Tawog : The Fighter

By Artisticfreakshow

1.3K 11 13

This story revolves around the life of Gumdrop Watterson. In this particular AU, Gumdrop is a top fighter at... More

Tooth and Nail
Clone fight pt. 2

Deejay Goldbrooke

123 1 1
By Artisticfreakshow

[Wednesday 10:35 P.M{

"Hey Deejay." Marmalade stated on the phone. Marmalade was currently changing her clothing. She held a phone up to her Ear.

"Hey Marmalade, what's up?" Deejay responded. He was doing homework under a lamp and was currently home alone.

"I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining us for a restaurant. It's not that late and I really want someone to accompany me."

Marmalade responded while putting on a pair of earrings.

"Sure. Mom will never find out since they're out of town for a couple of days." Deejay responded while walking to the closet.

"Okay. Make sure to make it here quickly. We're gonna have such a kinky time!" Marmalade yelled in joy. A couple of giggles could be heard in the background.

"Right. Kinky...Okay! I'll get dress and... Bye." Deejay awkwardly stated while switching between shirts. (Okay. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.) Deejay Thought.

"Hey Marmalade what's with Kinky Time?" Emma stated clearly holding back her laughter. She put her hands up in quotation.

"Well. Aren't we gonna have a kinky time?" Marmalade Stated while holding up a bottle of perfume.

The entire room bursted out into laughter. The only person who wasn't laughing was Marmalade. She held up a skirt in confusion.


"Hey Gumdrop. Where did you learn to do all these things?" Bradley stated, while gazing at Gumdrop.

"I switched between jobs and gained a lot of experience. Of course now I work at a construction site." Gumdrop responded while putting down a bucket of paint.

He stood up and clearly towered over Bradley. As Bradley was 5'9 and Gumdrop was 6'3. His body was much, much thicker and more muscular.

"Why not you try out for the football team?" Bradley stated while gazing at Gumdrop. Bradley was a football jock.

"No. I never was interested." Gumdrop stated while adjusting his watch. He then walked to the wall and inspected it.

"It's easy." Gumdrop stated while stretching his arms.

Emma came downstairs along with the rest of the siblings. She gave soft pecks along Bradley's cheek. Nyxia cane into the room with emo clothes.

"Okay people. We have until 12 and that's it." Nyxia stated while walking out the door. The rest of the siblings followed behind her and Dahlia.

The yard bursted out into chatter. Gumdrop stood upright and looked up at the sky with a stone cold expression.

[It seems like the night is young.] Gumdrop thought. His daydream was interrupted by Dahlia.

"Hey Gumdrop. I just wanted to tell you that mom said to watch over us." Dahlia stated as she gazed at Gumdrop.

"Sure. When will they be back?" Gumdrop stated earning a few gazes from the other siblings.

"They'll be back tomorrow. Luckily Marissa, Carbon, and Skye's injuries aren't very severe. And dad is actually doing fine." Dahlia responded.

Gumdrop face lit up with happiness. He then patted Dahlia on her head.

"That's good hear." Gumdrop stated as he made his way to the sidewalk.

He directed his gaze to his left as his ears twitched from a sound. He turned to see Deejay running towards him.

"Hey. I'm here..." Deejay stated completely out of breath. Marmalade ran towards Deejay.

"Hey Deejay. Nice to have you along." Marmalade stated while hugging Deejay. Deejay blushed.

Gumdrop gazed at deejay and smiled. [Lucky guy] Gumdrop thought while standing I front of the group.

"Let's go." Gumdrop stated as the rest of the siblings followed behind him.

[At the hospital]

"Hey Mom." Marissa stated drawing attention from Skye and Carbon.

"I've always wanted to know why Gumdrop loves us so much. Can you tell us?" Marissa said while holding her mother's hand.

"You're brother has always been a little strange. Ever since his childhood he's always been mature and humble." Carrie stated while looking out the window.

"10 years ago. Their was a war between us and the group known as the Simi-8s. The group was led by a woman known as Lucy Simian she hated our family and tried to bring us to our knees." Carrie stated.

"The Army tore through our home and posed danger to every member of our bloodline. When all hope seemed to be lost they're was one person who fought back. And that person was Gumdrop." Carrie stated while smiling.

Marissa and Skye's jaw dropped open along with Carbon's.

