An Impromptu Rescue

By Lana_Organa

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When Regina is about to be executed, by her own knights no less, she starts to give up on the idea of getting... More

Queen in Distress
Being Conscious
The Lion Tattoo
Hidden Meaning
Healing Hearts
A Dual Compromise
Plan Initiation
Embezzlement and Carnage
Saving the Outlaws
Taking a Moment
A Trail For Two
Veiled Affection
The Road to Love
Her Final Decision
End of the Road
A Heart's Turmoil
No More Hiding
Out in the Air
The Beginning of the End
A Fork in the Road

Inner Conflictions

125 7 0
By Lana_Organa

Chapter 6: Inner Conflictions

A/N: I am so sorry. I really had planned to have this up so much sooner, hence why I am posting it a little earlier.

I would love to hear what you all think of this chapter so leave a comment when you've finished!

Enjoy! (I hope it's worth the wait.)


Regina wakes the next morning feeling considerably better. She notes that her fever has gone and the ache in her thigh is almost non-existent. The brunette smiles as she comes to the realisation that she can resume her search for Snow White. But it immediately falls from her face as she knows that would mean that she would have to leave Robin and his men. And without saying goodbye.

This is why I didn't want to form any connections. Regina tells herself. The brunette lets out a frustrated sigh as she shakes her head in an attempt to clear it. She shouldn't be thinking of them, him especially. What she should be thinking about is a way to get out of this camp with some form of weapon, a means of transportation and without raising suspicion. How she'll pull this off without gaining any attention she has no idea.

I could leave in the middle of the night. Regina supposes, as that way she could move through the camp mostly unseen. But, she'll have to check if the Merry Men have their own patrol as that could complicate things.

As for finding a weapon, the brunette assumes she should be able to find one lying around or stored in a chest somewhere.

However, transportation is going to be the hard part. She could just take one of the horses, but reconsiders it as she realises that if she's leaving during the middle of the night, leading a horse silently through the camp may prove to be difficult. Leaving on foot isn't ideal either, considering how her injury would slow her down no matter how much better it currently feels.

Maybe Robin could help. Regina thinks to herself, before she's again shaking her head, deciding that would only complicate things further. Because if she did ask for help from him – not that she would – a bombardment of questions from the outlaw would more than likely follow, along with the addition of him then asking to escort her or worse; join her.

And she most certainly can't have that.

Regina stops suddenly as she just realises what she has just comprehended. Why in all the realms would I ask help from him of all people? she asks herself before dismissing the thought as she decides that she will not be asking that thief for any help what so ever.

The brunette again brings her focus back to planning her escape and how she's going to track down Snow White. That part may be tricky. she muses, as although she is able to track, she wouldn't be so sure that she could hunt down the brat without scaring her in the process. The disguised queen is also almost sure that Snow's secret whereabouts is a need to know basis, meaning she would have to find someone who is in league with the girl and convince them to tell her.

But that could take ages! she realises and Regina groans in annoyance. She really wishes she had planned this out better before she had decided to take Rumple up on his offer.

Suddenly the tent flap opens and Regina looks up to see who has entered. She gives a small smile upon seeing that it's Robin, one that he returns. "Morning already?" the brunette asks as she moves to sit up.

"I believe so," the thief replies, "otherwise the moon has very suddenly become much brighter. See, you should've taken my advice." She chuckles at his comment and he moves to sit at what – she now realises – has become his usual spot beside the foot of the cot. "You're looking better," he says, "I think it's safe to say you've slept the rest of it off."

"Yeah," she agrees, "I think I did."

He smiles at her then and she returns it easily. "How would you feel about breakfast at this ungodly hour?" the thief questions.

Regina gives a small chuckle, replying, "I think some breakfast would be lovely."

Robin nods, "And would we like to eat out of this rather confining tent?"

"Oh, yes please." Regina responds immediately, ignoring the words he used form their conversation last night and causing the man before her to laugh. She quickly joins him, allowing herself a moment to enjoy the company of the man she's become so very fond of in such a short amount of time.

