Seeing You Not Seeing Me (COM...

By ariksbell

204K 6.5K 772

"๐Ž๐ก, ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž ๐๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐ˆ'๐ฆ ๐›๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ˆ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ค ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค ๐ž๐ฏ... More

I.playing the invisible game
II.the jolly girl
III.what a chatty girl
IV.still playing dead you know
VI.Satan's apprentice
VII.pretend everything's okay
IX. Alone together
X.have some mercy
XI. insecure and jealous
XII. Pierce thy heart
XIII.finally, after a year're sick, Jude! we go!
XVII.make love, not war're a mean one, Dr. Moore
XIX.let's call it a night
XX.get some fresh air
XXI.where art thou?
XXII.can't get enough of you

XVI.a ball worth fighting for(?)

6.9K 238 31
By ariksbell

Jude had just finished bathing and was now eating as Mari brushed his hair when she suggested what she had been meaning to say for months, "Master Jude, now that a ball is coming, what do you say we trim your hair just a little bit?"

Jude halted midway, the spoon in the air which Mari took notice of but not commented about. His expression unreadable.

Mari tried easing the tension up. After all, she knows he is sensitive about his appearance. "Even just a little bit. I wouldn't want any of those women looking at your handsome face way too much,"

Mari almost let out a soft sigh when Jude agreed. "Okay,"

Jude could tell Mari was surprised at his sudden and easy agreement. She had expected it'll took a week or two for him to give in.


"Yes. Okay," Jude repeated.

Yet, after a second, Jude self-consciously brushed his protective beard, mumbling, "But let's leave the beard alone, please,"

With that, Mari understood. Her knuckles brushing across his cheek, "Then please tell me what your preferred haircut is. Are you a sideburns-type of guy? Those prim and proper or the just-woke-up sexy hair?"

Jude let out a soft snicker, "You decide, I trust your style, my darling," which caused her to jokingly scowl as she ran her fingers across his thick waves of hair.

After lunch, Mari finally cut his hair, from mid-shoulders length to the ends of his ears and boy does he look good. In the end, Jude gave in and let Mari trim his beard just a little bit in exchange for a kiss. Well, not really a kiss. More like a make out session.

All throughout the day, she complimented him over and over and over again until he laughingly pleaded her to stop. Mari had never seen Jude blushed that hard.

All while Jude and Charles were downstairs, talking to their family lawyer who arrived two days after their arrival here in London, a wise kind man named Mr. Branwell.

Mari busied her time preparing Jude's attire for the ball, to his trousers, to his shirt, his cravat, and shining his boots.

Later that day, Jude still hasn't returned. A knock came when Mari opened it. There stood a woman in her mid-forties. One of the household staff, in her arms, lies a massive battered box, striped in the color of white and brown.

"This came from Mrs. Elmstone, Miss," uttered the woman, and quickly, without any warning, she dropped the box, causing Mari to lightly shriek and before she could reply, the woman left.

Her emerald eyes following the woman, Mari let out a soft sigh. The night after Jude and she arrived here in London, the household had been nothing but plainly rude towards her.

That very first day, Mari went downstairs to ask where she could prepare tea, saying it's for Jude but the housemaid only scowled at her, her judging eyes scanned her from head to toe. The housemaid told her that she'll get it ready and not wanting to stir any quarrel, she simply agreed.

When she came back upstairs to Jude's room that day, all while she's reading the newspaper to him, the housemaid entered the room, bringing the tea, of course, and Mari swore she intentionally spilled the tea to Mari's lap, causing her to shudder and when Jude asked her what's wrong, she simply said none and let the housemaid who was smirking go.

Mari shook those memories, instead, she focused her attention on the box. Bending, she lifted it and stride towards the bed. When she opened it, the lid almost broke in the corners, Mari let out a soft sigh as the gown for it is the most beautiful evening gown she ever laid her eyes to. Not that she saw many since back in Eyam, all wearing morning frocks or their usual working frocks, including her.

Instantly, she takes the gown from the box, appreciating it more, her eyes scanning at its beauty. It comes with red gloves. The red sleeves end in elbows, and in the elbows, mesmerizing black ruffles surrounded it, when she wore it, it fits her body like a glove, her busts were lifted due to its low-necked line which caused her to flush, even though of sewing cloth to it to cover her bosom but what if all the court ladies truly wear this? And so, she just let it be besides, this is not hers to mend, Mrs. Elmstone, Jude, and Charles's aunt might get angry.

