On Thin Ice (One Last Shot 2)

נכתב על ידי Regnado

79.4K 4K 787

Well we all remember Houston and Addison. This is all about their best friends Anthony and Brielle, their lov... עוד

One, Brielle
Three, Brielle
Four, Anthony
Five, Brielle
Six, Anthony
Seven, Anthony
Eight, Brielle
Nine, Anthony
Ten, Brielle
Eleven, Anthony
Twelve, Anthony
Thirteen, Anthony
Fourteen, Brielle
Fifteen, Brielle
Sixteen, Anthony
Seventeen, Brielle
Eighteen, Anthony
Nineteen, Brielle
Twenty, Anthony
Twenty-One, Brielle
Twenty-Two, Brielle
Twenty-Three, Anthony
Our Ever After Pt. 1
Our Forever Pt. 2
Our Forever and Always

Two, Anthony

2.5K 131 19
נכתב על ידי Regnado

Liked by hdavis91 and 168.7k others

delvecks23 You already know that this warm weather we're finally getting means pools and hammocks for this guy! #fuckingfinally #poolweather #summertime #thishotelislit

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hdavis91 Put a shirt on! Nasty. 💁‍♂️

tdickinson12 Aren't you supposed to be working out or something?🤣

username1 Holy mother of thirst traps. 💦😰

avecks GTL bro. ⛹️‍♀️🧺 they don't have a tan one...🤷‍♀️

delvecks23 Hahaha avecks I'm not really that tan, its all burn.

username2 I'm drooling just so we are...holy...omg.

avecks Oh I'm excited to smack the shit out of your chest tomorrow before the game then. 😁

capswag23 Excuse me, taken men don't thirst trap like this Anthony.

username3 Damn :-o

June 1st

Marie - I can't believe you would post a picture like that! It's seriously risqué! Seriously, I can't believe that you would embarrass me all like that on a public social media account for everyone to see! Embarrass us like that! Anthony seriously delete it! I can't believe you! A sexy picture like that omg, people are going to think you're single, and this is why I didn't want to date you in the first place!

Me - Sweetheart, I have dirtier pictures of myself in the locker room. It's my account, I'll post what I want.

Marie - You are my boyfriend, those pictures of you without a shirt on are for me and me only. Understand?

Me - Nope. I'm not your boyfriend. Never have been, never will be.

Marie - Listen just because you are afraid of commitment doesn't mean we aren't together Anthony.

Me - Actually, I'm not a commitment-phobe we just aren't together.

Marie - OMG not this crap again.

Me - What "crap" exactly? The shit where we were just having a good time? The shit where I put a stop to that "good time" like 2 months back because of your crazy clinginess? Or the fact that you're obsessed with my best friend and can't seem to realize that neither he or I want you?

Marie - Fuck you Anthony.

Me - Been there done that, never again.

Marie - You're an asshole!

Me - I know. By the way if you think you'll get the last word in you are horribly mistaken.

Marie - Seriously biggest jerk I've ever met!

Me - 😏 I know.

She finally got the hint and stopped texting back. Thank god. Messages like that have been my unfortunate life for the past like, shit six months. Most people would have changed their number by now, but not me. Too many people have my number that need it in case of emergencies. More of a hassle than it is worth.

I seem to attract the crazies as much as I hate to admit to that. None of which seem to ever leave me the hell alone until I block them. That block list is a mile long. I hate doing it but sometimes it just comes to that. Comes with the territory of being a player and a professional athlete. No shortage of willing women around here.

I enjoyed my alone time while I had it and with playoffs and everything around the corner, like a week away, there has been a lot of trade talk with contracts coming to an end. Mine though, I'm stuck here. I'm alright with that for now. I just do whatever I want to be honest. As long as I stick to my workout shit, and show up to practice on time, I don't get too much shit about it.

I dreaded looking at my phone when it went off with another text.

Addison Davis - Excuse me sirrrrrrrr.

Me - Addison...

Addison Davis - Hey you :)

Me - Hey?

Addison Davis - So, you still don't have a date for the wedding on the 15th right?

Me - Yea...

Addison Davis - I found you one :)

Me - You are not setting me up on a blind date for a wedding!

Addison Davis - b.rielle on Instagram. It's already done. You're welcome. You are taking her to dinner Thursday before the wedding since Friday is for the party fun!

