A few moments went by before she opened her eyes and was surrounded by complete darkness for the second time. However, this dusk she knew all too well. The teen leaped to her feet and scurried in the general direction of the door. She jiggled the knob for amusement already expecting it to be locked.

"Hello," Chloe yelled out.

"Let me out of here,"Chloe banged on the door.

"Let me out," she banged even harder.

Suddenly, the door cracked open. Chloe backed up until her back hit the wall. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and squeezed them shut. Why couldn't he just give her a break? She could hear footsteps near her. Her breath hitched as someone reached out to grab her hand.

"It's Just me," Chloe heard a small voice say.

She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her dead ringer. They wore identical bruises on their faces and bodies.

"Hurry before he wakes up," the girl stated.

Chloe thought for a second. Tasha and Mike's room were right next to the closet, so she'd have to pass it to leave.

"Come on," the younger Chloe whispered.

The teen took the young girl's hand and they tiptoed past the parents room. They took the steps two at time and made a b-line for the door. Chloe tripped over herself trying to get her hands wrapped around the knob. The shaken teen twisted it, sending praise to the heavens as the door swung open with ease.

"Chloe," she heard a light whimper coming from behind.

The teen turned to see her younger sister standing with Mike's hands on her shoulders smiling like a mad man.

"You were gonna leave your sister," he asked.

Chloe shut the door but did not lock it. This was what defeat felt like; this is what it meant to give up, after you'd given your best.

"There's my girl,'' Mike smiled.

The teen tried her best to keep her tears at bay, but the sick glimmer in her foster dad's eyes shook her to her core; ultimately sending ripples of pain throughout her chest. Her pain hung inside of her; patient and coiled.

"Come apologize to your sister. Look, you made her sad," the man grabbed young Halle by the chin roughly to show her crying face.

Chloe stepped forward and reached out for her sister's hand to try and calm her, but just before their fingertips could touch, Halle transmuted into dust. Confused, the teen ogled at her own hand as if she herself were a phantom being only to find her fingers entangled with her abuser's. Mike led Chloe up the staircase void of any sound or explanation, but like a good pet Chloe kept up with his long strides.


The two now stood in front of the room the brute shared with his unstable wife. A burning sensation crept up Chloe's throat. She would've cried but breathing was making any task too hard to emote.

"Chloe, we're almost done okay. I'm here, Mrs Carter is right by your side as well. Keep going," Vanessa's voice cut through the walls like a bulldozer.

Mike opened his door, pulling Chloe in and locking it behind him. Chloe stood in the middle of the room looking for an excuse as to why she couldn't be here. She flinched when the burly man wrapped his muscular arms around her waist. He placed his chin in the crook of the youthful girl's neck and kissed her cheek. He continued by planting unchaste kisses down her neck. Chloe didn't squirm out of his grip. Instead, she went stiff as a board and pretended she didn't feel any of it. He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the bed. The tower of his body was becoming increasingly evident. Chloe choked on her own tears doing little to hide her wails from the man who lightly pushed her onto the bed.

"Why you sad," Mike pushed a loc behind her ear.

Chloe continued to cry, shaking her head and sniffing up her snot. His hands were rough as they rose up her neck and grabbed her chin.

"I gotta admit though, you do look the most beautiful when your eyes are all puffy and you have those cute little crocodile tears running down your face," Mike ran his thumb across the girl's bottom lip.

With that, Chloe's tears stopped. She looked at him in pure disgust.

"I'll tell," the words were simple but they hit hard.

Mike's face fell. He took a step back and rubbed the hair on his chin.

A low growl turned into boisterous laughter that turned Chloe's stomach.

"You'll tell who, what," he asked, simply humoring the girl.

Chloe fidgeted with her hands; she rarely passed words with the man unless provoked, so she wasn't used to going back and forth with him.

"The police," the teen's face scrunched up in confusion as she whispered her response.

"Ahh the police, what you gonna tell them," he smiled.

Chloe didn't answer. She hated being mocked.

"You gonna tell them about what we do? Huh? About us? Hm? That's what you're gonna tell them," he seethed.

All the girl could do was nod as if her voice box had been stolen.

"Make sure you tell them you never said no. Not once. Be loud and proud when you say it too," Mike shouted.

Chloe covered her face and burst out in tears. The reality of her situation had hit her full force. He was right. She hadn't said no. Ever. She thought about it though. She would scream it, yelling the words,

"NO! NO! NO!"

However the phrase never left her lips.

She could feel Mike's body heat just in front of her. He ripped her hands from her face and Chloe looked away not wanting him to get any pleasure from her tears.

