
By Eyawrites_

791 151 430

Kismet( A collection of short stories) Within these pages lie tales of life's simple yet profound moments, wh... More

1.1 | The one that got away
1.5- the end

2.1 - Torn hearts

76 15 27
By Eyawrites_

Dedicated to,
All those who tasted the bitterness of betrayal,
To those who loved and lost,
To those who were left with torn hearts.

She was tired, tired of everything that is happening around her. She was always a cheerful girl, she was never like this. People made her drained out, she was losing the will to live but she would never do anything to harm herself because she knows she has failed in this world and would never risk her afterworld too.

"He loves her Yara, they are in a freaking relationship for three goddamn years!" Abeer never wanted to spit the venomous words right into her best friend's face but it came out just like that without her knowing.

Yara Ahmed, an ethereal beauty inherited from her stunning parents, with deep blue eyes and dimples gracing her cheeks. Just like her name Yara indicates, she was radiant just like a star, she illuminates every space she enters, her beauty transcending mere words. Her locks, a rich stream of ebony silk, fall in soft waves around her face, framing features that are nothing short of captivating. With high cheekbones highlighted by a gentle dusting of freckles, and lips curved in a ever enchanting smile, her facial features exude an effortless charm that leaves a lasting impression on all who have met her.

" Abee, I I cant" Yara fell into the couch, the same couch her and Rehan used to sit and watch their favourite movies.

She couldn't stand still, she was starting to feel her chest tightening, her heartbeats uneven, her hands trembling and her lips shivering. Her very first trauma, the trauma she never expected to be from the person who was the whole world to her. 'Whole world to her' was just not a simple phrase, he was the whole damn world for her, the boy she fell in love with the moment she knew what love was.

Rehan was just like that, he was a boy whom every single one of Yara's friend despise of because of his behaviour but she was the only person who knew him well as he was himself in front of her, no filter nothing just himself.

But now, he was in love with another girl? Was he cheating on her? her heart couldn't handle the pain, she had never once felt a pain like the one she is feeling at the moment. She wasn't a best person but she would never hurt anyone dear to her, moreover she would never ever betray anyone no matter how much of a bad person they are.

Abeer couldn't bear to see the pain her best friend was going through, she knew the moment she got to know about the ugly side of Rehan, her best friend was going to be broken just like now, but she would never hide the truth because an ugly heartbreak is better than a fake beautiful love.

" He isn't worth it love, he isn't worth your tears. He doesn't deserve you Yara. This love isn't worth sacrificing your happiness" Abeer whispered, her voice laced with sorrow.

" How, how am I supposed to forget him when every single minute thing in my life is connected to him. How?" Yara choked out between her sobs, each tear a painful reminder of the shattered dreams and broken promises.

Tears paved a whole path on her rosy cheeks, the pathway of his love now nothing but just a cruel memory thats just hard to forget and to remember.

How cruel, isn't it?

she crumbled beneath the weight of her shattered heart. Wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her lavender sweatshirt, she felt her world collapsing around her. Each step she took felt heavier than the last, her soul weighed down by betrayal and anguish.

With a painful sob, she sank to her knees on the cool linoleum floor, unable to support herself any longer. The comfort of her familiar surroundings offered no solace as she grappled with the devastating truth: the person she loved most had betrayed her in the cruelest of ways.

As the tears continued to fall, she felt the walls of her once secure world closing in around her. How could she have been so blind, so oblivious to the deception that had been unfolding right under her nose? How could she ever trust again, knowing that the one person she had given her heart to had torn it apart without a second thought?

Her body trembled with a mixture of rage and sorrow, her mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. How could she confront him, demand answers to the questions that haunted her every waking moment? And even if she found the courage to confront him, would it even matter? Would anything ever be able to mend the broken pieces of her shattered heart?

"Yara stop crying. I told you this would happen, I told you he isn't the one for you. And all you could say was I know him more than y'all. There you go, you might have known his little back love story too right?" Mina was mad, enraged at how her best friend was crying over the same guy she warned her about a hundred times.

"What do you want me to do, Mina?" Yara's voice trembled with raw emotion, tears staining her cheeks. "Tell the whole world that my seven years of love cheated on me with another girl, and like a fool, I never knew? How am I supposed to stop loving him when all this time, I've loved him with all of my heart? Tell me. Just tell me, and I'll do as you all say."

Mina's expression softened, a flicker of remorse crossing her features. "I didn't mean it like that, Yara," she murmured, reaching out to gently touch her friend's trembling shoulder. "I'm just... I'm just trying to protect you. I hate seeing you like this, broken and hurting because of someone who never deserved you in the first place."

"But what am I supposed to do now, Mina?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own ragged breathing. "How do I move on from this? How do I let go of the only love I've ever known?"

"I wish I had all the answers, Yara," Mina murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "But all I know is that you deserve so much more than what he's given you. You deserve happiness, Yara. And if that means letting go of him, then... then maybe that's what you need to do."