And even when their laughter dies down, the smiles still remain on their faces. Robin then stands up and moves closer to where the brunette is sitting before offering her his hand as he says, "I suppose we better get you out of here then."

Her gaze flicks from his eyes to his offered hand, her smile faltering for a moment as her mind rapidly goes through all of the possible scenarios that could come from placing her hand in his. It's stupid really, after all he'll only be helping her up. But even as Regina tries to reassure herself, she can't help but think how she'll be placing some of her trust in him – no matter how small that will be. Well, you've placed your trust in him before. a voice in her head tells her. The brown-eyed woman realises that she has indeed placed her trust in this man on multiple occasions since he rescued her.

What's the harm in trusting him once again? she asks herself as she then places her hand in his.

Robin grips her hand firmly and places his other arm around her waist, helping her to stand. Regina manages to stand on her wobbly and unused legs, leaning slightly into the thief as she tries to gain her balance.

Suddenly her legs give out and the brunette loses her balance entirely, causing her to collapse into Robin. He mustn't have expected it because the next thing Regina knows, he's on the floor and she's on top of him.

For a moment, neither move, too stunned to really say or do anything. And then she laughs, not caring that she's completely embarrassed herself. But soon Robin's joining her and the brunette only laughs harder.

Regina doesn't know how long the laughter continues for, but when her brown eyes lock onto his blue ones, she feels her breath hitch as she notices just how close they've become. She also becomes aware of how his strong arms are wrapped around her, and in turn how her hands are laid flat on his chest. The brunette struggles to keep her breath even as she feels herself getting lost within the deep blue of his eyes.

Suddenly she hears a cough causing Regina to snap from her trance. It's only then that she notices that he was the source of the cough. The thief now smirks up at her, a glint of something that resembles mischievousness reflecting in his orbs. "Should we try again?" he asks with a chuckle.

The brunette merely nods, her cheeks flaring as she moves off of Robin, allowing him to get up. He does and offers both of his hands this time which she takes. Regina manages to stand yet again, allowing herself to lean more on the thief for support. And this time when she feels her legs grow weaker, she adjusts her grip on his arms in order to keep herself steady. Thankfully this time her legs manage to continue to hold her up. After she feels she has some control of her balance, an okay leaves her lips, an indication to the outlaw that the brunette is ready to keep moving.

The thief seems to get the message as he alters his grip so that she's walking to the side of him before proceeding to lead her out of the tent. Regina accepts his support, continuing to transfer some of her weight onto him. They move slowly towards the centre of camp, the wound on the brunette's thigh causing her to limp heavily.

Once they reach the campfire, Robin helps her onto the same log she had occupied the previous day. Regina exhales a loud sigh, drained from the effort it took to walk the distance from the tent to the campfire on unused legs.

The brunette looks over at the outlaw when he takes the seat next to her. "Who knew such a simple task could prove to be so difficult?" she quips as she massages the stiffness that has made itself known within her legs.

"Not me, that's for sure." Robin replies with a chuckle, which in turn causes the brown-eyed woman to chuckle.

A comfortable silence forms between them, and it's only then that Regina notices that they're the only ones around the fire. "Where is everyone?" she asks, looking around only to find that the camp is seemingly deserted.

"I'm assuming they've already had their breakfast and are working in various places around the camp." the brunette hears the outlaw respond. "That, or they've all decided to become the lazy bastards I knew them all to be." he adds.

The brown-eyed woman cannot help the genuine laugh that leaves her lips. She finds that the sound is becoming less foreign to her ears, and it's nice.

When her laughter dies down, she brings her brown orbs to his blue ones, her heart skipping a beat as she does so. As Regina again becomes lost within his eyes, her mind ponders on what this would be like. Living a life that is filed with laughter and smiles, a life that would allow her to be who she truly is. Because in all honesty, Regina hasn't truly been herself for a long time now. And the woman now finds that she's become tired of hiding her true self.

"So, milady," Robin says effectively breaking the brunette from her reverie, "I'm afraid my offer for breakfast is the usual."

"The usual would be great, thank you." she replies, a small smile gracing her lips.

