Woso one-shots

By Arsenalwomensfan

46.9K 452 69

Hiya. I created this one-shot book to celebrate ships of Women's football players. Yes, I am British so I use... More

I'll Wait For You (Macson)
It's All Over (Kyanna)
From The First Sight (Talex)
Yes! (Macson)
Runaway Bride (Presston)
What Are You Drinking? (O'Solo)
It's Always Been You (Kyanna)
Blame It On The Alcohol (Dewis)
Where Is She (Leah and Jordan)
I'm Not Wearing A Dress (Samton)
I Could Punch You Right Now (DVD and Beth Mead)
Welcome Home, My Love (Lucy & Keira)
I Need to Tell You Something (Jordan Nobbs and Leah Williamson)
Happy New Year!! (Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde)
Im Not Wearing a Dress Part II (Samton)
What About Us? (Beth and Daan)
Pancakes (Future Daan and Beth)
That Could Be Me (Ingrid Engen & Lieke Martens)
That Could Be Me (Ingrid Engen and Lieke Martens alt ending)
Perfect (Jordan Nobbs and Leah Williamson)
I Love You (Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde)
Broken (Leah Williamson
You're My World (Ruesha Littlejohn and Katie McCabe)

Winter Wonderland (Lisa Evans & Vivianne Miedema)

1.9K 25 5
By Arsenalwomensfan

Hi guys, I wrote this a while ago on AO3. This is a Christmas one-shot so, Christmas in July? Hope you enjoy reading it.

"You have got to be fuckin' kidding me!" she said slamming her wrist on the steering wheel.

"I told you to check how much fuel you have in the tank" the woman in the passenger seat said, a smirk on her lips.

"Shut it Mead!" she exclaimed; the blonde checked her phone before sighing.

"Great, there is no signal, check your phone Lisa" Beth said.

"Mine is dead" Lisa said, putting her head on the steering wheel. Beth glazed her eyes out of the window.

"Miraculous really. It doesn't snow often in the Netherlands, but this is ridiculous" she said. The snow was coming down quick and the ground was covered in a thick blanket of cold snow. Lisa growled.

"This is your fault" Lisa pointed a finger at Beth, who frowned her brows.

"How is this MY fault!?" the blonde exclaimed.

"You wanted to come by car, now look where we are!" there were groans coming from the back of the car.

"Would yous shut up, yer giving me earache" the girl sat up.

"Sorry Katie" Lisa said.

"Wow look at the snow. And you wanted to get a suntan?" the girl next to Katie said, rubbing her eyes and looking at Lisa.

"Shut up Ruesha" she said to her fellow Scotswoman.

"Oi, leave my girlfriend alone" Katie said, wrapping her arms around Ruesha.

"Your cute babe but I can defend my own battles" Ruesha said. Suddenly there was a knock on the window. This startles the women. Lisa rolled down her window. There stud a woman, a stunning woman Lisa thought. The woman with the light brown hair and blue eyes leaned down to talk to Lisa.

"hallo, heb je hulp nodig?" the woman said. 'even the way she spoke was sexy' Lisa thought. She was so caught up on her eyes that she didn't hear the girls behind her.

"Oh um, we don't speak Dutch. We're from Britain" Lisa spoke, a red tinge on her face. The woman offers Lisa a small smile.

"Oh no worries, I speak English too. What I said was, do you need any help?" the woman said.

"Yes please, we ran out of petrol" Lisa said.

"Hang on" the woman walked away before appearing with a petrol can. "I keep a spare in the boot in case of an emergency" she said

"I can't ask you to just give up your spare- "before she could finish her sentence the woman raised her hand.

"Think of it as a Christmas gift and a welcome to the Netherlands" she said. Lisa got out of her car to undo her oil cap "So what's your name pretty lady?" she woman asked.

"Lisa, yours?" she said. The woman looked up from putting the oil in the car.

"Vivianne, but people call me Viv" she smiled. Lisa smiled back. Viv, she could get used to that name

"Is there any way I can repay you Viv?" she asked.

"Maybe, are you here for a few days?" Lisa nods. "Well, if you don't mind, I would like to take you out sometime soon"  Lisa started to blush.

"I would like that" she said. Once they were done, she put the petrol cap back onto the car and headed to the driver side door. "My phone is dead, but I can give you my number if you want" Lisa said

"Yeah, I don't mind" Once exchanged, Viv put her phone away.

"Thanks for the help, I'll see you later" Lisa said, giving Viv a sweet smile. Viv gave Lisa a quick smile before heading back to her car. Lisa took one glance at Viv before heading back into her car. Three pairs of eyes were staring at her.

"What?" Lisa said. The girls look at each other before bursting into laughter.

"You met a cute woman, got her number, then left, who the feck does that?" Katie said.

"Shut up!" Lisa said, prompting the girls to laugh more.

"Let's just go it's feckin' freezin'" Ruesha said. Katie smiled and offered her coat.

"Should'a brought yer coat den" Katie said, Ruesha gave her a look and took her coat.

"Nah, got yous instead" she said. Katie shook her head before wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and kissing the top of her head. Lisa quickly drives off to the designated place.


Lisa didn't have to drive much further to stop at the house. She pulled up and stopped the engine.

"Yay, we're here!" Beth said, eagerly.

"Not every day you come to the Netherlands is it?" Beth hopped out of the car and bounded to the front door to be greeted by a gorgeous brunette.

"Beffie, I've missed you!" Beth held the brunette in her arms before welcoming her with a kiss.

