Stolen Love

By firstdis0rder

37.5K 1K 239

"Don't come any closer," I whimpered weakly as my legs slowly eased backwards in retreat. "I swear to God, I... More



3.8K 129 45
By firstdis0rder

I felt my body shake violently as I started to feel myself come back to consciousness. My eyes strained as I struggled to open them, the bright lights of my surroundings were partially blinding my tired eyes.

I rubbed my eyes groggily. Black dots filled my vision as I glanced around. My head turned back and forth a few moments before I started to remember what had happened before I was asleep. My body jerked upright and my breathing picked up ten fold. I was inside the car still that Noah was driving me home in. My eyes widened at the thought, he was supposed to drive me home. But it was bright outside and it was dark and raining when I was walking home?

My eyes searched frantically around the car and I lifted my hands to open the door, only to realize that they were bound together by thick rope. I let out a small gasp and felt tears well up in my eyes, my nose stinging at the sensation.

No. No. No.

Noah. I looked around the car and did not see him, much to my surprise I was all alone. I didn't know if this was better or worse for me. But I wasn't going to waste this opportunity.

I jerked my legs and found that they were free still.

"What the fuck!" I cried out in frustration, feeling the panic soon start to rise up in my throat. I was kidnapped. I was fucking kidnapped. The memories from last night flooded into my brain, sending me into a whole new state of panic.

I let out a scream and pulled at my restraints, desperately trying to get out of them.

The rope dug into my wrists and they were too tight to take off myself.

I nervously reached for the glove box in front of me and searched for something to cut the rope off, but found nothing. I slammed it back closed and let out a frustrated sound. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and wiped it away with my shoulder. I could not cry. I could still escape. He was not here to stop me, but I had to be quick.

I kicked and bucked in the seat and dove towards the handle, knowing that this would be a golden chance to escape from him.

"I see that you're awake. The effects shouldn't have worn off that quick, but that's okay. How are you feeling?" I heard the car door suddenly jerk open and my eyes immediately dashed up to Noah's bright ones. His lips were carved into a smile and I fought the urge to let out another scream.

He was oddly calm, like he was welcoming a new pet home for the first time. But most pets are humans, nor are they taken against their will.

"Let me go! This isn't funny anymore, Noah. I want to go home." I growled, sitting up in the seat of the car. My eyes squinted since I had to look up at him, even though he was hovering above the open door.

Noah clicked his tongue and pushed my shoulders back down against the car seat, forcing me to stay there. "I'm going to bring you inside now, alright? You're going to calm down and not do anything stupid." He spoke in a mocking tone, causing me to bite hard down on my lip.

My teeth gritted together as I tried to come up with a plan. I could not overpower him myself, but I could possibly out run him. I knew when it came to seer brute strength that he would have me beat, but he might be a slow runner.

I loosened my jaw and gave a weak nod, allowing Noah to move so I could come out of the car.

He watched me closely and studied my moves.

I crawled out of the passenger seat awkwardly due to my bound hands. Noah took note of this and grasped at the rope around my wrists and gave a hard tug upwards.

I felt my shoes crunch beneath the gravel and I squinted at the bright light of the sun and glanced over to Noah, who was smiling as if he had just brought home a new pet to show his parents, I thought bitterly as Noah spoke back up. "See? This is going to be our new home-" I didn't give him the chance to finish his sentence before I slammed my shoulder into his ribcage and took off down the gravel road.

Noah let out a low grunt and bent down to his knees, attempting to catch his breath that was certainly knocked out of him.

I barely glanced behind me as I pumped my legs as fast as they could go, but my hands were still bound and made it awkward to try and run. I was thankful that they were not tied behind my back.

"Jessica!" I heard him scream after me, but I did not care. His yells and hollers only fuelled me to keep running faster away from him.

He must have recovered more quickly than I thought he would, because I soon heard his footsteps pound agains the gravel along with mine. My feet were starting to burn from the sharp rocks digging into my flat work shoes, but I did not let up on my speed.

I felt so stupid to trust a random stranger, but I thought he was polite. I thought he was different, but I guess not. I quickly shook off the thought and continued running down the dirt road.

I had no idea where I was going, but I was hoping that I could make it to the forest that surrounded me. Maybe I could lose him in there and then eventually find a road or another house. I needed to do anything to get away from him.

"Jessica! Come back here!" I heard Noah shout after me, this time he was closer.

I felt my lungs twist for air and my feet ache at the rough ground, but this was not going to stop me. I needed to escape, this might be one of my only chances.

The gravel suddenly turned to grass and I was now at the edge of the forest. I could almost taste the freedom.

My lungs suddenly exploded with pain and I tried to inhale again, only to be stopped. I felt a body crash against my back and my legs trip up underneath me. I was suddenly falling towards the grass very fast and lifted my bound hands up to shield the blow.

