The Journey Of Love (#2)

By shiprasaini1

1.7M 70K 9.6K

Book 1- Our journey from engagement to marriage Book 2- The journey of Love Siddharth and Preeti complete th... More

Basic Information
1. Morning love
2. Black hoodie
3. Beach
4. wedding
5. Only Love
6. Morning Love-2
7. Keerti
8. Coffee date
9. Holi celebration I
10. Holi celebration II
11. Pregnant...?
12. Memories
13. The dark street
14. The Red monster
15. The savior
16. Lunch with him
17. The club night
18. Confessing my love
19. Drunken beauty
21. His Birthday
22. Keerti's hatred
23. Facts
24. His little sister
25. Accident
26. Fasting for him
27. Keerti's truth
28. Siblings fight
29. His ignorance
30. The storm
31. The Ramayana of my life
32. Some truth
33. My warrior wife
34. His arrival
35. The Pranksters
36. His surprise
37. My husband
38. Karwa Chauth fast
39. Exploring the beauty
40. The truth-1
41. The truth-2
42. The Roots
43. Holidays-1
44. Holidays-2
45. Forgiveness
46. The Interview
47. 3- idiots
48. The Happiness
49. Our baby
50. Angry Husband-1
51. Angry Husband- 2
52. The fear
53. The celebration
54. Her surprise
55. Her pain
56. Memory lane
57. She came back for me
58. The sorrow
59. Loving him
60. The ray of happiness
61. The caring husband
62. Our precious
63. Epilogue
New Book

20. Hangover

18.3K 958 101
By shiprasaini1

Preeti's point of view

I woke up in the morning and looked at the my right side of bed and it's empty, means Siddharth already awake. My whole body is aching and someone playing a drum aggressively inside my head that its ready to split into two.

I looked around the floor for my dress but I frowned looking at its condition. It was all torn up.

Why I tore my own dress.

Our whole room was all mess like someone play cricket there.

What happened here last night and why my dupatta is tying to the bed headboard.

I wrapped the blanket over my naked body and got up from the bed but fell on it again as soon as dizziness hit me.

"Aahhh..." I winced in pain buried my head between my knees and winced it again when sudden wave of pain go through my head like someone bang it on wall.

"Good evening my sleepy head." Suddenly bedroom door open and Siddharth waked inside with a tray of food. He is wearing a black t-shirt along with dark jeans looking all mouthwatering.

"What..? Evening...?" I asked him with shock and looked at the watch.

Indeed it's evening. It was 5.15 p.m of the evening. But why have I sleep so long. I never sleep so long. In fact I woke up before everyone in the morning.

"Why didn't you wake me up early. Why have I sleep so long and what happened to our room. Who turned it upside down?" I asked him so many questions in one breath and got up from the bed but sit again m due to the dizziness.

Siddharth put the tray between us and packed on my lips. Blanket on me fell from my upper body and my naked bosoms was clearly visible to his starving eyes. I pulled the blanket again till me chest and blushed under his starving heated gaze when I saw he didn't even blink yet. He took a deep breath try to calm his sex hormones. He pulled out his shirt over his head and make me wear it.

"Here take this first then I will answer your all questions." He gave me the two aspirin along with coffee. I took the aspirin and take a cup of coffee.

I spit it as soon as I took its first sip. It was bitter black coffee.

"Drink it. You will feel better and eat this. You didn't have eat something since morning you must be hungry. " He said while raising the coffee cup towards my mouth.

"Siddharth what happened here last night. Who did this to our room and why my dress is torn up? Why my head is aching like someone is playing the drum inside." I said while sipping the black coffee and squeezed my eyes when its bitter taste hit my taste buds.

"So you didn't remember anything?"

Before I could answer him I ran to the washroom while cupping my mouth and throw up all which I had eaten yesterday while holding the toilet sit. Siddharth pulled my hair back and patted my back.

I hold the seat again when I again feel to throw up.

What is happening to me? Why I am throwing up like? Had I eaten something wrong?

Siddharth gave me the glass of water to clean my mouth but I didn't feel good and throw up again.

"Here...drink some water." Siddharth handed me the glass.

I gaggle with the water and set on the floor while holding my head. I hate it when I feel dizziness and my head headache like someone running a bulldozer inside it and Plus I was smelling like a shit of alcohol.

"Hello my drunken cuet bhabhi..I have surprised for you?" Keerti barged inside the washroom with her ipad.

"Keerti I told you to delete this. Done it quietly or I have my ways." Siddharth shooting the dragers to keerti but she was looking at him mischievously and wiggling her both eyebrows.

