Suburban Vampire: Reckoning

By FranklinPosner

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VAMPIRE UP. Office worker and ordinary guy Scott Campbell is probably the last person you'd suspect of being... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 9

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By FranklinPosner

Johnny, the House doorman, gazed into a hand mirror, glad that the old saw about vampires having no reflection in glass was untrue. He was admiring his stylist's skill, looking at his coiffure, admiring the highlights and details. If he had not been able to scrutinize his stylist's handiwork, he would have felt most put out. And he certainly didn't trust Josue, that pretentious little know-it-all thought he was the next Jose Eber, which he most certainly wasn't, and how dare he think he was anything more than a cut-rate barber--

A knock on the double doors made Johnny drop his line of thought. "Entre," He called. The doors opened – no squeal any more, Johnny saw to that – and in stepped two tall, thin men, with high cheekbones and dark business suits. The younger-looking of the two was carrying an attaché case. Johnny was not impressed by the cut of their suits, nor by their hair, not that they were the types to care.

"How may I be of assistance?" Johnny asked.

One of the vampires, the one with graying hair, turned to his younger-looking blonde-headed partner. "This is how the House of Portland greets its guests?" The older vampire asked, in Russian, "With such an effeminate doorman?"

The younger vampire smiled. "Yes, comrade. So far I am not impressed."

"Ah, the Russians!" Johnny said, recognizing the accent, but not the language itself, which was probably for the best. "Yes! I have you down for a nine-thirty appointment with Father. Please, come in!" Johnny took their coats and placed them in the coat closet. "Follow me, if you would."

Johnny led the two vampires down the hall to the meeting room, guiding them through the old wooden double doors, then directed them to take seats at the long table. "Please be seated. Father will be with you presently." Johnny then excused himself and returned to the vestibule, when he once again began preening in the hand-held mirror.

Father entered the chamber soon afterward, followed by Elizabeth. The Russian vampires rose as he entered the room. "Gentlemen!" Father said as he approached the two, Elizabeth remaining at the head of the table. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting long. I am the Father of the House of Portland." He then shook the hands of the two visitors.

"Thank you," the older vampire said, his Russian accent strong but not overly so, "You are most kind to welcome us into your House. I am Vladimir, and this is my associate, Anatoly."

Father strolled over to the nearby credenza, on which sat a crystal carafe filled with a dark, red fluid. "May I interest you in some AB Negative?" He poured the contents into a couple crystal glasses, which he brought over to the two vampires. They thanked Father, taking the offered blood, then resuming their seats. Father went to the head of the table and took his customary seat. Elizabeth remained standing behind him. "By the way, this is Elizabeth, head of the local branch of Enforcement." Elizabeth simply nodded to the newcomers, but said nothing. "I would like to welcome you to Portland," Father continued, "I trust the flight over was comfortable?"

"Sufficiently, yes," Answered Vladimir.

"Very good. And how do you find our fair city?"

"Clean and well-ordered."

A typically Russian answer, thought Father. "Good. I am glad that you took the time and effort to present yourselves before the local House."

"Indeed. It is customary to do so. And as such, we have brought documentation from the Council of Elders and letters of recommendation from the House of Saint Petersburg, all translated into English, of course. Anatoly will present you with these."

Anatoly placed the attaché case on the table, then opened it and took out various documents, which he then presented to Father. He returned to his seat as Father began looking through the various assembled papers.

"Everything seems to be in order," Father said, "All very tidy. Thank you for your consideration, Vladimir."

"Think nothing of it. As I have said, it is customary. We do not wish any slight to the House of Portland."

"That is very kind of you, however, I must insist on asking what the purpose of this visit is. Are you here on business, or pleasure?

"Business, primarily."

"And what kind of business is this?"

"Imports and exports. Bringing items in and out of Portland, for Portland is a well-known market destination for our wares."

"And what wares are those?"


Father glanced back at Elizabeth. She did not betray any emotion, but only returned Father's glance. "I see. Or, at least, I think I see."

"For years we have been exporting young women from Russia to various ports through out the world. We have expanded our efforts, and now wish to act as exporters of women from other parts of the world to paying customers world wide."

"Ah, globalization."

"Correct. We are interested in a globalized market, primarily for young women, but we have dealt with young men as well. Whatever our clientele requests."

"And this is primarily for sexual services?"

"Primarily, yes. A significant portion of our business caters to the sexual needs of our clients. Whether it is prostitution, or other forms of sexual slavery, we are able to supply whatever a particular client desires. And, of course, a certain percentage of our product is reserved for vampiric markets for use as blood whores."

"And I take it this market is substantial?"

"Quite. As such, the revenues are substantial, as well."

"And what is the general attitude of the Council of Elders regarding this enterprise?"

"If you examine the papers we have provided, you will see that the Council has given their approval to our operation, as has the House of Saint Petersburg in Russia. In fact, I can provide documents from several other vampiric Houses across the globe stating their approval, and testimonials from a few Houses which have actively partnered with us."


