The Kingpin's sister

By Baabiiee_doll

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Whenever you hear the name Kimani Sumner in the streets of the.Bronx, her older brother, KJ's, name is spoken... More



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By Baabiiee_doll

Kairo Dashawn Sumner, The house was buzzing with the name and excitement about the new baby boy. Ebony and Kairo weren't able to come home because of her complications with birth and the fact that he was a couple months early but that did not stop a thing.

I've visited Ebony and baby Kaito two out of the four days they've been here. The other days I was handling business for KJ since he was in daddy mode.

It was simple things, nothing I haven't handled or seen done before.

It was midday when I arrived to Ebony's hospital room, this making the third time I've visited. Atieno, Ebony's mom, couldn't take too many more days off work and from my understand KJ had something he had to handle.

It was just the three of us in the brightly lit hospital room.

I stood in the corner slowly rocking baby Kairo in my arms. He was swaddled and eyes closed. At some moments he'd yawn or use his hand to grip at my shirt.

He captivated my heart as soon as I saw him and whenever I was here, he was in my arms.

"At least I know I always have a babysitter in you." Ebony chuckled, she was laid back in the hospital bed with her phone in hand. "Aunty mode seriously activated."

I couldn't help but laugh, she wasn't wrong. Kairo had recently acquired a brand new onesie wardrobe at the hands of yours truly and Dash picked him out the dopest set of shoes.

"He looks so much like KJ when he was a baby," I smiled over at Ebony. "I bet you hate it."

She rolled her eyes before speaking, "girl... you know I do but I am happy he's taking a liking to being a father... I just hope it sticks."

I don't think she has anything to worry about, KJ had seemed to make a complete 360 turn and the way he looks when he's holding his son speaks wonders.

"I want to tell you something, I didn't want to tell KJ"

"You're not pregnant again are you ?" I asked obviously joking and she shook her head wildly in protest.

"No! God no! I don't want one of those things crawling out of me again for awhile," She sat her phone down beside her before adjusting herself up right. "It's about your dad."

My heart skipped a bit at the mention of my father, he's been quiet lately but we all knew that wasn't going to last.

"He stopped by when KJ left the other day, like right after almost like he knew or as if he was watching."

"Well... he is pretty well known for being attentive but what did he want?" I decided to sit down on the edge of the hospital bed as she continued.

"He just wanted to see Kairo, he held him for a bit and even left a teddy bear I had Brianna hide cause I didn't want KJ questioning it but that's not it.. before he left he said something about telling my boyfriend and his little sister to watch their backs and hopefully nothing goes wrong with the club."

Ebony looked at me with worried eyes, I wasn't worried.

"Don't sweat it... he's just trying to plant a seed and we aren't even going to water that shit." I nodded to reassure her as I looked down at Kairo. "Who's not going to worry ? Us ? Right cause your grandfather is a nut job."

"Look, I know you guys have what Brianna calls a very Empire-ish family dynamic going for you guys right now but I don't want to lose either of you."

"First off, really ? Listening to Brianna and secondly... you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

As I finished speaking the room door swung open and my mother with Dash hot on her feels came storming in to the room.

"Where's my grand baby!" She said in a boisterous tone. "Ah! Give that little peanut here." She held her arms out as she made a beeline for Kairo and I.

"Thank you." She immediately scooped him out of my arms. "Now you, have you decided if you wanted to breast feed ? Formula ? I breastfed my two."

"Oh... my mom suggested that, she thinks it calls for a closer connection." Ebony and my mother drifted off in to their own conversation as if Dash and I weren't even in the room.

"You in here being the best aunty you can be huh?" Dash slid in to the chair beside me, resting a firm hand on my thigh.

"That was the plan." I looked down at his hand and rested mine on top of his giving it a light squeeze. "What are you doing here?"

"Your mom is tipsy and needed someone to drive her." Dash leaned over resting his head on my shoulder.

"You know what Ebony you're doing it right." Mom spoke as if she was trying to get the entire rooms attention. "Not too early and not too late."

