Beast master of Seton academy...

By BBsala

32.9K 341 123

Forced to leave his old pack behind at Darwin academy because, they won't allow humans, and what mite happen... More

Pack (rewriting text in progress)
chapter 1: strange wolf girl
Chapter 2: tell off a zedrea
chapter 3: the pack expaned
Chapter 4: reunions
Chapter 5:shanagins ( extra added content)
Chapter 7: sports festival part 2
Chapter8: two kings
Chapter 9: investigation
Chapter 10: are you a boy or girl
Chapter 11: clients
Update for story
Chapter 12: new member
Chapter 13: panda problems ( posted after Rip Bell)
RIP Bell 2016-2020

Chapter 6: the sports festival part 1

1.1K 14 6
By BBsala

Chase POV
(Play video  for the back ground music)
I was walking through a jungle like forest with animals all covers in a yellow glow, then I saw a owl covered in the same glow fly pass me. As walked the animals looked at me and bound their heads down in respect,

once I saw the owl and animals I knew were I was, I was dream scape and some how got to spirt world, the same place where I beast master abilities. I the followed the owl In to a cave, once inside the looked around and saw old cave man paintings on the cave walls and there was one the really caught my eye.

I then looked at the man in the middle of it all of the painting, he was holding a long spear which looked like to be on fire and bow just visible in his other hand, I knew who that was my ancestor Takkar. I then looked at the upper left and saw a strong looking man holding two weapons and which mite be clubs and was wear thick fur from the looks of it and was standing over a dead body from the looks of it. My anger rose as it click and said one word.
"Ull"  the chief of the Udam tribe and  monster of a man, he killed countless wenja for the pleasure of it and ate the ones him and his tribe captured, I learned this from Takkar who told me during my visit to spirt world the first time. I then looked at the bottom right of the painting, and saw what a appears to be a woman wearing clothes I don't know what are made of and holding a staff I believe looking at a cave bear ready to attack. "Batari" I said with venom in my voice, she was just as bad as Ull, burning her prisoner alive and sacrificing them to their so called God of the sun, Suxli. ( Suxli is the actually name of the god of the sun in the game of far cry primal) they are the only Homo sapiens tribe Takkar fought during his time, what mean by it that Wenja are Not
Homo sapiens, they were actually a earliest species of modern humans know as Cro Magnon, they lived along side Neanderthals 40,000 to 10,000 BCE, the reason I'm is human, is because my family line often breed with homo sapien, over time over my family gradually became human, some could say I'm human, but only 5% of my DNA Cro Magnon but that 5% it all I needed for what I became. And today I'm going put it to the test.
(Dream end and stop Music)
Time skip
(Third POV)
As school holidays and the second term began, It was the start of the seton academy sports festival has began. The reason for this sports festival is because since students at seton academy spend most of their time studying, they don't have to to have the exercise and movement they need like animals do in the wild. Thus the sports festival was created, and right now every student is all crowded outside the school building as the principal Amano announced it. (this him down below)

Everyone cheered in excitement, all the students were wearing sports clothes which was a white t-shirt with purple lines around the sleeveless edges and collar and purple short pants. The cooking club were among the crowd and Ranka was pacing around in circles
And started jumping up and down and started rolling around in vigorously. She then told the pack that the sports festival was pack versus pack, and she was really looking forward to it.
(Chase POV)
As I was looking at Ranka showing great excitement, I was lost in my thoughts about what I told by my pack earlier today.

(Flashback a few hours )
(Chase room talking to his pack from his laptop)
"so boss what is it you wanted to talk about" Ursa asked, who on the screen was with the whole pack in a different room then the regular school room, I was confused by this and asked why.
"I'll tell you but first why are all in a different room, is this Maia home?" I asked, which the pack look a bit concerned as if I would worry if they told me. There was a silence for a few seconds then Miriam a female Dire and Adolfo and Raksha daughter broke it, "there was a gas bomb of some sort in a classroom, nobody knows how it happened but the school it shutdown for a week." She stop then went on
"Ok but gas different, it was Bane" she said in fear.
(Author note For those who forgot Root bane it that green bomb that's in Chase bio chapter)
I was shocked, Root bane the same gas bombs I use to scar animals, I only use them as a last resort, so how did somebody else make it the only ones that would know how to make are my family It can't be, don't jump to conclusions, but still...I can't worry the pack this day it supposed to be fun, I'll ask them when the festival is over.
" will talk about this later, now on the reason I called, I want you all to come the sports festival and watch me and the cooking club compete" I proclaim dodging the previous conversation.
"WHAT" they whole pack said completely forgetting about the possible Root bane concern.

