How To Win At Love | JENSOO...

By JenSooni

226K 12K 3.9K

Rosé has a crush on Lisa Lisa has a crush on Jennie Jennie has a crush on Jisoo Jisoo has a crush on Rosé So... More

The Beginning
I Like You But She Likes Her
The Things You Do for Love
Hatching a Plan
Surprising News
I'm Not Crying, It's Just Raining
I Don't Care, Really
Before You Tell Her
These Are My Confessions
Can't Take It Back
Not Playing Your Game
Hidden Feelings
Fate Has a Bad Sense of Humor
We Are Not a Team
Lucky or Unlucky?
A Promise
To The Limit
It's Time
Things That Take Awhile To Understand
This Hearfelt Leap, I Surrender
The Perfect Storm
Make Up Your Mind
I Don't Like Her Like That
Don't Know What To Do
Caught Red-Handed
Reach Out To The Truth
Thicker Than Blood
Couldn't Catch A Break
The Things I Hate About You
Love Is
Rude Awakening
The Reason
The Sickness and the Cure
Blue and Yellow
Sun and Moon
When The Heart Breaks, It Don't Break Even

Sugar, We're Going Down

4.7K 214 68
By JenSooni

A/N: Are you guys ready? 😄

Jisoo's entire body felt sore. Every part of her was screaming in pain, but she had to bite down her tongue and live with it, Jennie's safety was her utmost priority right now, she couldn't afford to be weak.

She was relieved to find that they didn't hurt her. They were probably keeping her as an insurance for later. It was likely that if she had continued to disagree with that rat, he'd use Jennie as a means to get what he wanted.

The guy was dangerous. She couldn't risk dilly dallying or else their safety might be compromised.

She already had a plan mapped out in her head. She was well aware that there were going to be unknown factors in this equation, but the chances of success were higher in her calculation.

She closed her eyes as she mentally prepared herself for what they were about to do. She was aware that this was only just the beginning. Once she and Jennie got out of there, those people would be out for blood, searching for them everywhere. Although she hated cops, maybe she could work together with Seulgi on this.

Jennie's safety was her priority and even if she was still miffed at them, they were still her friends after all. Her pride mattered less.

She opened her eyes and looked at Jennie softly.


"Yes Chu?"

"Are you ready to get out of here?"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes, I am. But how?"

Jisoo smirked.

"Listen up Princess, this is what we are going to do..."


A sharp cry could be heard from inside one of the rooms.

The guard assigned to watch that specific door was completely startled. He then heard someone shouting for help from inside, so he opened the door immediately to see what was happening.

As his vision slowly adjusted from inside the poorly lit room, he could see the cat-eyed girl sobbing over the body of the person they just recently threw in there.

He saw her look at him, distraught and helpless.

"Please! Please help! She's not breathing! I think...I think she might be dead! Please help her! I...I don't wanna lose her!" she told him.

That was bad. He quickly went towards the body of the other girl. She was motionless.

He needed to ask for help.

As the guard was about to get up to radio in some assistance, the girl suddenly sat up and quickly hit him on a vital spot near his neck. The guard immediately went limp.

Jisoo stood up and looked at the motionless body of the guy she knocked out.

"Wow, great job Jendeuk! Your acting was so convincing that he easily fell for it! He'll be out for awhile." she says, impressed.

She then looked at Jennie who bit her lip.

"What?" Jisoo asked.


Jisoo smiled slyly.

"You found me pretty hot didn't you?" she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Kim." she mutters, then grabs Jisoo's shirt as she pulls her towards her body, giving her a deep kiss.

She then lets go and smirks as she saw Jisoo blink a few times.

"Come on, Chu, let's go."

Jisoo scrunched up her nose and held Jennie's hand.

"I'm going to return the favor once we get out of here." Jisoo replied.

"You can try."

Jisoo gave her a sexy grin, which made Jennie's knees go weak.

"Oh, you can count on it, Princess." she says, as she leads them out.

Jennie smiled to herself as she held on to Jisoo's hand. She was definitely looking forward to that.

As they got out into the hallway, Jisoo closed the door behind them and looked around.

"The coast is clear. For a gang, they're a bit disorganized and their security is pretty lax. But still, we should be careful. Just follow my lead alright?" Jisoo whispered to her.

"Alright." Jennie responded.

"Maybe when we get out of here, you'll be lucky enough to have me as your girlfriend." Jisoo smirked.

Jennie pushed her a bit.

"How about we focus?"

