
By chambreduloup

195K 3.8K 4.1K

Harry and Draco share a secret bond, unknown to everyone, including themselves. It only makes itself present... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

7.7K 165 370
By chambreduloup

Hermione and Ron arrived at Hogwarts later than expected, with Draco's sleeping draught lasting longer than they initially thought it would, they got there at around quarter to five. Harry was ordered to stay at home with Draco, the bond having a tendency to flare and strain when they weren't in the same building.

"Send us a patronus if anything happens." She said to Harry before she took Ron's arm and disapparated into Dumbledore's office. Well, it wasn't Dumbledore's office anymore. It was in fact, Neville's.

He'd done fairly well for himself, coming back to hogwarts as a Herbology teacher, and then being offered the position of headmaster by McGonagall, who told him that she was getting too old for the job, and that she'd go back to being the Transfiguration professor.

Apparition was easier than expected into his office, as Neville must have known they were coming, seeing as all the wards were disabled.

"Neville!" Hermione said, trotting up to him and hugging him tightly.

"Hi, Hermione. It's good to see you. You're looking well." He said, squeezing her tightly back.

"Hi, mate." Ron said, waving at him from the door. Neville smiled back warmly and raised his hand. "How's It going, Ron?" He asked, pulling him into a hug once he let go of Hermione.

"Yeah! Good..." He paused. "I suppose you know why we're here?"

"I do... I'm so sorry this had to happen to Harry and Draco. They don't deserve that." He smiled sadly.

Hermione and Ron nodded. "How did you know?" Ron asked, suddenly confused.

"I have my ways." He chuckled, reminding Ron so much of Dumbledore, it was almost funny.

"I'll leave you to it. His portrait is behind my desk, round the corner. Can't miss it." He smiled at them before turning around and walking out the door, mumbling something about going to have tea with McGonagall.

The door clicked shut with an echo as Neville closed it, and Hermione took Ron's hand and pulled him along to Dumbledore's portrait.

"Professor?" Hermione called.

"I'm not longer your professor, Miss Granger." Dumbledore smiled.

"And I'm no longer Miss Granger." She smiled back at him.

"My apologies. Mrs Granger-Weasley? Is it?" He asked and Hermione nodded. "I always did think you two made a wonderful couple." He remarked nonchalantly. Hermione and Ron chuckled, feeling rather awkward.

"Um, we were wondering if you could help us?" Hermione asked, suddenly feeling timid.

"I know why you're here."

"You do?" She asked as she let go of Ron's hand, who seemed to bolt away to snag the bowl of Sherbet Lemons sitting on the desk.

"Mmhm. It's regarding the bond between Harry and Draco, no?" He looked at her.

"Well... yes, actually." She confirmed.

"There's only so much I can help you with." He said, and Ron cut in.

"Well I'm sure you can help us a lot more than what those fucking books are telling us, excuse my French." He said.

Dumbledore just chuckled in response. "Perhaps, you haven't picked out the right book yet."

"Meaning?" Hermione asked.

Dumbledore sighed heavily. "Draco and Harry don't have the Phoenix bond." He said matter-of-factly.

"What- what do you mean?"

"The bond that Draco and Harry possess, is one that's been heard of only once... between Aldrich Potter and Dardanus Malfoy." Dumbledore began.

"A Potter and a Malfoy..." Hermione whispered.

"Precisely. The bond they possess, is vastly different to the Phoenix bond. They have an Ormr bond."

"Ormr... meaning Dragon?" Hermione asked, her eyes widening.

"Indeed. This bond is clever. Very, very clever. It takes great skill to outsmart it. It's ancient, meaning the bond was weaved into Harry and Draco's bones nearly 2000 years before they were born. They were destined to be enemies in their youth. As were Aldrich and Dardanus. However, they came together once again, at Dardanus' trial, in which Aldrich spoke in favour of his freedom."

"What did Dardanus do?" Ron asked, slipping a lemon sherbet into his mouth.

"He was on trial, because he was a death eater. Forced into it, of course. His parents were... set in their ways, and wouldn't have a disappointment of a Son. They wouldn't stand for a son that disobeyed them. So they forced it on him."

"It's like- it's like history is repeating itself..." Hermione said.

Dumbledore nodded, "Exactly." And continued. "Eventually, Aldrich managed to get Dardanus pregnant, and they had a son. Arcturus Potter. He was killed by death eaters when he was 18, so Aldrich and Dardanus' siblings continued the line." Hermione nodded in understanding. "The two families, the Malfoy's and Potter's have since not interacted. Until now, that is."