"What?" As soon as it left my lips.. I regretted it.

"Hmm? Oh nothing honey I'm just saying Ebony is at the right age in my opinion, you know ? Not too young."

"Why are you saying that?" I could feel Dash's hand tighten on my thigh as an indication to just be quiet.

"Really? Not everything is about you and your young pregnancy." Mom rolled her eyes and looked away as if that was going to be enough to dismiss the conversation.

"I think kairo is going to have KJ's hair ha!" Ebony chimed in.

"I can see that, he got his big ass head." Dash added.

They were of course trying to add to the misdirection of the conversation.

"So, you're saying that cause of me ? Well Ebony, I know your mom is going to be an amazing grandmother... I'm sure she'll do it right."

"I'm not going to be a good grandmother?"

"Oh , honey I just mean why would you be a good grandmother now when you didn't have this same energy when it came to me." I could feel the awkwardness in the room but I didn't care, I even chuckled a little. "You know what, I'm not even surprised.. why would I expect anything less."

"I should of been happy that my little girl was out being grown and got pregnant? I was there when you told your dad." She looked around the room for someone to jump in and have her back but Ebony and Dash both averted their eyes.

"There when you threw me under the bus or do you mean when you sent me away to be someone else's problem cause you couldn't do it ? Send me away to deal with the loss of my baby without my family.. actually, I had Aunt Toya and I'm thankful i have someone that cares." The feeling of absolute anger began to creep up. "All this shit with dad cheating and you haven't been yourself, all you do is drink and you're fucking spiraling and want to attack me?" She looked at me in utter disbelief and I decided I needed to get out of there before I said anything else bad.

In a rush, I stood up and Dash tried to keep me back but I shoved his hand away.

"Kimani!" He called after me before the hospital door slammed behind me.

My heart was racing, my mind was too while I rushed down the surpassingly empty hallways of the hospital.


The sound of Dash's voice only made me move faster, i don't know why I was even running from him.


I turned down a hall and was met by a wall and a few vending machines.

"Baby... " I could hear the soft voice behind me and didn't want to turn around.

"Come here.." His footsteps could be heard walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my back against his chest. He nuzzled his head into my neck.

This is what I was running from, this was the equivalent of someone asking if you're okay and you just bust out in tears.

That's what I did for the next ten or so minutes. Cried while Dash held me. Most likely scaring off anyone who had came over here for a snack.

"I'm sorry." I was able to speak through my tears. "I've been an emotional shit for awhile."

"It's all good, you just had some shit you been holding for awhile.. you need that off you." He placed a few tender kisses on my neck. "You'll feel better you got it off you soon enough, I promise."

"Okay.." I let out a few exaggerated breaths of air and stood there quietly for a moment.

"You know something Dash.."


"I just ran down this hallway like I was on Maury and he said you weren't the father."

I could hear Dash snicker and try his hardest to stifle a laugh.


The voice belonged to my mom.

"You mind if I steal her for a minute." She asks Dash as she took a few steps towards us.

"No not at all, I'm going to go back to the room." Dash planted a soft kiss on my forehead before leaving just the two of us.

The air was silent, I wasn't going to say anything and I knew for a fact she was struggling to find words to say.

"I didn't know that you felt that way." She finally spoke after a few moments. "I sent you away because I just didn't know how to ha for it... it was wrong , I should of tried to go through it with you."

"It's fine.."

It wasn't

"No, it isn't and my comment back there was completely uncalled for and I'm sorry for that too.." she let out a hard sigh. "You went through something very traumatizing at a young age and you should of been with us- I should of been there." I could hear her words beginning to break as she was starting to tear up. "I haven't even been really supportive while you've been back...I think apart of me is a little jealous you're so close to Toya and it's my fault."

I bit at my bottom lip hard. She continued to apologize and express how wrong she was for sending me away while I was pregnant.

"Look.. you weren't wrong, it wasn't the age to get pregnant and seeing you be so supportive of Ebony, I guess sort of hit a nerve with me." As I spoke, I kept my eyes to the floor. I felt more comfortably expressing my feelings to Brianna than I did my mom. That says a lot because he's always making jokes.

