She took me to the sky | soos...

By neverland_078

127K 4.2K 4.5K

Shuhua loves Soojin and everybody knows it. But what happens if Shuhuas dream of having Soojin as her girlfri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 | M
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Book
Chapter 24 (Bonus I)
Chapter 25 (Bonus II)

Chapter 7

4.8K 187 255
By neverland_078

Hi guys! Are you enjoying the story so far? I hope you are

So this chapter is basically Gidle bullying each other and Shuhua flirting like there's no tomorrow. The next chapter will be a serious one again, but I just felt like we need something funny here.


"Shuhua what's wrong?" Soojin whined sleepily as the younger girl pushed her on the bed.

She only remembered, that she had been sleeping with Shuhua on the couch, when suddenly Miyeon was yelling, which had been waking up her.

And then the younger girl had dragged her in her room quite angry.

"Nothing to worry your pretty head about" Shuhua said softly and laid down next to Soojin.

"Stop being greasy" Soojin said smiling and closed her eyes.

"Why? I just say what's on my mind" Shuhua answered and chuckled.

She put one of Soojins hair strands behind the older girls ear to have a better look on her face.

Oh Lord, she was so beautiful, Shuhua almost forgot to breathe.

She had always admired Soojins looks, but every time she saw her, it was like she would see her the first time again.

And it was breathtaking. Now when she was asleep, well almost asleep, and she looked even cuter.

"Stop staring, I know I'm beautiful" Soojin suddenly said in a sassy tone and Shuhuas cheeks became beet-red instantly.

"Why do I always have to stop everything I do?" she pouted to smooth over her actual embarrassment of being caught staring.

"Aww, someone's sulky here?", Soojin giggled, "Don't be like that"

She moved closer to Shuhua until there noses almost touch.

"Tss, I'm not sulky" the younger girl said still pouting.

"I see something else" Soojin stated and Shuhua cheeks were burning.

The older girl smiled, Shuhua was so cute when she was embarrassed.

Soojin leaned in and pressed her lips on Shuhuas. And then everything went too fast.

The door was ripped open all of a sudden.

Shuhua fell out of the bed with shock and Yuqi stormed in the room.

"Yeh Shuhua listen up! I have news!" she yelled but then she had a closer look at the scene in the room and froze.

Soojin was laying in Shuhuas bed, with bright red cheeks and a surprised expression and Shuhua, who just fell down, had the same look in her face.

"Am I disturbing you?" Yuqi asked surprised and backed up to leave the room.

"No! Everything's fine" Soojin said in an unusual high-pitched tone. But Shuhua was of a different opinion.

"Can't you even have only one quiet minute? Seriously, why does everybody always has to barge in?" she bleated and stood up again.

For real, you couldn't spent only one minute alone with your girlfriend and the displeasure about it was written huge in Shuhuas face.

She just wanted to cuddle with Soojin, maybe fall asleep in her arms, but no, everybody has to interfere!

"Sorry, I can come back later if you want" Yuqi said quietly and was almost out of the room as Shuhua called her back.

"Wait, I'll come with you. The mood is ruined anyway"

"Thank you, I bet you want to hear it!" Yuqi yelled and jumped up and down excitedly.

And the next moment she was disappeared.

"I'll be right back" Shuhua said to Soojin and grinned.

"Be nice to her! I won't run away, so take your time" she answered and looked at Shuhua warningly.

Of course she had noticed, that the younger girl would rather stay with her than go with Yuqi, but since she had been so depressed today it would be better if Shuhua would talk to her again.

"Sure babe" the younger girl said and pressed another kiss on Soojins lips before leaving.

"Be nice and take your time!" she called after her, but Shuhua didn't listen.

Of course she wanted to know what Yuqi has to tell her, it must be something good, since she had been as hyper as usual. I

f she remembered this morning, Yuqi seemed like a complete new person.

Hopefully she had been able to sort things out with Minnie.

