Spencer Reid Imagines

By NiallJHoran22

15.8K 86 13

These will be Imagines of our lovable Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, if they suck I'm sorry these are... More

Authors Note
The New Girl
Jail Visit & Release
Scratch's Demise
Taken 2
Big Brother
Confronting Her

The Baby

1.1K 8 0
By NiallJHoran22

(Part 2 of Confronting Him)

Spencer pulls into a Diner after about an hour's worth of driving, reaching over he shakes (Y/N) softly waking her up. "(Y/N), hey get up I found a Diner, we can get some food," Spencer says still shaking (Y/N). (Y/N) stirs a bit before sitting up and slipping her shoes back on. "Yeah okay, food sounds nice." She says with a yawn. Spencer laughs as he parks and shuts the car off, unbuckling his seatbelt, he gets out and shuts his door, before opening the door for (Y/N). "Thanks, love." (Y/N) gets out and shuts her door and Spencer locks it, looping her arm around Spencer's as they walk into the diner. "D'you think we should get a hotel room, tonight?" (Y/N) asks. "I can drive for a few more hours while you get some sleep. I mean we still have 28 hours, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds left before reaching Colorado." (Y/N) laughs a little and shakes her head, "I wonder about you, sometimes." Spencer smiles as a man behind the desk speaks. "How many?" "Two please," Spencer says to the man who looks like he's in his mid to late forties. "Right this way please." The man says grabbing two Menu's and walking to a table. Spencer pulls out the chair for (Y/N) and pushes it in for her before taking his seat across from her. "Do you have any recent pictures of James?" (Y/N) asks Spencer who's already pulling out his phone, going to his pictures, and showing her. "Oh, he's still so chubby, with black hair?" (Y/N) asks in the form of a question, looking up at Reid. "I have no idea where the black hair came from, I don't remember anyone on my side of the family having black hair." "I think one of my grandparents had black hair, I believe it was my mom's mother." (Y/N) says picking up the Menu and looking over it for a few moments. A Waitress about 5'6" in her early to mid-'30s comes over to the table, "Hi, I'm Linsey and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get for you to drink, tonight?" "I'll have some water, please." (Y/N) tells Linsey. Linsey looks at Spencer, "I'll have some coffee." Linsey nods, "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" "We're ready to order." (Y/N) tells Linsey. "I'll have the Chicken and Gravy over biscuits." "What would you like as a side dish?" "Fries are fine." Linsey writes down Spencer's order and then looks at (Y/N). "I'll have the Chicken Alfredo, with fries on the side." Linsey nods, writing it down, "Funny, I've never met two people who both wanted chicken on their meals." (Y/N) smiles, "We're not ordinary, I reckon." (Y/N) says as Linsey walks away. A few moments later Linsey comes back with their drinks and leaves some Milk cups and sugar packets on the table before walking away. "Should I call my parents?" "I'm not sure it's a good idea, they might think that someone is playing a prank on them." (Y/N) nods, "Yeah, you might be right." (Y/N) looks around the diner, then back to Spencer. "It's not very busy tonight." "Because it's after midnight." Spencer tells (Y/N), (Y/N) looks at Spencer, "What? Wow, I feel like it's only seven." (Y/N) says as Linsey, the waitress comes back with their food. They both eat their food and drink their drinks, once they're done Spencer pays for the meal and leaves Linsey a tip for the food.

Once back in the car, Spencer drives until they leave the state of Virginia, once they reach the next state it's nearly five in the morning, and Spencer's starting to get tired. (Y/N) notices and switches places with Reid, "We can't pull into a hotel now, or we'll get a late start. We'll turn in early tonight so we'll be able to get an early start." (Y/N) says glancing over at Reid who's already fast asleep, causing her to laugh a little. "You could sleep on a rock if you had to." (Y/N) drives for roughly ten hours, before crossing into the next state. Reid wakes up to his phone ringing, it's his mother. "Mom, we'll be back soon, we're not even halfway there yet. I promise I'll bring James to see you the moment we get back, I love you too, Mom." Spencer hangs up the phone, (Y/N) frowns. "How's she doing?" "She's glad you're not dead, but she's a little mad at you but also grateful that you did it to protect James and I." "I don't blame her, I'd be mad too. But does she remember James?" "Yeah she does, she loves him so much and always tells me how he's so smart like I am." (Y/N) laughs, "All very true statements and he is gonna go and see her once we get back." "I know, I promised her I'd bring him to see her." (Y/N) nods, "Y'know, I'm surprised Derek or none of the others have called you." "Yeah, so am I, but they're likely on a case." "I've been thinking about bringing James to work with us every day when we get him back. I don't want anyone else watching him, I've missed out on too much." "Who'd watch him though?" "I'm sure Penny wouldn't mind." "Garcia works just as much as we do, she'd never have the time. I know who could watch him for us and I trust him." "Who?" "Will." "JJ's husband, Will?" Spencer nods, "Doesn't he have Henry at home?" Spencer nods, "Wouldn't two babies be too much for him to handle?" "I don't think so, Henry's older than James is and Henry will love James." "I don't want to just throw it at Will like that." "I'll call JJ and ask her about it."