Truth be told, she finds everything about the gown daring, even the mere color of it. She rarely wears red because according to her father, a girl her age is not fit to wear one but then again, she wouldn't want to embarrass Jude with her battered frocks.

And so, by the end of the week, the ball took place. She was in her designated room and she was truly surprised when the woman who brought her the box entered the room without knocking all while she was almost naked, wearing only her chemise.

Without any greetings or whatsoever, the woman strode towards her, lifted the daring red gown from the bed, and helped her into it, tying her corset and such which Mari thanked her for but again, as expected, the woman said none.

After this, the woman told her to sit and so, the woman did her hair, not commenting about her short hair. The woman worked in utter silence. In the end, the woman only curled her hair, placing some small shiny silver barrettes in her hair, not tying it up which confused her since she may not know a lot about all the fine ladies but she does know one must always wear her hair up in balls.

When Mari told the woman about this, the woman pretended not to hear her and so, Mari gave up, forcing herself not to frown, instead, to just be thankful because who knows, this really might be what's into London ladies. And so, when the woman applied a tinge of red paint to her lips, she said despite feeling uncomfortable about it.

She almost let out a cry when the woman left, as she stared at herself in the mirror, she had to admit, she had never seen herself like this before, it was like she's not a girl from Eyam, the innocent little daughter. Instead, she was this experienced woman. Mari doesn't know what to do about that.

Mari's thoughts broke when she heard a soft knock coming from the adjacent door, smiling, she said, "Come in,"

As soon as Jude entered the room, without any second thoughts, she walked towards him, tugged his coat, caressed his beard, "You look dashing, Master Jude. Now, don't scowl, I'm telling the truth. Short hair really suits you and the sideburns,"

Jude jokingly rolled his eyes heavenwards, snaked his gloved hand around her waist, his other hand clutching his cane, "and you look beautiful, my darling, and yes, even without seeing you, I swore in my life, I know you are right now," then, he lightly kissed her in the cheek.

"But my god, Mari, I am willing to sell my soul just to see you right now," he murmured.

Mari just didn't say that she looks so unlike her right now.

When they got to the sitting room where Charles was waiting by the hearth, a smile erupted from his face as he looked at his brother. Then when his eyes shifted from Mari, he had mixed feelings about it.

Sure, she does look beautiful, sexy even right now, with those luscious red lips, curled hair, bust showings, her slender waist emphasize but knowing Mari, the sweet young girl, this is so unlike her. He could barely recognize her. No offense but she looks like a duke's mistress.

Charles mentally cursed his aunt for all gowns, she has to give the most daring to Mari but moreover, he cursed himself for being so stupid for thinking that his aunt would do any good.

God knows how much he wants Mari to change but he knows it's too late now, besides, the ball is in a couple of minutes. And so, he just smiled approvingly at the couple, now walking towards him.

During their ride, Jude, the whole time, was scowling. The brothers were seated together while Mari sat in front of them for propriety and to not ruin the gown.

The journey was a bit bumpy to the point her  boobs followed the rhythm which Charles noticed, causing him to widen his eyes but quickly, he schooled his thoughts and pretended not to notice it, just looked outside.

He almost jumped in defense when he felt a poke in his shoulders, turning his head, Jude asked in such a low voice, careful not to let Mari hear them, "Tell me, Charles, how does she look?"

That took Charles a second to reply. He cleared his throat, let his eyes scanned the captivating woman before him, and quickly diverted his attention before she could catch him.

"She looks beautiful, brother," he replied, causing Jude to scowl, frustrated at him.

"I know, what I mean is, what color is her gown, is her hair tied up and braided?" Jude clarified, scowling, arching his brow, anticipating his reply.

"Let's just say many would later ask her to dance, my dear brother," that reply only made Jude scowl more, the idea not sitting well with him, Mari in the arms of another man. Ha!

"I'm serious, Charles. Just tell me,"

And so, Charles did. "Well, first, I want you to remain calm and promise to still attend the ball, and don't give me that look or else I wouldn't tell you. Now, okay, are you calm? Okay, okay, good. Mari here, let's just say, is breathtakingly beautiful but like in a dangerous way, you get it? Her hair's well, not tied up and braided, as you just said. It was let down, with little brimstone over it, her red gown a bit, well, daring. Now, I wouldn't want you to punch me but I your girl's boobs are on fire and her lips are painted red- what did I just told you, you need to remain calm, brother dear,"

Jude was stressed, that's an understatement. Red lips? Daring red gown? Lordy!

"I told you to send the dressmaker, Charles. Did Mari herself choose this?" He asked, forcing himself to remain calm.