"Tell me no," Mike said.

She never thought she would have this internal conversation with herself again. To tell him 'no' and let him beat me mercilessly for it or... Chloe could barely stomach the thought... my God just sit here and let him do what he wants and walk away with less damage? To weigh these options was like weighing which part of herself to cut off first without anesthesia.

"Tell me no,'' Mike said again, this time grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to her feet.

"Tell me," Mike lifted his fist and aimed it at her face.

He changed his mind and opened his hand, landing a loud smack across Chloe's face. She crashed into the side table next to the bed knocking over a lamp, the perfume, and a small picture frame from the Williams' wedding. Mike lifted the teen by her shirt and threw her across the bed.

"You know why you can't say it,'' Mike took off his shirt and threw it on the floor.

"Cuz you don't mean it! You don't mean that now do you," he removed his belt slowly while eyeballing the crying girl.

"Please," Chloe cried.

"Those aren't the words I told you to say," he squinted.

Chloe watched in horror as the man undid the button to his jeans and stepped out of them. He rubbed himself through his boxers while he stared at Chloe. She looked to the door wondering if she should run and risk the consequences.

"Don't even think about it," he growled low like a canine on the defense.

"Take off your pants babygirl," Mike's tone was sweet this time.

The request was out of the question, so Chloe ignored it praying for some divine intervention.

"I'm not gonna say it again," he snapped.

Chloe's shaking hands went to her button. She held back tears as she slid her pants slowly down her legs. She didn't miss when Mike took the time to lick his lips. Ugh.

"Fold them don't be messy," the man said.

Chloe carefully folded the pants and sat them to the side of her.

"Lay back," Mike whispered.

Chloe placed her head on one of the pillows. Mike crawled onto her and placed his legs on the outside of hers. He traced her face in an outline slowly making his way to her nose and then around her lips. He leaned in closer his breath still conveying his anger but also his excitement and his anticipation. Chloe closed her eyes and sent out a silent prayer. She could feel Mike planting soft kisses down her neck and over her collar bone. She held her breath as he lifted her shirt over her head. Finishing what he had started, the man unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms. Instinctively, Chloe covered her chest with her hands.

"Don't hide from daddy,'' Mike moved her hands out of the way and admired her body.

When he got to her lips, the teen thought about biting down and never letting go, but he had full access to her face and they were already in a compromising position. Chloe peered at the alarm clock on the nightstand, 4:35 it read. She estimated in her head that this whole ordeal should take about thirty minutes if she was lucky. Mike removed the last article of clothing that both of them had on. He moved on top of her again centering himself. He slid both arms under her locking his hands to her shoulders and used the leverage to finally press himself all the way inside her. Chloe's breath left her body completely. She closed her eyes imaging herself six feet under safely sleeping with the worms and maggots that would eventually devour her skin. Chloe didn't move as he kept eye contact with her measuring the amount of pain he was dishing out by her ever changing facial expressions. She'd much rather be torn to pieces as opposed to this faux display of love and affection. Chloe gripped the sheets on either side of her; her body still surprised by how far some people were willing to go to torment another being. She separated herself, imaging that she was in an alternate universe instead of being violated by a feral animal; a dog. No, something more despicable and immoral; a beast.

"GODDAMN," he growled loudly; pulling out and bursting on her stomach.

The warm, sticky feeling on her skin was the last straw for the girl. Chloe stared up at him as the calamity of feelings she had swirled and exploded in her eyes and she couldn't breathe. She cried and cried as Mike sat on the side of the bed facing away from her.


Chloe turned to me with panicked eyes. She pointed to her mouth, and Vanessa hurried to get a garbage bin. I watched her throw up the little breakfast she did manage to eat while I held her hair trying to see through my tears.

"Mommy," she cried and threw up again.

I hadn't been expecting this at all. That's a lie, ever since Halle's confession, I allowed my mind to take me to a place I never wanted it to go again. I weighed the statistics in my mind of Chloe possibly being fondled or worse. The smell of vomit was starting to turn my stomach and I gagged. Vanessa went to press stop on the voice recorder and handed Chloe a napkin and a mini bottle of water that sat in the middle of the table. She opened the bottle with weak wrists and took a huge gulp. After swishing it around, she spit it into the trash can and wiped her mouth with the napkins.

"Mommy," she cried uncontrollably into her hands.

There was nothing I could say to make this better, there was nothing I could say to make that hurt go away. In a strange turn of events, I found myself wanting to call out for my mother as well. At least she'd know what to say to this poor girl. She'd know how to stifle her tears and make things good again.

