
By Teenwolfmk55

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Book Three of Keir Winchester ----------------- Keir Winchester... He's watched Dean get dragged to hell by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 20

39 1 0
By Teenwolfmk55

S8 E1: We need to talk about Kevin

I water-ported into the cabin, I started laughing as Dean got off Sam, who was drenched in Borax and holy water and a little blood. Dean did the same to himself and held out the knife to Sam.
Sam said" No! Dean, can I just say hello?" Dean cut his arm himself, I laughed louder.
Dean said" All right, well... let's do this."
" I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower."
" Come here." They hugged, I smiled, shaking my head,
" Dude... you're... freakin' alive." I walked over to them," I mean, what the hell happened?"
" Well, I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory."
" You were in Purgatory." Dean nodded," For the whole year?"
" Yeah, time flies when you're running for your life."
" Well, how'd you get out?"
" I guess whoever built that box didn't want me in there anymore than I did."
" What's that mean?"
" I'm here, okay?"
" What about Cas? Was he there?"
" Yeah, Cas didn't make it."
" What exactly does that mean?"
" Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go."
" So Cas is dead? You saw him die?"
" I saw enough."
" So, then what, you're not sure?"
" I said I saw enough, Sam."
" Right. Dean, I'm sorry."
" Me too. So you- I can't believe you're actually here. You know that half your numbers are out of service? Felt like I was leaving messages in the wind."
" Yeah, I-I-I didn't get your messages."
" How come?" I snickered, leaning against the wall, smirking at Sam, flashing my eyes.
" Probably because I ditched the phones."
" Because?"
" I guess, um... I guess something happened to me this year, too. I don't hunt anymore."
" Yeah. And Sasha Grey's gone legit." Sam scoffed," What?"
" Nothing. Um, she did a Soderbergh movie."
" What?"
" She did a Soderbergh-"
" No. You, Sam. You quit?"
" Yeah. Yeah, I- you were gone... Dean. Cas was gone, Bobby was dead. I mean, Crowley even shipped off Kevin and Meg to parts unknown."
" So you turned tail on the family business."
" Nothing says family quite like the whole family being dead."
" I wasn't dead. In fact, I was knee-deep in God's armpit killing monsters, which, I thought, is what we actually do."
" Yes, Dean. And far as I knew, what we do is the thing that got every single member of my family killed. I had no one- no one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely alone. And, honestly, I didn't exactly have a roadmap. So, yeah, I fixed up the impala, and I just... drove."
" After you looked for me. Did you look for me, Sam? Key?" He looked at me, I looked down," Good. That's good. Now, we-we... always told each other not to look for each other. That's smart. Good for you. Of course, we always ignored that because of our deep, abiding love for each other, but not this time, right, Sammy?"
" Look, I'm still the same guy, Dean."
" Well, bully for you. I'm not." Dean walked out,
" Welcome back."
I said" Well, that went better than expected."
" Hey, Keir."
" Hey, Sam. So you went normal this time, way better than the last time Dean disappeared. Good for you!"
" What happened with you? You made sure I was safe, and then you ditched me, writing me a note."
" I knew you'd be okay, Sam, I knew you'd be okay and I left to make sure you'd be okay."
" What happened to you?"
" I-I... uh, I spiraled. Like majorly... uh, let's not talk about it."
" Okay. You gonna stick around?"
" Yeah, I am.... obviously, since you definitely need backup... again."

Dean put the phone on speaker and Kevin left a few voicemails.
Sam said" So, what, you want to... strategize or something?" Then Dean played another," Is he... drunk?" Then Dean played another,
Dean said" He was our responsibility. And you couldn't answer the damn phone." Oh, this definitely isn't gonna play out well... and if they ever find out what I did this year... I'd never be let off a leash again.