I pulled up Instagram, quickly typing in her name and instantly hit follow. Shit that girls gorgeous. After scrolling for a good 10 minutes I jumped back to text.

Me - WAIT!

Addison Davis - Beautiful isn't she :)

Me - Yes, but I has questions.

Addison Davis - You text like a two-year-old.

Me - Shush you, first question...does she know me?

Addison Davis - Through Houston, and publicity shit yes. She's my best friend so you don't have to worry about anything going through your head right now.

Me - She going to yell at me for posting pictures of myself on my own shit?

Addison Davis - LOL YOU MEAN LIKE MARIE!!!! BHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Seriously most entertaining post of the day! These comments are gold!

Me - Can you answer the question please A.d.d. lol

Addison Davis - Lol sorry, no she won't. She's one of those influencer people that post a few times a week, and she models sometimes, and she is just an all-around uplifting person. So, post those shirtless selfies aka thirst traps lol post on.

Me - I don't even know what a thirst trap is!

Addison Davis - Uhm...your post. duh.

Me - I'm sitting on a hammock in fucking board shorts by a pool!

Addison Davis - **laying** on a hammock, wet, shirtless. I shouldn't have to explain this to you! You're the player remember? I'm just a girl in love with your bf.

Me - I'm disowning Houston because of you.

Addison Davis - It's okay, I'll take good care of him ;)

Me - Gross. See y'all later?

Addison Davis - Dinner at the hotel bar of course.

With that I slid into Brielle's DM's as cheesy as I possibly could with some corny ass pick-up lines, and got her number. Fuck yea.

Me - So you have mine too 😉

Brielle - To be clear, I don't want any dick pics. Drunk texts are only okay...sometimes. lol

Me - I don't like rules.

Brielle - I don't like a dude's dicks popping up on my phone at random times during the day.

Me - I'm not that guy. Promise. I don't mind tit pics though 😝

Brielle - Omg. Then what kind of guy are you Ant?

Me - The kind that sends good morning and good night texts to a woman he wants to get to know. The kind that regardless of what people think, doesn't talk to more than one woman at a time. The kind that will show you off and treat you how you're supposed to be treated. The kind that although a wild adrenaline junkie, can't wait to just sit around and watch movies. Also, the kind that is super late for dinner with our collective best friends because I'm too busy talking to you. 🤷‍♂️

Brielle - Omg, get to dinner. We can talk when you're done.

Me - 😁

I ran back up to my room and threw some clothes on before heading back down to the restaurant finding Addison, Houston, and a few other guys from the team there with their girls.

"Seriously I'm a 5th wheel? Well technically a 7th..."

"Sit down jackass, what took you so long?" Houston asked as I took my seat, Addison was over there smiling like her life depended on it.

"I was talking to someone, lost track of time." I winked and smirked at Addison and she clapped her hands and giggled. Houston looked over at her concerned.

"Oh, shit you didn't." Houston said looking at her.

"Oh, shit I did! And it's brilliant!" Addison answered still smiling and quickly turned her attention on me. "So, you talked to her?" I nodded.

"I DM'd her, then we started texting."

"She gave you her number?!" Addison was almost standing. I nodded. "Oh, this is beautiful. When y'all get married and have babies I better be god mom and maid of honor for this shit."

"She is your best friend I'm sure god mom is already secure either way." Everyone looked over at me concerned. "What?" Then it hit me, I realized I didn't deny like I usually did. Why? I'm not sure, I just answered with what came to mind. This didn't pass by Addison either, that mad woman was still smiling like crazy. "Can we just order please? I need a fucking drink."

Liked by hdavis91 and 168.7k others

delvecks23 Morning workout gym selfie!

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username1 I mean I'm single! Haaaayyyyy

capswag23 Yet another freaking thirst trap STOP ACTING LIKE YOURE SINGLE

username2 Uhm I'm about to join this gym.

avecks GTL! Jeeeeeeeeeze my big brother is so lame!

hdavis91 Step one - take picture Step two - leave gym. Workout complete.


tdickinson12 hdavis91 Dude dead lol

marburg11 hdavis91 It all makes sense now!

username3 Just here for the DV chirps lol

June 2nd

המשך קריאה

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