"He fought every single solider and brought the group down to it's knees. In the end he vowed to protect every one of you and he promised to always love you." Carrie stated as she patted Skye on the head.

"However. During his time in school he's never made a single friend." Carrie stated with a frown.

"Why?" Skye stated. Carrie expression turned into a sad one.

"During his time of fighting the Simi-8s all of his friends where killed due to his ties with their family. They invaded all of his friends homes and executed very single one of them. Ever since the families held grudges against Gumdrop and people started to despise him for something he didn't do." Carrie stated.

"Eventually he was viewed as a monster who killed his friends. He then had to live his life in loneliness as no one would talk to him. They wouldn't even look at him. He had to bare this hell for 10 years." Carrie added.

"That's why he loves y'all so much. Because without y'all he would be lonely and he would never feel happy." Carrie stated.

All of a sudden Marissa started to shake. Tears formed in her eyes as she gripped the blanket.

"I'm so sorry. I've always bullied him and never thought of what he was going through." Marissa stated with tears flowing in her eyes.

Carrie then wrapped her arms around Marissa. And pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry about it. He forgave you long before now." Carrie stated while kissing her daughter.

[At the restaurant]

Gumdrop and the group made to the restaurant's entrance. It only took about 15 minutes to get to the restaurant.

Everyone's eyes lit up in awe as they gazed up at the restaurant. It was a tall building with the words "Monsue" on it. The parking lot was huge and water fountains covered the entrance.

Gumdrop looked back at the group. "Wait here." Gumdrop stated as he made his way to the front desk.

When Gumdrop made it to the front desk and a woman in a fancy dress came out to greet him.

"Hello Mr. Watterson we've been expecting you." The Lady stated. Gumdrop handed woman a paper slip.

"What this?" The woman stated while opening the slip of paper.

"It's a message form my boss that runs the underground arena. He said that if I win the match which I did I would be able to eat here for free."

Gumdrop said as he looked around. The lady's expression when into surprise as she bent down to Gumdrop.

"Okay Mr. Watterson right this way." The lady stated while making a pass gesture. Gumdrop called the group into the restaurant and they followed the Waitress.

They where lead down a corridor decorated with antique vases and expensive looking Art pieces. Pillars separated each item.

"Wow. Gumdrop how did you get the money to get into a place like this." Nyxia stated in awe.

"I have my ways." Gumdrop stated showing a toothy smile.

Marmalade's eyes lit up along with Deejay and Emma and Bradley looked very excited.

"Right now. You're eating at the most expensive restaurant in the city of Elmore." The waitress stated much to the excitement of the group.

They where lead into a VIP room with a huge table In the middle along with many other tables. A whole team of chefs cooked food and served it at each VIP table.

"Wow." Gumdrop stated in awe. "You really out done yourself." He added causing the Waitress the blush.

They all sat down at the table in the middle of the room and they where all given menus. The Waitress took out a pen and notepad.

"What would you like to eat." The Waitress stated. "Ladies first." Gumdrop responded while putting his head down.

Nyxia gazed at the menu. [Pasta no, Pizza no, ohhh how about this.] Nyxia thought.

"I'll have the Salmon. Cooked to about medium well." Nyxia said as she put down her menu.

"I'll also have that." Dahlia stated. "And me." Sabine added.

"Okay. 3 Salmon. What Else." The Waitress questioned while writing down the order.

Marmalade and Deejay both ordered spaghetti and scrapper and Belle ordered chicken tenders. And Carine ordered fried shrimp.

"Okay." The Waitress stated while writing down the orders.

"What would you like?" The Waitresses questioned. Gumdrop lifted his head.

"Meat." Gumdrop bluntly responded. Earning giggles from the group.

"Okay. Will that be all?" The Waitress said while putting down her note pad.

"That will be all." Gumdrop responded. The waitress made her way to the chefs leaving the Table alone.

"Hey Gumdrop? What's was with "Meat?" Stormy questioned with a Giggle. The entire table was eyeballing Gumdrop holding in their laughs.

"What's wrong. I want to eat Meat?" Gumdrop responded, not knowing what they meant. Gumdrop was not dirty minded whatsoever.

"Never mind." Stormy stated as she looked in the other direction.

[How far from reality can you be?] Stormy thought.

It was about 5 minutes later when they received their food. Gumdrop received several plates of Meat. Carine got her order of fried shrimp, Marmalade and Deejay got their Spaghetti. And everyone else got their food.