Abeer and Mina, their hearts heavy with empathy and rage, knelt beside Yara, feeling utterly lost in the face of her pain. They exchanged helpless glances, their minds racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions.

The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of Yara's stifled sobs. They wanted to lash out, to unleash the same hurt and betrayal upon Rehan that he had inflicted upon their dear friend. But amidst their anger, they also felt a profound sense of powerlessness.

"How could he do this to her?" Abeer whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid to disturb the fragile stillness that enveloped them.

Yara know they weren't close like before, she knew she didn't give her time for him like before, she never told him she wanted to breakup but she had told him she wanted to fcous on her studies but she promised him she would meet him  once in a week.

How could he just sway away, he started seeing the other girl long before they took a break. Wasn't she enough? Was she dumb to not know about his secret affair?

Her body started getting frozen, her heartbeat escalated rapidly, her lips started shivering and she felt like she was inside a huge ice. She couldn't walk, she couldn't breathe, tears wouldn't stop falling. She didn't knew what exactly was happening to her, in her 20 years of life, she never felt this way before.

"Yara" Abeer grabbed her shoulders tightly, while Yara started panicking, her breathing unstable.

" Yara, Yara calm down okay." Mina slowly madeher sit on the couch and she sat on her knees while holding Yara's both hands softly.

Mina exactly knows what this is, she had gone through a lot of case studies about panic attacks, but seeing her best friend who is energetic and excited for everything goes through it, her heart couldn't bear to look at it.

" Hey, breathe slowly, nothing is wrong with you okay? Just do as I show you okay?" Mina took a breathe in and out, making Yara to copy her breathing.

" We are here Yara, you are not alone. We are here" Mina said while rubbing Yara's back and that made Yara to slowly come back to normal.

As Yara's panicked breaths began to slow and her trembling subsided, a heavy fatigue washed over her, dragging her down into a state of overwhelming exhaustion. The events of the day, coupled with the emotional turmoil she had endured, had taken their toll on her fragile state of mind.

Yara's eyelids grew heavy, her vision blurring as if through a haze. She fought against the encroaching darkness, trying desperately to cling to consciousness, but her body had reached its limit.

Abeer and Mina watched with growing concern as Yara's breathing grew shallow and her grip on reality began to slip. They exchanged worried glances, realizing that their friend was on the brink of collapse.

"Yara, stay with us," Abeer pleaded, gently shaking her friend's shoulders in a futile attempt to rouse her.

Yara's eyes slowly closed, and her body went slack against the couch as she fell into unconsciousness. Everything around her began to blur, and the voices of her friends faded away as darkness swept over her.

Yara felt like she was floating, with no thoughts or feelings, just a peaceful calmness. Abeer and Mina watched in shock as Yara's eyes closed and she went still. They panicked, realizing Yara had passed out and they couldn't wake her up. They called for help, feeling helpless as they waited anxiously by her side, hoping for her to regain consciousness.

" Whats actually wrong with my human girls?" Lena muttered as she paced back and forth, her friends seated on the bed, watching her with concern.

Lena Zaid was as delicate as a butterfly, always gentle and kind-hearted. She wouldn't hurt a fly and had the energy of a playful teenager, despite being just 17. Her beauty was striking, with smooth, wavy hair that fell to her shoulders, framing her hazel brown eyes. Her skin had a warm, golden glow, and her features seemed perfectly sculpted. She was exceptional, like hitting the jackpot of talents in a small percentage of people. She effortlessly excelled in various areas, making her stand out from the crowd.

"Maybe he is busy, Len," Roohi said casually, her attention absorbed in painting her nails.

"He isn't in the army, Rooh," Hania retorted, her expression showing her frustration. "He's just a university student. It wouldn't take much effort for him to let you know where he is or what he's doing."

" Hani, please. I know how Han is, he never leaves me hanging. This time he might be really busy" Lena sighed.

" Busy?" Hania chuckled sarcastically, " Tell me Lena, aren't you turning a blind eye to the fact Rehan is still in contact with his ex girlfriend as he says but maybe his girlfriend." Her question made all the color drain out of her face.

"They brokeup Hani, don't start with the same thing again and again. Please don't meddle in my relationship because you hate him. I love him so much and" Before Lena could complete her senetence, Hania cut her off in the middle.

" And that stupid love made you blind" Hania said, her tone now laced with concern, " Lena, I really want you to give priority to yourself and stop falling for his lies."

Just how much more naive and stupid her best friend can be?

" But.... but you don't understand, Hani. He is different when we're together. He makes me happy, he makes me feel loved." Lena shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears.

" Len, I am not saying he doesn't care about you. But love shouldn't come with lies and secrets. You deserve someone who will put you first and be honest with you" Hania's heart ached at the sight of her pain but she had to be honest even if it meant risking their friendship.

" I, I don't know what to do Hani" This is how Lena is, one moment she will laugh goofily and the next moment she cries if soemthing hurts her.

Roohi and Hania sat next either side of the bed, one patting her hair and other her back. Hania knew she shouldn't have bought up the topic of his ex girlfriend but she couldn't stay still after seeing his behaviour towards Lena.

