Little Note (gxg)

By laalaa23

218K 6.7K 1.2K

Kodi Cooper deals with anxiety after an incident and has a son. Her parents own a multimillion dollar company... More



6.7K 221 80
By laalaa23

I woke up to soft cries. I opened my eyes slowly and tried to get up but Taylor's arms were wrapped around me. I smiled again knowing she's here. It was nine in the morning and I pried myself out of Taylor's hold, careful not to wake her up, and went over to Kaleb's crib.

I gave him his binky before changing his diaper, feeding him, bathing him, and getting him dressed. I put him in a grey t-shirt and some striped pants.

After I ate, I then got dressed. My outfit was a white light hoodie, a flannel, leggings, and a beanie. I put some light makeup on, then picked up Kaleb who was playing on the bathroom floor with some ducks.

By the time all that was done it was 11am and Taylor was still sleeping. Taylor was always one to wake up early so she should wake up soon.

It was now May, and Kacy was now out of school. They always ended on May seventeenth and that was a few days ago on a Friday. So they don't have to wake up so early any more. Ella graduates at the end of this week, on Sunday.

I set Kaleb down on the bed as layed down next to Taylor. I decided to text Ella.

hiii Ellaaa. 6 more days :)))

hii Kodii. I can't wait. I got my gown today finally.

that's awesome. What's been goin on? Just graduation stuff?

yeah basically. It sucks, it's stressful honestly

I'm sorry but hopefully this week goes by fast! I need to see your cute ass already! ;)

sorry babe ;) I can't wait. how have you been?

I have been pretty great since yesterday. My bestfriend from Portland surprised me and flew out here yesterday. I'm sooo happy :))

yoo, that's sweet. I can leave you to hang out with her if you want me to??

nah, she's still sleeping. I wanna talk to you :)

Okay :) My mom bought a dozen donuts and there's like 2 left, I'm bouta smash on another one :P

you do that!

yeyeye. My bitch of a friend is bouta eat them. Ill be back in two seconds. I gotta save my donut!

save that donut!


oh no she didn't. -_-

ooooo if only you were here to hold my earrings.

I'd beat her ass LMAO

thank ya b🙈

anything for you love <33

ahhh. I'm in love with the nickname!!

I'm glad you like it <3


I was about to reply but I heard somebody. "What are you smiling about?", I turned to see Taylor with Kaleb snuggled up against her while he watches tv and she looks up at me, raising an eyebrow and smiling a bit. I blushed a little, but you couldn't tell since I had actually put some on this morning.

I looked down at Kaleb so I wouldn't look her in the eyes, "nothingg" I said.

"Yeah sure. Who're you talking to?"

"A friend, from a few months ago. I meet her in a week though."

"A girl?" Taylor asks, eyebrows raised, with a smirk on her face.

"Taylor, it's nothing. She's one of my best friends, like you." I smiled, before answered Ella back.

you have fun with those donuts ;) Taylor's awake. Skype later? You can meet her. Cya later love😝🙈

"That sureee looks like just friends," Taylor said sarcastically as she read the conversation that she could actually see. I narrowed my eyes at her before picking up Kaleb and getting out of bed.

"It's past noon. Do you want to head to lunch?" I ask her. She squinted her eyes at me before replying yes.

When we went downstairs, Kacy was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Do you want to go out to lunch?" I ask her. She looks up and nods before heading off to get ready. I went outside and took a big breath of air. This is the first time I've been outside in like a week. It feels nice.

I went to my black Volvo XC90 and strapped Kaleb to his car seat in the back, middle as Taylor climbed in the front. A few minutes later Kacy came out and hopped in. "Alright guys, where to?" They all yelled McDonalds of course. I rolled my eyes.

We got to McDonalds and went inside. I ordered Kaleb some nuggets and Apple's and juice, and I got a McChicken sandwich while the rest got whatever they got.

After we ate we went to the park, Kaleb waddled off to play while Taylor, Kacy, and I supervised and made sure he was okay. The silence was then broken by Taylor.

