The Sister Unknown

By ElsaMin13

11.1K 162 162

I've been looking around Wattpad and there isn't a single story like this, so I thought I'd try my hand at a... More

Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt1)
Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt2)
My Way
The Bud Blossoms
Yet to Bloom
Dawn Breaks
Mysterious Appearances
Forgiven and Forgotten
My Angel, My Only


330 4 9
By ElsaMin13

AN: This chapter will be like an epilogue to the story, 11 years in the future. The picture above is an edit of a fan art that I found, credits to the original artist. Enjoy!

Elsa POV

I watch my daughter sleeping, as she rests in her cot. I have to check every now and then, even though we have a monitor, just in case.

I sit on the bed, my same old bed from 11 years ago. As I relax on the bed, I look around the room. Same old clouds, same old blue walls. New pictures. The pictures are all from different times. There are pictures from the past, the group photo from Chester and Isla's engagement, our wedding photo (it was a double wedding). And there are pictures from the present, Parker and I with Isla and Chester, Parker holding baby James and Isla holding baby Rory.

There's a more recent one, of Percy and Jasper in their cots, trying to reach each other from the  bars. And the most recent one, from a few months ago, of Parker and I, with James and Peter looking at baby Anna, who's resting in my arms.

I lie on the bed for a little while, watching Anna. Her real name is Annabelle, after the doll (sadly). It's was Parker and Chester's bright idea, as a namesake of what our YouTube Channels are about. I refused at first, but Parker put it on the birth certificate.

Percy and James were names that Isla and I came up with, after Percy Jackson (the blue eyes gave it away) and James Potter. We both worked hard to teach Percy how to say Percabeth, which was his first word.

Peter was decided after a long debate, I wanted to use a ship name, but Parker wanted something decent. We ended up with Peter, since that would mean that our son was Spiderman. Peter Parker is a very decent name, otherwise.

Lorelai was because Isla wanted her daughter to have a character name, just like we had decided with James. I suggested all the fandoms I knew, but none of the names worked well with Isla, they weren't unique enough. We ended up searching through the Gilmore Girls fandom, the one show on Netflix that we watched religiously. Isla loved the idea of her daughter being called Lorelai, especially since she wants to believe that Rory will fall in love with a boy called Logan.

I rock Anna's cot slowly, as she slightly stirs. She starts moving around, so I pick her up, rocking her in my arms as I sing to her. I walk around the room, singing Rockabye to her. It's one of the only songs she'll fall asleep to. She nestles into my arms, and I lay her next to me.

I see the door handle twist. Parker peeps in, and signals for his glasses on the nightstand, noticing Anna sleeping. I gently loosen my grip around her, surrounding her with pillows, then grabbing the glasses and handing them to Parker.

"Where are you going?" I whisper

"Just down to the grocery store, it's raining heavily out there" he whispers. I notice the banging of the rain.

"Hopefully Anna doesn't wake up" I whisper. She has incredible hearing, and excessive sleep wriggling. Her brothers never woke up, even if it was super loud, but they had her same wriggling.

I go and rest next to Anna, and go through my phone. There's a video of baby James and baby Rory dancing to School Degree. Isla and I are laughing so hard in the video, and there's another video afterwards of James trying to take Parker's hands off his ears, while the song is still playing. His pudgy baby hands grabbing Parker's fingers and trying to pull them away from Parker's ears.

I grin at the confused look on his baby face, when he can't move Parker's fingers. His first word was 'dada' but not in the usual way. The first time we put the song on, it was the video version. James pointed at the TV and said 'dada' which shocked both of us. Parker was horrified and I was laughing my head off.

The next thing he said was "Che'ter" after seeing Chester in the background of the video, which led to Rory calling her father "Che'ter" until she was a year old. She only learnt 'dada' after 5 months of Chester's teaching, which was highly disrupted by Isla and me, on several occasions.

There's a picture after that, of Rory and James, sleeping on the bed, hugging. Like siblings. Which was what they looked like, even though Rory had Chester's strawberry blonde hair, and James had Parker's black hair.

A few years after those, there's a video of Rory, asking Isla if her daddy and Parker were famous. There's a quick view of Rage Elixir's channel in the background, with the reaction videos. Probably after James (ever the prankster) daring her to watch a video.

Another bit after that, a video of James knocking on my pregnant belly, asking me if there was actually a real person in there. I tell him yes, then he asks "Well, why aren't they talking?" To which I respond, "You can't hear them talk, because their voice is too small and quiet for you to hear"

"But can they hear me talk?"