She closed the space between us and took my hands in hers. "I want us to get better, closer and have the mother-daughter relationship we should have."

"I'd like that."

"I also see what you mean about the drinking and sort of acting out of character so I'm getting rid of the bottle and Quincy."

"You don't have to get rid of Quincy and maybe just slow down on the everyday drinking." I chuckled.

"Oh, Quincy was just... something fun for mommy to do when everyone was asleep." Mom laughs as a horrified look crept on to my face.

"Somethings don't have to be said !" I shouted. "Ew! And why'd you say it like I was a child."

We talked a bit longer after that before returning to the room. I know the talk we had wasn't fairly enough to clear up what we both probably felt but having a start to the conversation was an amazing feeling and I know that it was going to take a long time for us to repair our relationship and not just act like the issues don't exist but I was ready.

A few hours later since mom's buzz had left, Dash left with me.

"You know what we need?" Dash questions as I drove away from the hospital.

"What's that ?"

"We need just time away for ourselves, no family or friends just you and me.. a couple bottles, a nice view and a whole bunch of fucking."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Is the ticking we're doing now isn't enough?"

"Nah baby, If ain't that but could you imagine us out on the balcony bending you over the railing while I fuck the shit out of you?" His tone of voice changes and lowers a bit which is a clear indication that he was getting aroused.

"That actually does sound really nice." I whisper.

"I know you need a break from all the shit.. we got like a couple of days until the club opens up so let's do it."

"A baecation right now?" I felt like I should of denied it. "I really should be here for my mom and Ebony."

"You're always here for your mom and Ebony... KJ, Brianna, your pops and even people that you've just met." Dash leaned over the middle console and stared at my profile. "Can you be here for your boyfriend that just wants to spend some fucking time with you?"

"Cursing at me?" I held back a smirk. "You know that does nothing but turn me on."

"You know what... alright."

"No!" I said a bit louder than I meant. "I know we've talked about doing a little thing for just us and you know what... why the hell not?"

"We talk about a lot of things but I'm not saying that shit just to talk , I mean it." He took a tight hold of my thigh. "That ring on your finger ain't no temporary shit, I don't get shit for temporary people."

"Aww baby.... you are such a fucking SIMP!" I laughed and he sucked his teeth.

"Don't play me, I don't exude simp energy."

"What energy do you exude baby?" I was able to look over at him for a moment as I drove and he was smirking.

"You want to put your hands down my pants and tell me what energy I'm giving off ?" His smirk widened.

"Oh my gosh you're so corny but yes, you are the definition of big dick energy." As I stopped at a red light and looked at him, he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

An hour had passed since I arrived home. I've walked King, cleaned and made a quick dinner for Dash and I.

It was just the two of us at the house and it was a certain peace to it , it was something I haven't felt in a long time.

The idea of the two of us owning our own place became something I was way mite interested in than I was before.

"I think it would be really nice for the two of us to get our own spot." I looked down at the back of Dash's head, he was laying on my lap. My fingers running through his dark curls. "It could really finally be all about us and our little thing... we could start saving for it... what do you think?"

He was silent.

"Okay.. I get it." I furrowed my brows. "Wait, so when I want to bring up our future you're quiet ?"

He didn't say anything

I leaned over and beamed down at him.

He was asleep, drooling down my leg.

I couldn't help but giggle, I was ready to snap his neck off for not saying anything.

There was a light knock on the front door followed by a hard one, completely taking my attention away from my sleeping boyfriend.

I slid out from under him and placed his head on the couch.

"Who is it?" I called out in a bit of whispered tone as I looked through the prep-hole.

I couldn't see anything

Another loud knock

I grumbled, I hated when people knocked as if they owned the place or they're the police. I've seen my father open the door and snatch whoever was on the other side in by the neck and as I swung the door open that idea crossed my mind but of course when I was able to see who was on the other side, it made me glad I didn't.

"Whispers?" I raised an eyebrow. "For someone named whispers, you're definitely kind of loud."

