A Summer Romance [Cameron Dal...

By CaitlynMcdowell

3.7K 104 39

Skyler is a fan of the Magcon Boys and when she goes to meet them at the meet and greet, Cameron and her get... More

The Journey
Meeting The Magcon Boys
Getting Close With Cameron
Nothing but Lies and Tears.
The Truth
Authors Note
Visiting Justin
Searching For Cameron
Arriving back in LA
Finding out Cameron's Secret
The First Time
Feelings For Them Both
Nash's True Identity
Friends to Haters
Good and Bad News
Telling Cameron
Authors Note
Going to the Police
The Trial

Meeting Skyler's Parents

165 3 1
By CaitlynMcdowell

Cameron's P.O.V

I woke up trying to figure out my surroundings, I was still on the plane and it was dark outside.

Skyler was still asleep on my shoulder and my MacBook was still on, I must have drifted off whilst I was editing.

I saved what I had done and shut my laptop down to save the battery.

I pulled out my phone and plugged in my earphones and tried to fall back asleep. These planes were so uncomfortable.

Skyler's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes Cameron was sleeping right in front of me. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair and he woke up.

"Hey beautiful" He said.

"Hey" I replied.

We just stared into each others eyes, no words were spoken.

We were interrupted by the pilot. "Ladies and Gentlemen we will be landing in Miami in 15 minutes, I hope you have enjoyed your flight." He said.

"Thank god I thought it was never going to end." I said.

"I know." Said Cameron.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm just nervous that's all. What if your parents don't like me?" He said.

"Of course they won't like you, they will love you." I replied.

Cameron smiled and kissed my forehead.

We finally landed and got off the plane.

When we got into the airport my mom and dad were waiting at the entrance.

"Mom!" I shouted and ran into her arms.

"Oh hunny I have missed you so much!" She said.

"Hey dad" I said and gave him a hug as well.

"Hello sweetheart." He replied.

"Where's Justin?" I asked.

"Oh hunny, he's in the hospital.... He was in a car accident." My mom said.

Tears filled in my eyes.

"And you couldn't even call me or text me to tell me! I have to find out now. When did this happen?" I said.

I was so angry and upset, Cameron could tell I was and grabbed my hand.

"Tuesday night." My dad replied.

"Yous are pathetic! My own brother could have died and I'm only finding out now!" I said and ran to the toilets.

I stood in front of the mirror. I looked a mess. Tears were streaming down my face.

Moments later Cameron came rushing in.

"Sky are you okay?" He said wrapping his arms around me.

"I am now" I replied.

"Your mom and dad didn't want you to be upset during your trip." He explained.

"They still could have told me. They always do it, I am always last to know." I said.

"shh baby girl don't cry. We can go and visit Justin later if you want?" Cameron said wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"Okay" I said and hugged him tightly.

We made our way back to my mom and dad. I was still mad at them but I couldn't stay mad forever.

"Darling we are so sorry." My mom said and they both hugged me.

"It's okay I forgive you." I said.

"Why don't we go and grab some dinner, you two have had a long journey." My dad said.

"Sounds good" I replied.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked.

"Taco Bell?" I suggested.

"Mm...My favourite" he said agreeing.

Cameron looked at me and smiled. It was silent the whole way to Taco Bell.

My dad shook Cameron's hand and said "I never properly got to introduce myself back in the airport, I am Peter."

"Nice to meet you Peter" Said Cameron.

"I am Claire. Nice to meet you Cameron." My mom said.

Cameron kissed my moms cheek. "Nice to meet you" He said.

Me and Cameron sat at a different table than my parents.

"I told you they would like you." I said.

"Your parents are so nice." Said Cameron.

"Yeah they aren't nice when they see my report card." I laughed.

"Ugh tell me about it." He replied.

Once we finished eating we went back to my house.

I took Cameron by the hand and lead him to my room.

"Nice room." Said Cameron.

"Thanks." I said.

We started kissing passionately, my mom then walked in.

"Oh am I disturbing?" She said.

"Just a little" I said awkwardly.

My mom left and we continued to kiss.

I pulled away and asked "Cam can we go and visit Justin now?"

"Of course, I totally forgot" he said.

"So did I, it just doesn't feel real" I replied.

I asked my dad if we could borrow his car and he agreed so we made our way to the hospital.



Sorry this chapter is quite boring I am trying my best to keep updated.

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