Children of Chaos

By The-Punmaster

109K 3.5K 4.4K

*Just a normal fgod fanfiction. *...or is it? Error gets cornered in Outertale by the Star Sanses. He misstep... More

Chapter 1 (New)
Chapter 2 (Edited/New)
Chapter 3 (re-rewritten)
Chapter 5: In Which Dust Is Very Confused (New)
Chapter 5 part 2: In Which Several Things Happen (New)
Chapter 6: I ran out of names for chapters
Chapter 7
How to take care of your Blue
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
75 follower special
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: the sleep-deprived special
Interlude II: Why Blue ALWAYS Wears A Bandanna
just letting you know i'm not dead
Chapter 12
future plans (Not discontinuing)

Interlude: The Fall

5.8K 241 78
By The-Punmaster

[Previously Chapter 4, and will count as such]

Error watched, helpless, as Blue lost his balance. For a moment, as time seemed to slow, he thought Ink would reach Blue in time, but it only led to Blue losing his bandanna. He had a fleeting thought that it was good Blue had his scarf in his pocket, since he didn't like his neck to be uncovered for some unknown reason. As he pulled Blue close, he decided that was a stupid last thought. "1'm $-s0rRy, BlUe..." he whispered. "1 n3v3r W-w-WaNt3d Th*1s--"

Blue smiled sadly, tears brimming in his eyesockets. "I know, RuRu. I know."

Then the VOID tore at their Code, and they screamed.

After a few seconds, or an hour, or perhaps no time at all, the pain stopped. They felt as if they were drawn into a mother's embrace. A soft glow surrounded them. "I see my chosen one has a lover," teased a gentle voice. "The scandal! The intrigue! The sheer audacity of it all!"

Error's face lit up. "KiNd Vo1c3? WhY aRe YoU  iN tHe V01D?"

The person-- for it was a person holding them, just a very tall one that happened to glow-- giggled. "Oh, my dear Sans, we are not in the VOID any longer! This is the place between Multiverses, and I live here!"

Blue looked around, trying to find 'Kind Voice'; there was a vaguely humanoid shape where the light was slightly brighter, but nothing more concrete. "Uh, if you don't mind me asking... Who exactly are you? Kind Voice can't possibly be your real name."

Although the light-being's face was as indistinct as the rest of them, Blue got the feeling they were smiling as they answered, "I am Destiny, twin sister of Fate, little one. I was only planning on saving Error, but when you fell with him, well." She shrugged, or, at least, it looked like she did. "I figured Fate couldn't get any madder if I saved you, too."

"Wh3r3 w1lL w3 g0 n0w?" wondered Error. "WiLl YoU s3nD u$ b4cK, oR...?"

"Oh, heavens no! You'll be going into a new multiverse. It's really too bad you won't remember much of this conversation-- don't worry, it's just how this place works; only Deities like myself are unaffected-- but the look on Fate's face is gonna be hilarious!"

Blue had just realized that her last sentence made very little sense when he started to feel very sleepy.

"Goodnight, my little ones," Destiny said, and then there was nothing.


Welp, that was a thing. I had like 200 words to work from, be grateful you even get a full page.

434 words

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