Emerald Rain

By OhNoMySphaghettiOs

40.1K 950 843

Ever wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered... More

The Beginning:
Three Houses:
The Blue Lions:
The Mock Battle:
A Day of Monastery Life
Eliminating the bandits:
Garland moon:
Castle Gaspard:
The Holy Mausoleum:
The Rite of Rebirth:
The Crest of Flames:
Into the Abyss:
The Chalice of Beginnings:
Verdant Rain Moon:
Conand Tower:
Horsebow Moon:
The Battle of The Eagle and Lion:
Zanado Canyon:
Remire Village:
The White Heron Cup:
The Ball:
The Holy Tomb:
Path of Thorns:
Reunion at Dawn:
The one-Eyed Beast:
Protecting Garreg Mach:
The Beast:
Ailell, The Valley of Torment:
The Master Tactician:
The Great Bridge of Myrddin:
Great Tree Moon:
To Gronder Field, Part One:
To Gronder Field, Part Two:
Gronder Field, Part One:
Gronder Field, Part Two:
The Aftermath of War:
Preparing for Derdriu:
Protecting Derdriu:
On Trek to a New Dawn:
Rumors of a Reaper:
The Sealed Forest:
The Baron Dominic:
Strategy meeting:
Preparing for Fort Merceus:
The Battle at Fort Merceus:
Javelin of Light:
To Garreg Mach Monastery:
Jeritza Von Hrym:
Enbarr Strategy Meeting:
A Day at the Monastery:
To Enbarr:
Enbarr the Imperial Capital:
The Fall of the Adrestrian Empire:
Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown:
A United Front:
The Dragon that Lurks in the Shadow:
Two Sides of the Same Coin:
The Church of Seiros:
The Princess of Brigid's request:
The Foreign Land and Sky
A Prince's Proposition:
Arianrhod Part One:
Arianrhod Part Two:
Love and War:
The Cool Before the Storm:
Tailtean Plains
Reclaiming Fhirdiad:
The Beginning of the End:
One Year Later:
The Return:
Those Who Slither in the Dark:
For the Freedom of Fodlan:
The End!

Alliance in Peril:

351 8 5
By OhNoMySphaghettiOs


It took a total of four days traveling for Claude to reach the Capital of Derdriu, for the most part everything seemed fine trade was running well, and ships were still making port. It was when Claude finally arrived at his estate, he learned the true nature of what had been happening.

"Nardel?" Claude called out as he entered the Riegan estate.

No response.

Claude looked around and eventually found Nader in his study hunched over a map of the Alliance, "Nardel?" Claude called out, and Nader turned to him.

"Master Claude" Nader said.

Claude shook his head and let out a laugh, "It's just me Nardel" he said "You can drop the formalities" he added.

"Haha, Alright kiddo" Nardel, "Come here we need to discuss the Empire's progression" he said and Claude walked over and stood beside Nardel overlooking the maps, "The Imperial army is being led by Lord Arundel, they entered through some of the bridges in Ordelia territory" Nardel began "Which is why I assumed that it would be a small force coming, but there have been letters coming in from Count Gloucester that there is a big force heading this way" he added.

Claude nodded, "Is Count Gloucester going to fight against them since in order to get here, the Imperial army will need to cross through Gloucester territory to get to Derdriu" he said.

Nardel nodded, "From what Count Gloucester's been writing I would say so, there is no way he can just let them pass through unless he wants to lose standing in the Alliance" Nardel said, "You received a letter a few days ago" he said and began rummaging in his desk till he found the said letter. "Here you go, I take it's from that pretty little friend of yours" Nader said with a wink.

Claude frowned and shook his head at Nardel, then opened the letter.

Dear Claude,

We have found Byleth and will leave from the monastery tomorrow evening and begin our trip to Derdriu.

- Hilda Valentine Goneril.

Ah, so Byleth was safe. What a relief, Claude had been worried about what had happened to her after the battle, but all that matters was she's ok. Plus, it's not like he can pry her for information, Claude will have to wait until they are face to face.

"So, what does it say?" Nardel asked.

