| Lies of Love ~ Kokichi Oma...

By nijiros-wife

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| A Killing Game, 17 Students, One of them being you - Do you have what it takes to win? - There are techniqu... More

Important A/N!
Backstory ( Angst )
Chp.1 ~ Plain Boring Highschool Students
Chp.2 ~ Ultimate Peers
Chp.3 ~ The Killing game and manhole
Chp.4 ~ Death Road of Despair
Chp.5 ~ Sensei Kirumi
Thank You, I love all of you
Chp.7 ~ Book Wars
New Cover
Not deleting my account
Special Chp. ~ What Do You Mean, You Care About Me?
Chp. 8 ~ Childs Play
Chp. 9 ~ Secrects
Chp. 10 ~ Stargazing
Chp. 11 ~ Slow Conversations
Chapter 12 ~ Stress
• Merry Christmas! •
Chapter 14 ~ Something Special
Chapter 15 ~ The Killing
Chapter 16 ~ Culprit
It's not done
Chapter 17 ~ Try
Chapter 18 ~ Just you and I

Chp.6 ~ Cheer Up!

1.7K 46 108
By nijiros-wife


Y/n's POV

Shuichi had sat down next to me on my bed, I was holding my pillow to my chest trying to comfort myself. "So... um, do you want to tell me whats wrong, Y/n?" Shuichi said, his voice laced in concern and hesitation, "Sure" I repiled to him, my voice was raspy and quite from me crying for about two hours.

"D-Do you want to hear the whole thing...?", he slowly nodded, 'Well this is gonna take a long time', I had explained to Shuichi all my childhood memories, struggles, and trama. Shuichi then told me anout his past and we played a little game where I would ask him a question and in exchange he would ask me a question

It was nice talking to someone who kinda had the same kinds of issues I had, for example were both shy and tend to stutter sometimes. Me and Shuichi had become good friends in about 30 minenutes or so I could tell we were having a good converstaion because what was like half an hour minutes seemed like 5 minutes.

As Shuichi was tellling me about his passion for mystery novels until the door to my dorm slammed open.


Kokichi's POV

After what happened with Y/n I didn't want ANYTHING to do with her emotional problems if its that bad to cause that big of a mood swing, she was all cheerfull and all of a sudden she's crying out the Pacfic Ocean!

So I just went back to the dinning hall and placed my hands behind my head with a wide smile acting as if nothing had happened, Monokuma and his little (slighty) annoying kubs that carry a useless agrument.

After they left I started to go on about yesterday with everyone and Kaede but was caught red handed cause it was me mainly who made her feel guilty, but Kirumi had changed the subject when she scanned the group realizing something.

"Hm... Has anyone seen Y/n? She dosn't seem to be present.", everone then looked from side to side realizing Y/n was in fact gone well, exept for me of course.

"Yeah! When did Y/n even leave?" Kaito spoke, "Maybe sneaking is a small talent of Y/ns ?" Kiibo questioned, I then decided to speak up,"Wooooow, I didn't know a robot could be even more stupid than everyone else here!", Kiibo was obvisouly offened by my comment and the others.

"Hey! Stop being thats robophobic and rude! And what do you even mean by that?" Kiibo quentioned me, I put my hand on my hip and looking at my hand with bored exssperion as if what I was about to say wasn't a big deal at all.

"What I mean is what it sounded like, all of you guys are sooooo stupid that when Y/n walked out of the dinning hall not a single soul notice!", they all had a some what suprised look on their faces as I continued, "Like come on! She was shaking soo much it was like she would fall down any second!", I exaggerated the last part but Y/n was indeed shaking.

"Then we should go check on Y/n!" Kaede spoke up in confidence, Kaito tagged along with her. Kaito and Kaede started out the dinning hall towards as the others fallowed and just then the image of her dull and clouded e/c eyes while tears poured out of her eyes, her exspersoin was one of pain and , she obviously didn't want to see anyone at the time.... well at least not now.

I quickly ran to the door and blocked them, and placed my hands on my hip with sass just to be extra cause its my nature. Kaito looked slighty irritated and Kaede looked confused, "Look, I understand you all are very moody teens and care about our poor friend, Y/n but if you all care for her this much then you should just leave her be! M'kay?"