Noah's heavy body landed on top of mine as he pinned me down to the ground. I gritted my teeth and twisted my body back and forth, attempting to jerk him off of me. My entire felt like it was on fire and I was sure that I had broken a rib or something.

I screamed in anger and fear, beginning to twist and jerk my body around, desperately trying to get him off my back. But he didn't move. "Get the fuck off me!" I screamed breathlessly.

I felt his weight shift and Noah's hands flipping me over onto my back. I let out another vicious scream as I waved my hands around angrily, trying to hit him. "What the fuck are you doing!" I screeched, thrashing my head about while he hovered over me. "Let me go!"

"I told you not to run, and you disobeyed me. That's not very nice." He hissed and I damn near rolled my eyes at him. "You were supposed to behave!" My mouth slacked open and I halted my struggling to glare up at him.

"Supposed to behave?" I hissed, cocking my head to the side. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Take me back home right now!" I ordered, feeling some courage flood into my system. Noah only glared down at me, angered by my mocking of him. His hair was flowing around his red, angered face. His thick brows were pulled together in hatred and he clenched his jaw.

I sucked in a sharp breath as his hands rested on my shoulders, keeping me pinned to the floor while my bond hands now rested on my chest.

"I don't know what sick game you're playing at, but my parents definitely know that I'm missing now and everyone is probably looking for me." I explained, my eyes focusing on his. "They're going to find me and I suggest that you let me go right now." Noah chuckled at this statement, shaking his head lightly as he smirked deviously.

I had no idea where this courage had came from, but it was better to be courageous than show weakness. Even if it was fake courage.

Noah's hands tightened on my shoulders and he put more weight onto my lower half, making my breathing come out more strangled due to his heavy figure. His chuckling turned into full blown laughter now, and I could feel his body vibrate against mine.

I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my brows at him, "You think this is funny?" I growled. "Is this funny?" I gathered up a mouthful of saliva in my mouth and spat it at him; knowing I had met my target when I heard him stop laughing suddenly and snarl in anger.

I felt the weight of Noah's body suddenly lift off me and his hands reach for my bound ones. He yanked me up with so much force that I slammed against him. Before I could move away, one of his hands left mine and slithered around my waist, stopping all my struggles.

"I was trying to be nice," he hissed down at me, my saliva dripping down his cheek. I felt a tug at my body as he started yanking me towards the house. "but you had to go and do this." He sighed deeply when I began to struggle against him, suddenly throwing me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. "Now I have to do this." He seemed to grumble to himself.

Noah kicked opened the door of the house with his free hand and leg, bringing me inside the front entrance. Immediately I began to panic even more and struggle harder. He only adjusted my body on his shoulder and I let out a gasp of surprise and felt the air rush out of my lungs once again. My stomach squashed into his shoulder and my head hung loosely as I dangled behind him, thinking of ways that I could get him to put me down. My mind raced with thoughts and I couldn't help but fear I was going to die inside this house.

I slammed my fists against his back, pinched, kicked, and screamed profanities at him, but none of them did any good.

I felt my face start to grow hot due to all the blood flowing to it from being upside down, as he stomped closer to the house. I was not going to die here.

I shook my head and jerked my head back, sinking my teeth into his back. I bit down hard enough until I tasted blood in my mouth. The metallic taste filled my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

Noah let out a gasp and crumpled to the side that I had bit, allowing me to role off his side as his grip faltered. I did not take into account his height, because the wind was knocked out of me when I hit the floor of the house. I let out a hiss of pain and rolled onto my back and gasped like a fish, desperately trying to get the air back into my lungs. I blinked several times, trying to get my vision back to normal as I saw Noah standing upright again, barely showing any pain on his face.

I sat up onto my knees, seeing him turn towards me and snarl loudly. I let out a scream and dove out of the way as he went to tackle me again; just barely escaping from his hissing anger.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed and dashed away from him, attempting to stay out of reach of him. I held my hands out in front of me to create some distance between us, but I knew that this would not stop him.

"Get back here, Jessica!" Noah was now running full force towards me, his anger clearly displayed on his features.

I glanced around quickly and dashed up the wooden stairs and bolted down the hallway, carefully so I didn't lose my balance and fall on my face. I knew I should not have ran up these stairs, but Noah was blocking my exit of the front door, I had no choice.

My breathing picked up and my legs began to shake, I felt like I was going to pass out at any second.

Noah thudded after me, yelling and cursing at me as I stumbled up the stairs.

My heart raced against my chest as I bolted down the hall way. I looked back and did not see Noah, thankfully. There were so many doors and I had no idea where any of them led, so I ripped open one and quickly shut it, trying to be quiet so he did not know where I was exactly. My fumbling fingers searched for a lock and clicked it into place. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, feeling tears pool up in my eyes.