"You heard me, since you can't go to school you can come and watch and cheer up on, plus you all well get meet the cooking club"
I also wanted to see how they would interact which each other, if this goes well I mite start my own club at seton academy, over the school holidays and spending time with the pack again, it made me realise how much I love spending time with them, and they told, me during that time that they started not liking it at Darwin academy and barley had many friends since most of the students at Darwin Academy are extinct species which meant that most of them are animals extinct because of humans, me being the boss was common knowledge their and they saw my pack as traitors to nature for siding with a human, I couldn't blame them so I told them this.
"After the sports festival ends, I allowing all of you to choose come to seton academy as students and start our own club, I've already thought of what we are going to do but I tell you once more if you agree to come here if you want" I explained to them.
"Alright I can't wait, you can already count me in boss for joining" Arnost exclaimed in excitement.
"Yeah wouldn't miss for the world" Freddy proclaimed.
"I guess it will be nice to see you again" Maia said with a blush, I could see but didn't point out.

(end of flashbacks)
I stop thinking about that as the cooking club except for me and Ranka were not to ken on doing sports.
"I think I'll pass" Jin said with a deadpanned expression, "And I'm kinda scared" Hitomi attempted.
"Were are all talking part" Ranka told them. "I agree with Ranka, this it our chance to make new friends and Ranka could get new pack mates" I told them, not knowing that I invited my pack to surprise them. I then heard a familiar, "well you two, it seems you both  are having trouble" Chloe said in a teasing voice, with her was her two donkey friends by her side. " oh hey Chloe how have things been, figured out take me yet" I teased her back, when she looked me she pouted add a small blush of embarrassment, "you been lucky that's all there no way you can defeat me in a champion dual" she said still pouting.
"Sure over a hundred times I beat you it's called lucky" I retorted with a smirk. Which Chloe replied with "ITS ONLY 83 TIMES YOU BEAT ME" she corrected. we both glared at each other of a few seconds then we both stated laughing.

" so I'm guessing you going to be taking part to" I asked with a smile, "indeed were going to show the wonder of teamwork and strength of the cards" she said with pride then her and her donkey friends started posing.

"I hate to brake it you three but you can only participate in sports with a team of five" I told them which shocked them, they didn't know that. Over time I could see Chloe as a good friend and card rival, I never told her but she was the only one who gave me a challenge since I got banned from card duals, over times she tries to beat me she getting better each time, and I think I kinda like that, do I like, like her maybe, I'm still undecided.
I walk up to her and whispered in her ear, "hey if anything your getting better" I said which got the reaction I didn't  expect, her face lite up Bright red in embarrassment and I started walking to the first event the race track which Ranka was in. When I got there I saw Jin and Hitomi, Yurkari and Miyubi looking at Ranka who looked like she had fire in her eyes,along with her in the Track I saw a cheetah, a welder beast, and a chimpanzee girl. "Good luck Ranka-chan" Hitomi cheered on, "I don't think she can hear you" Jin told her, she then turned to Jin "do think Ranka can win" she asked "well she a wolf so I suppose she could, but I don't think she could beat the cheetah other then that she should be fine" he told her.

Once I got in hearing distance I chipped in "you have a point there, wolves can run for a long time, so I guess she'll be fine" I told the four after they noticed me. Then I heard Chloe behind me say something "that Cheetah isn't going to win" she told us we turned around in confused, " what do you mean, no animal is faster then a Cheetah" Jin said which commented on that "well accept for the peregrine Falcon go to speeds of  390km per hour at top speed, but there are none of those here so what do mean." Chloe just  said "just watch" I then look back at the race track and saw Ranka talking to the chimpanzee girl who was about the same height as her. When the race start something unexpected happened the chimpanzee girl as on a motorbike and the dirt blinded the other racers leavening the others in the literally dust. (This is what the bike lookz. Like in the manga, ignore the text in the image)

I was shocked, but I guess it made some what sense, other then humans, chimpanzee are the only animals alive that can use tools, which means I have to use some of my own tools if I'm going to put her in her place, nobody disrespects my friends and gets away with it. I then saw Jin walk up to the Chimpanzee girl with a angry expression and yelling "YOUR RIDING A BIKE, DISQUALIFIED, DISQUALIFIED" he demanded. The Chimpanzee took off her helmet and retorted " what's wrong with using chimpanzee...ability to use tools" with a smirk that made me want to hit something.

