The Tail of the Sword and Shi...

By Laura-the-bard

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NOW GOING THROUGH HEAVY EDITING!!! When the King of Eldoria dies, leaving the throne unprotected, Alkanos, C... More

Dramatist Persona
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook
Chapter 1:The Arrival
Chapter 2: Because You're Not the Sovereign
Chapter 3: Escape By Night
Chapter 4: The Foretelling
Chapter 5: Obtaining Supplies
Chapter 6: Clash of Lances
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook : Dealing in the Wilds
Chapter 7: What Happened to Alkanos Anyway?
Chapter 8: Flying Lessons
Chapter 9: The Fae Realms
Chapter 10: When The Mice Are Away
Chapter 11: What Purpose Does A Sidequest Serve?
Chapter 13: The Abandoned City
Chapter 14: He Found Jewelry
Chapter 15: It's Gonna Get Icy
Chapter 16: Batten Down The Hatches
Chapter 17: The Sword of the Rightful King
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook: The Dragons Are Our Friends
Chapter 18: The Dragon King
Chapter 19: Negotiations Don't Go As Planned
Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!
Chapter 21: To Bring Down A King
Chapter 22: The Best Laid Plans, of Humans, Sirens, and Dragons
Chapter 23: To The Gates of Death and Back
Chapter 24: Partings
Coming Soon!
Chapter 25: Getting Some Help
Authors Announcement
Chapter 26: If the River Don't Rise
Chapter 27: To Bring Back A Friend
Eldorian Guidebook : The Underwater Realms
Chapter 28 - The Undersea Kingdom
Chapter 29 - If You Know Where To Look
Chapter 31 : The Wizard of Naming Went on Break
Chapter 32: The Sinking City
Chapter 33: "M" is for Minions
Chapter 34: Reptiles In The Dark

Chapter 30 - Amazing Who You'll Meet In The Crypts

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By Laura-the-bard

The crypts were hewn out of the side of the closest hill. A white marble mausoleum protected the entrance to the crypts. Inside was moderately warm throughout the year. Even though Cordelia and Alkanos had worn coats and gloves to the crypts, they had to leave them in the mausoleum. 

"So where is he buried anyways?" Alkanos asked as they stood in the crypt's entrance chamber.  The chamber had an impressive vaulted ceiling that was supported by pillars that lined the chamber. 

"Should be towards the back," Cordelia walked to the stone effigy of King Marco. She circled it, looking for a location placard. Seeing none she said, "Best get a torch, looks like we're gonna  have to search for him."

Alkanos took an unlit torch from its bracket and lit it with a gentle stream of fire. "Let's get started then. I don't want to be exploring here after dark."


An hour or so had passed of exploring the labyrinth-like crypts. The only way they could tell one room from another was the ceilings, they ranged from as high as fifteen feet to as low as seven feet. 

When they finally found King Marco's tomb, it was as Cordelia had said.

They could tell the tomb had been a recent addition, because of the arch supporting the entryway. The ceiling was of middling height and looked newly hollowed out.

"This is it." Alkanos breathed, stepping into the chamber.

In the middle of the room was a stone pedestal, atop it, King Marco lay in a coffin, made of stone and glass.

He serenely held his sword's pommel, and shield, as if standing guard against the waves of time.

Alkanos felt an invisible blow to his stomach. The last time he had seen his father, it was right before he had died.

All that wasted time. Alkanos thought, wondering how things could have gone if his mother had lived.

"What is the ring supposed to do? Or did I miss something that was read out." Cordelia asked, pulling her scarf closer.

" According to another hidden message, it's supposed to act as a power booster when used with The Sword and the crown. I'm hoping it will help us bring in The Magician." Alkanos explained, running his fingers over the edge of the coffin's lid.

"I'm gonna need your help moving the lid. I'm strong enough, but I may drop it." Alkanos said.

" Sure thing," Cordelia replied, sitting the torch in an empty torch bracket.

She took hold of the other end of the lid, and on the count of three, they lifted and slid the lid out of the way.

Alkanos then began to examine what his father had been buried with.

The Sword would have been no use to Alkanos, nor the crown. Both were replicas of what was now Alkanos's, they were there to deter possible grave robbers.

The signate ring, he wore, was also a remake. The original was in a museum, that was dedicated to the history of the Royal family.

The other ring was the one they were looking for. It was similar to the crown in appearance. A silver band with a set in sapphire, that matched the crown. Alkanos knew it was real because the sapphire had an inner fire that, that could withstand the test of time.

"Found it," Alkanos said, touching the ring with his fingertips. "I hope I don't have to break his fingers."

Cordelia held the sword out of the way, so Alkanos could try to coax the ring off the cold, stuff, fingers.

If this had been under normal circumstances, Alkanos would have breathed a controlled flame, just close enough to loosen   King Marco's hands.  He decided against this, for fear of burning his father or accidentally melting the ring.

"I'm sorry, father." Alkanos finally said, maneuvering the cold and creaking fingers.