"What surprise....? And Please someone tell me why am I smelling like an alcoholic. " I said while again burring my head between my knees and hold it from behind.

"Because you were drunk last night and it was fun to watch you making out with bhayi in front of Mom and Dad." My head spun to keerti as soon as words escaped from her mouth.

"What...?" I looked at Siddharth and he was looking here and there except me.

Keerti handed me her ipad and I played the video. My eyes got wide in surprise when I looked myself in video. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment when I saw how I ripped Siddharth shirt and make out with him in living room infront of Mom and Dad. I wanted to buried myself under six feet of ground in embarrassment.

"Siddharth Please tell me this is not true." Tears welled up in my eyes in embarrassment and I looked at him with my teary eyes, hopping silently it wasn't true.


"I hate you...I hate you both brother and sister." I was crying like a child while throwing up continuously, holding the sides of toilet sit.

"I hate you Siddharth..." I said while wiping my tears and throw up again.

"Baby how is that my fault? I just granted your wish. You wanted to get drunk." He said while hugging me from sideways.

"Don't touch me." I push him to the floor and he fell on it.

Keerti was laughing while holding her stomach and leave the room immediately when Siddharth gave her a dead glare.

"You could have stop me. Now how will I face mom and Dad. They must be embarrassed of me." I said while fisting on Siddharth's chest when he again engulf me in his embrace.

"Baby I'm sorry. Please forgive me..please..please.." He said while giving kisses on my right cheek.

"You are forbidden to touch me for two weeks." I said while getting up from the floor and walked into our walking closet to get my clothes for shower.

"What...? No....Preeti..." He followed me from behind while complaining like a baby who didn't get his favorite candy.

He spun me around my face meet his muscular chest.

"You know last night was the best night. We tried new thing and I want to do it again." He said while pulling my lower lip between his teeth. But this time I am not going to trap in his lovey dovey talk.

"No..." I said while pushing him out from the closet and slammed the door on his face.


Everyone is sitting on the dinning table and having their dinner with awkward silence. My hand were shaking when I served more curry to Dad. Mom didn't say a single word to me till now since when I came downstairs. I can't even dare to look into their eyes. Today Nick, James and Emily suddenly joined us for dinner and mischievous look on their face telling me that keerti already show my video to them.

After serving Dad I sit beside Siddharth and served him food and then myself.

"Keerti pass me the curry bowl." Mom asked the curry bowl which was near to me but she asked keerti who was was sitting far from it.

I was about to pick the bowl when mom stop me and said, "I asked Keerti..."

My discarded my hand and keerti gave the curry bowl to mom. I looked down on my plate and tears welled up on my eyes. I know she was angry on me that's she is not talking to me even she didn't let me serve her food.

I sniffed and rub my nose try to control my tears but failed. Tears soon streamed out from my eyes and I set there like this without touching my food.

Suddenly everyone broke into a fistful laugh and I looked all of them confusingly. Even Mom was laughing more than anyone. I turned my head toward Siddharth and he was laughing leaning back on the chair.

"Sorry Preeti dear. It was my idiot son's plan to prank you. He told us to act like this." Mom said while laughing.

"Means you are not angry on me." I asked her while wiping my tears.

"Sid call me next time when you plan again to get drunk Preeti. I want to watch the show live. She is really a fun when she get drunk." Nick said between his laugh.

"I will bring the popcorn." James said while laughing.

"Preeti beta. I also want to join you for drink. You will be a good company." Dad said.

I facepalm myself and started laughing. I looked at Siddharth and he winked me.

I slapped his hand when he tried to hold my hand under the table. I narrowed my eyes on him but he pouted and gave me his puppy eyes. I looked at mom and immediately lowered my gaze when I saw mom is looking at us. Siddharth grabbed the opportunity and put his hand on my thigh.

"Preeti..beta Raksha Bandhan festival is coming. I want you to do all preparations." Mom said in a motherly voice.

"Okey mom." I said.

"If you want you can go to India to celebrate Rakhi with your brothers." Mom said.

"No, mom..This month, there is a lot of work in office so I will be busy and I can't let Preeti go alone." Siddharth said while drinking water.

"Don't worry Mom I already send Rakhi to my all brothers." I said.

"Mom I think this Rakhi I will also not be here. Serra send I going to Europe for project work." Keerti said looking at Mom.

"Don't worry. We can celebrate Rakhi before." Mom said with a smile.


I know chapter is short but I wasn't feeling well and confused what to write. I hope you like the chapter. To make it up maybe I will update tomorrow. Please give so much love to my this chapter also. I really love your comments.

I have a humble request to my silent readers Please Please do votes and comments. It will took only few seconds of your precious time.

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