Jisoo chuckled at the way Jennie playfully glared at her.

"Yes, ma'am."

Jisoo tugged Jennie along the hallway. There was no point in trying to exit their way via the entrance, that would be suicide.

They were both being kept in a different building. She scanned her surroundings and finally found what she was looking for.

"In here." she says as she opens the door and pulls Jennie inside with her. She closes the door immediately behind them, locking it. Jennie found that they were in a small restroom.

Jennie looked at her, confused.

"What? You need to go now?"

Jisoo pursed her lips.

"No, Princess. This is where we exit." she says as she looks around and finds a pail. She then puts it upside down in front of the window and steps on it to open their doorway to freedom.

"Are you crazy? What if they find us while we're getting out?"

"Don't worry, we're fine. They barely have any security outside and, there is only one guard assigned here and he's sitting around at the entrance." Jisoo informed her as she stepped down and put her hands on her hips.

Jennie looked a little doubtful.

"Uhm...I am a little scared. What if they catch us?" she asks nervously.

Jisoo picked up on her anxiety immediately, so she held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Jendeukie, I completely understand how you feel. I would never do this without making sure, you are too important to me. I know you're scared, and so am I, but I am willing to do everything to get you out of here as safe and sound as possible." Jisoo tells her seriously.

Jennie licked her lips and nodded.

"I trust you, Chu." she tells her sincerely.

Jisoo smiled and kissed her softly on the forehead, Jennie closing her eyes as she did.

"Let's go home, Jendeuk." she says. Jennie opened her eyes and smiled back, letting herself be led by Jisoo towards the window.

"I'll help you so you can climb up the there without any trouble." Jisoo tells her.


Jennie slowly put her left foot on top of the pail while holding on to the older girl. She then let go and used both her hands to grab on to the window's ledge, while Jisoo held on to her waist and boosted her up so she could easily pull herself up. Once she was on top, she looked outside to make sure the coast was clear. It was pretty quiet, which made Jennie feel a little more at ease.

"Everything looks peaceful outside." she commented.

"Yep, told ya."

Jennie calculated the distance of her position to the floor outside, and was relieved to find that it wasn't too high. She turned her head back to Jisoo.

"Okay, I'm going to jump down now."

"Alright, be careful!"

"I will." assured Jennie as she leapt outside the window.

Jisoo heard a soft thump, indicating that Jennie had landed safely.

"You okay mandu?"

"Yes I am!" came a muffled sound from the outside.

"Okay, I'm on my way to you." Jisoo says as she quickly climbs the pail and deftly pulls herself up to the window ledge. She sees Jennie outside giving her that big gummy smile which always makes the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

"Come on, don't make me wait." teased Jennie.

"Impatient as always." Jisoo snorted playfully, then jumped down below.

Once she landed, she took Jennie's hand so they could start getting out of there.

"Why do you need to keep holding my hand? I'm not a baby you know." she complained.

"Shush manduekie. You are a baby. My baby. Now let's go!" Jisoo says as she pulls her along, Jennie blushing furiously behind her.

Jisoo carefully watched her surroundings, so far, there was nothing to be wary of.

These guys were too lax, she wondered what was wrong with them. A bunch of kids were able to make a mess of their operations and now, they wanted to recruit them.

Even a fictional show like Breaking Bad did a better job.

Well, who was she to complain? As long as they were able get out safely, then there was nothing else to worry about.

As they rounded the next corner, Jisoo saw the line of fence that she had noticed earlier when she was being escorted towards the warehouse. It looked easy to scale and they should be out of here in no time.

She smiled at Jennie.

"We're almost home free! See that fence?" she says, pointing towards it's direction.

Jennie nodded.

"That's where we are going to get out." she tells her. She then double checks their surroundings. It looked like the coast was clear.

She then pulled Jennie with her as they ran towards the fence. As they got closer, she could feel the excitement bubble up within her. This was it, they were going to make it!

"Stop right there or I will shoot!"

Jisoo's blood ran cold as she heard a man's voice. She immediately stopped and gave a sideways glance towards Jennie, who's eyes became as wide as saucers and her lips were getting paler by the second.

She gave her hand a gentle squeeze, reminding her that she will never let anything bad happen to her.

She looked at Jisoo, who tried to wink at her. Jennie looked much calmer after that.

Jisoo could hear footsteps approach them. She began to prepare herself for anything that was about to happen.

"Turn around." the man ordered. They obeyed immediately and found themselves face to face with a short, thin man.

