The Soldier of Stars [1] - Ba...

By wexhappyxfew

177K 5.8K 4K

The Soldier of Stars ~ Band of Brothers [1] A young woman who finds peace in the stars, and let's them guide... More

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BAND OF BROTHERS - the ladies
โ™ช playlist โ™ช
introduction to the soldier of stars
โžข hazel parker
โžข catherine mccown
โžข elizabeth elliot
1 | operation virago
2 | captain thermes
3 | the springfield rifle
4 | training
5 | camp athene medals
6 | jump wings
7 | new york city
8 | england
9 | reality
10 | looming war
11 | easy company
12 | the men of easy company
13| aldbourne
14 | stars of swindon
15 | the training in england
16 | wartime
17 | the unlikely friendship of joe liebgott
18 | maneuvers
19 | the strength of ncos
20 | sobel's demise
21 | upottery airfield
22 | talks of d-day
23 | the letter
24 | into the unknown
day of days
25 | normandy
26 | the silencing of war
27 | the assembly area
28 | brecourt manor
29 | of a combat medic
30 | safety
31 | d-day plus one
32 | positivity
33 | sainte-come-du-mont
34 | carentan
35 | the duty of a combat medic
36 | the counteroffensive
37 | battle of bloody gulch
38 | the final days
39 | the return to aldbourne
40 | the replacements
41 | the good overpowers the bad
42 | late night talks
43 | moving out
45 | nuenen
46 | retreating
47 | the dawn of night
48 | hope
49 | low morale
50 | in sickness and in health
51 | companions
52 | crossroads
53 | the attack on crossroads
54 | a medic's return
55 | operation pegasus
56 | such is life
57 | paris
58 | the dinner conversation
59 | heart to heart
60 | tell it to the stars
61 | the will of the fight
62 | bitter bastogne
63 | shellings
64 | crazy boys
65 | on the line
66 | god's will
67 | pitiful patrol
68 | solo
69 | always hope
70 | the stand
71 | merry friggin christmas
72 | hands
the breaking point
73 | christmas
74 | the case of the incompetent lieutenant
75 | keeping warm
76 | agony
77 | 5 am cigarettes
78 | gone
79 | when the star goes out

44 | eindhoven

1.4K 52 31
By wexhappyxfew

" In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit."

- Anne Frank


A few days after the announcement was made that they would be dropping into occupied Holland, the company was out on the tarmac as the bright morning sunlight beat down on them. Groups were huddled around, getting their gear on and chatting with each other, as the replacements finally got a taste of what jumping into perceived combat was like. 

Hazel sat near box, and was carefully shining up her rifle. It had passed inspection with flying colors, but Hazel had opted for an extra day of training, since it had been a month or two since they returned and she wanted target practice. Her hands quickly worked at the trigger, the weapon on safety, and cleaned each little area until it shined a glimmering color. Satisfied she stood as Catherine walked over to her.

" Excited?" Hazel asked her. Since it was in fact a daytime jump, people were hoping Catherine wouldn't fracture a shoulder again.

" Yeah, I'd say I'm fairly excited for this." she said with a smile to the girl.

" You're ready, you've been ready to fight." Hazel said with a smile.

" You hear about Jenkins?" Catherine asked Hazel who looked up at her.

" Yep," Hazel said as she stood and flipped her rifle over in her hands, " I mean, the replacements were a bit judgmental, but I wouldn't fight them." Catherine smirked.

" I guess someone is still growing up and doesn't know how to properly play with his toys." Catherine said and Hazel snickered. 

All the sudden a horn honked and Hazel and Catherine looked over. Hazel stepped forward, eyes narrowed as if she were in her zone when shooting her sniper. Her eyes trained on the man she had thought would never dare show his face. Herbert Sobel rode in the front part of the jeep that was driven by a driver. Popeye was in the back, standing up. But everyone's eyes were on Sobel. Hazel watched with a fast heart beat as Sobel's car drove past. He maintained eye contact with her as if surprised she were alive.