(Y/N) drives for another seven hours before pulling into a hotel and her gas light pops on and bings. "I'll get gas tomorrow there's a gas station across the road from here." (Y/N) talks to herself causing Reid to laugh at her. "Oh hush, Spencer." (Y/N) says already getting out of the car with Spencer following, getting a duffle bag from the trunk and locking the car. "I know it's only ten, but I figured it'd be nice to sleep in a real bed and take a warm shower." (Y/N) says to Spencer who smirks. "Why are you smirking, Boy Wonder?" "I could go for a warm shower. But let's get checked in first, then we'll talk about showering." Reid says, holding the door open as (Y/N) goes in first, then Reid behind her. Reid walks up to the front desk. "Hi, I was wondering if you had any rooms available?" "How many?" "Two." "We have two rooms left." "We'll take the best out of the two." "How long will you be staying?" "Just overnight." "That will cost $199." Spencer nods and pulls out his wallet and hands the receptionist a card, which is handed back moments later along with a key. "Room 113 on the second floor." Spencer takes them both and walks towards the elevator and (Y/N) walks towards the steps. "You're taking the stairs?" "I'm not getting in that elevator, it's not getting stuck on me." Spencer nods, "Fair point." He and (Y/N) take the steps and find the room. "Double beds, they're so small..." "We'll just push them together." (Y/N) smiles up at Reid, "You're a genius and I love you." (Y/N) stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek, throwing the duffle bag on the bed and falls back on it. "I cannot wait until we get halfway there." (Y/N) says staring up at the ceiling, then sits up on the bed. "Alright, I'm gonna shower and get out of these clothes." (Y/N) says getting up off the bed and going through the duffle bag to find some clothes. "Care for some company?" Reid asks from behind (Y/N), (Y/N) turns and smirks. "You'd love that wouldn't you?" (Y/N) asks seeing the lust already growing in Spencer's eyes, causing her to smile. (Y/N) goes into the bathroom, "Oh, Boy Wonder." (Y/N) sings out getting undressed, turning the shower on, and setting the water to the desired temperature. Stepping inside (Y/N) knows Spencer will join her any moment now. So (Y/N) decides to shave her underarms quickly, just as (Y/N) finishes a pair of arms reach around her and pull her close. "You tease me, then leave me out there." (Y/N) smiles and turns in his arms, "But I'm here now." Spencer laughs, "Yeah, no sex in the shower, I learned my lesson the first time." (Y/N) laughs and kisses Spencer, "I love you." Once they're done showering they get to sleep.

The next day they're gone by nine, (Y/N)'s driving from Indiana they have an hour drive left before reaching Illinois, then it's a 3-hour drive from there to Missouri, then from Missouri to Kansas is another 3-hour drive, then from Kansas to Colorado is a 7-hour drive and another 3 hours to Crested Butte. It'll likely be midnight when they reach their destination. (Y/N) thinks about her family while driving, wondering how to tell them what happened. "Just be straightforward with them," Reid says from beside her. "That's easy for you to say, you've never done this before..." "But I'll be here with you when you do it." (Y/N) smiles, eyes still on the road. "I hope James doesn't freak out when he sees me." "He won't, he remembers you." (Y/N) nods, driving until they reach Crested Butte. Once they reach there, they pull into a hotel and check in for the night. The next morning they leave at nine-thirty arriving at (Y/N)'s parents' home, Spencer and (Y/N) walk up to the door, and Spencer knocks. The door opens revealing (Y/N)'s dad, Owen. "Hi Daddy." (Y/N) says with a smile. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing boy, but that's enough." "Daddy, it's me, (Y/N). If you let me come in I'll explain everything to you and mum." Owen opens the door and lets them in. After an hour of explaining (Y/N) is reunited with James, finally, they're a family again.

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