Before anyone could argue with me with me Mr. Detective spoke up, "Hey, um.... G-Guys, to be honest, I agree with Kokichi", now that surprised me but I quickly changed into a wide smile as I put my hands on the back of my neck.

'Thanks, Shumai! Now they have to believe me', I thought to myself, "Y/n, was crying so we should wait for a little so she could calm down" Shuichi stated and I opened my eyes and walked to the back on the crowd as I heard them talking about what time they should check on her.

~ Time Skip ~

Shuichi said that he would go and try to calm Y/n down, Kaede would go and try to cheer her up after Shuichi left but Kaede decided to bring Maki out of everyone in her.

'Maki??? She shouldn't come she's a and I can tell, Ultimate Child caregiver? She would most likely scare children off!'

Kaede said some stupid excuse, like Maki is really good at comforting people or something. Shuichi then went off to Y/n after an hour cause he said that she might be crying a lot, which was probably true.

I went and got everything I needed to make my mastermind board and started by just hanging up everyone's picture on the board with little magnetics with faces on them, mainly smiles on them. I then went to see if Shuichi had calmed down Y/n yet cause she promised me something.

Shuichi was gone for half an hour but everyone just said that it wasn't a big deal but it was, Shuichi and Y/n, a very interesting pair if I say so myself, they both are quiet and keep to them self's and seem to gain trust easily from people but aren't quick to tell their own secrets. An example of that is yesterday when I and Y/n were chatting while waiting for everyone to go down the manhole, Y/n didn't trust me, doesn't seem like she trusts anyone but herself dissipate her positive and shy personality, she gets nervous and starts stuttering when talking about the topic.

So I ran towards Y/n's dorm and placed my ear on the trying to hear anything....nothing. Right, the walls and doors are soundproof, so I slowly turned the knob of her door making sure they don't notice, I push the door forward a little and slam it open using my hand.

My eyes automatically found Shuichi and Y/n, they were sitting on her bed with confusion and wide eyes from my loud outburts, I made eye contact with Y/n since the last time I saw her was about half an hour ago.

Y/n's e/c eyes were bloodshot, puffy and dull but not as dull when she was crying, you could see the natrual shimer in them but it was only a little could be seen.

"Hey! You know that you've been hogging Y/n for 30 minutes, Shuichi?!" I whined while pointing my index finger at him, they both looked even more suprised when I finised

"3-30 minutes??? Has it really been...did we really talk for half an hour...?", Shuichi said turning to Y/n with a confused and suprised look

Y/n turned to the clock in her dorm, her eyes widend realizing that its actully been half an hour, she then turned back to Shuichi, "Apartently...it has".

As Y/n finised her sentence I didn't hear Maki and Kaede's footsteps walking over to Y/n's dorm.

Y/n's POV

Kokichi had confronted me and Shuichi about how long we've been in my dorm until Kaede and Maki showed up, they seemed to be both carrying somthing in their hands. Kaede was holding four jappense milk cartons, two of them were chocolate milk and the other cartons was strawberry.

Maki was holding a black tray with a plate that carried a tower of chocolate cookies, my eyes widened at the sight, they were my favorite comfort food, well execpet that the regular milk was missing for the cookies but its fine.

It kinda freaked me out how they got my favorites without even asking, neither did I tell anyone else but it might have just been luck, Shuichi apologized for taking so long and patted me on the shoulder before getting up and leaving Kokichi also left a few seconds after Shuichi.

Kokichi was squinting his eyes at me and doing that ' Im wathcing you' thing with his fingers before he stopped but was still squinting his eyes while walking away backwards slowly, now it was just me, Kaede, and Maki, people I knew nothing about in one room. 'oH god, heLP meeeee' I whined in my head knowing that this is probably going to get akarward for sure.

Maki and Kaede walked over the coffee table and then towards me, Kaede sat on my left while Maki was on my right,

"Hey Y/n? Are you alright?", Kaede started with a look of concern

"Y-Yeah... just I realised t-that some one I care a-about might-" I was cut off by Maki

"Don't think about it, it will just make it worse" Maki stated in her usual monotone voice

This suprised me, Maki Harukawa was trying to make me feel better? 'Man.... either this whole day is a dream or my whole life' I thought in my head as I turned to her with wide eyes, Maki then turned to me looking at me straight in the eyes with her crimson colored orbs.