" That's right, I'm alive." she muttered, as she hoisted her sniper up in front of her a bit, to show off its shine. Sobel turned away.

" What the fuck?" Catherine whispered as she continued watching Sobel. It seems no one could believe it. 

Lizzie with help from Malarkey, was suiting up but they both stopped when Sobel appeared in a jeep.

" Don." Lizzie said, tapping him. Malarkey stepped past her as the two looked forward towards Sobel. The jeep stopped and Sobel jumped out quickly moving around the truck to the other side. Bill walked up to Catherine and then glanced over at Sobel.

" The fuck's he here for?" Bill asked her.

" I don't even wanna know." Catherine said eyes narrowed. " Probably thought we were all dead."

" Probably." Bill muttered. Catherine grumbled to herself as she passed the cigarette to Bill.

" Word has it he's the newly appointed regimental S-4." Catherine said and Bill's eyes narrowed.

" Let me get this straight, regimental?" he asked.

" You heard me." Catherine said with a sigh looking towards Sobel again.

" But he's a supply officer?" Bill asked and Catherine sighed shaking her head.

" If you call it that." Catherine said, " Didn't think he'd be down around here."

" Hey, Mal, Lizzie." More said as he walked past Skip, Malarkey and Lizzie standing together. Lizzie raised a brow.

" Over there." More said and the trio turned to the truck.

" Jesus." muttered Lizzie her eyes trained on the motorcycle that the three had joyride together in Aldbourne. And so the lovely motorcycle reappeared.

" Sonofabitch." Malarkey muttered next to her as Skip forced a smile to his face. Suddenly, that caught wind of Sobel's ear who was standing close by. Malarkey and Lizzie were silent, staring at the motorcycle before suddenly Sobel appeared.

" Malarkey, Elliot." Sobel called as he walked up. Lizzie noticed as Skip made a quick disappearance, running off to find Catherine. The two saluted, begrudgingly side by side.

" Sergeant Malarkey." Sobel said, " Doc Elliot." Sobel saluted them and they dropped it.

" Sir?" the two asked. Sobel glanced back at the motorcycle and Lizzie felt her blood boil a bit.

" You thought you could get away with it?" Sobel asked the two.

" What do you mean, sir?" Malarkey asked him, cluelessly as Lizzie bit her lip. Sobel glanced at the others and then at the two and then at Malarkey.

" Sergeant, that motorcycle is United States Army property. That may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me." Sobel said.

" Where'd you find it?" Sobel asked. Lizzie muttered a curse to herself as Sobel's onslaught came. Catherine glanced over at the two and let out a low whistle.

" Jesus Christ, this guy, we aren't even his company anymore." Catherine said as Martin grumbled.

" Tell that to him." Martin said and Catherine glared towards Sobel again. Sobel had returned but only for a moment. 

The plane ride was smooth, unlike the early hours of D-Day. It was bright outside, and you could smell the salty ocean and then the fresh fields below them as they reached Holland. The jump was an easy one at that. The clouds were bright and white, the sky was blue and filled with paratroopers who were hit by no enemy as they landed this time. Hazel hit the ground, this time surrounded by paratroopers, and quickly rolled over, unclipping the parachute from her body and losing her reserves, doing so in record time. She ran through other paratroopers making it to the ground and eventually saw a replacement struggling. She quickly dropped to her knees next to him and popped the parachute off and pulled his helmet off before lifting the reserves off.

" Sorry, ma'am." he said.

" Don't worry about it, get moving." she said before standing and taking off again following the general flow of where soldiers were running. Hazel quickly made use of the sniper in her hands and used it as a way to move her way through the ranks past the replacements hanging in the back. She worked her way up through the massive line of paratroopers to the front where Peacock was with Catherine as the two sat with maps. Catherine shook her head in annoyance. Hazel slid down right next to Bull and Catherine.

" Hey," she whispered as she slid in.