He returns it. "In that case, I'll be right back." the thief tells her before heading in a direction where she assumes the food is.

Once he's out of sight, the brunette's recent thoughts come back to the forefront of her mind. Could she really be happy with such a simple life? Would it be enough if she was just allowed to be herself? Regina finds herself seriously pondering the idea and surprisingly, she finds it rather appealing. But if she was being honest with herself, the brunette used to always imagine a simpler future for herself. That was one of the reasons as to why she chose to run away with Daniel before he was killed, so really it shouldn't surprise her that she feels the same way now. Besides, the last few days have proven no matter how much Regina believes she has changed, there are still parts of her that have managed to remain. She's only buried these parts of deep within her soul, locking herself away from the world.

But somehow, Robin has managed to find the key, and in doing so has helped Regina to remember who she truly is. And although she would never admit it, she is truly grateful to him.

She smiles slightly as she thinks of the thief that has managed to leave some form of mark on her heart. It's silly really, how quickly she's become attached to him. She isn't some lovesick teenager. But Regina can't ignore the fluttering within her heart she feels at even the smallest of touches from him. Or how her breath catches when she makes eye contact with his shining blue orbs. The brunette knows she's not in love with him – no where near. However, she does know that if she continued to stay with him, falling in love with the outlaw would definitely be possible – even if they weren't soulmates.

And as for her current feelings, Regina has come to the conclusion that she already cares for Robin.

So much for not making attachments. the brown-eyed woman says to herself. There is no doubt that she has now made the situation more complicated for herself. There is no way she will be leaving this camp with just a simple goodbye.

How did I get myself into this mess? Regina buries her head in her hands as she struggles to come up with an answer. "What do I do?" she mutters as she tries to sort through the thoughts whirling around inside her head and tries to determine which path would bring her the happiness she's desired for so long.

On one she would gain her revenge, avenging Daniel in the process and allowing her to finally move forward with her life. On the other there was freedom. Freedom to be who she wants to be and – if she so chooses – alongside the man that was destined to be her second chance at love.

But could I really be happy knowing the girl responsible for Daniel's death continues to live and breathe? The sudden question startles Regina, but as the words sink in she finds herself answering the question with ease.

No. She couldn't.

With that in mind Regina makes her decision just as Robin comes over with a plate full of various fruits and nuts. The brunette accepts the plate with a tight smile, murmuring a thank you before eating her breakfast in silence.

She will get her revenge, and no matter how difficult it will be, Regina will leave this camp.

And she will never look back.


She hasn't said much since breakfast and Robin can't help but feel that something must have happened for her to go back to being so closed off. What that something is he doesn't know. So, he's decided to give Wilma some space as she clearly doesn't want to talk about whatever is on her mind.

But he would be there for her when she does.

Now however, the thief is busying himself with whatever job he can find. He's managed to help some of his men, whether that be with last minute preparations or giving advice on combat strategies when asked. But just as he's moving onto the next task, Little John steps into stride beside him.

"I know you said you need time," he hears the bear-like man voice, "but we don't have much left Robin."

The said man nods his head in agreement as he comes to a stop. "You're right." he sighs as he turns to face the man. "Go ahead then."

The outlaw notices how Little John shifts his weight from foot to foot before clearing his foot. "I'm sorry I made it seem like you had to choose this heist over your code," he says and the outlaw simply nods in acknowledgement, "it wasn't kind of me."

Robin scoffs at that, "No, it wasn't."

"And I should have trusted your judgement," John continues, "after all it's rarely wrong." The outlaw gives a slight chuckle at his comment. "Besides that one time where you lead all of us on a wild goose chase."

Robin smiles. "Now that was unintentional." he retorts causing both of them to laugh.

"You're a great leader Robin," John continues after their laughter has died down, "I'm sorry I ever implied otherwise."

The thief looks at the man square in the eye. Robin knows he's sorry, knows that as soon as the words were said his friend wanted to take them back. But it had still hurt. "Thank you for that John," the blue-eyed man responds, "I know you were just looking out for all of us." The bear-like man nods in acknowledgment and Robin adds, "But I would advise to trust me next time."