"I-well, no. Please don't get angry at her but she insisted on borrowing a gown from our cousin and so, Aunt Elmstone sent this," Charles responded, biting his inner cheek.

Closing in eyes for a second, inhaling, exhaling, he said, "I told you that aunt of ours is bad news yet you still defy my orders, Charles,"

"and I am sorry. Please don't get angry at Mari. She doesn't know that. It is solely my fault," Charles insisted and Jude was about to roar back when the carriage stopped, indicating their arrival and so, quickly, Charles dismounted the carriage, glancing nervously at his pissed brother who managed to dismount all by himself. That's... impressive.

Charles walked behind Jude and Mari as they made their way inside the manor who was already filled with guests.

Her arm around his, Mari felt her heartbeat quickening, nervous yet said none since she doesn't want to worry Charles for she knew he is nervous enough. Instead, she offered a reassuring word, "It'll be fine, Jude. Remember, they don't see you as a laughingstock, they're just jealous at how brightly you are, what more, on how handsome you look tonight,"

Jude glanced down at her, faintly smiled, and squeezed her hand and without any second thoughts, he leaned down against her, brushed her lips with his thumb, hoping her red lips would go.

As soon as they get inside the massive sitting room, all eyes are on them, first on the mesmerizing woman in red then to the tall man beside him, gasping as they realize it's no other than Jude Kane.

Silence enveloped the room as Mari flushed at all the attention as she maneuvers her companion to the chair near the hearth.

All this while Charles is silently trailing behind their back, occasionally flashing a charming grin to the guests who smiled back at him as usual.

Jude was already seated and Mari smoothened her gown to sit when the guests diverted their attention elsewhere though he could tell many men, bachelors or no are still gazing appreciatively at Mari.

Charles said, "Save a dance for me, Mari," but Mari only stared at his lavender cravat, as if embarrassed, shaking her head, mouthing the words, 'I don't know how to dance' and swiftly sat down beside Jude whose face was emotionless.

Charles was about to say how he could guide her but decided not to since he knew his dear brother. Chuckling, he said instead, "Well, I'll see you both later," and left.

Under the table, their hands are intertwined but at the back of Jude's head, he is frowning for he knows many are definitely drooling over his Mari.

A moment later, many approached them, first inquiring how Jude had been, saying that they're glad he's back and kicking which Jude only replied with a merely forced smile.

They probably thought him rude as usual but he doesn't care. He doesn't have the energy to play nice with these hypocrites.

However, as usual, Mari came to the rescue, brightening his image, saying, "Oh, thank you, Mrs Gray. Mr Kane's fine, forgive him, our lunch a while ago was not really appetizing and where I came from? Oh, from Eyam, you know, the plague village, yes, yes, that. Oh, Mr Kane here already toured me around the city, from the museums to the parks and golly, your food here is delicious," and so on and so on. Mari complimenting all those, especially all women who walked towards them here and there.

Jude felt guilty for troubling Mari with all the constant talks and what's worse, for lying for him. Hell, what made it all worse, he still hadn't toured her around London as promised. He swears he'll do it tomorrow.

Mrs Gray and all the women who had nothing to do but gossip turns out amiable tonight, clearly liking Mari's blithe chattiness, judging from their voices, they were smiling as they said, "Oh, you flatter me, Ms Milch," then proceed on boasting about themselves as Mari just nodded, agreeing on all while smiling.

Sometimes, they would invite her to their weekly tea party, "Please come to our tea party, Ms Milch. Of course, Mr Kane here is very much welcome to join," but Mari would simply say, "We'll see what we could do but Mr Kane here already booked our whole week in..." then thanked them for their invitations. The women would then gush over their plans, saying how Judetic Jude is, sending a load of aches to Jude since he himself knew he is not and that Mari deserves better.

Occasionally, the women would subtlety or most of the times, not-so-subtlety suggest Mari here to have a date with their single sons or nephews, then, for the next minutes, they would boast how this one is a lawyer, a physician, a friend of the duke or the and so on but Mari would merely smile and nod.

"Oh, Mr Kane here told me about that place, didn't know it was owned by your son, all he told me is that the food's delicious there," said Mari.

Mrs. Gray looked about taken back, "Why, thank you, Mr Kane, my son's employees all studied in Paris, you know, that's why the food's magnificent," replied the woman, smiling broadly.

And so, Mrs. Gray continued about rambling her son's business, this and that then the next thing they know, they are talking about Paris, "Ms Milch, you should go there sometimes, that, of course, if Mr Kane here would allow it since Paris is a long journey from here,"

"Paris? Let's see, Mrs Gray. Mr Kane already booked us train tickets to numerous countries," replied Mari, chuckling as if it's true.