"The difference between you beasts and me, lies up here" the Chimpanzee girl said while pointing at her temple. I had Enough and spoke up, " just because you can use tools doesn't make you can win, humans can use tools and look at what we've achieved, large houses, farming, even cured diseases that would have kill many a 100 years ago, so tell me, what makes you so special" I said looking directly in her eyes, which made her and her gang of chimps speechless.

The chimp girl hand became a fist and glared right at me " DON'T UNDERESTIMATED US HUMAN, WE GOING TO WIN WITH TOOLS, AND THE REST OF YOU BEASTS IN YOUR PLACE" but I wasn't intimated, and smirked, "got her" "really know, are sure your only using tools because you know you will lose without them, it seems to me like your afraid of losing, and all the wins you had in the past don't count in my mind, so enjoy your lies of winning without having put in the effort, plus I can use tools to so let's see who the real beast is" I said then walking away.

I glanced back and saw that some of the male chimps were whispering to each other about what I just said, having doubts about their wins from what I could hear. Once I looked at the cooking club, they had smiles of thier face, Jin having the biggest for obvious reasons, " wow Chase You really put her down" Yurkari said with surprise "Yeah, you showed that arrogant bunch who's boss" Jin said with pride.

"Thanks guys but don't let your guard down, I may have gotten in her head but that doesn't mean we going to win immediately, for now we got to play to our strengths in each event, but I believe Ranka can take care of that" I said just as Ranka was walking to us huffing from the dust and dirt. "don't worry Ranka you did good, they only won because used tools" Yurkari showed her support with Miyubi behind her doing the same. " we have worthy opponents" Ranka said with confidence, "I know that the chimps are going to use tools, so I'm going to the same and prove that her species is nothing special".

(Third POV)
As the events went Chase had to start using his remedy pills to get a edge over them, from ring of fire gauntlet, which was just jumping through rings of fire, which Chase used his fire resistance pills to win it and the chimps using fire proof clothing, fishing was other one, But Chase Smashed it by using his hunting spear get the most. Other Chase used tools to his advantage were obsolete race by using his athletic skills and his Grappling hook

( author note: I'm using a modern like one Batman because is would be more cool and efficient)
And Wrestling, the Greek like wrestling from the Olympics and NOT the stupid WWE wrestling, which he faced a Camel, which he beat by using gravity and his strength pill which was a rare and was a hard to make remedy.

Time skip

(Chase POV)
It was Lunch break and our club is at 20 points which it the lowest above us are the mice with 30 points and other groups with even higher points but the one with the highest points are the chimps with 130 points. As I looked at the score bored I saw my pack in the stadium in the crowd of spectators, I waved at them and they waved back, I'm going introduce them once the games are over. I then looked at Ranka who was a bit frustrated with own points " I realise that we've got points but...DOESN'T BEING LAST FRUSTRATED YOU" Ranka yelling that last of us "not really" Jin said with no expression, " yeah I mean I used to get angry with losing back when I was a kid, but after losing so many times I just don't care anymore" I said chipping in. (Author Note: this is a personal fact in my life when I was a kid I used to be a sore loser in sports game me and my class played, but by the time I turned 12 or 13 I just didn't care anymore it was just a game, to this day I barely have any pride left in me because of that)
"Besides with the chimps basically using tools pretty much all the time, I had to use my own tools to get the upper hand, preside using tools it nothing special..isn't that right Monkey" I said was the chimp girl was trying to sneak up on me from behind.
" notice well I'll admit  human I underestimated you, if your whole club was like you, we be losing" she said with a smile and in a kind like one instead of the one before and walked up to us, " my name Pan Saruhara, and like I said since we both primates I assumed that humans were smart and looks like I was half right" she said and then looking at me with a smirk " unlike the other human male and the female, you actually us your Brian and I was curious, because the rest of the humans I've seen are no better other beast around here".
" now I get it, since I'm the only human you seen that thinks like you, you find me interesting and want to know how I do it unlike the rest".
" well see Pan I've been training the ways of how to survive in the wild using simple tools like all humans did back in the Stone Age, back then pretty much every human could hunt with a bow or knew how to track and etc, but over time we evolved and have grown out of that Now living a life of comfort and luxury, humans today don't have the skills that I do, the only ones that do are people who live in isolated tribes in Africa, South America and such and people who study those ways to hunt and fight like I do"

after I was done talking I saw that all of the cooking club and even the rest of the chimpanzees in Pan group were listen and it seemed that they were intrigued.