Claude set the letter on the desk, "They're on their way with our troops" he said, "But I told them to bring only our elite soldiers" Claude sighed "And if the forces that the Imperial army brings are as great as were expecting then we might be in big trouble" he added.

Nardel nodded, "Maybe we should ask for troops from the other heads of the Alliance?" Nardel suggested.

"Yeah, but they might not be able to if they are defending their own territory from Imperial forces" Claude said, "I know we can count on Judith for support for sure, but I wouldn't expect much from the others" he added. "I hate to have to do this but... I think we might need to ask the Kingdom for support" Claude sighed.

Nardel stared at Claude, "Are you sure that is wise?" he asked "You fought against each other at Gronder" he added,

Claude nodded, "I know" he sighed "But the Kingdom joined us back to the monastery, I had to leave before we were able to talk about them re- joining our forces" Claude added.

"I mean it's worth a shot..." Nardel said, but Claude knew he was uncertain about it.

"That's only as a last resort" Claude said "If the Imperial army is able to advance past Gloucester territory then we will have to ask for their aid" he added.

Nardel was quiet, "I understand, kiddo" he said "It's not ideal but sometimes we just have to make things work" he sighed.

Claude nodded, "Yeah" he said quietly "Anyways I should prepare a letter in case I do need to send one out" Claude said, "I'll be in my quarters if you need me" he added then turned to head to his room.

Once in the confines of his room Claude sat at his desk and let out a long sigh, dammit.

Things were far more serious then he initially thought, despite what Claude had told Nardel he didn't expect much from Count Gloucester being able to stop an Imperial force led by Arundel of all people.

During Claude's time at the academy he made sure to know of any noteworthy generals, and Lord Arundel was one of them.

It looked like sending out the letter was going to be necessary, Claude grabbed a piece of paper and got to work.

To Your Princeliness:

Dimitri, at Gronder Field we fought at opposing sides. I know that in the end our goals are different, that cannot be denied... Which is why I hate to ask, but there looks to be no other option. I'll get to the point, the Imperial army is heading for the Alliance's Aquatic Capital, Derdriu by it's general Lord Arundel. As of right now we could really use your help. Please Dimitri.

- Claude Von Riegan

Claude slumped in his chair writing that letter took a hit at Claude's ego, he hated the fact that he would be in debt to Dimitri and the Kingdom army if they came but... there was really no alternative option for this matter.

Three days later:

It was late in the evening when Nardel came barging into Claude's study, "Your enforcement have arrived" Nardel said.

Claude stood up from his desk, "Finally, Jesh it took them long enough" he said with a laugh, then followed Nardel to them.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Claude" Hilda said once Claude joined them in the parlor room.

"Miss me?" Claude said with a laugh.

"Ha! As if" Lorenz scoffed, "Now what is this about the Empire invading the Alliance" he added with a serious voice.

Claude sighed, "Well the Imperial army used our fighting at Gronder Field as a distraction to enter into Alliance territory and they are making their way for Derdriu" he said "In order to get to us they will need to fight Count Gloucester's men, but if they make their way through we might not be enough men to take them on" Claude said and paused for a moment, "I have begun implementing procedures for the people of Derdriu to evacuate in the case they make it to the Capital" he added. "Also I will be requesting Judith and some of her men join us, but they won't be able to spare much since they've been guarding the Great Bridge of Myrddin" Claude said, "Which is why I will also ask the Kingdom for aid" he added.

"Claude that's a horrible idea" Lorenz said.

Byleth nodded, "I hate to admit it but Lorenz's right Claude, we just fought them" she said with a frown "We can't trust them" she added.

"For what it's worth I think Dimitri will lend us his strength" Hilda butted in, "He offered us help with coming here" she added "I bet he will come" Hilda concluded.

Claude nodded, "I understand why you guys are apprehensive but... We really don't have much of a choice, the Imperial army is being led by Lord Arundel" he said "So pride aside we will need their help" he added.

Byleth looked like she wanted to argue that case, but she remained silent on the matter. Claude was certain he would get an earful later.

"Any way's I'm certain you guys are tired from your trip her, there are plenty of spare rooms on this floor free feel to use them since we're going to be here a while" Claude said and slowly everyone began leaving from the parlor until just Byleth was left.