"Yes, because your voice is loud, and if you talk to them a lot, they'll know who you are when they come out"

"Mummy, when will they come out?"

"Soon, honey, soon" I'm looking at the camera for help, most likely Parker taking the video. Parker's laughing in the background.

The video ends. There's another video soon after. James is talking to my belly,

"Hey little brother, how are you?"

"James, how are you sure it's a boy?"

"Because I wanna have a little brother!"

"Ok, well, what should your little brother be called?"

"Mummy, does James Potter have a little brother?"

I smirk at Parker, who sitting on the other sofa, and say,

"Yes he does honey, why?"

"What's his little brother's name, Mummy?"

"His little brother's name is Albus" I think Parker knows where this is going, from the horrified look on his face. Isla's laughing in the background, she's probably the one taking the video.

Rory comes over to me,

"Elsa, does Rory have a little brother?"

"No, sorry Rory"

"Mummy, shall we call the baby Albus?"

"No, little man, we should call him something else, right?" Parker looks desperate, he has that look on his face that makes Isla and me crack up.

"Okay, Daddy"

The video ends there. After a bit of scrolling, there's a picture of James and Rory. They're both, most likely under supervision, holding baby Peter. They're both looking at him curiously, and his eyes are open, showing his light brown eyes, the same colour as mine.

Anna wakes up. I pick her up, she's been asleep for a few hours so she's most likely hungry. I take her downstairs, putting her down in her play seat. It's one where she can jump as she plays. The boys go over to her, and Rory follows me into the kitchen. I grab the kettle,

"Mum already heated some water up" Rory tells me.

I measure out Anna's milk, and shake it in the bottle. She's weaning quicker than her brothers, having started 2 months earlier than both of them.

I go back into the living room, and Anna's out of the seat, crawling up at the sofa, trying to reach the boys. I pick her up, and start feeding her. James and Peter come sit with me, they love their sister a lot.

"Where are your parents?" I ask Rory. She shrugs. I call them, but they don't answer.

"When did they leave?" I ask,

"I didn't see them leaving, even after Parker left"

The doorbell rings, but it's only Parker, back with the groceries.

"Do you know where Isla and Chester are?" I ask him.

"Why would I know?" He asks, as he puts away the shopping.

"They're not answering my calls" I tell him, letting Anna crawl off into the living room.

"Also, we have somewhere to go"


"A place"

Sometimes he annoys the hell out of me, this is one of those times.

"What about the kids?"

"They can look after themselves, we'll only be out for a little while"

"Parker, you expect two 10 year olds, a 6 year old, and a 3 year old to look after themselves and a 9 month old baby?!"

Has my husband gone insane?

"Chester and Isla should be back soon, wherever they've gone, and the kids know how to use the safety phone, and what numbers to call"

I honestly feel like this is a bad idea but "Fine"

I go change, and by the time I come down, Anna's in her play pen with the boys, and Rory's watching over them. At least one of this bunch is responsible.

"Rory, I'm trusting you to make sure Anna is safe, okay?"

"Sure, Elsa!" She looks happy, she loves having responsibility.

I grin at her, and go over to the play pen,

"Boys, you have to make sure your sister and Percy don't get hurt. I'm trusting you"

"Yes Mum" they say, not taking their eyes off Anna.

"You know the rules, right?"

"Don't open the door, unless it's Mum or Dad, or Isla and Chester" James starts

"Don't answer the phone" Peter says

"Don' coo' any'ing" Percy tells me, looking at me with the cutest serious face

"Don't go outside" Well, they know the rules.

I wave to Anna "Bye bye"

"Buh buh" she waves back, then jumps on Percy, giggling.

I grin at them, this lot must be the kindest cousins ever.

"Ready?" Parker asks

I get the feeling of my 20 year old self, ready to go on another road trip.

"Let's go" I grin at him, he smirks back, as we get into the car. Looks like Isla and Chester took Isla's car. We each have a car, since we won't all fit in one car, and for when we have to take the kids to school. James and Rory are starting middle school in September, and Peter's starting first grade. Percy's not old enough to join kindergarten, but he will join next year.

We get into my car, all of our cars are five seaters, but in different colours. My car is a white BMW 2-series. I got it shipped over after my dad died, for the childhood memories. My mum didn't want it, she was happy with her small car, which she barely used.

Parker gets in the driver's seat, I see Rory in the doorway, and wave to her. James comes out too, and the two of them wave to us. We drive into town, but we don't stop there.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"You'll see"

We stop at... The theme park.

