All Around Me | Jason McCann |

By Jerryismypizza

80.5K 1.8K 437

'Never thought I could ever be loyal To someone other than myself I never thought I could ever be a spoiler G... More

All Around Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 45

1.1K 34 3
By Jerryismypizza

| Savanna |

The last few months of my life had changed drastically and I had experienced things that some people wouldn't even experience in their entire lifetime- I'm not even exaggerating. But never did I ever think I'd be 'dating' a very well know criminal who was so open with his organisation, yet so closed off. It was like you thought you knew him but you really didn't.

I was currently at a late cheer practice, it was kinda meaningless because we didn't have games to cheer for for literally AGES yet but the captions of the squad wanted us to be prepared before finals. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to just fall out of the rhythm of being a cheerleader. Through finals, nobody was taking part in extra curricular activities and that meant no cheer.

"Okay ladies! Let's run it from the top!" The lights beamed at us as we stood in the middle of the field. It was so hot out at such a late time in the evening which made it so much more harder to be doing flips and tricks in the air.

"No no no! Mari you're supposed to be the base for Sav! Lexi! Get over here!" Ashley was definitely the most tense out of the three captions but she genuinely scared me with how loud she could be. I glanced at Mari who looked like she was going to rip Ashley's hair out before I pulled her to me and we ran it from the top. Lexi and Mari stood beneath me as my base before I was flipped in to the air and low and behold, I didn't land in the most gracious of ways. I literally felt Lexi's hand grabbing my butt unintentionally because she didn't know what to grab without making me hit my face on the ground. 

Now you know why my knees were so busted.

"I'm so done! Mari, Lexi, stay here and practice, send me a video of the final result, cool?" Although, we didn't really need to stay and complete this part of the routine because it literally wasn't life or death, we were already in the rhythm, there was no point wasting such adrenaline.

After the girls left, Lexi, Mari and I practiced and practiced and practiced and let me tell you, we were MASTERS of this by now.

"Okay let's film it for Ash before she drags us back here at 5am" Mari said as she set up her phone against the fence that separated us from the bleachers.

"5 6 7 8!" And with that countdown, I felt them push me up in the air, I stood on one leg as they supported me before they pushed me up again; higher this time in order for me to perform the backflip. As my body fell, ready to be caught by the girls I soon realised I was not going to be caught. My body hit the floor with a thud as I winced in pain, you have no idea how badly that hurt, especially on outside ground. I felt a shocking pain run through my back as it literally throbbed before I found the courage to sit up with the support of the girls. As I sat up, my eyes widened at the group of men stood on the bleachers.

The girls must have seen them and were so distracted that they couldn't catch me in time.

I frowned as they helped me up, the pain getting worse as I felt a horrid shooting pain through my ankle, I must have bent it from the fall. Meanwhile, I tried to figure out who they were but because the lights were directly on us, they just looked like black figures.

"Umm, this is private ground! You can't be here right now!" Lexi called out, I'm not sure they cared about private property Lex. I for some reason couldn't help but focus on the man who stood in front of the rest, almost like he was the leader. His body shape, something about it made me have flashbacks of a certain somebody; who we all thought was dead.

"That's Samuel, Sav. It's fucking Samuel." Mari suddenly said as she nudged me. I felt my heart plummet to the pit of my stomach, I had this dark feeling within that just filled my body with fear / shock.

"Don't mind us! We were enjoying the show" Okay, the voice, the accent, the suit, it all pointed towards Samuel.

"You didn't mention that you were a little dancer Miss Savanna!" Samuel continued as he stepped down from the bleachers, his face revealing as the lights hit him. There was still a fence separating us so I had a tiny bit of ease in my heart but that didn't mean anything when there were three of us and 6 of them.

"We need to run" I said, reality hitting me. If Samuel was alive, he very much knew Jason planted a bomb in a club that Samuel owned himself, in the room he was supposed to make a deal with him in. A bomb that left a lot of bodies burnt- but somehow, Samuel got away?

"They will catch us Sav, look at them!" I could literally feel Lexi's fear from here, she had no idea what was going on or who was stood in front of her and the sheer guilt hit me. If anything happened to her, I would not be able to live with myself knowing she had nothing to do with Samuel and his drama.

"We know this building better than them, the entrance to the basement is by the opposite bleachers," I paused, glancing at Mari and then back at the men who were just watching us talk in whispers. They were too far away to hear what we were saying.

"We can get out to the main building from that basement, when I say, we run" I remembered the same kind of orders were given to me by Jason himself, and now look at me, I was in this situation without him and I was trying to get my friends out of this unharmed. I was not capable of doing that if you hadn't already noticed.