Little John cracks a smile. "I won't make that mistake twice." he agrees. A comfortable silence then settles over the pair before the bear-like man clears his throat. "Have you finished the plan yet?" he asks.

"I have," Robin replies, "I just need to determine how long Wilma will be staying for."

"So, she's a part of the plan?"

"I don't know," the thief shrugs, "that's why I need to ask her if she's staying for a while." John nods, seemingly accepting his answer. Robin pauses, waiting to see if his friend wants to add anything else. When he doesn't the outlaw says, "Speaking of Wilma, I'm just going to check on her."

Little John nods again. Robin then turns to go back to the centre of camp, only to be stopped when his name is called. The outlaw turns back around to face his friend. "You were right you now." he says.

"Well of course I was," the thief responds, "but what about exactly?"

"No one deserves that kind of fate." John clarifies.

Robin nods and smiles at his friend, glad that they were now on better terms as he again resumes his path to the centre of camp.

As soon as he reaches the campfire he notices that Wilma's staring off into the distance with a far away look in her eyes. So, without uttering a word, the thief takes a place on the log beside the woman. Even then only silence passes between them causing Robin to wonder what must be on her mind for her to go back to being so quiet.

"My offer still stands you know." he says in an attempt at starting some form of conversation.

Wilma nods in response. So much for starting a conversation. he thinks to himself.

"So, is there something you want to talk about?" Robin presses as a nod isn't a good enough answer for him.

The woman shrugs her shoulders before murmuring, "Not particularly."

Robin nods though he knows she won't be able to see it. "Well that may be," the thief replies, "but that troubled expression you wear and that far off look in your eyes suggests otherwise."

Wilma looks at him then, acknowledging his presence for the first time. Surprise now mars her features, but it's brief as her expression quickly changes into one of defiance as she asks, "What makes you think you know me so well?"

The outlaw cannot help the slight smirk that forms on his lips. "Because in the short time that I've know you, you strike me as the kind of woman who prefers to run from discussions she doesn't want to talk about." he quips.

He notices the corner of her mouth curve slightly and proving his point as she answers with, "That is surprisingly very accurate." Robin chuckles at her comment and soon she's joining him and he's glad he's managed to partially break the silence between them.

Wilma sighs, her gaze falling to her hands in her lap. The thief gives her time, assuming she'll talk when she's got her thoughts together. "I'm conflicted." she says and Robin waits for her to elaborate. "I need to make a decision on what path I want to follow," the brunette continues, "and I thought I already knew what path I wanted to go down but..."

"But you don't know if it's the one you want to lead anymore." he finishes gently when she trails off.

Wilma's gaze meets his as she nods in confirmation of his words. After a moment she brings her gaze back to her hands, murmuring, "I don't think I even know what I want anymore."

Robin moves closer upon hearing the uncertainty in her voice. "What do each of these paths entail exactly?" he asks in hope that she can get this off of her chest.

"Well," the brunette starts, pausing as she seemingly processes her thoughts into words, "one of them involves sticking to the plan that I have stuck to for years, one that has not yet managed to give me the happiness that I desire." She pauses again and Robin patiently waits for her to continue. "Then the other path is made up of things that are either new or I haven't experienced in a very long time," she proceeds, "and surprisingly, this path seems to offer more than I could ever hope for."

"Then why the conflict?" the blue-eyed man asks, "It just seems to me that the decision is not a very complicated one to make." When the brunette brings her gaze back to his with her brow crinkled in confusion he clarifies, "I mean, wouldn't you choose the path that already seems to be making you happy rather than the one that's forcing you to wait for it?"

Wilma looks at him with an expression of disbelief, almost as if she hadn't ever considered it like that. But then sorrow mars her features as she averts her gaze.

Robin becomes concerned when the brown-eyed woman doesn't say anything, so he gently presses, "What is it Wilma?"

The woman sighs. "I don't know if I can be happy without completing what I have been aiming to achieve for years." she admits.