They couldn't even ask anyone because Rehan's hometown was a 2 hour distance away from their place, but he had joined his university here in bangalore. And Hania could never trust him, no matter how much Lena praises him.

On either side of the city, two souls cried for one boy who ruined them.

"Why, Rehan? Just why? Wasn't I enough?" Yara's voice broke at the end as she stared into his eyes, tears streaming down her face.

Rehan couldn't respond. He couldn't do anything. The girl he loved with his whole heart, the girl who stood by him like a protective pillar, the girl who was there when no one else was, the girl who wiped his tears, was now standing before him, crying her heart out because of him.

She wiped his tears, he made her cry.

"Ren, I... I can't. I can't believe this. Tell me they lied, tell me this is all a stupid nightmare or a prank, please. Don't tell me this is true, Ren. I can't accept this truth, I'll die" Yara caught the collar of his shirt, shaking him continuously.

Rehan couldn't control his tears. He wrapped his arms around her trembling figure, Each tear that fell from her eyes felt like a dagger to his soul, piercing him with the sharp pain of his own betrayal. Each tear and whimper creating a deep hole inside him. They both stood there for a minute, neither of them speaking.

In that moment of silent anguish, time seemed to stand still. They stood there, locked in an embrace that was once a source of comfort and solace, now tainted by the weight of betrayal and heartbreak. Neither of them spoke, for what words could possibly offer solace in the face of such devastation? As they stood there in the silence of their shared sorrow, Rehan realized the depth of the damage he had inflicted. He had shattered the trust and love that once bound them together, leaving behind nothing but broken fragments of what was once a beautiful relationship.

"Why?" Yara withdrew her arms from around him, her voice barely a whisper, her eyes brimming with tears.

" I... I don't know Yara," Rehan admitted, his own voice barely above a whisper, " It was never supposed to happen this way. I never meant to hurt you"

" Rehan, you cheated on me and you say you never meant to hurt me?" Her voice cracked with emotion, the weight of betrayal bearing down on her.

" I trusted you, Rehan" She choked out, her voice barely a whisper.

" I would never hurt you my life, I can't even imagine you crying for me, I don't even want to" Rehan said, his eyes held the genuine love for her.

Where did it all go wrong? where did the old Rehan fade away to? The Rehan who couldn't even bear to see a single drop of tears on her face was now the reason for her heart break.

"I, she... she studies in 2nd PU in our college next to our building. I... I saw her a year back, and I was drawn to her, Yara. I shouldn't have even entertained the thought of being attracted to her, but I was, and I felt like a jerk at the time itself. But it was short-lived. I... I fell for her, Yara, even though I was in love with you. I fell for her. I liked her, and I loved you too," he said, igniting a raging storm within Yara's veins.

" Are you hearing yourself, Rehan?" Yara's voice quivered with disbelief as she looked at him with anger and pain, " How can you love two people at the same time?"

" I, I don't know Yara. I could never hurt you, love" He confessed, his voice barely audible as he fought to control the turmoil within him.

" But you did hurt me Rehan, the moment you fell for her you betrayed me. You broke my heart, Rehan. You, you broke me" Yara shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears of frustration.

" Yara please, I know I have made a terrible mistake but I love you. You are the only one I want to be with" His cheat tightened with remorse as he reached out to her, his hands trembling slightly.

" Love?" She whispered, " Is that what you call this? Using me as a backup while you pursue someone else?" She recoiled from his touch, her expression a mixture of anger and pain.

"And what about her, Rehan? What about the girl you've been seeing behind my back? Do you even care about the havoc you've wreaked in her life?"Yara continued, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I... I never intended for things to get this complicated," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "I care about her, Yara, but I also care about you. I know it's not an excuse, but I never wanted to hurt either of you."

"You are unbelievable, Rehan," she said, her words laced with bitterness. "To think that you could juggle between two people's feelings like it's some kind of game. I trusted you, Rehan. I trusted you with my heart, and you shattered it into pieces."

"I'm sorry, Yara," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I know I can't undo what I've done, but please... please believe me when I say that I never wanted to hurt you. You mean everything to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

"I can't do this anymore, Rehan," she said, her voice devoid of any emotions, "I deserve better than this, than you."

"Yara, no, don't," Rehan pleaded, trying to hold her hand, but she denied him.

The next thing she said broke his heart into a trillion pieces, leaving him rooted to the spot, unable to even feel guilty.

" It's over Rehan, you and me. I almost wish we never met"

Something died inside him, the moment she walked away.


Salam y'all,

there goes the first chapter of the second story, how was it?

What is view on the first chapter?

The plot was always on my mind, because in this current world this is something that happens and I just wanted to pen it down to a story.

I hope whoever reading this is liking it so far, and each story I am writing here will be different not like a typical falling in love or grumpy ceo stories something more realistic?

So, if y'all like it please do vote and comment.

I will upload the next chapter tomorrow

till then, take care🤍

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