"But your leg... you can't run-" I cut Lexi off, "I'll be fine, we can do this" and with a final look of reassurance, I turned back to look at Samuel.

"What do you want Samuel?" I asked, raising my voice so that he could hear me properly.

"It's not what I want, it's who I want" The words left his mouth and it sent shivers down my spine. I didn't know what he truly meant by that, whether that meant he wanted me or that he wanted Jason for attempting to kill him but I knew one thing for sure, I was not sticking around to find out.


Without hesitation, me and the girls turned and ran as fast as possible, not looking back for a second. These men were bigger than us and trained to carry out things like this, there was no time for mistakes. But the shooting pain in my ankle made it impossible for me to keep up with the girls and the throbbing in my back only worsened as I pressured myself even more to push myself forwards.

The stairs were in sight that led to the basement where equipment was stored, as we approached it, I felt my ankle buckle making me stop as I held my leg in pain, tears running down my cheeks from the excruciating pain that I was in.

"Sav come on!" I heard Mari yell as they waited for me at the steps that led down to the basement.

I looked up and back at the men who were inching closer, with no time to spare, I turned to the girls "Go! I'll meet you out front!" I didn't leave much time for persuasion, leaving their shouts for me to come back, behind, as I bolted towards the fencing that led out to the car park. With very little cars to hide behind, I made me way through, trying to stay behind a larger vehicle to just gain back some energy.

"I can smell you bitch! Mhm, you got the sweet smell!" One of the men yelled, they weren't close, yet. I put my hand over my mouth as I stopped myself from making any noise from crying as I closed my eyes briefly. The yells died down which made me stand up a little, the doors to the entrance in sight, I took a deep breath and ran towards it; ignoring the pain in my body.

I got to the door before yanking it open, it was heavy and loud and as soon as I got in, I slammed it shut behind me before i ran down the dark hallway.

I paused, trying to catch my breath as I was so out of breath and in desperate need of something cold against my ankle and back- anything to distract me from the pain. As I stood and caught my breath, I felt my body literally being thrown at the metal lockers surrounding me causing me to thud to the ground. I felt like the air was knocked out of me as I looked ahead, my head spinning and my vision becoming blurry as I held my head.

"That's enough boys," Samuel's voice spoke as he approached me. I followed his footsteps before looking up at him, seeing double for a few seconds as I blinked to focus properly.

He crouched down in front of me, reaching forward as he lifted his hand near my face. I flinched back as he tried to touch my face, "It's okay, I'm just making it easier for you to see" He chuckled as he moved my hair from my face and eyes.

I pushed myself away from him, the lockers behind me not really helping with that and not to mention the now pounding headache that caused me to literally want to throw up.

"Wh-what do you... what do you want with me?" I asked, I didn't realise I was slurring my words until I had to repeat the sentence in order for it to be clearer. I felt like I was blacked out drunk but like, painfully drunk.

"I was never going to hurt you, Savanna. I wasn't going to use you to get to Jason like a lot of people are probably planning on doing," he paused, I felt like he was talking with a microphone, that's how sensitive my ears were for some reason.

"But Jason tried to kill me, and as you can imagine, that wasn't the best move."

"You didn't- you didn't die though" I replied, wincing in pain as it hurt to speak. He laughed in front of me, shaking his head, "But my men did, Savanna... he burnt them like fuckin bacon on the bbq- luckily, I used them as my shields from you know, becoming bacon"

I had no idea what was going on, my attention span was decreasing by the minute because I felt like I was going to pass out.

"It doesn't see-seem like you -you even cared about your friends then" I answered.

"It's the principle Sav, you mess with my company, you mess with me. I'm sure McCann says that all the time too!" He was talking with such amusement, laughter, humour, as if it was a laughable situation.

"Please let me go" I whimpered as the pain was getting too much to handle. I felt like my brain was going to explode and my limbs were going to fall off any moment now. "You're worth too much to just let go off, Miss Montano"

I felt my heart break at the words, I was terrified.

As I tried to sit up properly, one of his men came forward and whispered something to Samuel which caused a moment of silence. "Well, looks like this will have to be continued, lucky girl" He chuckled before he pressed his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"You will see me again, Miss Montano, I assure you of that."

With that, he stood up, adjusted his suit before stepping away. I winced in pain as I sat up properly, I knew I wasn't going to be able to stand up but I needed to stop looking like a dead body on the ground. "Wait," I called out, my voice shaky.

He stopped and turned, looking at me with confusion as to why I was calling him back.

"Ho-how did you know I'd be here?" I asked, breathing out shakily.

He chuckled, again, "It's crazy what you can get a girl to do when she's in love with you, just ask your friend, Kaitlyn." And with that, he continued to walk away until he and his men were too far out to even see.


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