The Sister Unknown

By ElsaMin13

11.2K 162 173

I've been looking around Wattpad and there isn't a single story like this, so I thought I'd try my hand at a... More

Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt1)
Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt2)
My Way
The Bud Blossoms
Yet to Bloom
Dawn Breaks
Mysterious Appearances
Forgiven and Forgotten

My Angel, My Only

473 4 2
By ElsaMin13

AN: Last chapter was amazing. This chapter is set two months into the future. Elsa's moved in with them, she now has her own room after an expansion they did, and they all decorated it together. Enjoy!

Elsa POV

I wake up, the sun shining in my face. I have a good feeling about today. I look around my room. It's sky blue, with clouds higher up, and roses and other flowers at the bottom. In between, there are drawings from all of my fandoms, and on the ceiling, I have pictures of all of us surrounded by a big heart, and a smaller heart with a picture of Parker and I right in the centre.

I go downstairs. The boys are already up, and they look like they've been planning something. They stop whispering as I walk in. Parker quickly changes something on his phone. They look at me innocently, as if they didn't just change their topic.

I walk off into the kitchen, making some tea. Isla comes down soon after.

"Did you notice" She begins

"How weird the boys are acting? Yes, I did" I tell her.

"They stopped talking when I came into the room" She says

"And they check around the room before they start whispering to each other" I complete.

"It's uncanny of them to be so secretive"

"I know. Wonder what they're hiding"

We grab our teas, and go to the living room. The boys stop talking almost immediately. They're horrible at keeping secrets. Like this one time they tried to hide the accidental blobs of white paint they painted on my room. That's how my bright idea to turn them into clouds came to life.

We watch as the boys shuffle around, acting awkward. They're definitely planning something. I see as Parker quietly grab the remote and turn on the TV. Ah, the old distraction trick. I see what you're up to, mister.

I don't think Isla realises, because she runs over and grabs the remote off him. She puts on the 3-ingredient hacks video from Tasty, and taps me on the shoulder. We have a special code: one tap means a question, two taps mean an object to pass along. I open up my hand, and she quietly slips something into my hand. I shove it into my back pocket, and go upstairs.

Once I get to my room, I check out what Isla gave me. It's Parker's phone. She's a sly fox of a genius, Isla is. She knows that I know the passcode. I open the phone, and start searching. The only apps that are open are Messages, WhatsApp, and Mail. I check out the open apps, but all I find in messages and mail is just boring stuff, the stuff Parker gets every day.

I go onto WhatsApp, and see a recent chat with Chester. We also have a code when we're investigating something. Two thinking emojis mean a clue. One person emoji means a suspect. I send the two thinking emojis, and hear Isla coming upstairs.

"What did you find?" She whispers, sitting on my bed.

I show her the recent chat. I open it, and check out what they've been texting.

Damn, all it says is "You ready for tomorrow?" From Chester and a thumbs up from Parker. Dang it, our boyfriends outsmarted us. Isla shows me the other thing she grabbed. It's Chester's phone, which she unlocks with a quick smile.

She checks his open apps. The only thing open is Safari, where there's a tab open. He's searched "Balloons near me" Huh? That doesn't make sense, Chester is practically the god of in town shopping destinations.

We go back down, after wiping off our fingerprints with Parker's glasses cloth, and planting the phones in their respective rooms.

Chester POV

Parker and I are still looking for our phones. We've checked everywhere! The kitchen, the living room, upstairs. They're nowhere to be seen! Isla and Elsa are both sniggering, watching us crouch under the sofas to look. As if they know where they are...

"Any luck?" Parker asks me.


"Damn it, where are they?"

Wait, I can't believe we didn't think of it before!

"Isla, can you call us?"

"What?" She asks, confused.

"Give me your phone"

I open it, dialling my number. I hear a faint ringing, coming from upstairs. 

"You're a genius!" Parker tells me, and we both run upstairs, following the ringing. It's coming from my room. I go in, and... My phone's on the bed? Huh? I swear I took it downstairs...

I dial Parker's number, but we don't hear any ringing.

"How much charge does your phone have?" I ask him,

"It was full!"

"Well, why can't we hear anything?"

I try ringing it again. No response. I see some sort of recognition in Parker's eyes, and he takes Isla's phone, and opens up the Find My app. Genius. Isla and Parker have Family sharing set up, so he clicks the icon with his phone, and we hear the beeping. (AN:

Isla POV

Shoot, I forgot about turning Chester's phone on Aeroplane Mode. Ah well, at least Elsa remembered. We laugh as we hear their confusion, when they can't ring Parker.