"Dear heavens, really? Didn't know Mr Kane here is a romantic,"

"Oh, he is, Mrs. Gray. And he is so great at many things if you know what I mean," boasted Mari then Mrs. Gray grinned.

Then, once again, Mrs Gray diverted the topic back to her sons and so the rest of the women that came next approached them.

Little did they know, all while they sell their sons to Mari, Jude's and Mari's fingers are intertwined together under the table, Mari would reassuringly squeeze his cold veiny hand.

After all this constant company, Jude was tired from listening, what more Mari who not only would have to listen, tell lies, smile, and make Jude seem good.

And now, the women finally left them alone. Jude slumped back to his seat, his back aching. Every now and then, men who barely recognized the voice would ask Mari for a dance causing Jude to frown but quickly, it'll turn to a satisfied grin when Mari would swiftly turn down the dance.

During all these, Jude's fingers almost twitched, eager to take his coat off and draped it across Mari knowing that the men were near, definitely eyeing her bosom.

"I'm sorry you're stuck with a blind man here, my darling," Jude uttered, his voice low, careful not to let anyone hear their conversations especially knowing that he uses endearment.

"Don't fret about it. I like it here with you, entertaining co-guests," she responded, chuckling.

"I've never met a woman who turns down dances, you know," said he, brushing his thumb over her hand under the table.

She let out a frustrated sigh, "But I don't know how to dance and wait, is it proper etiquette to accept them? You should've said so, Master Jude. They must've thought me rude, oh, I am sorry. You and Master Charles have rights to be embarrassed,"

He shook his head, "Don't worry about it, and no, never in a million years would you embarrassed us, Lord knows how grateful I am-"

Jude was cut short when a voice he recognized, Mr Hobb, the duke's handsome nephew came into his attention, clearing his throat, catching Jude and Mari's attention though Jude's sure it was Mari's attention he desires.

"Mr Kane, good to have you back," said Hobb, grinning, Jude merely nodded, scowling.

"And allow me to introduce myself, madame. My name's John Hobb though Jo would be fine. Now, would you do me an honor of sharing a dance with-" his confident voice and air was stirred when Mari cut him off as he did to Jude, "I apologize, but I'm afraid I can't, Mr Hobb,"

With that, she smiled at him then turned her head back towards her companion as if eager to get away from John Hobb who stood there amused and shocked, his brow arched.

"But madame, surely, a dance wouldn't hurt you," he insisted.

Still not looking back at him, brushing her thumb across Jude's knuckles under the table, she replied with a firm yet kind voice, "My toes are already killing me, Mr Hobb. I very much prefer to sit here and converse with Mr Kane,"

"You and Jude here had been sitting the whole evening. Dear madam, enlighten me how your toes had gone hurt,"

Truth be told, Jude found the conversation entertaining. How John Hobb, the handsome fella who is used to getting all he wants standing here, acting like a fool in front of him and Mari.

"Perhaps you don't know a ton about women, Mister and it's just the way it is, my toes hurt and that's it. No more scientific explanation or whatsoever," she responded, shrugging, her head still leaned towards Jude.

However, her head snapped back to Hobb when she heard his sarcastic laugh, "My dear, how I do know a lot about women especially how their bodies work,"

And with that, her cheeks turned red from embarrassment and how obscene his statement is. She was about to roar back when Jude raced her off, "Utter those words again, Hobb and I swear, I'll tell your precious little duke of an uncle about your gambling losses,"

John Hobb's sapphire eyes went wide, his mouth ajar, stunned at what the blind man just revealed. Even Mari was shocked at what Jude just said.

"I-i..." stuttered Hobb, scratching his sideburn.

Both Jude and Mari just sat there, their hands still intertwined under the table, waiting for Hobb's response.

"You are one twisted man, Master Jude. Makes me wonder how you made this fair blondie worship you," he sneered, and before both of them could reply, he stormed off, leaving them both.

When Mari looked back to her companion, he saw that Jude was smirking, then quickly brushed it off, squeezed her hand under the table, and murmured, "All this is suffocating me, how about we get some fresh air?"

And with that, they both rose and went to the balcony, her hand in his arm, careful not to step over some proprietary even though he's itching to rest his arm around her waist for all the world to see, she's his, and he's hers.

During the journey, they were stopped by the women from earlier, commenting on how striking they look together, and how adorable their height difference is. Jude found himself satisfied that they did not say what he was thinking they would. That he looks like her father.