Understanding dawns on the blue-eyed man and suddenly he knows exactly the kind of conflict she must be feeling. So, he thinks through his next words carefully before taking one of her hands in his, drawing her attention to him. Robin's blue orbs dig into her brown ones as he tells her, "My advice to you is to listen to what your heart wants. Because in my experience, that is the only way you will ever know if you're truly happy." Both of them remain silent as he lets his words sink in, all the while their gazes remain locked on each other. The thief tries to determine what the woman in front of him is thinking, hoping his advice has been enough to ease some of the conflict within her heart. He squeezes her hand softly in an attempt to get some form of reaction from her, succeeding when the corner of her lips turns up into a smile, one Robin returns easily.

He can't help but feel glad that he's managed to put a smile on her lips, no matter how small. So, he gives her hand another gentle squeeze, one that Wilma returns, their smiles remaining on their faces. "Don't force yourself to make a decision now," the outlaw says softly, "and if that means you'll be staying with us for a few days then so be it."

"You'd let me stay?" the brunette asks, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Of course," he replies, his grip on her hand tightening slightly, "you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you like."

Now she's the one squeezing his hand as she murmurs, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." he smiles releasing her hand. "But of you are staying with us for a few more days, there's something you must know." Wilma frowns but she nods, turning slightly so he knows he has her full attention. "You see the reason I was in town at the time of your near-execution is because I was scouting the area." Robin notices her frown deepens, confusion clear on her face so he's quick to continue, "I was scouting the area for an escape route so my men and I can make our getaway from the manor we'll be pilfering."

Suddenly Wilma's face becomes unreadable making it impossible for him to know what she's thinking. "You're going to be pulling a heist aren't you?" the brunette questions, her voice giving nothing away. The thief nods his head, swallowing thickly as he waits for her overall reaction. "And what manor are you going to rob exactly?" she asks, her expression not changing in the slightest.

Robin winces when he hears the word rob because that isn't what he does at all. "With all due respect milady, rob is such a filthy word. We prefer to use the term borrow around here." He can't help the grin that forms on his lips when he hears her chuckle. "And unfortunately, milady," he adds, "for you to know that particular information you will have to agree to be a part of the heist."

Wilma raises an eyebrow at him, "Is that so?"

The thief merely shrugs in response, "It's merely the way we run things around here."

The woman chuckles at his answer before her face turns serious. "You're really willing to trust me enough to even consider letting me in on this heist?" she asks.

Robin again takes her hand in his own, his eyes delving deep into hers, his tone sincere as he tells her, "I am and I do Wilma, because in the short time that we've known each other I can tell that you're a good person."

The brunette lowers her gaze then, almost as if she's ashamed. "I wouldn't be so sure of that," she murmurs, "you don't know who I really am or what I've done."

The thief hooks a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. And for some unknown reason his heart aches upon seeing the shame clouding her usually dazzling brown orbs. "You're right," he replies, "I don't. But, no matter what you think of yourself, I know that your heart holds the capacity to do great good."

"How?" Wilma asks, his heart inexplicably clenching upon hearing the doubt in her voice.

"Because you're just like the rest of us," he says, the hand that was holding her chin gesturing around the camp indicating him and his men, "you want to find that one place where you belong. The one place you can call home." Robin smiles softly then, his free hand gripping the one he isn't already holding. "Don't feel pressured to make a decision at this moment," the thief tells the brown-eyed woman, "take the rest of the day to think it over if you want. But I must ask that you'll let me know tomorrow."

"I will." she nods before smiling at him and he smiles back.

Robin then changes the topic of conversation, choosing to tell her a story of one of his other jobs, delighting in the laughs and grins he's able to draw from her. And all the while he manages to continue holding her hands.

It's funny how in such a short amount of time he has become so fond of the woman in front of him. And only a couple of days prior Robin would have been glad to see her leave.

But now, now he isn't so sure.


A/N: What do you think Regina's final decision will be? Will she stay on for the heist? And will she be able to keep her true identity hidden from Robin?

Stay tuned to find out! (And I promise I will try to post next weekend!)

Thanks for reading and again comments are always welcome!

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