"Claude is there really no one else we could pull support from?" Byleth asked.

Claude shook his head, "Aside from Judith, no. The rest of the Alliance members are going to be busy defending their own territories" he said, "I received a letter that even Holst was called back to Goneril territory in case of anything" he added.

Byleth let out a deep sigh, "Dammit" she cursed.

Claude laughed, "I know Byleth I don't really want to work with them either but drastic times call for drastic measures" he said then paused for a moment "Anyways Byleth, there's been something bugging me" Claude said.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "What is it?" she asked.

"What the heck happened to you after the battle at Gronder, I looked everywhere, and I couldn't find you" Claude said.

Byleth rubbed her forehead, "Promise you won't be mad" she said.

Claude frowned, "Fine I promise"

Byleth nodded, "Well there was this Imperial soldier who gave me a not, he was unarmed by the way" she said, and Claude nodded "And well it said Aegir Estate, I took a gamble and assumed it was from Edelgard" Byleth said.

"Byleth you did not, please tell me you didn't go and meet with the Emperor directly after we fought her" Claude said while shaking his head.

"You said that you would not be mad" Byleth said.

Claude shook his head, "I'm not mad, just disappointed" he sighed "What if she took you hostage or killed you" he added.

Byleth sighed, "I know it was kind of stupid, but I had to know if it was her, and if there was a chance that we could end this war there" she said.

Claude rubbed his forehead "I know" he sighed "I get why you did it" he added then paused for a moment, "So what did she say?" he asked.

"Edelgard said she can't join us" Byleth said.

"Can't or doesn't want to?" Claude asked with a frown.

"She said can't but... I don't know" Byleth sighed

The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, heels clacked into the parlor room "Byleth? Claude? May I have a moment of your time?"

Claude looked up; it was Lysithea. "Lysithea, what are you doing up so late? Trouble sleeping?" Claude teased.

Byleth had her hands on her face, "We all have nights like that" she said in and understanding voice.

Claude nodded, "If you're having trouble sleeping you should drink some warm milk. That's a thing, right?" he said.

Lysithea frowned, "Must you treat me like a child, simply because I am awake a bit later than usual?" she complained then shook her head, "Actually, I can hardly muster any indignation right now. I wanted to tell you that I noticed something odd during the battle at Gronder field" Lysithea said.

Something odd?

Claude frowned, "What was it?" he asked.

"There were some strange mages among the ranks of the Imperial army. Did you notice them?" Lysithea asked.

"The ones dressed in black?" Byleth asked.

Lysithea nodded "That's right. I have seen people dressed just like that before" she said and lowered her head, "It was a long time ago..." she sighed. "House Ordelia was involved in a rebellion that took place within the Empire eighteen years ago" Lysithea said, "After it was quelled, all of the key officials were caught and put to death" she said softly "The Empire sent replacements, who they used to take control of House Ordelia" she added. "Among the people sent by the Empire were mages dressed in black, just like those we saw in battle" Lysithea said.

"If they were Imperial mages, it makes sense that they would wear the same clothing, right?" Claude said

Lysithea nodded, "Yes, but the mages from back then and today... I do not believe they are from the Adrestrian Empire" she said.

"Where do you think they're from?" Byleth asked.

Lysithea shrugged, "I don't know. I got the impression that they were from somewhere else. Somewhere completely separate from Fodlan" she said "There's more. Those mages imprisoned the children from my house, and preformed horrible rituals on them. Blood experiments" she whispered.

Claude froze, "Lysithea... You can't mean... Even you?" he asked.

Lysithea nodded, "Yes. All of the others were deemed failures. They all died" she said, "And even I..." she began then shook her head "It doesn't matter. The point is that those monsters possess a dreadful knowledge and power" Lysithea declared "I just thought you should know the sort of people who have allied with the Empire" she sighed.

Claude looked over to Byleth, she had a frown on her face and looked to be mulling something over. "Blood experiments... Does that remind you of anything, Byleth?" Claude asked.

Byleth nodded, "That incident with Flayn..." she murmured.