':0 wow her eyes are so pretty, if eyes could be a modle Maki's would be a star...' Maki's exspersion softened a little after a few seconds of eye contact, well it kinda made since cause you could obvisouly tell I was crying for a very long time, sure I didn't know what I lookced like but Im sure anyone could tell.

Maki stood up and gestured me to fallow her, Kaede also came with, I got a glance of Kaede, she looked kinda confused of Maki's actions and so was I. Maki led me to my bathroom and sat me down on the toilet ( the lid was down, calm down ), I also got a look at myself, it was not pretty it made me pity myself for godsake. My eyes were extremlly puffy and a peach color around my sclera. ( The sclera of our eyes is the white part ; Sclera ( sk-ill-ra ))

Maki asked Kaede to get a washcloth out of the cupboard outside of the bathroom.

Kaede came back with an slighty sparkly f/c washcloth and gave it to Maki, Maki then ran to what it looks like cold water on it and turned to me. Maki got down on one knee and pressed the cloth against my right eye gently, she did the same after a minute or more.

Maki then got up and foled the cloth neatly on the sink counter, I looked at Kaede, she look happy and suprised. I stood up off the toliet and looked in the mirror, the swelling and the peachyness of my eyes were gone!

I turned to Maki and did something I might regert.

I hugged her. I frikkin hugged. I hugged Maki, the monotone, don't talk to me, everyone is so annyoing, Maki Harukawa.

Once it dawned on me of what I was doing I was about to pull away from Maki until I was put in an warm imbrace from behind, I saw a few strands of blonde hair meaning it was Kaede that trippled the embrace.

I smiled warmly as I felt Maki hesitainly move her arms to return the embrace to both me and Kaede. 'This.... is the best, I havn't had a hug in a real long time and I really needed one', After a few seconds of use three enjoying the warmth we each gave off Kaede broke her embrace on me and Maki and I did the same.

I felt warmness flow to my face from happiness, Maki and Kaede was the same too, Kaede had a closed eyed smile with a light blush on her cheeks and Maki had more bush spread across her cheeks as she puffed out her cheeks and fiddled with her bow. It was so adorable!

The rest of the time me and the two girls spent was on talking about love intrest in the boys here, hobbies, and truth or dare while drinking our flavored milk and I asked them how the found out about my comfort food.

Kaede showed me my report card on her monopad and pointed at my likes and dislikes and it turns out that Kaede had regular milk and three cups in her bookbag for the cookies. After the comfort food I found a sewing kit undering my coffee table, it looked like it was a little chair thing but if you lift up the top it had a whole varrity of colors of buttons, cloth, and string.

It was really cute, it looked like it was based off of my personality, pasion, and favorite colors! I then turned to Maki and Kaede and asked one simple question.

"Wanna learn how to sew from a master?"

~ Time Skip brought to you by this: https://pin.it/5KdXlAK I put it in the comment section, I promise you its wroth it! ~

The last minutes I spent together with Maki and Kaede were fun and amusing, I was teaching them how to sew by making little plushies of themselfs while I wasted no time and made each student that was traped here, they both finised with there plusies by the end of it too cause of me sharing my techniques of sewing faster while still making the plushie look cute.

To be honest they did extremely well for beginners, it was nice teaching and sewing with someone around my age and want to do it more often. Once we were done with the plushies we said our 'goodbye's for now' with another warm imbrace but this time Maki and Kaede was hugging me from the sides so I was squished between the two girls, after it ended Kaede begged to make it our signiture thing when ever we see each other.

I had shook my head violenlenty as Maki sweatdropped with her hand on her chin, me and Kaede begged even more until Maki let out a sigh in agreement knowing that we wouldn't stop.

After they left with their plushies and picked up each of my classmates cute little plushie I had made and set them on the desk near my bed in a line and smiled brightly at the adorable sight.

I then cleaned up my sewing supplies and started at the door, 'I've been in here a bit to long, I shouldn't worry them' I told myself as I grabbed the door turned knob and smiled brightly with confidence.


Uh....ummmmmmm idk what to say here anymore, i dont even know if anyone reads this, well if you are thank you. Soo im trying to set up an uplouding scheldule so i dont over work myself and so you'll know the days i will update, also thank you all so much for reading my stupid fanfic i really love u all and thats no lie, im a terriable lair and so thats all, i really hope your enjoying this book so far, uh have a good day! ~ coffeegurl :0


~ Word Count: 2543 ~

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