He smirked at them. He was holding a handgun and pointing it towards them.

"You thought you could get away that easily? I'm glad I changed my route or else you might have been able to get out." he says, moving even closer. Jisoo watched his movements as he stepped in front of Jennie. He then held her face.

"Perhaps maybe, before I both turn you back in, I guess I could have a little bit of fun. Pretty things like you can't just be left alone." he says, giving them a creepy smile.

Jisoo's blood boiled. He should take his dirty hands off of her face or else she was going to make him pay dearly.

His mistake was turning his back towards Jisoo as he inspected Jennie.

She moved swiftly as she gave him a well-placed, roundhouse kick towards his face.

The guy fell back but Jisoo didn't just stop there. She moved forward and peppered him with punches to vital parts of his body to maximize the pain.

She was attacking him non-stop when suddenly, she felt a sharp pain near her ribs which caused her to stop momentarily, allowing the gunman to pick up his weapon and point it towards her.

He was about to shoot when Jisoo recovered and kicked the gun away just in time as he pulled the trigger. Nobody was hit, but the shot rang out like a canon, announcing to the people in the area that something was definitely wrong.

Jisoo quickly aimed at a vital part near his head and gave him an outside axe kick, causing an immediate knockout.

She then looked at a very pale Jennie.

"You almost got shot." she whispered.

She immediately pulled Jennie along with her, trying to find a hiding spot.

"I'm sorry, I let my anger get the best of me." she apologized to her.

That's right, she should have just knocked him out immediately. Her mistake made their escape all the more complicated.

"Halt! I said halt!" she heard someone shout.

Fuck. She silently cursed.

They ran towards the area where the huge crates were found. She heard shots ring out after them. Shouts and orders were being barked out in the distance.

Jisoo took Jennie behind a crate and let themselves breathe. She was so stupid.

"Jendeuk, I'm really sorry." she says sincerely. Because of her they were in grave danger.

"Jisoo, stop apologizing. I am just glad you're alive, okay?" she tells her.

They gazed at each other, their eyes speaking things which words could not. It made Jisoo feel reassured that everything will turn out alright.

"We are going to get out of here, I'll make sure of that." Jisoo promised her.

"I'll hold you onto that." Jennie replied. They grinned at each other.

Suddenly, they heard a very loud explosion nearby.

Shouts of panic and screaming rang out, and as Jisoo peeked to see what was happening, she heard the sound of a motorcycle being gunned.

She followed the source, and saw the rider light up a molotov cocktail and throw it out into the distance.

She smirked. She'd know that person from anywhere.



Jennie was feeling a bit apprehensive.

At first, she thought that these guys had caused that explosion, but when she and Jisoo peeked out to see what was happening, she saw that wasn't the case.

Other people were attacking the gang.

She then noticed that Jisoo was starting to get giddy with excitement. She held on to Jennie's arm, grinning widely.

"It's them!" she exclaimed happily.

"What?" Jennie asked, puzzled.

"That's Seulgi, and I bet my other friends are here as well! Fucking idiots!" she says.

Jennie once again looked at the rider, who drove off somewhere else.

"How'd they know where to find you? In fact, how'd you know where to find me?" she asked her.

Jisoo smiled at her sheepishly.

"Jendeuk, when we get out of here, I promise to tell you what has been happening. For now, let's try find them so we can all escape." Jisoo replied, while checking the area.

She supposed she really didn't have any choice.

But she trusted Jisoo, she felt that they will be fine.

"Alright, Chu. I'll follow your lead."

They stealthily tried to navigate the area. A lot of people were running around, trying to get some semblance order back.

Every now and then, shots rang out, and some more explosions went off as well.

Jennie hoped Jisoo's friends were safe.

As they got near the warehouse, they both ran into Sooyoung, who's eyes opened widely in surprise when she saw them.

"Holy fucking Christ, Jisoo! Jennie! You're alive!" she shouted as she ran towards Jisoo and hugged her. Then she proceeded to hit her all over.

"Aw! Ouch! Soo!" Jisoo complained, as she tried to guard herself from Sooyoung's attacks.

"You idiot! We were so worried about you! We found Lisa unconcious near your bike, and when she came to, she told us you let yourself be taken in! We had to devise a plan, and when we heard shots, we thought something bad happened to you guys! You are so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Sooyoung shouted at Jisoo.


"Ouch! Alright, I'm sorry, okay! I was just so worried about Jennie!" she says.

