Blaster & Blade 2: Worlds Col...

By GabrielAntihero

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Tyvral is trying to survive in the aftermath of Order 66. Mal'dar is making a crew to continue his Jedi hunti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Annoucement (Not a hiatus!)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

191 10 0
By GabrielAntihero


Kart sat on his bunk holding his Mark 2-Clone helmet. His new shiny stormtrooper armor laid on the bed beside him, “You alright sir?” asked a clone.
“We’re done,” said Kart.
The clone shrugged, “We knew that would happen once the war ended”.
“But to train these stormtroopers how are they gonna replace us,” said Kart disgusted. He sighed, “I dunno, I just expected more, but beating clankers just feels worthless”.
“Hey we killed a Jedi right,” said the clone before punching Kart’s shoulder.

Kart looked into his helmet and memories washed over him. Shargo smiled warmly at him, “What is your name trooper?” asked Shargo.

“CT-4963, though everybody calls me Commander, Kart, or Commander Kart,” he said removing his helmet.

“Well Commander Kart what orders were you following,” asked Shargo sitting down in front of the commander.

“To get this ship loaded and ready to go, sir,” said Commander Kart.

“Please continue, my apprentice and I shall assist you,” said Shargo his smile unwavering.

Kart’s eyes widened in surprise and the other clones looked at each other and began muttering. Then Kart shook himself and turned to the other clones, “You heard him get to work, show the Jedi how it’s done!”

He set down his helmet and picked up a box, listening as the Jedi talked to each other.

“Master, why are we doing this?” asked the younger one as he held up a crate with his Master.

“Why should we not, are we any better than these men to make them do our work?” asked Shargo.

They set down the large crate, which thudded slightly as it was set down. “No, I suppose not,” said Tyvral thoughtfully as they walked to get another crate.
Kart’s heart swelled, those are people I can fight for, he thought.
Tyvral clasped Kart’s hand and Kart nodded to him. Kart let go of Tyvral’s hand, “Now get going kid, a soldier should always be on time”.
Tyvral smiled slightly as he walked towards the door, “I’ll see you soon Commander”.
Kart was walking down a hallway when his comlink began to beep and Kart activated it, Shargo’s voice came through it, “Commander, Tyvral is going to rescue Dev. Please go with him and protect him, I trust you Commander”.
“Sir yes sir,” said Kart and he ran towards the hangar as Shargo’s voice echoed in his mind, I trust you Commander.

Kart stood in front of a clone messenger. The messenger saluted, “Sir we have found an error in the records. The 33rd Battle Battalion has two commanders, you and Commander Tyral, Tyvil?”
“Tyvral,” said Kart.
“Ah,” said the messenger, “Well sir the 33rd cannot have two commanders. There are several Jedi without commanders, General Windu among them if you’d be interested”.
“I’d like a demotion to Captain,” said Kart stoically.
The messenger flinched, “Eh, excuse me, sir?”
“I would to demoted to captain, private, that would solve the problem wouldn’t it, private,” said Kart stressing the clone’s rank.
The messenger stood straight and saluted, “Yes sir!”
Shargo’s voice echoed in his mind, “I trust you commander”.

Kart activated the flashlight on his rifle and aimed it to the ceiling as Tyvral looked at the clones, Shargo, and Dev with a stunned expression. Tyvral stood tall and walked towards Shargo, the clones and Jedi making a circle around him. Tyvral stood in front of Shargo and knelt.   

Shargo smiled at Tyvral, he lowered his lightsaber above Tyvral’s shoulder, “By the right of the council,” Shargo moved the lightsaber above Tyvral’s other shoulder, “By the will of the force,” Shargo changed the shoulders again and waved his hand. Tyvral’s padawan braid stuck out and Shargo sliced it speaking with fervor in his voice, “Tyvral Curath, rise a Jedi Knight of The Republic”. The lights turned on and Shargo deactivated his lightsaber and beamed at Tyvral.
Kart grinned wildly as he watched them.

Dev deactivated his lightsaber and whooped, “Yeah!” He embraced Tyvral who hugged him back. Dev broke off the hug and grinned at Tyvral, “You deserve it”.

“I couldn’t have done it without you,” said Tyvral.

Dev nodded, “Yeah you could have, your one of the best with those sabers I’ll ever see”.

Tyvral bit his lip to try and stop the tears from welling up in his eyes, “Thank you”.

Tyvral turned to Kart and the other clones who brought their arms to their foreheads in a salute. “Every day with you is an honor, General,” said Kart lowering his arm and smiling.

Tyvral embraced Kart, “And I couldn’t have dreamed of a better soldier to fight alongside”.

Kart looked at Tyvral as he felt his eyes well up with tears, “Thank you, brother,” and he embraced Tyvral. 

Shargo’s voice echoed in his mind, “I trust you Commander”.

Kart stood in the hangar and waited, the 33rd behind him. The door opened and in the doorway stood the Jedi, no Ty and Dev, no the traitors like all Jedi.
Kart felt himself hugging Tyvral, “Thank you brother”. The words echoed in his mind, thank you brother, thank you brother, thank you brother, thank you brother. Shargo’s voice joined in, “I trust you Commander, thank you brother, I trust you Commander, thank you brother, I trust you Commander, thank you brother”. Kart suddenly heard his own voice cut through the echo, “BLAST HIM” and watched as blaster bolts streaked towards Shargo.
Shargo’s voice echoed in his mind, “I trust you Commander”.
The blaster bolts struck Shargo and a shuttle skidded along the ground. Kart got of the way of the shuttle and fired at Shargo. Shargo fell to the ground as dozens of blaster bolts struck him. The Jedi traitors, no Ty and Dev, got on the ship and flew away. Kart stood over Shargo, the Jedi traitor. no Jedi General Shargo Gal, a Master of The Jedi Order. He was the teacher of Jedi General Devro Brav Knight of the Jedi Order, and Jedi General Tyvral Curath Knight of the Jedi Order.
“Brother,” echoed Kart’s voice in his mind.
Kart stood over Shargo who was unmoving the dozens of blaster bolts had left his entire body smoking, a charred smell in the air.

“I trust you Commander”.
Kart felt himself hugging Tyvral, “Thank you brother”.
Kart watched as his helmet fell from his numb fingers and clattered on the ground.
“Sir you ok?” exclaimed the clone.
Kart grabbed the stormtrooper helmet and hurled it. It struck the wall and cracked. He roared before grabbing another piece and sending it speeding towards the wall as well. He kept going until all the pieces of the stormtrooper armor were strewn across the room, many of them cracked from how hard he threw them.
“I’m gonna get a medic,” said the clone.
“Don’t,” snapped Kart panting.
The clone looked at Kart, “Are you sure you’re ok sir?”
Kart looked at the clone and a calmness fell over him. Kart picked up his clone helmet and looked into it, “Like I said we’re done”.

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