But on the other hand Shuhua wanted to go back to Soojin as soon as possible.

"I'm so selfish! Yuqi is your friend, you should care more about her" Shuhua scolded herself as she found herself thinking about Soojin again, when she should focus on Yuqi now.

Shuhua entered the shared room of Minnie and Yuqi.

"Where's Minnie?" she asked, because there wasn't the slightest glimpse of the older girl.

"Making dinner" Yuqi answered offhand. She was more interested in what she had just seen in Shuhuas room.

"There's something between you and Soojin, right?" she asked therefore and expectantly raised an eyebrow.

Shuhuas cheeks flushed in a light pink at this question.

"What? No!" she replied in a similar high-pitched tone as Soojin.

"Ah come on, stop lying. I've seen what you were doing" Yuqi added smirking.

"What have you seen?" Shuhua asked dumbfounded and became even redder.

Yuqi chuckled and decided not to ask any more questions. Since Shuhua was an open book to her, she has already gotten her answer.

Yuqi had suspected the two girls to be more than just friends anyway. Seriously they were so obvious, everybody must have noticed by now.

"So what do you wanted to tell me?" Shuhua quickly changed topics.

"Ah yes!" Yuqi smiled and patted the place next to her signalling the younger girl to sit down. As soon as she settled next to her friend Yuqi began to talk.

"I've talked with Minnie. Your were right- it feels so much better, now I've gotten everything off my chest"

Shuhua raised an eyebrow. She was surprised, yet impressed that her friend had found her courage so fast.

It took her years to finally tell Soojin about her feelings and Yuqi did it after just one day.

"And what did she say?" she asked curiously. A small shade emerged in Yuqis face.

"She said she just wants me as a friend, nothing more and nothing less" she said quietly.

"Oh I'm sorry Yuqi" Shuhua whispered and patted her friends shoulder, but she just sighed.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm happy that I was brave enough to tell her how I feel. She wasn't angry or disgusted at all, she just accepted it. And now I know she is not interested in me and I don't have to speculate about her feelings. That's making everything easier" Yuqi said and smiled.

Shuhua didn't really know how to feel about it.

Should she be happy for Yuqi or should she be sad about it? 

Yuqi seemed to be genuinely happy, so she tried to be happy for her too.

"Ah that's so cringy!" Yuqi suddenly exclaimed and hid her face in a pillow.

"Just go back to your lover. I see that you rather want to be with her"

"What no! She is not my lover and I'm here to listen to you and be a good friend!" Shuhua fired back and blushed for the umpteen time this day.

"If this continues I will be reborn as a tomato in my next life"

"Come on! I've told you everything. Just go and have some fun" Yuqi giggled and looked at the younger girl, who has stood up furiously.

She found it really funny, how obvious Shuhua was, even though she tried to hide it.

Normally she was a really good actress, but in keeping her relationship with Soojin secret she failed totally.

"Gosh Yuqi you are impossible! How do you manage to always ruin the atmosphere?"

But Yuqi didn't even listen and just pushed Shuhua out of the room, not without yelling "Have fun, but not too much fun!"

"Song Yuqi!" Shuhua roared, but her friend just shut the door.

"Why do I even care about her? She is so annoying!" she thought furiously and stomped back to her room.

"I don't know what just happened, but Yuqi seems to be back to normal again, since she is yelling through the whole dorm" Soojin greeted her snickering.

Shuhua just shrugged and flopped on the bed.

"And what was that have fun, but not too much fun?" Soojin continued grinning like an idiot.

"Don't know. She was annoying me, that's all" the younger girl huffed and took out her phone to avoid Soojins amused gaze.

"Are you laughing at me?" she asked still focused on the screen.

"No, I would never laugh at you, since you are such a serious person" Soojin answered ironically and had trouble to not break out in laughter.

"Soojin-ah you are even worse than Yuqi" Shuhua groaned, but nevertheless her lips curled up.