"Next time listen to us you dumbass!" Sooyoung scolded, pushing her one last time. Jisoo scowled at her. Sooyoung rolled her eyes, then looked at Jennie.

"Hey Jen, are you alright? Did this dumbo make sure you're safe?" she asked.

Jennie nodded.

"Yes she did, thankfully."

"You're lucky. Next time, if you pull something like this again Jis, I swear I am going to kill you myself." she says, glowering at her.

Jennie found it cute that Jisoo's friends were so overprotective about her.

Sooyoung then gave Jisoo something.

"Here's your phone, I know you left it on purpose. Call Seulgi so she'll know you're safe." she ordered.

Jisoo sighed and took her phone back and dialed Seulgi's number. Not long after that, Jennie noticed that Jisoo's ears started to turn red as she spoke with her best friend. Seulgi was most likely giving her the third degree.

Sooyoung then put her arm around Jennie.

"Jisoo may be an idiot, but she cares a lot about you. Unfortunately, she sometimes makes stupid decisions." Sooyoung told her.

"Yes, she does."

They both chuckled. She then looked at Jennie seriously.

"We will all be graduating soon, so I trust you to keep an eye out for her. We will no longer be there to make sure she's okay. She's a good person, just a little dense and too stubborn for her own good."

Jennie smiled.

"I will do my best, Soo." she promised.

"Good. It'll be easier for you though, since she's too whipped for you." Sooyung teased.

Jennie blushed.

"N-no she's not!" she protested. Sooyoung just laughed at her reaction.

They noticed Jisoo had ended the call. She looked a little winded and sighed as she put her phone inside of her pocket.

"Well, Seulgi said the cops are almost here. We just need to distract them for awhile until they arrive." Jisoo informed them.

"Cool. I'll go ahead and try to cause more chaos around here. How about you guys?" Sooyoung says.

"I'll go somewhere safe with Jennie if you don't mind. I don't want to put her into any more danger." Jisoo said.

Sooyoung just shrugged.

"Alright then, stay safe and hidden! We'll let you know once the cops are here." she says, grasping Jisoo's arm, then winked at her and went towards the other direction.

"Will she be okay?" Jennie asked, worried.

"Don't worry, they are all very resourceful. They should all get out of this unscathed." Jisoo assured her, then intertwined her hand with hers as she led her towards the marina.

As they carefully tried to find a hiding spot among the boats, Jennie suddenly felt someone grab her and put their hand on her mouth. She felt the cold metal of a gun barrel on her temple, her mind going haywire at the possibility that she might actually end up dead if she was not careful.

"Stop right there or your girlfriend ends up dead." she heard the voice of the person holding her as prisoner say. It sounded familiar.

It was definitely the boss that they referred to as Mister Yang.

Jisoo turned around and faced them. Her eyes widened at the sight, then her gaze turned deadly when she saw what was happening to her.

"Let her go." Jisoo growled, her fists clenched in anger.

"Nuh-uh. I have the upperhand here Kim, as you can see, so don't test my patience. You and your friends have meddled in my affairs for far too long. I have built this small business from the ground up, and it has been...difficult. Nobody had faith in what I could do, that's why my resources are limited. I was hoping to convince you so I could show those bastards what I was capable of, but I have realized now how terrible of a mistake that was. So now, let me just take something...or someone who is important to you. Let's just say that's my way of giving back the pain, tenfold. But first, before I blow the brains out of your lovely girlfriend's head, I want to see you suffer. Boys." he says, looking smugly at Jisoo.

Jennie's eyes widened as she saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun come out of the shadows. Why were they here?

"I want you to make her feel as much pain as possible, make sure she can barely crawl out of here." she told the two of them.

They nodded.

Jisoo then began to put up a fighting stance, looking warily at the both of them.

Jennie's heart pounded heavily. Jisoo hasn't fully recovered yet. Is she capable of taking two of them at once?

"I knew you two were pieces of shit, but I didn't know you would actually go this low." Jisoo told them.

"Unlike you, we have ambitions in life. You and your arrogance needs to be dialed down and taught a lesson." Baekhyun told her.

Jisoo smirked.

"You are welcome to try."

Chanyeol snorted.

"You are still pretty weak from what happened earlier. We'll make short work of you."

Jisoo cocked an eyebrow. She stuck out her tongue from the side and adjusted her stance. She then put her arm forward, and gestured at them to have them come at her, her gaze determined and focused.

"Do your worst."

Jennie watched as both Chanyeol and Baekhyun charged at her simultaneously.