He still couldn't get the ring.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He said, sliding the ring off until it was caught on a boney joint.

With a twist, the ring came off, breaking the finger with a SNAP!

"I'm sorry." He said again, as he slid the ring into his belt pouch. He then attempted to put his father, back to how he originally found him.

When they finished replacing the coffin lid, a low rumble shook the crypts.

"Let's get outta here," Alkanos said.

"Couldn't agree more," Cordelia said, going to pick up the torch from the bracket.

Alkanos headed for the tomb entrance.

A stronger tremor hit, causing him to freeze.


Cordelia forgot about the torch. She saw the cracks forming quickly in the ceiling.

Rocks fell from the ceiling.

Too far to run for it. Cordelia thought, as larger rocks fell. The floor pitched under her feet.

Alkanos was still frozen at the entrance.

"Alkanos!" Cordelia cried, bolting towards him, just as a large rock fell.

Without thinking, she threw herself between him and the rock.

She yelled his name, shoving him out of the way.

The floor shook again, knocking her down.

Cordelia felt pain.

She screamed.

She heard a SNAP!


When the shaking stopped, Alkanos got off the floor. He coughed from the settling dust.

In the flickering light of the dying torch, he saw Cordelia. She lay on the floor prone, her foot caught under a fallen rock.

"Cordelia?" He said.

Cordelia cried out in pain, she bit back a swear. " I'm here."

"Are you hurt?" He asked, going to her.

"My ankle. It hurts!"

Alkanos examined her foot and the surrounding rocks. Even with his night vision, he couldn't see an opening of any sort.

They had been sealed in.


Cordelia strained her eyes trying to see in the flickering light. The darkness felt oppressive, it was nothing like an undersea cave.

She coughed, the air was so dusty, she could practically feel it.

"Alkanos." She coughed.

She saw his luminous blue eyes, but that was all she could clearly see.

"I'm right here." he said,

She felt him touch her calf.

" Don't freak out. It's just me." He said, "I can see the rock pinning your foot. I'm gonna try getting off you."

Cordelia heard him grunt. The pressure on her foot eased off. She heard the rock hit the floor a few feet away.

"Can you stand?"

"No. I heard a snap when it fell."

"Then please don't put any pressure on it," Alkanos said, " The exit is sealed, so we'll need help getting out."

"How are we going to ask for help?"

" I have a hand mirror, I'll use that to contact the palace."

Cordelia heard Alkanos shift through his belt pouch looking for the mirror.

He swore loudly. "The mirror is broken. It probably won't work, but I have to try." He paused for a moment then said, "This is Prince Alkanos. Cordelia and I are trapped in the Royal Family's Crypt. We are in my father's tomb. Please help."

The mirror feebly shifted out of focus, then back to normal.

" It probably didn't go through," Alkanos sighed, "I'll try again soon."

Cordelia turned onto her back with a gasp of pain. "Do - you have - any medicine - in - your - bag?" She asked, trying not to swear.

" Unfortunately, no I don't. I wasn't expecting anything to go wrong." Alkanos admitted.

" Is it getting hotter in here?" Sweat was starting to drip from her forehead.

"Now that you mention it, yes. We might be losing air. I'll try the mirror again." Alkanos said, holding the mirror with both hands. He sat on the floor.


The Spirit of the ring's owner had been awoken. The spirit hadn't decided to make himself visible to the thrift yet, but he would soon.

Let's see. What idiot do I get to haunt? Please let it be somebody who goes on adventures. The Spirit thought, still staying invisible to the thief, took a better look. Being unaffected by physical darkness, The Spirit saw who the thief was, or in this case, thieves, were as if it was mid-day.

"Oh yes, of course, the thieves are still attached to me." The Spirit said, making himself known to the ring's new owner.


Alkanos turned away from the mirror, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

He removed his palms from his eyes and looked back at the coffin, where he got the shock of his life.

Standing in the center of the room, floating a foot above the floor, was his father. He looking like how he did in his official portrait.

"WHAT 'THA BLAZES?!" Alkanos yelled in shock, scuttling like a crab into the wall.

"Did you get through?" Cordelia excitedly asked.

"No," Alkanos said, raking a hand through his hair, "I just, thought I saw my father."

"Well, we are in a tomb," Cordelia pointed out, " And we are about to join him."

" You meet your father again, and you scream? I know I've changed since you last saw me, but I haven't changed that much." Marco said, rubbing his temples.

"Cordelia. He's talking to me." Alkanos said, pointing at his father.

Cordelia peered straight at Marco. "Sorry Al, I don't see anything. But if it makes you feel better, then talk to him."

"You'd best listen to Cordelia. It's another reason why she was my favorite Bard," Marco said, "So. What's happened since I've been in here?"

"Do you want the long version or the short?" Alkanos asked.

"Short version, please. You'll use up less air." Cordelia said.

Marco nodded, "The short version, even though I'm a ghost."

Alkanos then gave him the two paragraphs long version, instead of the epic-length version.