" Hey, Tiny," Bull said as he glanced toward his squad.

" Boys? Ladies." she heard a voice say and Hazel turned and watched David Webster push his way up to the front with his own Toccoa veteran status pushing him up there, after his switch from Fox Company.

" Whoo, made it." he called, slamming into the opposite side as planes flew overhead.

" I wonder if they hit anything." Hoobler stated looking to the sky. It was loud overhead, as their engines and propellers rumbled forward.

" Goodbye air support." Webster stated and Hazel glanced back to where Catherine and Peacock were.

" There's some kind of holdup ahead." Peacock said as he came forward and couched in front of Hazel and Bull. " We're going in through this field here." Bull nodded and moved his squad to their feet. 

Hazel looked toward where 2nd platoon, 2nd squad was and took to her feet with Bill's command. Hazel climbed over the ledge and smiled when she saw Catherine moving her way through the field uninjured. She liked having the girl out in combat for once and not wounded. She fit right in with the group, taking everything in and being like a mother to trembling replacements, with her intelligent leadership skills. 

The grass in the field was tall, just a little below Hazel's height as she wadded through eyes trained on everything in front of her as she walked, watching as the town of what was presumably Eindhoven appear. The company came to a field, and Hazel watched as a window open in front of them and a woman appeared. The two replacements up front crouched and signaled for everyone to crouch down as well. 

Hazel glanced toward Lizzie who stayed next to Gene and the two conversed quietly with each other. Hazel watched as an orange flag suddenly appeared out of the window. Surprise filled her features as she watched her tie it off and look towards the soldiers. They weren't the enemy. They were celebrating that. 

Eindhoven became filled with people in the streets and orange flags everywhere. Singing ensued, people cheered and there was kissing and hugging every where especially for the soldiers. Hazel, removing her helmet, had a smile on her face as she saw men everywhere, from the company celebrating, there was finally a sense of freedom. Hazel continued moving through the crowd, when she came upon a group of kids, dancing together in a circle, holding hands and giggling and laughing. Hazel stopped to watch them a smile upon her face as she did so. She'd always loved kids. 

One of the kids ran up in front of her and smiled up at her before holding a daisy up towards her. Hazel felt herself burst with happiness as she took the daisy in her hand. The kid reached up towards her to be picked up. Hazel slowly bent down and lifted the kid up into her arms. 

The child's eyes were bright and joyful, devoid of the war that raged around him, as his toothy smile, where a few teeth were missing adorned his lips, and two dimples, similar to Hazel's, appeared on his cheeks. 

Neither could understand each other, but in that moment they were connected because there was no war where they were right now. 

There was just humanity and rejoice. 

The child spoke in his native language to her as he placed the daisy in his hand behind her ear before giggling at her. Hazel smiled at him before turning and catching someone's eyes. 


She watched as a smile appeared on his face as he watched her, as the crowd celebrated around him. His eyes were on her. The child pointed to the Screaming Eagle patch. The child touched it again, eyes wide with wonder and mind filled with imagination. 

Oh to be a child again with that much innocence and wonder for the world, only to find the true horrors it possessed.

" Hazel." Hazel said to the child softly, as she sounded it to him.

" Hazil?" the child tried and Hazel smiled.

" Close, Hazel." Hazel tried again.

" Hazel!" the child said excitedly and Hazel smiled laughing.

" Yes, yes Hazel!" Hazel said as the child giggled and wrapped his arms around her neck, hugging her close. Hazel had never imagined how nice it was to hug a child, someone who would look at you and think you were the greatest thing ever, someone who wouldn't judge you when upset, someone who would love you for you. She relished the hug the child offered. 

Catherine was shoving through the crowd toward Winters and Nixon who she saw ahead of her. She jostled herself right into Nixon's side and she grumbled as she readjusted herself. She watched as a woman came up and kissed Winters on the lips, as he flipped up his collar. 

Catherine raised a brow towards Winters who merely rolled his eyes. 

