Love Like This (Shadamy)

By cookem20

110K 2.7K 691

Amy's older, more muture. She moved back to Möbius after ten years. She got over Sonic and realized she never... More

New Start
Old Friends, New Rivals
False Betrayal
Are You Telling the Truth?
Merry Christmas!!!
Auntie Sally
I Miss You
Welcome Home
Ricardo x ???
Boy or Girl?


2.3K 46 5
By cookem20

Amy's P.O.V.

"Well Amy. By the sounds of it you'repregnant." Dr. Dill tells me. I gape. I'm speechless. What do I say to news like that? I finally remembered how to use my mouth. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "You're pregnant. We're going to have to do an ultra sound in a few months. Would you like to know the gender?" he asks. "I'll have to think about it. In the meantime I'll have to tell Henry, my friends, Shadow..." I trail off. He nods in understanding. I sigh and take my purse and go. I'm lost in thought on the way home. I park the car and walk inside. "Mommy!" Henry exclaims. "Hey sweetie." I say and give him a quick hug. "Mommy, are you okay?" Henry asks concerned. "Oh, Henry. I'm way more than okay. I'll tell you guys at dinner. Okay?" I ask. He nods and smiles. Maria gives me a confused look and I beam at her. "Well, I've got work to do! I've got to invite people over for dinner! This is going to be so exciting!" I exclaim rushing off to the living room. I pick up the phone and call my friends and family. Knuckles, Rouge, Blaze, Silver, Cream, Tails, Sally, and Sonic are all coming to dinner. My sisters and brothers and parents are unable to come so I told them the news on the phone. They were ecstatic. I start cooking dinner. Turkey, potatoes, mash potatoes, corn, rice, brocoli, and rolls. There are thirteen places at the table. I set everything up and set out the Grape and Apple Sparkling Cider. We have ten bottles of each flavor. It's seven thirty the time I'm done. People will be coming soon. I told everyone to come at seven forty-five. I pace in the living room. I check my watch. Seven forty. Cream and Tails should be here soon. They're always early. Shadow will be late. He gets off of work at seven forty-five and doeasn't get home until eight 'oclock latest. *ding dong* I open the door. Cream and Tails. "Hey guys. Please come in. We'll be eating when everyone arrives." I inform them. They nod and go into the living room. I smile and close the door. Ten minutes later everyone arrives, except Shadow. I pace nervously waiting for him. It's getting late and I'm afraid the food's going to get cold. "Okay everyone! It's time for dinner. You'll find your name at a sitting place. Please step into the dinning room." I announce. Everyone obeys. The door open and closes. "Amy?" Shadow asks. "I'm in here Shadow! We have guests over!" I call. He walks into the dining room and his eyes widen. "Amy, does this have to do with your sickness? Are you okay? What's going on? Did you go to the doctors today?" Shadow whispered. I giggled. "All will be revealed after dinner. C'mon. Sit down." I order pointing to his seat. He reluctanly sits down. Everyone starts eating and talking. When we finish I put the plates, glasses, and silverware in the sink. "Okay everyone! If you would all be so kind to go into the living room. I have an announcement to make that's very important." I announce. Everyone goes into the living room and sits down. I go to the middle of the room holding Henry's hand. I whisper in his ear. "Henry, you're going to be a brother soon." He gapes and his eyes widen. "You mean you're..." Henry trails off. I nod and he beams at me. "Okay everyone. I went to the doctors today and found out that I'm.... pregnant!" I exclaim. First everyone stares at me wide eyed then starts cheering except for Shadow. I got things like, "Congragulations." and "I'm so happy for you!" or "Do you know the gender?" I smiled. I walked to Shadow. "Shadow?" I ask. He looks at me. "That's...."

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