Her heart leaped as their fists almost touched her, but Jisoo was able to dodge all of them.

Jennie was constantly on her toes as Jisoo fought the two boys. She could see the discomfort on her face, she was probably still in pain, but she didn't let it distract her.

Jisoo made sure to fight them one on one as much as possible, pushing the other person away as she faced the next one and doing the same thing again, like clockwork.

She was way smaller than them, but Jennie could see how fiercely Jisoo fought. She was calm and calculated, and it felt like she was five steps ahead of them.

As she connected a flurry of blows to each of them, she was finally able to knock Chanyeol down, leaving Baekhyun.

Jennie's heart soared, her girl was pretty damn good at what she did.

Baekhyun looked at Jisoo, and swallowed nervously.

Jisoo pursed her lips and stared him down.

"You were saying?" she says, playfully dusting herself off and tilting her head as she put her hands in her pockets. She waited for him to attack.

"Baekhyun, if you don't finish her off, now, I swear to God I will kill you, you hear me?!" Mister Yang screamed, holding Jennie even more tightly as he did.

Baekhyun looked back and forth between Jisoo and Mister Yang, fear showing in his eyes. Finally, he looked back at him.

"I'm sorry!" he said, then he ran away, leaving the three of them alone.

"COWARD!" Mister Yang screamed at his retreating figure.

He huffed and pushed the gun even harder on Jennie's temple. She winced in pain as he did that, worry flooding into her once again.

"You bitch. Now watch as I kill your girl!" he told her.

As if in slow motion, she watched as Jisoo desperately ran towards her.

As she looked at her, she suddenly felt a sense of peace wash over her.

If this was the end, then she was lucky to have known and loved someone like her, even if it was just for a short time.

She made her feel that she mattered, and that was enough.

She was enough.

As she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable, she heard a loud thump from behind her and a low grunt.

She felt Mister Yang let go of her, and she saw him fall down on the floor, unconcious.

She froze when she saw the grinning face of Lisa.

"Did I just reach you guys in time?" she asked as she placed a baseball bat on her shoulder.

She then felt Jisoo's arms wrap around her tightly, she could feel her trembling and her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Jendeukie. I almost lost you. I'm sorry." she whispered all over again like a mantra as she held her. Jennie hugged her back. She felt so unnerved about everything, but she was alive, and so was Jisoo, and she knew the older girl must have been scared out of her wits.

"I'm okay Chu, I'm still here. Thank you for doing your best to protect me." she told her, and she meant it.

They held each other for quite sometime, until they heard Lisa clear her throat.

"Uhm, I don't want to interrupt your moment and all, but uh, the cops are here and it would be nice if you could meet up with them." she told them.

They both let go of each other and Jisoo kissed her forehead and smiled at her, then she went towards Lisa, who's eyes grew wide as Jisoo grabbed her and gave her a bear hug.

"Thank you, Lisa." she told her. Jennie looked at them happily, she was glad Jisoo found a friend in her.

Lisa hugged back the shorter girl shyly.

"Yeah, uh, I told you I would back you up right? So here I am." she says. Jisoo let go and grinned at her.

"Yeah, you're right about that."

Jennie also hugged Lisa.

"Thanks for arriving on time." she told her.

"Well, Chaeyoung would kill me if something happened to you guys. She was so mad at me on the phone, but I think I'll survive now." she says proudly.

Jennie felt Chaeng would still kill her, but she didn't say anything.

She held Jisoo's hand.

"Let's go?"


The three of them were about to walk away when they heard a gun click behind them.

"Don't think you can get away that easily." they heard Mister Yang say.

Time seemed to slow down as he first targetted Jisoo, then he moved his arm and was now aiming his gun at Jennie.

Jennie was frozen in place. She couldn't seem to make her body move.

As Mister Yang pulled the trigger, she felt Jisoo push her away, and jumped in her place.

She saw the bullet hit her somewhere on the chest, and saw her free fall backwards.

She didn't notice as cops had arrived in time and shot Mister Yang before he could do any more damage.

She didn't hear how Seulgi shouted Jisoo's name.

Or how Lisa screamed curses at Mister Yang.

All she saw and heard was how Jisoo fell unconcious on the ground and her own heart loudly beating in her ears.

She felt everything in her body go numb as she ran towards her.

She knelt on the ground as she held on to Jisoo.

She wasn't moving.

She didn't seem to be breathing.

Jennie tried to shake her, but it was of no avail.

All she heard now was a sharp noise, as if something had suddenly flatlined.

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