" so humans have given up on using the skills you use" one the male chimps asked "yeah, I mean you chimps are know by us humans as the smartest animal in the wild, with your ability to use tools and problem solving, you guys are somewhat related to us, I mean your kind are kinda like a long distant cousin"

I answered which from the looks of the chimps faces, liked the complement and rub the back of their heads in embarrassment, "well I guess the other humans in your group are nothing special, we'll see you later" she said before running off with her group. " was she just her to mock us" Hitomi said with confusion.

But Jin looked absolutely livid " how dare they me and Hitomi being put in the same group as those beasts, and acting all nice" the girls were confused by this " that's a lot coming from you" Yurkari said, see the similarities with Pan and Jin " he's right, she came over here in her way as a declaration of war and to try and mock us and get in our heads but it looks she couldn't her and her Passy left" I explained, they were surprised by my explanation but before we talking any further Jin butted in "enough I'm taking charge, Ranka you wanted win well get ready we're going to make those monkeys remember who the true beast" he proclaimed and Ranka looked at Jin in awe.

" from here on out where only take part in events we know we can win" Jin said " I've already got the perfect one, me and Miyubi are going to do three legged race" Ranka told him, "I..I'll do" Miyubi said up with a smile. "Forget that" Jin shut her down,

" but Jin we've been practicing for days just for th-" Ranka protest but Jin cut her off "if we want to win and beat those monkeys we need to focus".

"I hate to say it but he's right, if we're going to wins, which by the way I don't care ether way, your going have listen to Jin" I said to the group with guilt "I'll make suggestions if he can't".
Ranka was about to object but Miyubi put her hand on her shoulder and from what I could in her body language she was telling her it's alright.

Time skip

"Why.....why..just why..does the universe like to torture me sometimes" I was think as the event we were taking part in much to my protest, which was Raceing to bottom of a fifty meter cliff.
My legs were shaking in fear, for the longest time I have a fear of heights, I can handle climbing up a tree or up a roof, but this was to extreme for me, even Ranka, Hitomi and Yurkari are scared.
" ok which one will we choose" Jin said to us then he looked at Kurumi who was right next to him looking down the cliff.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE JIN" I wanted to protest but I was to scared to move in fear or accidentally looking down the cliff. I then saw Pan wiring a parachute and a helmet smirking a Jin and insulting him again, but I was to scared to listen. And then the race started and my one of my worst fear happened, Jin shoved Kurumi of the cliff and she started screaming. " JIN YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" I yelled and ran at Jin angrily and jumped on him, completely forgetting my fear of heights.

"WHAT THE HELL I WRONG WITH YOU"   I yell while I twisted his arm around his back which caused him pain while holding him to the ground.
"It's ok, ow..she'll be fine...ow almost always lane on their feet"  Jin told me which made loosen my grip a bite and I looked down and saw that she came in first.

I sign with relief and let Jin up then I punch Jin in the face for his idea, and then we got back to Kurumi she start clawing Jin in anger for shoving her. The next event went in was arm wrestling and what surprised me was that Yurkari won it, apparently their were old tales that koalas had a grip strength of a ton, what ever idiot made that up, I have to thank him or her, because if not Yurkari arm would have been crushed by her opponent a, gorilla.

Time skip

Now the afternoon segment is here and the cooking club is in second place with the chimps in first and we are at the final event, which is a rigorous endurance race around the whole grounds, first there's the snowy mountains course then the desert course, the lake course and finally the jungle course, Jin went to get Chloes donkey friends, while Jin will do the desert, Hitomi will do the lake course, me and Ranka were still deciding if me or her should go in the jungle course. While the was happening my pack decided to say hello and by my pack I mean Miriam,Arnost and Raksha apparently the others are doing their own thing so to get use to the area, right now  Miriam the female dire wolf and Adolfo and Raksha daughter was speaking to Ranka.

( Author Note I finally found a  picture of a female dire wolf girl, I don't know what anime or manga she is from, this is what Miriam looks like, just ignore the blue eye and the suit and picture her wearing the Darwin academy uniform)

"It's really nice to finally meet you, boss has told a lot about you all" Miriam said with a smile.  Ranka was happy to meet other members of my pack and replied " same to you, as one extinct wolf to another I welcome you" .