He chuckled lightly, his chuckle was even a whisper.

"I didn't know if you could hear me.." he backed up and motioned for me to step out on to the porch.

I narrowed my eyes but stepped out and closed the door behind me.

"Could of texted me.."

"I did, I didn't get an answer but I have some news for you."


An unexpected voice entered the conversation. It was Brianna accompanied by Abigail and a little girl.

"I just wanted to say, I don't know what exactly.. but your pops is up to something you need to watch out." Whispers spoke even lower than normally.

"Aren't you suppose to know who?" I asked with a confused look. "You are all knowing of all things good and bad in the hood."

Whispers smiles, "I am all knowing... good, Keke and Ron down the street are getting married.. bad? He's fucking her sister."

"I knew it was odd he was always with her..." I shook my head and looked over towards Brianna and Abigail who were politely waiting for our conversation to end.

"I don't know much more than that.. your dad knows I have my ear to the street on all matters so he must of really kept it under wraps but just keep an eye out for your family.."

"You done over there whispering whispers?" Brianna yells.

Whispers looks over at the two of them than back at me. "It isn't good to trust all people."

He gave me a quick hug and dismissed himself from the front porch.

"What was that all about?" Brianna asks as she steps up into his spot on the porch.

"Nothing ... what are you guys here for?"

"Okay... rude, I actually was on my way here already and ran In to Abigail." Brianna points over to the girl with who I'm assuming is her daughter on her hip.

"I just wanted to come by and have your mom meet my little princess." She bounced the girl a bit who had her head nuzzled in to her mothers neck.

"She isn't here."

"Oh! I could probably come by later." Abigail stepped back slowly as if she was waiting for me to stop her, eyeing me as she backed away.

"You might want to turn around before you bust your ass." Brianna adds in with a bit of a snicker.

Abigail smiles but you could tell it was forced.

I sighed.

I don't get what this all is about and again I am met with more issues than I'd like.

"What's her name again?" I ask giving in.

"Her name is Delilah, say hi!" Abigail tries to make the girl look at us but she shyly looks away.

"Shes very adorable, I uh- I'm not trying to be dismissive.. it's just Dash and I are planning on chilling out and we got the place to ourself." She watched me with a puzzled look as I explained myself, I shouldn't of explained myself.

"Is this about Dash ? I don't want him." She had a smile on her lips but behind that smile, it felt sinister.

"No babygirl, this isn't about him." I couldn't confidently tell myself I wasn't lying about that. "Want him ? No... you couldn't have him."

"Ouch!" Brianna shouted

"What ? What's wrong?" Abigail questions.

"I'm feeling the heat from that burn."

"I just wanted to become friends... after everything with Silas and my baby, I sort of lost them all and thought you all seemed cool." She looked down at the floor, she didn't mean what she said there wasn't any emotion in her voice.

"I don't mind friendship... I just- I just don't like being talked to side ways and that's how I took it." Biting at my bottom lip, I continued. "Why don't you and Delilah come in and get something to eat before hand."

She lit up and I could feel Brianna sink behind me.

"Why say some fire shit than go back on it ? Stand ten toes down." She smacked at my ass. "Bad girl, come on Abby and Delilah, I'll show you where the fruit snacks are."

The three of them walked past me and in to the house.

When I was finally inside and closed the door behind me, Dash was awake and his body sloppily resting against the couch.

"What's going on?" He says as his eyes flash to the kitchen where Brianna, Abby and the little girl was.

"I need a break... that's what's happening." Plopping down on the couch beside him , feeling a moment of relief the door clicked open. "Fucking what now?!"

"You alittle loud for someone that doesn't pay rent." KJ chuckles as he walks in with Silas and Cortes on his heels.

"I had to make a couple of exchanges, see a couple of promoters and shit for the club."

Abigail steps out of the kitchen with Delilah in arms now eating fruit snacks. The little girl lights up when she sees Silas.

"Papa!" She flails around excitedly until Silas scoops her up in his arms and twirls her around.