"What did you just call me?" Soojin replied laughing and began to tickle the younger girl.

"You've understood me precisely" she breathed out between the fits of laughter.

Shuhua managed to get away from Soojins hands and rolled over to corner the older girl underneath her.

She grabbed both of Soojins wrist and pressed them against the mattress so she couldn't tickle her anymore.

"Uh, since when are you so dominant?" Soojin teased the younger girl and wiggled her eyebrows.

Shuhua had to admit, that their current position was quite controversial and without context it would definitely look like something else, nevertheless she decided to join in the game.

"Don't you like it?" she asked changing her tone from playful to seductive while staring right into Soojins eyes.

Shuhua tightened her grip around the older girl wrist and bent down a little bit.

"I asked you something" she said coming nearer steadily.

Soojin blushed, as she was flustered and also a little bit intimidated by the sudden change of Shuhuas mood.

She always thought that Shuhua just was a hyper, happy girl, who isn't capable of being sexy.

Apparently she was wrong and now really surprised of that very attractive, but also kind of intimidating side of hers.

However she really liked this new side.

"What you can do, I've been able to do for a long time" she thought and kept her teasing up.

"I think it would be better if I'm on top, wouldn't it?" she said as least as seductive as Shuhua and smirked.

"No no no. It's fine the way it is right now" the younger girl answered and was now only centimeters apart from Soojins lips.

"You know what?" Shuhua whispered, which made Soojin a mess.

The way Shuhuas breath was hitting her lips, her stare and her sudden dominance made her go crazy.

And then she found herself begging, that Shuhua would finally close the gap between them.

"What do I know?" she asked trying to hide her nervousness, but kinda failed, because her voice cracked again.

"Is someone shy here, because Shuhua is making her crazy?", Shuhua mocked and came closer to finally give Soojin what she wanted so bad.

But only millimeters before their lips touched she sat up, loosed the grip around Soojins wrist and grinned.

"Minnie-unnie made dinner! Let's go eating"

And with these words she rushed out of the room leaving the Soojin alone.

"She's making me sick" she groaned and rolled out of the bed to follow Shuhua.

Shuhua knew exactly that Soojin was craving for that kiss.

She found it very funny, because the older girl would be unsatisfied the whole evening.

And around the members she wouldn't dare to kiss Shuhua, because she was so shy. It was so much fun teasing her.

The other members were already in the dining room setting the table.

"Oh there you are! I just wanted to fetch you" Soyeon said.

"Do you know where Soojin is?" Yuqi asked innocently, but Shuhua could see how she was smirking when none of the other members looked at her.

"She'll be here in a moment" Shuhua answered expressionless. She was determined to ignore Yuqi and her constant mocking.

Luckily Soojin stepped in the room and interrupted Yuqi, who just wanted to reply something, but she was visibly annoyed.

"Oh god! Something wrong in paradise?" Yuqi asked and faked a shocked tone as she saw Soojins expression.

The other members didn't get what she was alluding to and just shrugged it off.

"Yuqi shut up. I am not in the mood for your silly jokes" Soojin hissed.

"Woah, calm down kids. We can talk about it" Miyeon interfered pushing the two girls apart.

"I don't want to talk" Soojin spat and sat down, folding her arms annoyed.

The other girl settled down as well and Minnie brought the pancakes she made. Shuhua sat next to Soojin.

Even though she really liked teasing her, she felt bad afterwards, especially when she was so pissed like now.

"Everybody! Enjoy this delicious meal I prepared for you" Minnie chirped and put a huge plate with an insane number of pancakes on the table.

"And who's gonna eat all of those?" Shuhua slipped the sentence, before she could close mouth.

"The one who asks" Yuqi mocked again.

Slowly but surely Shuhua lost her patience and aggressively tossed a pancake on her plate, while giving her friend a killing glare.

"If you look at her like this, I promise you she won't survive the evening" Soojin whispered as she leaned over to grab a pancake.