By the time they come down, we're both on the floor, dying of laughter.

"Strange how my phone was on Aeroplane Mode, right Chester?" Parker says, cracking us up more.

"Yeah, really strange"

Elsa and I manage to calm down, but we get attacked by tickling by the time we manage to sit up. We attack back, grabbing the cushions from the sofa and starting a tickle/cushion fight. Halfway through, I wink at Elsa, and we both attack at the same time, taking down both boys and running upstairs.

I quickly remember something, and...

Parker POV

We keep fighting, and by the time we realise the girls escaped, we're out of breath.

"Hey Chester, didn't you say you had something to do today?"

I see the sudden realisation on his face, and he runs upstairs, and I run after him. He goes into the shower, so I quickly take out the suit that he's hidden at the very back of his closet. He and Isla are going to one of the best restaurants in the city. It's called The Left Bank.

Apparently, he had a dream, that he wrote down, of something happening after they go to the restaurant. He refuses to tell me what he saw, but he has some preparations that I had to do before they came back.

He comes out of the shower, so I go grab my phone while he dresses. I can hear the girls giggling as I pass Isla's door.

Elsa POV

Isla takes a shower, and by the time she comes out, I've prepared the perfect outfit for her. It's a knee high, short sleeved dress, a deep violet colour, encrusted with gems around the collar. There are little waves of fabric cascading from the waist down,

I find some black heels, not too high, with cute little bows on the front, like the sort you get in a uniform. Isla comes out of the shower, with her hair wrapped in a towel. She also has a towel wrapped around her door. I lock the door, (we all have them, we just never need to use them) and turn around, smirking.

Isla sits down at her desk, which I've temporarily modified into a vanity table. There's a huge mirror on the table, which I've been hiding in her closet. She looks shocked, with good reason. I hid it so well, she never knew it was there.

All possible makeup objects are on her nightstand, ordered by colour, size, and style. Also all possible hairbrushes and combs, and all possible accessories.

I take off the towel around her hair, drying her hair, and straightening it. I have this special heated brush that straightens your hair, as if you were only brushing it. I leave some curls not straightened.

"Stay still now" I tell her.

I take the straightened hair, combing and tying it into a bun. I leave two ringlets alone, letting them frame her face. The non straightened curls lie underneath the bun, giving her a sophisticated look.

I grab some red lipstick, and lightly add it onto her lips. It's the perfect colour, giving her lips a wow factor. I add a little bit of pink blush, just enough to enhance her natural beauty. I put on some rosy eye shadow, and by the end, she looks stunning. I feel proud of my work.

"Now for the dress" I pick it up carefully, unzipping the back, and she steps in. She puts her hands through, and I zip up the back. The dress fits her perfectly, showing off her curves. She looks like a princess out of a fairytale.

"Now put on the shoes, and do a quick twirl" I tell her. The shoes are a perfect fit as well, as if they were custom made for her feet. I unlock her door, and open it.

We go down, and Chester's waiting at the door, wearing a black suit. He looks good in it. I see Isla blush, and whisper to her "You've got this"

Chester POV

I watch as Isla walks down the stairs. She looks stunning. Like a goddess, but better. The makeup adds to her natural beauty, and the dress just makes the overall look better. I can't take my eyes off, as she comes to the bottom of the stairs. I see Elsa whisper something into her ear.

I reach out my arm, mouthing a quick thank you to Elsa. She winks at me, and Isla takes my arm. We walk out to the smaller car (Elsa's present for passing her driving test) and I open the door for her. She blushes, sitting down. She looks so cute when she blushes.

Parker and Elsa are in the doorway as I pull the car out of the driveway (the house is about 5 minutes outside the actual town), waving at us. Isla waves back, and I see the discreet thumbs up from Parker, grinning.

Parker POV

Once they're out of the driveway, I turn around to Elsa, saying

"You go change quick, we're going on a mini road trip"

She squeals, she loves going in the car, and runs upstairs. I go after her, changing quickly, and by the time I come down she's already in shotgun. I laugh, going to the car and getting in the driver's seat.

"Put on your seatbelt" I tell her. She pouts, but does it anyway.