"So Kacy, do you know anything about this girl Kodi is friends with?"

Kacy turned towards her, her eyebrows furrowed, "you mean Ella?"

"I think so," Taylor said quietly, trying to figure it out, "do you know anything about her?" She asked again.

"I mean yeah, whenever they skype we always talk, she's really nice and cool." Taylor hummed in response.

"So does Kodi li-" Taylor was cut off by somebody yelling my name. I looked over and saw Emily, her husband, also known as my brother Kenny, and Kane. I smiled, I haven't seen them in quite a bit, besides Kane.

"Hey, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while," I asked once they came over. I hugged her and Kenny and we did our handshake.

Emily handed me Kane,"I've been good," she said as she went and hugged Taylor.

"Where's my second boy?" Emily asked. She always called Kaleb her second boy since Kenny and Kane are her firsts. Kaleb was always so excited to see her. I pointed to where Kaleb was and she ran over to him, picking him up and throwing him over her shoulder.

"I really think she favors your son more than me," he huffed, "but honestly I would too. Babies are definitely better." He smiled at me then looked back at Emily and Kaleb playing around as I set Kane down to go play with them.

"So how have you been Ken?" I used his nickname, as he dry laughed and put his arm around Kacy, who was beside him. They always had a good bond as well. We all did.

"I've been really good. How about you? Any girlfriends you got these past months?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "No. Not yet atleast," I winked at him and he laughed.

Emily came up to me with Kaleb as he made grabby hands towards me, "Maaa," he whined. He's been trying to speak lately and it's great. He's already said his first word, which was "momma". That's basically all he can actually say, but he tries other things. He's been trying to walk recently, he still falls at times, but it's okay cause it's adorable.

"Hey baby," I say as I take him out of Emily's arms. "What do you want bud?" I ask him, as he plays with my fingers. He looks up at me and makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. He pokes my cheek, then my nose, then he goes back to playing with my fingers. I kiss his head as I lean back on the bench, hugging him to me.

I close my eyes as I rest my chin on top of Kaleb's head while he plays with my fingers.

The numbing tingles through my body start going away as I slowly start to feel again. Kaleb made everything better for me. When I'm sad or depressed, Kaleb is my giant light that just makes me smile, and makes me happy. He just has to be in the same room as me, and I'll be all better. My sadness or anger or whatever bad emotion I'm feeling will go away. I think it's amazing how Kaleb can do that to me.

My thoughts were shaken away by a hand on my arm. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Taylor looking at me with concerned eyes. By now I saw Emily and Kenny with kids at the swings, whilst Taylor and Kaleb were with me.

"What're you thinking about Kode?" Taylor asked me softly.

"Just how Kaleb can make all my sadness disappear just by being in my arms," I sighed, kissing Kaleb's head. I could hear his breathing was slow. He fell asleep. I smiled down at him as I cradled him in my arms.

I looked up to see Taylor lightly smiling at us, "I'm glad. Come on, let's go home, we've been here for almost three hours and I can see that little one is tired," she referred to Kaleb. I nodded before standing up and heading over to all of them.

"Lets go you guys. It's almost five." I side hug Emily since she's holding Kane, and I hug Kenny as he kisses my forehead before heading home.


"Momma," Kaleb cried. Kacy had let him try and go down the last few steps when mom called us all down to dinner and he fell down a stair when he tried to stand up.

"It's ok love. You're okay baby," I cooed as I bounced him up and down in my arms.

"Kacy," I groaned as I went in the kitchen where everybody else was, "why'd you let him try and go down the stairs?" I asked her as he continued to cry.

"I'm sorry Kode! He really wanted to, so I let him stand up."

I set him on the counter of the kitchen as I set the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball down on the counter. He had a cut on his forehead from something at the bottom of the stairs.

By now his tears are starting to dry, but they're gonna start coming again when I clean the cut. I could feel some eyes on me the whole time.