"That's why the bond has shown itself. It's part of the Malfoy and Potter line." She concluded.

"Precisely. This is dark magic. And ancient too, it won't react well to being tampered with." He said.

Hermione paused for a moment, knitting her eyebrows together in a frown before she spoke again.

"Could you... could you tell me a little more about this Ormr bond, then?" She asked.

"Of course, however, my knowledge is limited. I do not share the bond that Harry and Draco do."

"It's okay... just- what ever you can tell us." Ron added.

"Very well... the Ormr bond is an ancient bond, that presents itself in the subjects, in this case, Harry and Draco, over 2000 years before birth. This, in turn, confirms their fate." Dumbledore took a deep breath. "It's a clever little bond, so it is. It's able to outsmart anybody that tries to tamper with it. Such as yourself. In this case, it's presented itself as a Phoenix bond, to steer you off track. The reason it does this is because it wishes to be solitary. It wants Harry and Draco and Harry and Draco only. This is why Draco has been getting so sick. It chops and changes from illness to illness, to try and take Draco and Harry away from everybody they've ever known, much like Aldrich and Dardanus. This bond wants the babies to itself. It doesn't want any more forms of human contact. Think of it as though it's allergic to human skin, except for Harry and Draco's. However, the bond tests its limits far too much for its own good. And if this isn't treated soon, the bond will kill Draco."

"Shit..." Ron whispered.

"The bond will take the shape of a completely different bond if it feels threatened. The only logical bond being my bond with Grindelwald, the Phoenix bond. However, only one of those exists. There will never be another. That's how I knew that Draco and Harry did not have the Phoenix bond."

"The books didn't tell us any of this..." Hermione mentioned.

"Of course they didn't. This is advanced magic. Far more advanced than a book could tell you about. And as far as we know, there is only one book about the Ormr bond. And it was written by Aldrich and Dardanus themselves. There is a single copy." He said.

A thick, black book appeared on the table; a nondescript, dragons skin leather book, with yellowed pages and dog eared corners, it looked as though it were a million years old. Hermione predicted it wouldn't be too far of that.

"Take it. Use it wisely." Dumbledore said, cutting off whatever Hermione was about to say.

"Thank you, so much. Is there anything else?" She said.

"No. I'm afraid I can help you no more. That is the extent of my knowledge, but the book will tell you far more than I can. I never did get around to reading it." He said, curious.

"Thank you, Dumbledore." Hermione and Ron said sincerely, with Hermione clutching the thick book to her chest.

"Have a nice day. And remember... read through every little detail. It'll all become familiar. It's just like you said... History is repeating itself." Dumbledore said.

Hermione smiled and grasped Ron's elbow, disapparating on the spot, back into Grimmauld Place.


"Harry?" Hermione called.

No answer.

"Draco?" She tried again.

Still, no answer.

"Must be asleep." Ron concluded, and pulled out another lemon sherbet from his pocket. "You did not take those from Neville!" Hermione scolded, a playful smile hinting at her lips.

"Of course I did! They're good. And they're free. Why not?" He countered, and laughed.

His laughing ceased, however, when he heard a low moan from up the stairs. "Are they alright?" Ron asked.

"I don't know. Let's go up and check." Hermione suggested and she slipped her shoes off, kicking them under the little stool that sat beside the door. She climbed the stairs carefully with Ron behind her, hearing the moan again.

They crept up to the door to find it partially open, just as they had left it before they left. Hermione pushed it open slowly and peered inside, gasping and rushing out the door.

"What's happened? Are they bleeding? In pain?" Ron asked frantically.

"No! Nothing like that at all. They're having sex!" She said incredulously.

Ron guffawed loudly, pressing his hand against his stomach, yet grimacing at the loud moan belonging to Draco that filled the hallway.

"Fuck! Yes- fuck, Harry..." Draco moaned. Ron stepped forward and peered in the door, lifting his arm to allow Hermione under him. They really shouldn't have been watching, but they couldn't help themselves; it was just innocent curiosity.

Harry and Draco were in the bed, Harry on top of Draco, thrusting his hips madly under the duvet. Draco's head was tossed back, and his mouth was open in a moan. Draco's arms came to wrap around Harry's shoulders, and he brought his head forward, pouting and baring his teeth, hissing as Harry's cock jabbed his prostate.

"Oh, fuck!" Harry moaned, his elbows bucking as he tried to lower himself down to kiss Draco. The kiss was sloppy and rather wet sounding, both of them focusing on Harry's cock thrusting in and out of Draco's arse than the accuracy of their kiss.