"That would be only too good" Shuhua hissed still glaring at Yuqi, who obviously found this very entertaining.

"Hey kids listen up!" Soyeon said and everybody looked at her.

"Again a speech? I can tell you, you treated us very nice the last time, so there's no reason to apologise" Minnie mumbled with a full mouth.

"I said listen up, not talk to your leader with a full mouth. When will you guys ever learn, that this is disgusting" Soyeon complained and smacked Minnies arm.

"What do you wanted to say?" Miyeon interrupted her and saved Minnie from more violence.

"Yes what did I wanted to tell you?" Soyeon questioned and scratched her head.

"If you already forgot it, it wasn't important" Shuhua deadpanned and drew her attention back to the pancake on her plate.

Now Soojin was the one who smacked someone.

"Hey, what have I done wrong?", Shuhua asked and acted heartbroken, "I just said the truth. I'm always a victim of violence"

"Ya STOP IT and let Soyeon talk!" Miyeon shouted.

She was getting annoyed with these kids.

The leader gave her a thankful look. "So the manager called me earlier and said that a date for the comeback had been settled. It'll be the 6th April and we'll get the schedule tomorrow"

"When will it be announced officially?" Soojin asked, which made everybody surprised.

She wasn't the type who asked many question, she always just accepted it.

But she had her reasons. She wanted to know how much calm time to spend with Shuhua would be left, because once the promotions had started, they would have barely time for each other.

"In a week, so we still have some time to prepare", Soyeon answered casually, "Any more questions?".

The girls shook their head and turned back to eating.

They finished quietly and Yuqi already was on the run back to her room, when Soyeon called her back.

"What is it?" she asked in a bored tone. Soyeon rolled her eyes.

"Since we'll be very busy the next two or three months I thought we could do some fun today. We haven't done anything together for ages, everybody was just in their rooms."

"Oh yes that's a great idea!" Miyeon squealed exited and the other members agreed with her.

"And what do we want to do?" Shuhua asked.

"Maybe we could play a game? Truth or Dare?" Minnie suggested.

"Duh, please not. You guys are always escalating when we play that" Soyeon groaned and Miyeon agreed with her nodding aggressively.

Shuhua shared a glance with Soojin and the older girl nodded scarcely.

"Yeah, Truth or Dare is boring" Shuhua said rising her voice and crossed her arms to underline that she didn't want to play that game.

For both of them would be playing Truth or Dare very embarrassing, because they had seen Yuqi glancing at them with a mischievous expression.

She would definitely try to expose them.

Shuhua was almost sure that her friend knew about her and Soojin, or at least suspected something.

"Fine, we'll do something else" Minnie finally accepted her defeat pouting.

"Maybe we could just watch some movie?" Soojin suggested and everybody was fine with that. Minnie muttered something like "Boring", but joined anyway.

The girls went to the living room and settled on the couch.

Soojin took a blanket and covered Shuhua and herself up.

"What do you want to watch?" Soyeon asked and turned on the TV.

"Can we watch Endgame? I've always wanted to see that" Minnie answered immediately and tried to sneak under Soojins blanket.

She didn't make it, because a disgruntled Soojin was kicking her and Minnie fled to the other end of the couch. 

Shuhua wasn't fussed about what was on TV, she just cared about Soojin and what they were doing.

She snuggled against Soojin and rested her head on her shoulder and the older girl had put her arm around Shuhuas waist. She had already forgiven her for her previous teasing, she just couldn't be angry at Shuhua for long.

Soyeon started the movie and all the girls were captivated soon.

Except for Yuqi. She kept on glancing at the two lovey-dovey girls cuddling at the other end of the couch.

They obviously weren't focused on the movie, since they were already busy with each other. Yuqi chuckled and drew her attention back to the TV.

"They are so obvious. Do they really think nobody will notice them? However they are kinda cute"

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