Sam said" All right, listen to this- Kevin's last message. Listen to the background." He played it," Hear that?"
Dean said" What is it?"
" I think he was on a bus. Listen again." He played it again but different frequency,
" Centreville? Centreville, where?"
" Michigan."
" And why would Kevin be in Centreville, Michigan?"
" Because... his high-school girlfriend goes to college there."
" That's thin."
" It's the best lead we got."
" We?"
" You were right. He was our responsibility. So... let's find him, okay?"
We were at the car,
Dean said" Well... no visible signs of douchery- I'll give you that." We got into the car," Smell like dog to you?"
Sam said" In the car?"
" You tell me." Sam shrugged his shoulders, frowning his lips, I smiled and looked out the window as Dean started to drive.
I was walking down a street, it was around midnight, my eyes were hazy, I was higher than an airplane right now.
I heard a little girl scream" Help me! Help! Help me!" I listened, three men, size 12 through 14 shoes... I can take them. I water-ported to them,
A guy yelled" Move it, kid!" I shifted, then turned to him, hissing," What the hell!" Water wrapped gently around the little girl, pulling her away from the men. The men tried to grab me, I moved back and kicked their shins, they fell. I hissed at them, baring my fangs, I moved water and snapped one of their necks. I made a guy boil from the inside, he screamed in agony, then I made the last guy drown. I watched them die, in pain...

I woke up, breathing in deeply, my body spasmed a little,
I heard Sam say" You okay?"
Dean said" Yeah. Yeah, hey, what do you say we blow this joint, hit the road?"
" Now?"
" Yeah, Kevin's not getting any more found."
" The kid survived a year without us. He'll be okay for another 12 hours. Besides, when's the last time you slept?"
" Hmm?"
" What?"
" Nothing. Is that, uh, that how you rationalize taking a year off? People will be okay?"
" People were okay, Dean. You're okay."
" Wow."
" Look, I did what we promised we'd do. I moved on. I lived my life."
" Yeah, no, I'm getting that."
" Look, it wasn't like I was... just oblivious. I mean, I read the paper every day. I saw the... weird stories, the kind of stuff we used to chase."
" And you said what? Not my problem?"
" Yes. And you know what? The world went on."
" People died, Sam."
" People will always die, Dean. Of maybe another hunter took care of it. I don't know, but the point is, for the first time, I realized that it wasn't only up to me to stop it."
" Hmm. So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl?"
" The girl had nothing to do with it."
" There was a girl."
" Yeah. There was. And then there wasn't. Any more questions?"

I walked out of the bathroom,
Sam said" I hit a dog."
Dean said" I knew I smelled dog."
" And I knew you'd throw a bitch fit." I laughed,
" Hey, the rules are simple, Sam. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car!"
" All right, what about you?"
" What about me?"
" Look at you. You've still got that look. You're shaky. You're on edge. What was it like?"
" You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
" Try me."
" It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there. Felt pure."

We were on the road,
Dean said" What about Keir? What happened with him?"
Sam said" He took off, left a note, call if you need me, type of note... took off. Didn't hear from him till 4 months later, it was nearly 4am. He got hurt somehow, and needed me to walk him through because he was nearly unconscious."
" Did he tell you what happened?"
" He said vamp nest gone sour, that he took care of it though. And I quote, just need you to walk me damn well through stitching up a nasty hickey, end quote."
" Sounds like him."
" He spiraled, Dean, majorly."
" What does that mean?"
" I'm not sure he's okay."
" Think he's taking again?"
" Yeah, I think so." Oh, shit! They're gonna be asking questions now, and I don't exactly like lying straight to my brothers' face.

I was with Sam as he was hacking into a computer,
He said" So... what have you been doing this year?"
I said" Biting through throats, losing my mind, and a lot of sex."
" You heard us, huh?"
" Small car, Sammy. You guys should really make sure I'm asleep before you start talking behind my back."
" I'm sorry, Key. I'm just worried about you, I mean... you told me you spiraled, what am I suppose to think?"
" That I'd tell you myself, dammit. But maybe I can't trust you anymore, maybe I'm on my damn own with my problems again."
" Keir... no.. just-just.." Anger fumed through me, I can't believe they just do that! Ignore me, and then talk behind my back! I breathed heavily, then looked around." Key... wait." I water-ported, I landed at a secluded lake, I breathed heavily, crashing onto the ground. I screeched, the trees went one way, nearly snapping in half till I stopped. I shifted, my fangs, my eyes... my claws, I screamed in pain as the scales broke through my skin, my hips raised and I screeched into the air. I stopped shifting, going back to normal, I breathed heavily, then relaxed against the ground.