"Harder- fuck. Please." Draco whined, bringing one leg up to wrap around Harry's back. This, in turn, shifted the duvet, and it fell down, exposing both Harry and Draco's bare arses, along with Harry's balls slapping against Draco's crack. Harry began thrusting harder, lifting one hand and pressing against Draco's raised thigh, spreading his legs further to find a new angle.

Draco screeched loudly, squeezing his eyes shut as his nails dug into Harry's back. Harry had found Draco's prostate, mercilessly pounding into him now, his low moans equally as loud.

"Fuck- fuck, Harry. 'M gonna come, 'm gonna come!" Draco warned, his toes curling.

"Yeah? Come for me, baby." Harry panted, thrusting his hips at the same pace.

"Yes! Oh fuck, Harry! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Draco screamed, moaning so loud Ron could practically feel the walls vibrate with the echo of it.

Hermione watched as Draco's head lolled back, his eyes rolling back into his head as his whole body jerked with the force of his orgasm. Harry came soon after with a shout and a "Draco...", before slumping down on top of Draco, though to the side so he didn't squash the babies.

They were both panting heavily, Ron noted, and it seemed they had gone at it as soon as Ron and Hermione left, judging by the heaviness of their breathing.

"Fucking hell." Draco said, smiling tiredly at Harry, huffing.

"Missed that." Harry said.

"Me too. Fuck... I needed that."

They both laughed lazily, and Harry closed his eyes, shifting closer to Draco and curling himself around his lithe frame, a hand reaching out to cradle his bump, which had gotten larger over the course of the week.

"Love you." Draco said weakly, his eyes closing, and his fingers slid into Harry's hair, massaging his scalp, the other hand pulling the duvet back over them.

"Love you too." He replied tenderly, his eyes closing as Draco worked his fingers through his hair.

Ron and Hermione stood at the door for a few moments, and then looked at each other, and then Ron nodded.

Hermione raised her hand and tapped her knuckles on the door, twice. "Harry? Can we come in?" She asked.

"Mhm" He said tiredly, smiling at Ron and Hermione as they walked in the door.

"Hi." Ron said awkwardly, silently hoping that neither of them knew that they were stood at the door the whole time.

"We know you were outside." Draco drawled, a signature smirk hinting at his lips. Harry sniggered and wrapped his arms tightly around Draco, burying his head in his chest and rolling onto his back, bringing Draco with him.

Hermione blushed profusely and spluttered before laughing too.

"So... what's the crack with this bond business?" Draco asked, seemingly feeling much better than he had before.

"You look a lot better." Hermione commented, and Ron nodded his head in agreement.

"I feel it, too. No fever, no nothing." Draco looked mildly shocked at his speedy recovery, as did Harry.

"That's great! I'm glad." Hermione smiled. So did Draco.

It was quiet for a moment, and Draco laid his head on Harry's chest, before Ron spoke up.

"It stinks of sex in here, guys."

Harry and Draco looked at each other, and simultaneously burst out laughing, rolling with laughter soon enough. Harry's body shook with his laughter, jostling Draco on top of him. He wiped at his eyes, letting a few weak giggles out before looking back at Ron.

"Yes. Of course it stinks of sex in here. We've been at it for..." Draco cast a quick Tempus charm and noted the time, and giggled. "... 3 hours." He laughed.

"We fucked for that long?" Harry asked, surprised. Draco smiled down at him and nodded, pressing a sound kiss to his lips.

They kept eye contact with each other, with Draco lifting himself up onto his hands rather than his elbows. He bit his bottom lip and his eyes roamed Harry's face, travelling lower, lower, lower, to spot Harry's half hard cock pressed against his stomach.

Draco huffed a laugh, rolling his hips slightly, smirking at Harry's groan. Harry bucked up subtly into Draco, bitting his bottom lip to stifle a moan.

"Are you two seriosuly at it again? You just finished 2 minutes ago!" Hermione complained, "Besides, we've got big news. You're going to want to hear this." She said.

"'Mione, can you give us, like, a few minutes. I'm sorry. I'm horny. And I really need to come again." He said and laughed at Hermione and Ron's grimaces as they made their way down the stairs and into the living room.


20 Minutes later found Harry and Draco wide eyed and open mouthed in shock, staring at Hermione as she explained that for four months of Draco's pregnancy, she'd identified the wrong bond.