"I've missed you too Dani-bear" Daan's dimples show before kissing the blonde again. Lisa smiled at the happy couple.

"Hey Dani-bear" Katie said, mockingly. Daan looked at her.

"Hello Lucky Charm, Hi Ruesha, Lisa" Daan said, Katie huffed.

"I am not a feckin' leprechaun" she scorns, thus making the girls laugh.

"Besides, only I get to call her Dani-bear" Beth wrapped her arms from behind Daan and around her waist, the brunette leaned into her.

"Let's go inside, it's quite cold" Ruesha said. They all walk inside to enjoy a hot cup of chocolate.


They were halfway through watching 'the notebook' before the doorbell rang. Danielle stud up from her spot from Beth's lap to answer the door, all the women could hear was a ramble of Dutch. Lisa looked up towards the door to see those exact blue eyes from earlier. Lisa stud up from her spot on the sofa.

"Viv?" "Lisa?" they said at the same time. Daan shot them a confused look.

"You know each other?" she said.

"Yes, well not really. She needed fuel and I helped her with it" Viv said.

"Okay cool. Kom binnen Viv, het vriest" Daan said in Dutch (come on in Viv, it's freezing)

Oke, dankje" Viv said, taking her coat off. (Okay, thanks)

"I'm going to get another drink, want one Viv?" Lisa said.

"Sure, I'll come with" Viv said, placing her coat on the rack and following Lisa into the kitchen.

"So, what would you like to drink?" Lisa asked.

"Daan got any diet coke?" Viv said. Lisa nods before she poured a glass of diet coke.

"So, how do you know Daan?" Viv asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Mainly from my friend Beth, I've known her for three years since Beth started dating her" Lisa explained.

"Oh Beth, I've heard so much about her. I'm so sad that we've only just met. Daan always tells Dom and I all about you" Viv said.

"Good things, I hope" Lisa said, they started to laugh.

"Definitely, I should have known your face from the pictures she showed of you. I could never forget a face like yours" Viv flirted. Lisa smiled "She was saying 'my friend Lisa is totally your type, you would make a cute couple' and now that I see you in person I don't think she is wrong. You are quite pretty" Viv said, Lisa turned bright red and smiled widely.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself" Lisa said. Viv smiled "So, how do I repay yous for saving my friends and I from the snow earlier?" Lisa asked.

"Well, if you're up for the offer, I wouldn't mind getting to know you and maybe take you on a date?" Viv asked, sheepishly rubbing her neck.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind it since you helped me. I would like to take you to dinner, how does tomorrow at 6 sound?" Lisa asked. Viv took a sip of her drink.

"Sounds perfect. I know a really good restaurant that has English speaking workers there" Viv said.

"Great, let's go back to the girls, they might be suspicious to what we are doing" Lisa said. They both walking out to meet the other girls.

"Hey girls, I want to introduce you to meet Vivianne Miedema. Viv this is Katie and Ruesha. Obviously, you've met Lisa and my Beffie" Daan said. The girls started to get acquainted. Beth quickly got bored before pausing the TV. The girls objectify.

"Girls, let's go do something fun!" Beth said. Daan looked at Lisa and they exchanged a look.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Daan said.

"ey lassie, if yous thinkin' about goin' outside and having a wee snowball fight" Lisa said. Beth smiled.

"let's do this. Katie and Lisa, you're on my team" Beth said. Lisa smiled and got up.

"But, it's cold" Katie said, Ruesha rolled her eyes.

"Well if you brought a coat- "Ruesha was cut off.

"Babe that was you, you're wearing my coat" Katie said.

"I got you covered Katie. I have a spare coat in the closet" Daan said. The girls put on their coats and walked out of Daan's house.

"Watch out Mead!" Daan said, throwing snow at her girlfriend. Beth smirks.

"You're on Van De Donk!" Beth said, putting snow down the back of Daan's top. Daan screamed.

"Hou je me voor de gek!" Daan yelled. Viv laughed, throwing snow at Lisa. (Are you fucking kidding me!)

"Come over here Miedema" Lisa ran after the lanky Dutch. Viv laughed and ran away. Katie picked up some snow.

"Don't even think about it McCabe" Ruesha said, Katie immediately dropped the pile of snow. Viv finally caught up with Lisa. Their legs tangled together, Viv toppled over with Lisa fell on top of Viv. They started to laugh. Lisa stares into Viv's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Viv whispered. She looked into Lisa's eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" Lisa got up off Viv and held out her hand. Viv grabbed her hand and got up. They heard whistles behind them.

"Yous only just met and you are already fallin' for each other ey'?" Katie said. The girls laugh. Viv and Lisa both turn red.

"Piss off!" Lisa said throwing snow at Katie which hit her directly in the face. Ruesha laughs at her. Katie turns to her and smiled.

"Now yous going to get it" Katie said throwing snow at Ruesha. Beth and Daan looked on to the couples and smiled.

"This is the perfect way to spend Christmas" Daan said.

"Thank you for bringing us here babe, this is amazing" Beth said, pulling Daan closer to her. Daan put her head onto Beth's chest.

"Ik hou van jou Beffie" Daan said, Beth smiled. (I love you)

"Ik hou ook van jou Dani-bear" Beth said before capturing Daan's lips on a kiss. (I love you too)

Lisa smiled at her friends. Yep, this is one of the best Christmases she has ever had.


Thanks for reading, hope you liked it! Dutchies, if any of the Dutch is wrong, please don't hesitate to @ me about it.

- Uswntfan99

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