"How's my baby." He asks

I grunted, i had to purse my lips together to stop myself from making a comment like my mother use to when we were young. "This isn't a train station."

"You mind if I sit in on this club talk?" Abigail asks. "Since I work there and all."

"No!" I said a little louder than I attended. It was odd to be so interested in parts that didn't concern you.. am I wrong ? "All you have to worry about is dancing."

"Aw, come on baby sis don't be like that." KJ looked over at Abigail and whispers as if I couldn't hear him. "I'll let you know what the fuck is going on."

KJ, Abigail and Brianna began chatting and Cortes slid down on the couch beside me.

"Isn't he so adorable with her?" Cortes asks as he leans over to whisper to me.

"Hmm?" Following his gaze to Silas, he did look a bit less like a dumbass with his daughter in his arms. "He looks... better-ish ? Doesn't give me complete creep vibes."

Cortes rolls his eyes and continues to eye Silas. I looked over at Cortes and he still was staring, looking at his profile.. I noticed the hickey on his but j quickly looking back at Silas and he was staring back at Cortes blowing him kisses.

My eyes widened and couldn't help but gasp.

It caught Silas' attention and he turned away and walked in to the kitchen.

"Cortes." Elbowing him in his side. "Is Silas fucking you?"

Cortes looks at me with a blank expression. "More like I'm fucking Silas... he's a total brat."

"Fucking disgusting." Dash chimed in.

I bit my bottom lip. One of the things that stood out a lot about Dash is his non-toxic masculinity. I loved that he was comfortable enough in his own sexuality.

"Dash!" I said pushing him.

"Disgusting?" Cortes asks, his face looked saddened. "I thought we was got an issue with me ?"

"Oh nah... I fucks with you and do whatever the fuck you want but Silas ? You could do better than that."

Cortes and I both seemed to relax at the same moment, letting out a small chuckle.

The little bit of silence and serenity that Dash and I was gone and the house was filled with life. Once my mom came back from visiting Ebony and the baby, she was happy to come home to another child, Delilah, who she happily spent most of her time with. It gave Abigail more time to breath down KJ's neck about the club, I kept a close eye on it. I interrupted him when he said anything too important, thats when I chimed in.

Cortes and Silas seemed fo have disappeared and although my mind had momentarily been curious on what was going on between them, I was snapped out of it shortly after.

"Once we get this club up and running... few nights in, I can have a few things coming in and out." KJ clapped his hands together and startled me a bit.

"What stuff?" Abigail asks, her elbow resting on the table and her chin resting on her palm.

"Isn't it kind of late?" I chimed in as I pushed her chair out causing her arm to fall off the table. "It's probably time to get going."

She looked back at me confused but stood up. "You're right.." she flashed me a smile. "I should get Delilah home."

"You don't have to go." KJ said giving me a small glare.

"Sleep tight." I said

Abigail stood there for a moment before disappearing out of the kitchen to retrieve her daughter.

"Talk about fucking harsh." Brianna added.

"You're the bitch that told me to watch out for her."

"I could of swore I said keep her close, not this ? Although I like the bitch in you it's sexy." She winked at me playfully.

"Agreed!" Dash shouted from the living room.

"Alright" Abigail appeared with Delilah. "I'll see you on opening night."

She didn't wait for anyone to say anything before leaving the room.

"Really Kimani?" KJ scuffed and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"I'm going to drop her off home"

"Oh?" Brianna chuckles. "Someone has a baby and now all of a sudden they're a gentlemen."

"You're really lucky we friends." KJ growled.

"Aw! Friend?" Brianna rushes across the room and hugs KJ. "That was the sweetest threat you've ever said to me... come on, you can take me to get Taco Bell after you drop her off."

"I didn't say I'd do all that." KJ awkwardly patted Brianna on the back

"Come on friend!" She broke the bug off and rushed out the door.

"What the fuck?" KJ sighed. "Kimani, calm down... everyone isn't after your ass."

He exited the house leaving me in the kitchen by myself.