I laid down next to this dude, he was tripping hard, I was still trying to get there.
He said" What the hell, man... you've had more than me, why aren't you seeing stars?"
I said" Because I'm not new..."
" This... This is my 6th time..."
" Mine's 60s."
" Damn! What's wrong with you?"
" A lot." He looked at me, I turned my head," Ever had sex while tripping?"
" No, no, have you?"
" Yea... wanna?"
" Totally!" I kissed him, rolling on top of him...

I opened my eyes, I needed to get back to my brothers... and they had my bags, so I really needed to get back to my brothers.
I water-ported into Kevin's little hideout, I found him 2 months ago, just didn't want to tell my brothers that. Two demon were at the entrance, shit!
One said" Dean Winchester. Back from Purgatory."
Dean said" Spanky the demon. Yeah, I heard about you. You're the one who uses too much teeth, right?" The demons attacked, Dean took one of them, Sam took the other. I shifted and clawed the demons neck as Kevin sprayed it with holy water. Sam stabbed it once he recovered from getting slammed onto the wall. Sam gave Dean the knife and Dean stabbed the one he was taking on.
We heard Crowley say" Hello, boys. Dean. You're looking... let's just say purgatory didn't do you any favors. Where's your angel?"
Dean said" Ask your mother."
" There's that grade school zip. Missed it. I really did. Moose. Still with the pork chops. I admire that."
Kevin said" Let Channing go."
Dean said" That's not Channing, Kevin. Not anymore."
Crowley said" What an awful thing to say to the boy. Of course it's Channing. Kev. Last time we danced, you stole my tablet and killed my men. Tell you what. Come with me now, bygones. And I'll let the girl go back to... what's-the-point U."
" He's lying. You won't get Channing back. She's probably dead already."
" Will you please stop saying that? Let the girl speak."
Channing said" Kevin?"
Kevin said" Channing?"
" What's going on?"
" There's a demon in you, and you're going to your safety school."
" What?!"
" But it's gonna be okay."
Crowley said" I-I-I-I just can't. I can't."
" No, no, wait." Crowley snapped his fingers again and the demon was back in control.
" Okay. I'll do it."
Sam said" Kevin."
" Myself for the girl. But this ends. All right? No fighting, no nothing. It ends."
Dean said" Can't let you do that, buddy."
" Or what? You'll kill me? I'll grab my stuff." He walked away,
Crowley said" Chin up, gentleman. I'm a professional."
Dean said" This ain't over by a long shot, Crowley."
" Really, Dean, who writes your stuff? A marshmallow? Come on, Kevin. Chop, chop. Kevin?" He tried to move, Dean pulled the knife, Crowley made it burn hot," Really, boys?" He walked past them, I water-ported in front of him." Really, siren." The frequency hit my ears, I hissed, falling to the ground instantly. That should have given Kevin enough time.
Kevin yelled" Sam, Dean. Run!" I water-ported to the car, Sam and Dean ran. They got into the car, Kevin got into the car and we drove off, Kevin saw Channing get her neck snapped.
A phone rang,
Dean said" Hello? Wrong number. Automated jackass. All right, anybody want anything?"
Sam said" I'm good. Kevin? How you holding up?"
Kevin said" Awesome. The king of hell just snapped my girlfriend's neck. How 'bout you?"
Dean said" All right, listen to me. I'm sorry about your girlfriend, okay? I am. But the sooner you get this, the better. You're in it now whether you like it or not. That means you do what you got to do. I'm hitting the head." He got out, walking away, I looked at Kevin and Sam, then pushed my sun glasses back up, leaning my head back to stare at the ceiling.

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