"Mmm. This is so good." Nyxia stated with a blush. She gazed over at Gumdrop.

"Thank you Gumdrop!" Nyxia yelled out in joy. Gumdrop continued to eat his serving of lamb and beef.

"You're welcome." He bluntly stated without emotion.

"Hey Gumdrop?" Belle stated. Gumdrop glanced at the small cat.

"How did you get so strong?" Belle added drawing attention from the other siblings.

Gumdrop swallowed and then spoke. "You really want to know?" Gumdrop questioned. A nod from Belle reassured him.

"In order to become truly strong like I did. You gotta train in the harshest most toughest landscapes. You must make yourself familiar with nature so move to the top of the Elmore mountains and train there. Once you're there you must push you're body beyond it's limits." Gumdrop stated earning glances from the group.

"Train everyday from Dawn to Dust and survive on what nature has given you. You must hunt to survive and continue to train every single day and night. Push you're body until you can't physically move and train with the intent to endure critical pain." Gumdrop stated.

"Then. When you're finally strong enough to kill animals with you're barehands climb to the top of the mountain with one arm and jump of the mountain to unlock you're near death focus. Trust me it's a hell you don't want to endure." Gumdrop stated.

Belle's mouth was open sides along with the rest of group. Gumdrop then continued to eat.

"And that's not even half of what I had to endure. For 10 years I've trained myself to become the strongest man however I'm moving on to a new goal." Gumdrop said while clenching the side of the table causing the table to crack.

"To get rid of the Simi-8s and to finally have a normal life along with my Family." Gumdrop stated while smiling at his Siblings.

Everyone in the group blushed. Because today they knew that Gumdrop truly loves them. He then wrapped his arms around his siblings an pulled them into a group hug.

[Simi-8 base]

The scientist walked into the Room where UraXor was located at. He held up a clipboard and was extremely nervous.

"Master. It appears that the clone was defeated." The scientist stated while holding the clipboard over his head in protection.

"I thought you said the clone was supposed to have all of Gumdrop Watterson's physical capabilities." UraXor stated in frustration.

"Well. We thought we had the physical capabilities down. However the ghost side of his DNA cannot be analyzed since ghost DNA is impossible to see under a microscope." The scientist stated.

UraXor got up from his chair. "It doesn't matter now because we have her on our side." UraXor state while kneeling down in a proposal position.

"Right Master." UraXor stated when all of a sudden a person entered the Room.

"Indeed." The figure said in a feminine voice. The scientist was confused.

"Wait who is this?" The scientist questioned when all of a sudden the figure pulled out a gun and shot the scientist in the forehead causing brains to splatter on the ground.

The figure took off it's hoodie. And reveled an aging ape.

"Lucy Simian is back." The figure now reveled as Lucy simian stated earning evil laughs from UraXor.

[At the restaurant]

[Phone rings] Gumdrop's phone went off as he was talking to his siblings.

"Hold up guys I'm gonna use the bathroom." Gumdrop stated.

He picked it up and walked in the bathroom. He was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Hello Gumdrop." The feminine voice stated. Gumdrop had a wide smirk.

"Hey mother!" Gumdrop yelled out in joy. "I would like to tell you that we'll be home Midnight Tonight. So make sure y'all get home before that time." Carrie stated.

"Sure." Gumdrop responded. He hanged up the phone and made his way to the table.

"Who was on the phone?" Nyxia stated while finishing the last of her beverage.

"Mom said to make it home before Midnight. So we gotta go." Gumdrop stated. Everyone discarded their plates and left the Restaurant.


"So, y'all had a great time?" Gumdrop asked while walking down the sidewalk.

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled out in unison. A smile formed on Gumdrop's face.

[Y'all are so precious] Gumdrop thought while the group made it's way down the street.


Hello people. Sorry for the late upload I've been working on Art pieces for this story and it's taking so unbelievably long to finish. It's currently 11:53 A.M and I'm tired as hell.

This chapter focuses on Gumdrop's past and how he became so strong. This chapter reveled much of Gumdrop's personality and I kinda wanted y'all to know the backstory of Gumdrop.

Some elements have been taken from my previous story's and put into this story such as the Inner Demon form of Gumdrop which was from the story Gumball's Inner Demon.

Right now I am currently working on a Comic for this story. So please stay in tune.

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