Marco was silent until Alkanos finished. "No offense to my mother. But I'm gonna haunt that son of a -"

" Father!" Alkanos interrupted, "I didn't spare him so you could haunt him."

" Don't be delusional," Cordelia said, crossing her arms under her head, " I'd have broken his nose if you've let me. That hacks me off even more. I'm down here close to death, while he's being a drain on the legal system."

"Exactly." Marco said, justified on his stance.

" You are not close to death, because I'm going to get us out of here." Alkanos said to Cordelia.

"Please hurry, I'm starting to get light-headed." She replied, beginning to gasp for air like a beached fish.

" I'll try the mirror again."


"What gets me, is why didn't the shield ring protect me? I still love Volsair," she rotated the ring, on the strip of leather, in her hands. "What happened? Do I subconsciously not love him?" She muttered. " Or does he not love me anymore?"


Alkanos knew what really had happened to the rings. His stomach churned at the thought. He hated hiding it from her, but he didn't feel like it was his place to tell her. That is unless nobody came to rescue them.

He lightly tapped the mirror's glass. "Hello? This is Prince Alkanos. Cordelia and I are trapped in the Royal family crypt. Send help. We are running out of air. Please send help!"

The mirror winked out again. He growled in frustration. As long as there was still air, he was going to keep trying to get the message through.

Had he tried contacting a specific mirror? Or was he contacting random palace mirrors?

Oh, it was getting hard to think. It was becoming a growing struggle to keep a decent line of thought.

"So where's Volsair?" Marco asked, "He usually accompanies a King anywhere there's danger."

" I volunteered Cordelia to come with me. Volsair had helped me reinforce the dam during the flooding. It was only fair," Alkanos said, he could feel sweat sliding down his back. "Also, he stayed behind in the event we needed help to be sent. Especially since both of them are quite capable of protecting me."

"Both of them have protected me before. You can trust them."

" They're my best friends. If I can't trust them, who can I trust?"

" You can always trust the palace cats," Cordelia commented. " That's how I found out about the plot."

" Did you know they speak human?" Alkanos asked Marco, taking Cordelia's hand.

Even though there was nothing at all between them, if they died in there, he didn't want either of them to die alone.

"Could have guessed it. They looked like they understood everything they heard. Hinri saved me from a rat once. He's a good boy."

" Alkanos. If I - don't make it," Cordelia said, "It's been - an - honor - serving - you. And when you - see Volsair. Tell - him - I - love him."

Alkanos squeezed her hand. " You won't die down here. I promise," he said, his vision swam. " Just stay awake. Please. Stay awake."

" Oh, dear. They better come quickly," Marco said, "If anyone else could see me, I'd go for help."

" I know you would," Alkanos said, tapping the mirror again. " Volsair. Volsair Champion of Eldoria!" Alkanos had to stop himself from roaring. "Cordelia and I are trapped in the crypts. We are running out of air. PLEASE HELP US!"

The image on the mirror rolled as Volsair answered. "Alkanos! H-" was all he could say before the image winked out.

"Volsair! Volsair!" The mirror still refused to reconnect. "ARGH! COME ON!" He yelled, slinging the mirror across the room.

Breaking glass was all Alkanos could hear over his rasping breath.

He looked at Cordelia. From what he could tell, she was just taking a nap.

"You need to keep her awake," Marco said, "If she goes to sleep, she may never wake up."

"Cordelia. Come on. Wake up. Wake up." Alkanos said, releasing her hand. He started to lightly shake her shoulders.

Cordelia mumbled something at him.

"How am I gonna wake her up? I'm worried I'll but her."

"You do have a good point. I'm not sure how, either but you need to keep her awake."

Alkanos raked a hand through his hair.

"Cordelia. Cordelia. Wake up, for star's sake, wake up!" He lightly struck her cheek.

Her mumbles were becoming more non-existent.

" Come on." He growled, repressing the urge to breathe a flame, for fear of losing more oxygen.

Then he had an idea.

"Cordelia, I'm really, really, sorry about this." He said, lifting up her hand. Even in the dim light, he could see just how slender her hands were compared to his. He had never noticed it until now.

As his lips hovered over the skin of her hand, he started having second, third, and fourth thoughts, about what he was going to do.

"I'm sorry!" He said, biting her on the hand. 

The bite was hard enough to pinch but light enough to not break the skin. If they were lucky, she wouldn't bruise.

Cordelia snapped awake with a yelp.

Alkanos's jaw slackened, dropping Cordelia's hand.

Before she could try to retaliate, he exclaimed, "Tryin' ta help, don't murder! Tryin'  ta help, don't murder!"

Before she could yell at him, they heard sound through the rocks.

The sound of rock being shifted about!

Then a rock moved, allowing for light and air to enter the chamber.

Alkanos took a deep breath.

They were going to be okay.


And that's it for now, hope you liked it. Don't forget to like and comment. I'm open to the feedback.

King Marco has joined the party.

'til next time!

~ Laura-the-bard

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