I put some rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball and made Kaleb look at me, "this is gonna hurt okay bud?" I started to dab the cut, and he whimpered as tears came in his eyes again. After I was finished, only one tear was shed. I kissed his cheek and neck a bunch of times making him giggle. "You're a tough little man," I cooed, as I turned back to my family and Taylor who had smiles on their faces as they watched us.

I sat down at the table, and set Kaleb in his highchair. Everybody started making small talk and I fed Kaleb and myself. Kaleb starting hitting his highchair and looked at me pouting, "what," I furrowed my eyebrows. He started cooing and making grabby hands at my cup, "you want my chocolate milk? You have your own," I giggled. He smiled but then pouted again. I picked up my cup, and carefully put it to his lips as his hand went over mine and he took little sips.

After he was done, I set him on the floor and he slowly walked over to Taylor careful, not to fall.

"Hi buddy," she smiled down at him and picked him up.

"He's probably gonna be falling asleep soon so, you could sing to him, or bounce him around or just go set him in his cot upstairs and wait till he falls asleep," I shrugged. She decided to sing to him. By the time she was done he was out like a light.

While she went to put him upstairs, I put my hair up in a messy bun and call Ella.

She picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey Kodi!" She smiled brightly, making my heart skip a beat, and my stomach get butterflies. Maybe I have a little crush. Oh well, she's probably straight anyways. But you never know. It's always straight till you get it wet, am I right?

"Hey Ella! Taylor's gonna be here tonight. She went upstairs to do something but I don't know where she is now," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

Her face lit up a little more, "go find her, I wanna meet her!" I chuckled under my breath before getting up. I was about to head upstairs until I heard somebody playing the guitar. I put a finger to my lips to Ella and sat near the studio door. It was Taylor, she was singing and playing the guitar. Ella's eyes went wide, probably because Taylor's voice is absolutely amazing. After she was done I walked in.

"Hey Taylor, I have someone for you to meet," I say as I sat down beside her.

"Ella this is Taylor, Taylor, this is Ella," I introduced them.

"Hi it's is nice to meet you. You have an amazingg voice by the way," Ella said quickly, making me and Taylor chuckle.

"It's nice to meet you too. And thank you! So you're the Ella Kodi was texting earlier?" Taylor asked, smirking.

"Yep. Could you sing again?" She asked impatiently.

Taylor laughed, "get a guitar Ko. Little things, 1D?" She asks me.

"Definitely." I set up my phone so it shows both of us, I grab a guitar, tune it quickly, and look at Taylor, she nods and I start plucking.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me,
And bear this mind
It was meant to be..
And I'm joining up the dots
With the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me..
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes, when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
You still love to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
And I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,
But if I do,
It's you,
Oh it's you, they add up to
And I'm in love with you, and all your little things,
You never love yourself half as much as I love you..
I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth,
But if I do,
It's you,
Oh it's you, they add up to
And I'm in love with you..

Last strum.

I smiled and high-fived Taylor.

"That was freaking amazing!" Ella gushed, "I absolutely love your voice Taylor."

"Thank you," she smiled.

Taylor and I used to sing all the time when we were little, when our parents found out we were good, they put us in singing lessons and we've gotten so much better. Sometimes Taylor will even collab with me on my youtube channel, but I haven't posted in a few months.

"Kodi can you sing?" Ella asked me suddenly.

I shake my head, "Yeah I guess, but I'm not gonna sing for you." I chuckled.

She pouted, "I sound like a dying whale." We all laughed.

I head Kacy scream, and then some cries a bit later. She woke Kaleb up. "Uh Ella, sorry I gotta go. I'll text you," and I hung up.Taylor gave me a questioning look, "she doesn't know about Kaleb," I mumbled, heading upstairs.

I picked Kaleb up and almost instantly he stopped crying, I smiled and kissed his forehead. I laid down in bed with him still in my arms, and sang him to sleep. After he fell asleep I felt the bed dip and somebody wrap their arms around my waist.


She planted a soft kiss on my neck, "go to sleep Kode," she whispered in my ear.

I slowly drifted off to sleep with the little boy that means the world to me, and my best friend.

Word Count: 2601

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