You are your mother's child.

I rubbed Chloe's back as she dry heaved over the can. After waiting for her to finish, I grabbed her hands and stood her up from the chair. She refused to meet my eye, finding the floor much more interesting. I pulled her into me and wrapped my arms securely around her. I held her. I held her as she emptied her soul out through heavy sobbing, shedding tears she most likely didn't allow herself to believe was there in the first place. I held her as her body trembled with despair and the nightmare of her gospel truth being laid out plain for strangers to hear. Somehow we ended up on the floor with her head in my lap as I rubbed her back to quiet her sniffles.

"It's okay. You're okay," I cooed into her ear.

Vanessa let us stay like that for a while, which I'm grateful for. After ten long minutes of trying to calm her, Chloe lifted her head from my lap and looked at the tear stains she left on my pants.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"It's alright. I got another one just like this at home," I smiled.

Home, what I would give to be there instead of here right now. Chloe chuckled and wiped a stray tear away.

"You did an amazing job, you know that? You were so brave," I said sincerely.

I could see the doubt in her eyes but decided against speaking on it. Who could ever harm such a beautiful being? Her hair covered the side of her face, so I pushed it to the side gently so she wouldn't cower from the world.

"You ready to get out of here?"

Chloe nodded and we both stood.

"Well, we're all wrapped here. Angie tells me you and Mr Carter have some papers to sign, so once you see her you're all done for the day. These tapes will go to the police as soon as I leave, and there should be an arrest no later than tonight. You will be notified when that happens," Vanessa says.

"Thank you," I shook her hand.

Vanessa looked at Chloe and back at me before stepping to the side and waving me over.

"The girls are going to need ongoing therapy, extensively, from here on out. I have an old colleague out in LA, she is top of her game and comes highly recommended. She's used to handling high profile families, so that won't be an issue. If you're interested, I'll give her info to Angela."

I looked over my shoulder to Chloe who busied herself tapping her fingers together twice and going to the next one doing the same.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you,'' I said before heading Chloe's way and reaching my hand out for her to grab.

I pulled out my phone texting Shawn and Angela that we were all wrapped up.


"Okay so I had the papers faxed over to your lawyer Shawn. Like Bey, all of your paperwork has been expedited because we have to get the girls back in school like this week. However, both of you will have to attend a parenting class in the next month just to have that on record. I just need your initials here and signature there," Angie pointed to a stack of papers.

We were all in a vacant office. Bey Angie and I stood by a desk going over paperwork while the girls waited by the door quietly. I'm looking at the paper like it was going to sign itself. My wife and Angie stared at me expectantly. Am I really about to add two kids onto my long list of responsibilities? And they ain't even mine? I glanced over watching Blue rest her head on Chloe's shoulder as she swatted away the twenty dollar bill Halle dangled in her face.

"Baby," Bey tapped the paper.

"My bad," I scanned over the words quickly and signed all the areas Angela had marked off.

"Alright, you five are free to go," Angie smiled.

Bey pulled her cousin into a hug thanking her for all of her help. I did the same. We said our goodbyes and was out.


Chloe and Halle slept soundlessly on the full sized bed in the back of the Carter express. The hectic day had completely worn both girls out. Beyoncé walked to the back with a sleeping Blue in her arms. She lays Blue in the middle of the girls and sits at the edge of the bed doting over all of them. They looked so peaceful. No one was jolting up from a horrible nightmare. There wasn't any constant call of Bey's name like Halle sometimes did at night. Blue wasn't sleeping wildly as she often did. They were safe and at peace. She kissed her hand and touched their foreheads one by one. Shawn leaned up against the doorway smiling at his wife. He doesn't know what went down or what was said in the room, but by the way his wife's spirit seemed trumped and trampled over, he took it as a blessing. Bey walked to her husband, closing the door softly behind her.

Shawn takes her hand in his and leads her back to one of the seats. He took a seat and pulled her into his lap. He hated seeing his wife like this, all closed off and to herself. The man planted a quick kiss to his wife's hand rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. She made herself comfortable in his lap, cuddling into his shoulder and taking in his scent that she loved so much.

"You did good,'' he stated.

"Did I," she hated herself for questioning it, but it's been a hell of a day.

"Of course," he rubs her arm up and down.

"Thank you baby," she exhaled.

"'03 Bonnie and Clyde Hov and Bey," Shawn joked.

"Holler," Beyoncé chuckled.

A/N like I said Perry heavy chapter but it should look up from here. Comment your thoughts and what would you like to see in the next chapters?

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