I lifted my shaking hands to my face and pulled my hair away from my eyes. I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead and dampen my skin.

This isn't real. This is all just a dream, I thought to myself and repeated it multiple times in order to calm myself. I rested against the door, hearing Noah thud around the hall me.

I reopened my eyes, scanning them down to the ropes around them. I began gnawing at them with my teeth; successfully un-doing them. I brought my hands down to my sides and began rubbing them, trying to get the rope burn feeling away. My wrists were now raw and tender from the friction and I knew I had to treat this soon or it would get infected.

I moved away from the door and tried to find something to push against the door to prevent him from breaking it down as easily. I needed to find something to use as a weapon or maybe even a phone.

I moved further into the room and tried to look for a chair to wedge beneath the door handle.

I could faintly hear Noah calling out from the halls, but it was muffled. I knew he was getting closer because his voice was beginning to be clearer.

I pulled my jacket tighter against myself and searched my pockets for my phone. Much to my luck, he had taken my phone. I shuddered at the thought of him touching me while I was unconscious.

I looked around the room, my eyes scanning the walls. My blood suddenly ran cold and I felt my heart stop for a moment as I noticed all of the pictures that hung on the wall.

My mouth hung open in shock and I backed up slowly. My ears pounded and I felt like I was going to be sick. There was a sharp ringing and my vision started to darken.

My eyes darted around slowly as my mouth hung further opened as I covered it with my hand, gazing around the room with frightened eyes. My stomach lurched at the sight of the hundreds of pictures of me. Baby pictures, childhood pictures I thought only my parents had, and recent pictures that I had lost.

I shook my head and grabbed it with my hands.

I walked over to a dresser in the corner of the room and ripped it open. My hands began searching the contents, only to find my own underwear inside here. I let out a disgusted cry and dropped it to the ground.

"This isn't real." I repeated out loud. "This isn't real." I shut my eyes tightly, tears spilling over them now.

I was so focused on my thoughts and my panic that I had not heard Noah entering the room.

"Oh, but it is my dear, Jess." I whirled around the face Noah, completely shocked when I noticed the door was wide open and he had his fists balled at his sides. His eyes held amusement but his expression showed otherwise.

"You're insane. You're completely insane!" I cried out as I backed against the dresser, my head shaking frantically at him. "What is all of this? Is this some kind of joke?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest while I sucked back the tears.

Noah's head cocked towards me, "I hardly think I am insane." He stated calmly. "I thought you were ready to come here and live with me, finally." Noah gleamed as he advanced upon me, while I could only stare at him with complete disgust.

My eyes narrowed, "You've been watching me? You mean, you've known me longer than just tonight?" I connected the pieces together, giving him a concerned look. I tried to keep my voice strong but it was shaky, just like the rest of me.

Noah nodded and paused, "I knew you were the right one, because of tonight. You looked so helpless, and I had to save you." Noah gave another nod and I cringed at his words.

"No." I shook my head violently. "This isn't real. None of this is real." I put my hands out in front of me. "You must be confused with some other girl-"

"No!" Noah suddenly yelled, stepping closer to me as I shifted down the dresser, away from him. "You're the one! I love you! We've been seeing each other for years now, don't you remember?" He asked, and I grimaced. He was delusional and crazy. If I did not get out of here fast, I would surely be killed or worse.

"No, I don't know." I sighed, rubbing my head with a shaky hand. "I didn't even know you before tonight, Noah. I don't understand any of this!" I half yelled, feeling more tears rush to my eyes and spill over as my knees began to shake.

Noah suddenly rushed towards me, before I could even respond, "No, don't cry, Jess." His arms suddenly wrapped around me and I pushed him away hard, catching him by surprised as he stumbled backwards away from me. He gave me a hurt look and seemed surprised that I rebuffed his attempts to comfort me.

"Get away from me! I want to go home! I don't even know you!" I cried as Noah rushed back at me, this time with his hand outstretched towards my hair. I stumbled away from him, but his fingers laced through my scalp before I could stop him, causing me to cry out. My hands immediately met up to his, trying to pull them away from my burning scalp.

My eyes squinted as more tears rushed out of them and I sobbed.

"I didn't want to have to do this, Jess. You leave me no choice." His hands pulled my head forward and quickly slammed it down against the dresser before I could react.

Instantly, black filled my vision and I felt myself slumping against Noah for support. Darkness took over once again.

Author Note:

Hey guys! Here is the second chapter for this story, I hope you really enjoyed it. I've been reading your comments and seeing your votes and they make me so happy!

How are you guys liking Jessica so far? Is she alright? You haven't seen much of her or her past, but I promise there will be more of that in the future. I wanted to jump right into the juicy stuff first, but I will be providing more of a background of Jessica and Noah in the future chapters.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter status: un-edited

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