Catherine quickly adjusted herself as Nixon continually called out thank you to push the women who encased him in kisses and hugs, she smirked. Catherine saw Harry and Buck making their way over, as she flipped up her own collar, glancing towards the peaks, understanding why she needed to flip her collar.

" What's up, Welshy?" Buck asked as he neared, as Harry started fixing his own collar.

" Snipers." Harry said as he glanced towards the peaks again. Catherine wish Hazel were here right now, so that she could be set up somewhere to take them out if there do happen to be snipers nearby.

" We've gotta get to these bridges." Winters said as Nixon flipped up his own collar. Catherine glanced around at the roofs of house.

" And quickly." Catherine said, as she readjusted the binoculars that hung from her neck, her Thompson smacking on her shoulder, " The faster we move, the faster those bridges get overcompensated."

" Come on, Catherine." Nixon said as he tapped her on her shoulder, and she nodded. They had to find the Dutch Resistance Leader. 

Lizzie's eyes remained bright and cheery, accepting hugs from people, food, and love. It was a rapid change from back in Aldbourne and Normandy. The landing was easy, the attack was easy, it was easy, and slightly concerning, but Lizzie was too joy-filled to think another second on it. She was pulled into pictures and hugs and she was even surprised when little kids swarmed around her with chocolates and sweets. 

But as Lizzie pushed through the crowd, she felt herself freeze at the sudden sound of yells and cries. Her vision went to the crowd and through the slew of people she could see the women being forced to the ground, their hair and clothes being stripped from their body, the symbol of Nazi Germany being drawn on their foreheads in black ink. Her heart rate began picking up as she watched them, women being pulled through the crowd and yanked to the center of the circle and publicly humiliated in front of them all. 

They were women, just women. 

What was going on? 

As Catherine and Nixon approached with John van Kooijk, she noticed the site that Winters, Buck and Harry were all watching. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as her footsteps slowed ahead of Nixon and Kooijk. She appeared next to Winters and sucked in a breath as she watched the women crying out as their hair was cut and clothes stripped.

" What did they do?" Harry asked, as Catherine sucked in a breath to calm herself down.

" They slept with the Germans." Catherine heard Kooijk say from behind her. Winters, Harry and Buck turned to him, but Catherine stayed still staring forward. Winters finally put a hand on her shoulder and she turned away. Winters gently squeezed her shoulder and she nodded before he dropped his hand away. 

" They are lucky." Kooijk said, as Catherine quirked a brow, staring at the ground.

" Lucky?" whispered Catherine, but Winters was the only one to glance at her.

" The men who collaborated are being shot." Kooijk said.

" What if they didn't have a choice?" Catherine asked him. Winters looked back at the women and then to Catherine. Catherine just looked away from the group.

" Mr. Van Kooijk here is with the Dutch Resistance." Nixon affirmed as Catherine forced herself to look away from the women getting their hair cut off and being violated. Catherine crossed her arms and pushed down the brim of her helmet as she glanced at Harry, biting her lip. He didn't look all too happy either. Mr. Van Kooijk stepped forward towards Winters, and grabbed his hand shaking it firmly.

" We have been waiting and hoping for this day. For almost 5 years." Mr. Van Kooijk said.

" Says he can help us secure the bridges here." Nixon affirmed as Winters, Nixon and Mr. Van Kooijk walked forward, the 3 Lieutenants following idly behind.

" Yes! Together we can push the remaining Germans out of Eindhoven. And that's just the beginning." Catherine watched as Nixon, Winters and Van Kooijk all began talking but Catherine turned glancing over her shoulder again where the women were, crying out. Catherine couldn't shake the vivid image from her head, as she kept cautiously looking over her shoulder.

" Hey, " Buck said, stepping up to her side and placing a hand on her shoulder gently.

" What if those women had no choice, Buck?" Catherine whispered softly, feeling somewhat sick to her stomach. Buck watched her, his entire being seemingly debating it all. Catherine was a woman, a proud one at that, and watching what was happening to those women hurt her because all she could imagine was that they didn't have a choice of sleeping with those Germans. Buck watched her.