I check the date on my phone. I can't believe I forgot. Today's our wedding anniversary. I kiss Parker,

"You're amazing, you know that"

"Well, that's why you married me, right?"

I grin at him, and we run out, into the theme park. We go on all of the rides that we haven't gone on, including the new ride, called the Family tunnel. At the entrance, we find Chester and Isla.

"How long have you been here?" I ask Isla, hugging her.

"Only 5 minutes, Parker knew you would forget because you've been so busy with Anna, so we decided to surprise you with a recreation of the wedding day for our 10th wedding anniversary." Isla tells me.

Isla POV

Elsa looks so happy, I'm glad. We go in the ride, choosing the four seater carriage. We've never actually come here with the kids, because this is more of a theme park for adults and teenagers. After we ride there, we go our separate ways. The only time Chester and I have been here was on the day after the wedding. It was the first part of our honeymoon.

We go on the fun rides, like the claw ball ride, which I scream through. Chester must've been here lots of times before, he laughs at my reaction. I hold onto him as the ball bounces. By the time we get off, I'm holding onto Chester, while we walk over to a different ride.

This one is less bouncy. It's called the Roller Skelter. I see why, watching the people in the carriages roll up and down a long railed slide, like a helter skelter. I smirk, time for Chester to be scared. He hates going up in anything, unless it's at his own pace. I pull him along, grinning.

After that ride, we see one that I noticed last time, but Elsa said we shouldn't go in there. We go in, getting into a carriage. The hot and cold are intense, which I hate. We go into a red room. I watch as something peeps out of the wall. It looks like... Bellatrix?

I scream, she's my worst nightmare, the one person I was scared of after reading the series. What she did to Hermione gave me actual nightmares, where she would chase me in the Labyrinth, and I would hear Hermione's screams, echoing wherever I turned.

On the other side, I watched as Molly Weasley came out of the wall. Bellatrix was on my side. I cowered into Chester, echoing Hermione's screams from my mind. He was hugging me, trying to tell me to look up at Molly. He's known about my fear of Bellatrix ever since I woke up one night, screaming.

It was before we were dating. I had a nightmare after the doll incident, when we'd bought the doll to our house. The burns on the doll reminded me too much about Hermione's scar. I had my old nightmare that night, waking up around 4am, screaming. For some reason, Parker was still asleep, but Chester woke up and came straight to my room.

He sat with me until Parker woke up, just holding me tightly, rubbing my back, and soothing me. He's amazing. And I hear a bang, as Molly sends the spell at Bellatrix, knocking Bellatrix over, and I look up, seeing the worried look on Chester's face. He cares so much about me, I feel like I could never repay it back at all.

The Molly-Bot smiles at us, as the carriage takes us into a colorful room. I notice how there are different scenes on each wall. One is of a spring sunrise, the next one is of a summery afternoon, the one after that is a sunset in Fall, and the last one is a wintery night. It's beautiful, but I can feel Chester's eyes on me.

"You alright now?" He asks

"Yeah" I say, and he hugs me

"Well, looks like we know why Elsa said not to go on this ride" he jokes. I laugh,

"Yep, but this part is nice"


We look each other in the eyes. I see the active volcano of love bubbling in his eyes. I close my eyes, leaning forwards.

Chester POV

Our lips meet. I feel like my 20 year old self again, the butterflies evaporating into the mist as I kiss my wife. I still can't believe, after a decade, that she's my wife. I still remember when we first met.

It was a sunny day. Parker had told me the night before that his little sister was moving in. He talked about her so much, I was really excited to meet her.

By the time she arrived, it was already the afternoon, and she came in, with three huge suitcases and two bags.

"Hi! I'm Isla!" She said to me. I remember looking at her chocolate brown eyes, so similar to Parker's, yet so different. The laughter in her eyes made me fall, fall hard, as I fell in love.

"Hi" I stuttered, "I'm Chester"

"I know!" She said to me, "Parker's told me all about you!" Her happiness and excitement seeped into me, and I grinned at her, pulling in her suitcases as Parker came up to the door behind me.

That was so long ago, but it feels like just yesterday.

We break apart, and she looks at me, saying dreamily

"I love you"

And I hear myself say back, still in the bliss,

"I love you more"

AN: I loved writing this story so much, I really want to do a sequel, so look out for that. This is the official end, sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out, I was on inspiration loss for a week, I am literally typing and publishing at 2am. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Bye!

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