We drive into town. The town is split into four parts: the shopping part, the food part, the nature part, and the party part. I drive into the party part. Elsa looks surprised. We stop at the first shop, the balloon store. I go in, opening my phone. Elsa stays in the car, so I open the email that I got, that has the collection code. I go up to the counter.

"Hi, I'm here to collect an order"

"Okay, can I see the order number?"
I show them the code, which they scan, and the cashier pulls out a package from under the counter.

"Here you go" he says, I take the package

"Thanks" and I go back to the car, where Elsa's playing around with the AC. I put the package into the back seat, and drive on, to the end of the road, the cake shop. I go in, this time Elsa comes with me.

"Hi, I'm here to collect a cake" I say to the cashier, while Elsa wonders around the shop. It's quite empty, so she has lots of places to look. She stares at the cakes displayed behind the till, and at the cakes that are cut and sliced, sitting in the counter.

The cashier checks my order number, then goes into the back of the store.

"Be prepared to help me carry it" I tell Elsa. I've secured a nice space in the trunk for the cake to rest, giving it just enough space to not be crushed. It's the only part of the car like that.

We go back to the house, leaving the cake in a cleared out space in the fridge, then we go out again. I get rid of the stuff in the trunk, and leave it in the garage. We go back into town, this time going into the food part.

Elsa POV

Parker stops in front of a catering service. We go in, and he takes out a sheet from his pocket. It looks like an order form. He gives it to the guy at the till, and the guys comes back with a small trolley of packages. We wheel it out to the car, and load them into the boot.

The food smells good. We take the trolley back in, and Parker pays for the food with his card. We drive on a bit more, and Parker stops the car at the desserts shop. He goes in, and comes back out with two bottles, and a box. He puts them in the back seat, and we drive back home.

"What's all this stuff for?" I ask.

"You'll find out" he says.

We drive back home, and Parker puts the stuff from the desserts shop in the fridge, around the cake.

Isla POV

We're currently in the restaurant. It's super fancy, like an alien planet. We chat about random stuff for a while, then the food comes. After we eat (it's only around afternoon) we go to a nearby park.

We sit on a bench, and watch the nature around us. A squirrel goes across, carrying some acorns in its small paws. A robin flies across into his nest, with some worms for his wife and children.

Chester looks at me, and grins, kissing my forehead.

"You look more beautiful than ever today" he says. I blush, he's so romantic.

"Thanks, you look very handsome as well" I tell him. He grins again, and I rest my head on his shoulder. It's cold, and I shiver.

"You cold?" He asks, and I nod. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. I smile, cuddling into him. He suddenly gets off the bench, kneeling down, and starts,

"I've loved you since we first met. I didn't know then that I would be here today, and I can't believe that I am. I can't believe that I have such a loving, wonderful girlfriend, and, I wish you could always be there for the rest of my life. So, what I'm trying to say, is, will you be there for the rest of my life, as the one who I love and who loves me,

Will you marry me?"

He takes out a velvet box, and in it is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"Yes!!!!!!!" I scream, hugging him. He puts the ring on my left hand, and we kiss, my new ring feeling just at home on my finger. I grin at him, he grins back, and we sit there for a little longer, just cuddling. I feel so warm, and so elated.

"Well, fiancé," I feel so weird calling him that, but it feels even more fitting than boyfriend.

"It's getting dark, shouldn't we go back home?"

He laughs, picking me up and taking me to the car, while I keep screaming at him to put me down. He sits me in shotgun, and goes over to the driver's seat. I study my ring on the way back.

It's a beautiful silver ring, just big enough to feel fancy, but not too big to feel awkward. Just how I like it. There's a fabulous pearl right in the centre, and it's encircled by extravagant diamonds. On the inside, there are words engraved, reading 'My Angel, My Only'. I smile, feeling like I'm in paradise, as I lean into the seat.

We get home, where I notice that Parker is already waiting for us. I run up to him, hugging him and showing him the ring. I notice the discreet smirk that he sends to Chester. He knew! Of course, that's why they were being so secretive. I run inside, finding Elsa, and showing her the ring. She squeals, seems like she didn't know.

We all go into the kitchen, where there's a mini banquet set up. All of my favourite things. Its small, and perfect. I hug Chester again, he does so much for me.

"I love you" I tell him. He kisses me, and replies,

"I love you more"

AN: Whew, didn't even realise that we'd passed 2500 words. This chapter is now up there with the best chapters. One more chapter left. Bye!

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