"So... you're telling me... that we're not in fact part Phoenix, and that we're part Dragon instead?" Draco asked surprisingly calmly.

Hermione nodded guiltily. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. Dumbledore said that it disguised itself as another bond, so you couldn't have known. Don't worry." Harry cut in just as Draco opened his mouth to speak, probably to curse her out.

They sat in silence for a few moments, with Draco contemplating what had just been told to him, and Harry acting as though Draco was a hand grenade and would go batshit crazy any second.

"You said Dumbledore gave you a book?" Draco asked, becoming shy.

Hermione's eyes lit up. "Yes! He did. I um- I was having a read through it to get a gauge of what this bond was all about. And I came across something about your wings..."

"We still have wings? Fucking brilliant." Draco said, his sarcasm dripping as he slapped his knees and flopped back onto the sofa, then brought his knees up to his chest- well, as close to his chest as he could over his bump.

"They're uh- they're dragons wings. Apparently." She said.

"Apparently?" Harry asked.

"According to this book. And considering there's only one of these books, and only one of these cases— two now— there's not much evidence."

Harry nodded his head in understanding, and then rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"God. So what are we going to do, then?" Harry asked after a moment.

"I need to have a read of the book in detail, to see what our next move is..." She paused, taking a deep breath, her voice now solemn. "Dumbledore told us that if we don't figure out a solution to this bond, and find a permanent cure for these illnesses, or at least something to slow the rate at which Draco's getting sick, it will kill him. This is getting really serious now."

Draco's hands trembled, and he clenched them into fists to try and stop them shaking, his nails digging into the palms of his hands so much so that there would definitely be crescent shaped scabs there in the morning.

He hadn't realised he was crying until Harry leaned over with a soft "Hey..." and wiped the tears off his eyes.

"Shite- fuck. 'M sorry, I'm sorry." He sniffled wetly, letting out an exhausted sob as he pressed his face into Harry's hand that was cradling his cheek.

"C'mere, love." Harry said and held his arms open. Draco shifted over to Harry and curled up into his side, tucking his shoulder under Harry's arm. With one arm he pulled the knitted blanket off of the back of the couch, pulling it over himself and Harry, mainly to hide his bump. He'd become self conscious of it over the course of the month.

"Never apologise for that, okay?" Harry said, stroking Draco's hair out of his face, and placing a soft kiss to his temple. Draco's breath hitched as he tried to stifle his soft cries, and Harry pulled him closer, keeping one hand in his hair. "It's okay." He whispered, twice, lulling Draco into calmness.

"I don't want to die." He spoke, and his face scrunched up as he made his best efforts not to cry again. His body shook with his silent cries, and after a minute, he let out a loud wail, and an accompanying sniff. He covered his eyes with his fingers and pushed against them hard, frantically trying to stop the flow of tears.

"Oh, baby." Harry's bottom lip trembled, his eyes glassy with unshed tears. His arm around Draco's waist pulled him up to sit on Harry's lap, facing him. "C'mere, sweetheart." He said, squeezing his eyes shut to allow the tears to fall. "You're not going to die, love. I promise you. I promise you." He murmured into Draco's ear, and kissed it gently.

"Don't let me die, Harry." He cried softly, so quiet that Harry almost didn't hear him. His hands balled into fists around Harry's shirt. Harry could feel his wet tears running down the back of his neck, and he brought a hand up to Draco's back, and rubbed up and down.

"I'm so sorry." Harry whispered, and Draco nodded slowly, breathing heavily.

Harry took one look over at Hermione and Ron, and found that they were both crying too, Hermione more than Ron, mind. He smiled at them both sadly, and bit his bottom lip hard when it began to tremble again.

"Oh, Draco." She breathed, standing up carefully and crouching down beside Harry so she could see Draco's face. It was blotchy and red, almost as though it was burning. His eyelashes were wet and clumped together, and his under eyes looked oily from the tears that continually fell and left stains down his cheeks. Draco looked over at her, locking his eyes with hers.

"Am I going to die?" He asked, his voice muffled by Harry's shoulder. Draco felt Harry instinctively tighten his arms around Draco's waist, so he pressed a hand to his shoulder, tapping twice to let him know that he was squeezing too hard. "Sorry." He whispered, his voice hoarse, and he went back to rubbing Draco's back.

Hermione shook her head, and paused for a long time.

"I don't know."

A/N: oh no. Whatever will happen now?

Thank you guys so much for reading and being so patient with me, I'll try and be a bit quicker with the chapters now and things are picking up speed in this fic! Hope you enjoyed!

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