I leaned against the table as I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"You okay?" Dash's voice startled me, he wasn't in the living room now but by my side.

"I'm fine... I think I'm just going to spend the rest of my night in my room." I pecked him on his cheeks before dismissing myself from the kitchen.

I did exactly what I said I was going to.

I stayed in my room, enveloped in blankets and watching reruns of EveryBody Hares Chris until i e eventually fell asleep.

I felt a tug at the covers and a shake at the bed.

"Wake up ! Wake up!"

A few grunts were heard before the bed began to move.

Someone was bouncing on the bed.

My eyes sprung open and I took in my surroundings, I was no longer in my bed or for that matter in my room.

As my eyes began to adjust, the room was decked out in an all white with trims of navy blue scattered about.


Finally bringing my attention to the person trying to wake me up.

It was a little girl.

"Sleepy head!" The little girl jumped in to my arms, placing her hands on either side of my face and kissed my nose. "Daddy said it's fine to wake up!"

"Daddy?" I questioned. "Who's daddy? Who are you?"

"Mommy..." her face dropped in disappointment. "It's me Konani." konani plopped down on the bed allowing me to get a closer look at her.

She looked like a mosaic of Dash and I. She had his eyes but my nose and lips. Her head was full of long black curls that resembled his and her beautiful dark skin was almost glowing as the sunlight peaked through the window.

"Did you get mommy awake?" The voice caught both of our attention. Dash walked in to the unfamiliar bedroom, leaning against the doorframe as he looked at the two of smiling. "Look at my two pretty girls."

"Mommy doesn't know who I am." Konani huffs and angrily folds her hands over her chest.

"She's just joking." Dash walks in the room and lifts the little girl up into his arms. "You know she has her whoopsie moments."

"Oh!" Konani covers her mouth and giggles.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"It's a joke that is only for us!" She giggles again.

"Wait! No ! I want to know!"

"Let me speak with my babygirl for a moment." Dash turns around and the two of them begin whispering to each other and eventually turned back around.

"Fine... whenever you get a little mad we call them your whoopsie moments." Dash sits the little girl back on the bed beside me. "I'm going to finish breakfast you two come down in a bit."

He exited the room.

Leaving the little girl and myself in an almost awkward silent.

"You going to braid my hair like you said mommy?" She rested her small hand on top of me.

"Ah- of course!"

The next few moments seemed to blur away. The next thing I knew the two of us were sat on the couch and I looked down, her hair was nearly braided.

I was able to get a few of the rest of the house and it was beautiful, it wasn't my parents home and it felt like mine.

"Thank you mommy!" Konani stood up and jumped in to hug me. "I love you."

As she said that the entire house began to shake and the little girl was trembling in my arms.

"Mommy I love you!"

She said it again and the house should harder.

I looked down at her confused, she kept shaking and with every, 'I love you' the house continued to shake and crumble.

"I love you!" She tightened her grip around me, it was painful.

"I love you!"

"I love you!"

My mouth didn't want to open, it was as if someone glued my lips shut.

"I love you too!"

The house stopped shaking once I was able to get those four words out, the wreckage quickly fixed itself and the house went back to the way it was.

"Okay mommy.." Konani was now smiling and patting at my head as a way to comfort me. "Stop fighting it."


"Stop fighting daddy.. you'll lose him.... us." She hugged me once more. "I hope I'll see you again mommy." She rested a hand on my stomach and rubbed before hopped off my lap and walked towards the door and disappeared.


I stood up and walked towards the door she went through but was met with a brick wall and when I turned back around the beautiful living room was gone.

It was just an empty room and I was alone now.


I jolted awake, head butting Dash in the process.

"What in the fuck was that for?" He stumbled back his hand covered his head. "Who the fuck wakes up on attack mode like that?"

It was a dream, I figured it was but it felt so real.

I rested my head in my hands and I couldn't help but cry.

"Why are you crying? I got head butted." Dash pulled me in to his lap and cradled me. "Come on."


"I woke you up for a reason." He stood up with me still in his arms before placing me done on my feet. "Get dressed babygirl."

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