"Yes, which brings us to another of the reasons we have decided to present ourselves to the House of Portland. Other vampiric Houses in other parts of the world have found that a partnership with our organization is much to their benefit. They allow us a certain amount of leeway, providing us with certain protections, and we allow them a percentage of the income derived in their city. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement."

"And what percentage would you be willing to share with the Portland House?"

"Upwards of a full quarter of all proceeds derived locally. Of course, the exact percentage is negotiable, but we are confident that you will find one quarter of our earnings to make a reasonably substantial sum."

Father drummed his fingers on the table. "Hmm. I must say this is a very tempting offer. We are always interested in potential sources of income, as well as new sources for food. If the Council has approved of your operation, then I see nothing that would prevent us from partnering with you. However, I will have to confer with the local council. There are certain conventions that must be observed, I hope you understand."

"I understand completely. Please, take your time. Present our proposition to your council. In the meantime, we can provide you with other documents outlining projected earnings, based on the performance of other markets as well as our observations of the local market."

"Thank you for your consideration and your candor. Your proposition sounds intriguing, to say the least. I shall present it to the council later this week when they meet. Until then, you are welcome to our House."

The Russian vampires rose, as did Father, who extended his hand once more. After parting formalities, the two left, and Father took his seat.

"What do you think, Elizabeth?" Father asked.

"You don't pay me to think, Father," She replied. "I'm just the muscle."

"No, Elizabeth, I value your input. Please, speak freely."

"I don't like it."

"And, your reasoning behind this dislike is?"

"I'm not comfortable with it. It's too unseemly."

"What's unseemly about it?"

"I just think it goes against everything the Council of Elders and the various Houses have been trying to do: to keep us off the radar of human authorities. If we get involved with something that is clearly against human law, they will begin to take notice."

"Using our contacts within local governments and law enforcement should alleviate much of that concern."

"Much, but not all. Even so, I'm still uncomfortable with the whole idea."

"And why is that?"

"Sexual slavery doesn't sound like something I think we should get involved with."

"Very well. Your personal convictions aside, however, I see nothing that should preclude us from going forward with this proposal."

"Scott isn't going to like it."

Father shook his head. "What Scott Campbell likes or dislikes is of no concern to me. His bizarre insistence on maintaining his humanity over his vampiric nature continues to baffle me. Are you quite sure that he is not rubbing off on you, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth grunted. "That's ridiculous. I am clear about what I am. I am a vampire. I am loyal to this House, and whatever this House decides, I will abide by it."

"Good. I am glad you are clear on this matter. It is truly a blessing, to understand one's true self."

"There's one other concern."

"And what is that?"

"You know what that is."

"My daughter."

"Correct. Phaedra is on the local council, and she has stated that she is not merely a 'rubber stamp' for you, Father."

"Which is why she is on the council – in part. Still, I don't see why she should object."

"Her origins, Father. Yes, she told me her story. You found her on the streets, addicted, enslaved to a particularly cruel pimp, desiring only to die. She had no fear of you. She welcomed death. So you turned her. I'd say there is compassion in that."

"Admittedly, her story moved me, and I took pity on her. I found no joy in killing her, and much in turning her into an instrument of justice."

"Which is exactly what happened. You remember her first victim, don't you?"

"Her pimp. Of course I remember. She was quite proud of it. She said his blood tasted of strawberry, and his death throes excited her beyond her ability to describe. And I was proud of her."

"Then you already know her objections."

Father fidgeted in his chair. "I see your point. However, surely Phaedra is as aware of her nature as you are of yours. As such, she should be able to look upon her humanity, and the conditions of that humanity, as things of the past. We vampires are a superior species to the human; And although we no longer kill or hunt them indiscriminately, we cannot forget that the human is beneath us." Father then rose from his seat. "Phaedra will come to an understanding. I am sure that she will be able to see this for what it is, and accept it."

"And if she doesn't?"

Father glared at Elizabeth. She had a point, and Father knew it. However, he was unable to express it, or come up with a satisfactory response. Father simply left the room, walking down the hall to his office. Elizabeth shook her head.


"What?" The blonde-haired vampiress shrieked. The other members of the council, seated around the long table in the House's boardroom, were taken off-guard by the volume of her response.

"Phaedra," Father said, "This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a major international business."

"Opportunity? Ground floor? You're making it sound like we're selling time shares!"

"It's the same concept."

"Bullshit! It's not even in the same universe!"

Sinner, the chief counsel for the House, gently touched Phaedra on the arm. "Phaedra," he whispered, "Calm down, you need to show some respect now."

Phaedra was not interested in whispering back. "Respect? Why? This is the most ludicrous and insulting idea I have ever heard!"

Father's typically stony gaze bore down upon Phaedra. Usually, such a gaze would cause men and vampire alike to quake with fear. Phaedra, however, was unimpressed. "Phaedra, show some decorum. You are a member of this council. You should act accordingly."

"Well, forgive me! But when I hear that the House is going to involve itself in human slavery, I have to wonder about the hypocrisy of it all."