They soon were swarmed by men asking her again to dance, some were more persistent than the very first time they approached Mari, some even invited her upstairs to show the antique in this room and there, and before she could reply, Jude, dragged her to the balcony with the help of his cane.

As soon as they reached the balcony alone, the moonlight illuminating their skin, the noise from the inside muffled here, Mari tiptoed and planted a kiss on his cheek, whispering near his lips with such a soft tone, "You better take it easy, muffin,"

Jude simply shrugged, his arm snaking around her waist.

"I know and I'm sorry really," he whispered back, his thumb thumping over his cane.

"for what?"

"For all this. You must be pretty exhausted from worrying about me, declining all those men when you should be dancing with them, having fun instead you're stuck here in this balcony with me, listening to I feel insecure,"

Mari rested her cheek against his bosom, her finger tracing his brows, her eyes fixed on his.

"Oh, Jude, who says I'm exhausted and besides, as I told you, I don't know how to dance and if ever I am, I still won't be dancing if it's not with you," she replied, smiling.

"And why would you get insecure? Oh, if only you've seen them, they are nothing compared to you, I bet their trousers are even too short for the fifteen-year-old you and what more if you smile, now, yes, that smile, oh, how doomed they are with women," she added then kissed him on the cheek again.

He just arched his brow though she saw him suppress a satisfied grin, his arm around her tightening.

"Still, I promise to get back to you, for real this time. I'll buy you lots and lots of gowns and those massive colored hats and everything you want, just name it and I'll tour you to the museums and the parks even to the churches here in London which I should've done long ago,"

She shook her head, "You don't have to buy me anything, you know. It's not like I'm here for that and don't give me that scowl, yes, okay, I know that you know that I am not here with that but honey, really. I don't need all those though your offer with the tour sounds nice," then, tiptoeing, she kissed him once more on the cheek.

Jude merely rested his cheek on top of her head, sighing contentedly, thinking, 'Heavens, what did a hideous beast like me do to deserve this angel?'

And so, tomorrow and the next day after that and the next and the next, they explored London, sometimes, Charles would tag along wherein he could barely converse with any one of them since both of them are way too invested on each other to the point he felt like he was invisible but most of the time, it's just the both of them exploring London.

Even though Jude couldn't see anything, meaning, he's not much of a tour guide, Mari doesn't mind since every now and then, Jude would say the things he remembered about this place, how he remembered the statue having manhood the size of a pea then the both of them would laugh, people in the museum would scowl at them.

Of course, after their laughter subsided, Mari would apologize and talk to them and so, they ended up leaving every place in London they visited making friends, receiving tons of invitations here and there.

Before Jude and Mari went to bed, all huddled up to each other, arms over each other, legs tangling, they would reminisce about what occurred, laughing.

"It's your turn to pick, my darling," murmured Jude in her lips, their lips touching, their eyes closed, her leg slumped across his hip.

"I don't know, Master Jude...we've already gone to so many places," she murmured back, her fingers absentmindedly stroking his chest hair.

"Your problem, not mine," he teased, lightly biting her lower lip which caused her lips to erupt into a grin.

"How about we go try Mrs Gray's son's restaurant? For real this time, just pretend you've actually been there because that's what we told her," she suggested.

"Mrs Gray probably told her son about us and by us, I mean you,"


"so? So that douche might make a move on you, you know, all those shallow moves, saying it's from the house et cetera et cetera," he growled, his hand stroking her back, drawing endless circles.

"Really, muffin, I don't know but if that's the case then free food for us," she giggled, still caressing his massive chest hair that she still can't seem to get enough of.

But he did not reply, only frowning, "Is my big muffin man jealous?" she asked, grinning then kissing him swiftly.

"Yes," he answered, no beating around the bush.

"Then stop it or else I'll kick you off this bed," she replied, causing both of them to chuckle.

"You know what, scratch it. That restaurant, so I've heard, had rats in their kitchen, they sometimes served rotten meals," he uttered in a pretend serious voice.

She winces, "sounds delicious," she said, still grinning.

And so, they spend the rest of the night bickering followed by laughter.

For once, Jude felt accepted. That for once, people no longer see him as a laughing stock. Jude Kane, the ugly brother of the charming Charles Kane. Jude Kane, the first born of Kanes who resolved to being a mediocre writer. Unmarried and heirless at his old age. Worse, blind and helpless.

Of course, all this wouldn't happen if it weren't for this brilliant amazing girl he still wonders why chose to stick with him.


Happy New Year, loves! I wish you all a blissful 2023.

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