"My, my she has good manners" Raksha said rubbing Ranka head and Arnost shaking Hitomi hand. Soon Jin came back with Chloe and her two donkey friends, Jin then explained to them owe plan. Chloe of course questioned this"why on earth would have to do that?"

"We allowing you to use the clubroom right it's time to pay your debts" Jin replied but Chloe protested " but Ranka let use in the clubroom all this time of the kindness of her-" but what cut off by Jin "I still haven't accepted you...also some of the club members have complaints about how annoying your shouting is when playing your children card" the donkeys and zebra look in shock and turn to Hitomi, Yurkari and Miyubi who were looking away like nothing was wrong. I decided to put in my opinion

" look donkeys are quite durable in the snow, and If you guys some how end up in trouble I can get Adolfo and Raksha here to get you out of their,both of them can stand the cold quite well" the dire wolves look hearted warm by my praise. "He's right the human Napoleon mange to cross the Alps I'm order to launch a surprise attack on his enemy, he got their not by Horse but by Donkey" Jin proclaimed. This managed boost the donkeys moral and they started to race the mountain.

A few hours past and they hadn't finished yet, while we were waiting at the checkpoint from the snowy mouton to desert course, I was getting worried and so was Chloe.

"if anything happens to them I well-" "Chloe it be alright" She started threatening Jin, but I cut her off and put my hand on her shoulder, then I heard a familiar voice and I was start to get irritated with her putting down Jin, because it was getting old real quick.
"Oh have you friends not made it what a shame, mine have already made it so why do you just-" pan said with a fake smile and a mocking tone.
"WOULD SHUT UP YOU DAM DIRTY APE" I cut she off, being sick of her mocking us, you can mock me but not my friends.
Pan was shock by this but then smiled mockingly at me and the cooking club, even my pack was put off by her attitude.
" well I guess you just as anger and the rest of theses beasts" Pan said then looked at my pack " and look more and a extinct bunch, man what a disappoint-ah" she was cut off as I dashed at her and grabbed her by the neck tightly and she started gasping a little.

"If you ever talk to my friends or do anything to hurt them...I will fine you and make sure that you, and your group will feel my Wrath"
I threatened her with no remorse, as I looked her right in the eyes, and Pan looked absolutely terrified, she was shaking in fear and she wouldn't say a word out of fear. I saw this and I let go and groped her to the ground, " get of my site" I told her and she ran away as I said those words as quickly as possible.

I turned back with the cooking club looking a little scared at my actions, The donkeys had just returned, and Chloe quickly forgetting about my outburst ran to them in relief. Jin start running to desert course probably thinking about how humans are best at this, man he is going need a big rest once he finishes.
(Third POV)

Pan back with her group in a tent where her chimps were using a radio commutation to talk to their teammates with the Chase threat still in her mind, But right now was angry, how dare that human threatened her, and now that other annoying human male is in the desert course and her team is still stuck in the desert, she knew not to underestimate humans, and she knew that Chase was not to be taken lightly, from what she seen he was just a resourceful as her and her group.
He had to be taken out of the race, maybe that pink wolf can take his place, yes yes that's it, It doesn't matter as long as we win.

Pan now had a plan for the lake course and the jungle course, she smirk and looked at The cooking moving to the lake course and knew that the Human female will be taking part in. she got her chimps get ready for the plan.

Meanwhile and a little time skip.
Hitomi was in the changing room getting in her swim suit, but behind unnoticed, two male Chimps were on the ceiling above her And surprised her.

Hitomi was know unconscious, from the chloroform. outside however Chase was waiting out side the Change room for Hitomi, but heard something strange, I was going to do something no man should ever do...go in to the girls change room.
When he saw the two Chimpanzees standing over Hitomi unconscious, he charged straight that them and with right hand grabbed the chimp on the right of him, pushed him against the wall but, he missed the one on the left and the second Chimp quickly climb on chase back and put to the cloth mixed with chloroform to Chase face and he fell unconscious.

To Be continued

Author note: I'm back baby, and I'm going to try and get these out more faster, I mite be able to get part 2 out by next weekend.

Now about Chase having five 5% cro magnon, I kinda forgot that Takkar and his tribe were Cro Magnon in FAR CRY PRIMAL one day I looked at the wiki for Far Cry Primal and found out about it, so sorry about that, I'm going update the Bio on that, so what think of story, who do you think made the Rotten Bain bomb at Darwin academy, could this be a threat to our protagonist.

Anyways have a good day and I will see you next time, give good feedback and no flaming.

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