"Hypocrisy? Please, explain yourself."

"Isn't this what the Improvers wanted? To enslave the humans? To use the human race as they saw fit? To return the vampire to our rightful place as the alpha predator?"

"This is hardly the same thing, Phaedra."

"Oh really? How is it different? Please tell me!"

"The scale is smaller, and more limited."

"Oh! And that makes it acceptable?"

"Why wouldn't it? As long as we are operating under the radar of human authority, or even with its cooperation, there is very little risk to us. The Council of Elders has approved of this business, and the Russians have the documentation to prove it. I don't see how this is much different than the controlled live feeding operations we run."

"The blood whores in those operations are all willing. None of them had to be compelled, let alone kidnapped and physically forced into it."

Sinner again leaned over toward Phaedra. "Really, it's just a matter of degrees."

"The hell it is! But, of course, the lawyer is going to want to get involved in this."

"Hey, hold on there a minute, sister! Just because I'm a lawyer doesn't mean that I have no sense of morality. I am a vampire, you know."

"And what does that mean?"

"That I have no sense of morality anyway."

Phaedra rose from her seat. "Father, please, a word in private, if I may."

Father nodded. "Very well. My office."


The door shut itself behind Father and Phaedra as they entered Father's office. Father took his seat in the large, leather-covered chair behind his desk; Phaedra refused to sit.

"Well? You wanted to speak in private. So, speak."

"Father, the fact is, I find this venture to be an insult to me, personally."

Father cleared his throat. "Please, don't misunderstand me, I never meant this to be an affront to you."

"But you remember my life, how I was before you turned me? I remember it. I remember it like it was yesterday."

"And the scars still last, even into undeath."

"Yes. They do."

"I understand. There are scars that remain from my past. However, I realize that I am no longer human. That I am more than human. I thought you realized that of yourself, Phaedra. It's what I wanted most of you."

"Oh, I realize that I am beyond human. I realize that humanity is beneath me."

"Indeed, your experience as a mortal proved as much: that humans are the true monsters. They always have been."

"Then why do we have to lower ourselves to their level?"

Father sat silent, pondering her question. She had phrased it in a way that somehow reached Father; he could not easily deny it.

"Father," Phaedra continued, "I have respected you, loved you, as much as a daughter can. And I am your daughter, am I not?"

"Yes. Yes, you are."

"Do I not deserve some respect, some consideration, myself?"

"Yes, you do. I'll not deny it."

"Then don't pursue this venture. Do not drag this House down with those who would make it a cheap whorehouse, selling children to perverts. We are better than that. You are better than that."

"I cannot dispute the validity of your argument. Truly, now that you have phrased it that way, I think we can come to an understanding."

"The only way your can prove that you and I have an understanding here is not to associate this House with those who would desecrate it."

Father nodded. "Very well. I will state my disapproval of this arrangement to the council. Unfortunately, since it has already been presented to them, it is up to the entire council to decide this matter."

Phaedra smiled. "Thank you, Father."


Phaedra strutted back into the council chambers, followed by Father. They both assumed their seats once more. Father then turned to his second, Chang.

"Has their been any more discussion on the matter of our association with the Russian cartel?"

"Actually, there has been," Chang replied, "Sinner brought up some points that are of interest."

"Please, Sinner, share with us your observations."

"Okay," Sinner said, "As enticing as the possibility of extra income is, I have my doubts about this arrangement."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I see all manner of legal hassles involved, not to mention liability issues. I also see huge expenditures on our part, because it will be incumbent on us to buy off all the judges, prosecutors, and cops we need. This will cut significantly into our share of the profit. If we are to proceed with this plan – if – then we'll need some hard and fast rules."

"I see."

"Yeah, you know, when someone says that we hardly have to do anything, that means we will end up doing all the grunt work. They will pocket the profits, and we will get stuck holding the shit end of the stick. And it will stink to high heaven. Sorry, if we have to vote today, I'm gonna have to vote 'no' on this."

"And this has nothing to do with any misplaced feelings of pity for the humans involved?"

"Pity for humans? Me? Of course not! I'm concerned mainly with the bottom line, and the bottom line is that this business is bad for business."

Father looked once more to Phaedra. The smile returned to her face as she leaned back in her chair.

"Actually, I am of the same mind, Sinner," Father said.

Sinner's eyes grew wide. He was not expecting Father to say anything of the sort, ever. "Oh. Okay?"

"Yes. I find myself opposed to this proposal, now that I have considered it thoroughly."

Chang spoke to the assembled council. "Regarding the motion in consideration, please raise your hands if you are in support."

Not a single hand went up.

"Very well, the motion fails, and there will be no partnership between this House and the Russian consortium."

Phaedra flashed a large, beaming smile.

"Of course," Father said, "Because this venture has the approval of the Council of Elders, it may continue in this city, just without our official affirmation. Do you understand this, Phaedra?"

"I understand. So long as this House is not affiliated with the sordid affair, I remain contented."

"Very well. Then, on with our next order of business..."

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