" Hey, look." Harry said stepping forward as Catherine looked up, watching the British tanks slowly rolling down the streets of Eindhoven. Catherine watched with soft eyes as the people of Eindhoven continued cheering and continued calling out excitedly. Catherine searched around quickly and found Winters' eyes. He wanted to get to those bridges just as bad as Catherine had wanted to. Catherine slowly pushed towards Winters and caught his arm.

" We need to get to those bridges." Catherine said quickly and Winters met her eyes again.

" Start moving the men to the Northeast, it's where one of the main bridges that needs to be captured is. Once you start heading out, Easy will be in the lead." Winters told her. Catherine nodded. Catherine then turned and moved over to Harry and Buck.

" Orders are to start heading Northeast, where a main bridge should be that needs to captured. Start moving your men." Catherine confirmed.

" Hallelujah." Harry said and then cupped his hands around his mouth, " Easy we're moving!" Catherine took the opportunity to pull the binoculars that were hung around her neck up to her eyes and look out towards the oncoming tanks, watching for snipers up in the peaks of different pits and eves of the homes. Her eyes searched maliciously almost, like a hunger and thirst for war, something she was deprived of when she had sustained the campaign ending injury. She wanted war, and she feared if she wanted it anymore, she'd slowly become it. Hazel remembered seeing Catherine pushing her way through the crowd as Hazel placed another small child to the ground.

" Hey, Cath, you good?" Hazel asked as the woman came up to her, stature rigid.

" We're moving Northeast, orders from the CO." Catherine said quickly as Hazel nodded. Hazel slowly reached for her helmet and carefully adjusted it to her head before glancing around. Hazel shouldered her weapon and moved through the crowd providing small, gentle smiles, as she pushed Northeast. 

But what stopped Hazel in her path was the screaming and the cries she heard. Hazel slowly reached up to push the big helmet up from her eyes and look towards the source. Her eyes widened as she saw a small opening ahead of her. As Hazel neared it, she jumped back in horror. Women were pressed to their knees, their clothing being stripped from them, Nazi swastikas being painted in black on their forehead, as their hair was cut messily from their heads in a frantic fashion. Hazel slowly backed up, her feet forcing her backwards, as she stumbled over her feet, she couldn't even watch anymore. What was going on? She felt someone catch her arm and looked up to see it was Bull, who had a serious expression painted across her features.

" What's going on?" Hazel asked quickly, her voice barely a normal breath of air.

" I don't know," Bull told her, " let's just get moving." Hazel nodded, letting Bull guide her away, her mind in shambles, her thoughts with the women. Hazel was quiet that night, she had seen what the men were doing to the women, back in Eindhoven. She didn't know what was going on or why it had happened, all Hazel knew was that it upset her greatly. Hazel stared at the stars, she always did that and now was doing it a lot more. She hoped her mother, on the other side of the world, was staring at the same stars. They had captured a set of bridges, but Hazel felt she was in a fog the entire time, barely registering that she had shot her weapon quite a few times. It never came to mind that she had done so.

" Hey," Hazel heard Lieb say as he lied down next to her in the hay and looked up at the stars with her.

" Hi, Lieb." she said softly, her gaze on the stars, " Come to stargaze?"

" Of course." he answered as he got comfortable and the two stared in silence towards the ever-changing sky. The quiet chatter of the men filled the night, as a few laughs rose up every so often from the depths of the group. 

Hazel was glad that sometimes her and Lieb didn't need to talk; they could just lie side by side and enjoy the silence and the stars and find peace. 


hello once again! final chapter of the day, but i am on schedule to update tomorrow as well and probably finish out episode 4, since it's a bit shorter in terms of amount of writing context. episode 5 will be much longer :) thank you all for reading and supporting and the kind words you all continue to spread, it truly makes my day as a writer and means so much to me!!

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