The story of Underdrop ~Compl...

By Inside_Places

293 23 4

The story of Drop!Sans and his family as they suffer heartache, overcome challenges, and above all, stay Dete... More

Part 1: Meet the characters!
Part 2: The lore of Underdrop
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus chapter.

Chapter 8

14 1 0
By Inside_Places

Papyrus' view:

Dad pulled an old looking notebook from his jeans pocket. He opened it and turned so we could see the diagram of his studies.


Red: Fire

Orange: Power

Yellow: Light

Green: Healing

Blue: Gravitational

Purple: Water

Brown: Animal

Silver: Metal

Black: Plant


That was the first page. The second was coated in drawings and scribbles.

"These are all of the colors we know. However, Papyrus, we, that is to say, I, had always suspected there were more to this wheel than first thought. The light blue glow of sans' eye light proves it somewhat. I've been researching it since I first knew of your existence. It turned out that not only were skeletons the only monster able to use blue magic but that there was an entirely different shade of blue that I had never seen before. Turquoise is a gem that has a similar color, so I call it Turquoise magic and I call its power Levitation. However, it seems that Sans not only has the ability to levitate himself, but he is also able to see glimpses of-" Dad was cut off by a whimper.

"No... don't say it, please." Sans looked up with dull eyelights then glanced down to continue talking to his knees. "I don't want to think it's real. Please tell me it's an alternate reality or something. I... I don't want you to die." He sniffs.

Dad looks thunderstruck. I fling my arms around Sans.

"Of course that's what he was going to say, brother! Future prediction is impossible after all. There's no way he could be saying you can see the future! Your Flowey dream didn't come true, nor did the one about the cave. And I doubt we'll all be piled together in a burning pile because monsters turn to dust." I finish matter-of-factly.

Sans gives a sharp gasp and pulls himself from my grip. He backs quickly to the edge of the bed.

"What? H-how do you know about that?" He stutters.

"Oh... Uhm... I came to look for the color cube and... A-light-was-reflecting-under-the-floor-so-I-read-your-dream-notebook." I say this all very quickly.

He looked stunned and backed further, scratching a spot on his skull.

"O-only one or two though! Once I realized what it was I put it back!" I try to assure him.

"You... You read my? I..." He looks at me sadly.

Dad casts a look at me and I scoot back. He squints at Sans and continues.

"So far, Papyrus has shown no sign of Turquoise magic. Instead, his power is focused more on the warm side of the wheel with Fire and Power magic. I will have to start training you both as soon as I can. I fear it may be too late to teach you everything already. Go to bed boys and get some sleep. We'll start early tomorrow." Dad sighs and leaves.

I look over pleadingly at Sans, but his sockets were dripping magic tears and he turned resolutely away from me. I suppose I'll go to bed then. Why did I take that book? *Sigh*

*** One week later***

Sans has been avoiding me and so has Undyne. Sans is still upset about the dream notebook and Undyne is trying to avoid training me. I've tried talking to both of them, but they have the same answer "Nothing is wrong, Papyrus." As if I can't see that they are upset. I don't know what to do to make them happy again.

Sans' view:

It's worse... Oh, it's so much worse now. I know that what I've been having is, in fact, glimpses of the future and it is not at all a comforting thought. At least I've finally been getting more regular sleep. Grillby finally gave me the pills and they've worked wonders. It's the first day of our sixth rainfall and I've agreed to meet Grillby's niece there and become her friend. A favor to the Fire man because, in his words, Valentine has trouble making friends. I'm still mad at Papyrus. I can't help it. I feel he betrayed my trust. *sigh* Dad has been working us with a kind of feverish intensity. It's like he thinks we need to learn everything before next year. I've seen Asgore around our house too. I'm not going to lie, he scares me. He does nothing, but stares from a distance with an intense vigor then leaves. I don't know anymore... I guess I'll just head to the flower field early. When I arrive I see a pair of vibrant green eyes staring at me from the leaves of a tree. I go to investigate and hear a loud gasp before a warm bundle barrels into me.

"Hi, hi! You must be Sans! Uncle Grillby has told me so much about you! I'm Valentine by the way!" The vibrant eyes stare at my mismatched ones before she leaps off of me.

She helps me up and giggles into her hand. Now I can see her, she's quite unlike Grillby. Her flames are a deep purple instead of red. Her clothing consisted of a pink shirt with a sleeping kitten on it that hung loosely on her shoulders, purple jeans, and yellow-orange shoes with electric blue laces. She seems to be made of nothing but energy. Bouncing on the balls of her feet like she was ready to leap away at any moment and little splashes of water going on over her head. It was then that I remembered what Grillby had said. She was unique like me! Though a year or two older, she was someone who I could talk to! We quickly got engaged in a conversation on color magic as the other monsters started to arrive. I couldn't believe I had never approached her before. Clouds gathered slowly overhead as we continued to talk. Eventually, Pap walked past and I seized him, anger forgotten. We all talk until the rain starts to fall. I tilt my head up, letting the drops run around my face and feeling perfectly content for the first time in a long while.

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