"Exactly. There was that secret group who abducted Flayn and extracted her blood five years ago" Claude said and nodded his head, "The people who were involved back then were Tomas and Monica... Well, I suppose their true names were Solon and Kronya" he sighed. "So that eerie group has been slithering behind the scenes in the Empire for a while now..." Claude said, "Lysithea... Thank you for sharing all of that with us. One day we will uncover the truth of who those people really are" he said.

Lysithea nodded and left from the parlor room.

"Claude" Byleth called out, he looked to her "Flayn wasn't the only one subjected to experiments like this" she said.

He tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows "What do you mean?" Claude asked.

"Edelgard once told me of something very similar that had happened to her" Byleth said.

Claude frowned, "To the Imperial Princess?" he said in shock "Just who are these people if they have the power to do something like that to the royal blood line" Claude murmured "Maybe Edelgard doesn't have as much power in the Empire as we'd come think" he added.

Byleth nodded, "I think you might be right" she sighed.

Not long after Byleth and Claude split up for the evening, just as Claude was getting ready for bed there was a knock on his door.

"Come in" Claude called out.

Nardel walked in, "We got word from Gloucester territory" Nardel said.

Claude nodded, "What's going on?" he asked.

Nardel shook his head, "I think you're going to need to send that letter" he said.


It took two days for Felix Hugo Fraldarius to wake up, Dimitri hadn't dared to go near the infirmary to see him. Dimitri knew the last person that Felix would want to visit him would be Dimitri, so he respected that and kept away.

It took another two days before Felix was up and running around the monastery. Initially Dimitri had tried to avoid his presence not to make matters with Felix worse but that failed miserably. It had been maybe three of four days of avoiding Felix before Felix caught on.

"Stop running boar" Felix called out as Dimitri tried to slip from the training grounds.

Dimitri shook his head, "A- ah Felix, I didn't see you there" he said.

Felix frowned, "Right, just like how you didn't see me in the dining hall before you booked it in the other direction" he said sternly.

Dimitri had been caught, he hung his head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend Felix" he began "I just assumed that I would be the last person you wanted to see at the moment" he added. The two of them were silent for a moment, " I wish to apologize, I know that an apology will not fix what has been done Felix, but I want you to know that I wish to mend my wrong doings" Dimitri said.

Felix face maintained his frown, "Hmph. And how do you intend to make up for my Father's death?" Felix asked

Dimitri's head slumped, "I do not know Felix" he said "I want to follow what he told me before he died but..." he began but trailed off.

Silence fell over them for a moment, "I have a question for you. Answer quickly before my hand slips and I cut you in half" Felix finally said.

Dimitri tilted his head in confusion, "Always so ominous. Well? What is it, Felix?" he asked.

"Sometimes you have an animal's face, contorted with anger and blood lust. And other times you have a man's face" Felix said sternly, "Which is your true face?" he asked.

Dimitri frowned, which is his true face?

"Don't waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers. They are both the real me" Dimitri said, "My Father, my friends, Glenn... They all meant a great deal to me" he said softly "And they were all brutally slaughtered. I alone survived" he choked out. "If I do not show them the anguish and regret, they must have felt, who will?" Dimitri said.

Felix shook his head, "Hah. So that's how you justify your atrocities" he said

Dimitri furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I will fulfill my duty to the late king" Felix declared, there was a hint of mockery when he said it "My old man used to say that over and over, like a mantra" he said then shook his head, "How nauseating. No one seems to understand" he added. Felix frowned "The dead won't acknowledge your loyalty. They don't care" he said "What a load of bunk it is, pretending to serve a corpse. You're serving your own ego" Felix shouted.

"You are wrong" Dimitri said.

Felix shook his head, "No, I'm not. The dead are dead, and the living are living" he stated "You have to respect that boundary. If you keep stringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap" he said.

Dimitri looked at the floor, "Even still... I cannot forget them, nor can I let them go" he said.

"Then keep those thoughts to yourself" Felix said, "If you're too weak to do that, abandon your throne. Become a grave keeper" he said.

Dimitri stood there in silence for a moment, "Felix..." he whispered.

Felix cut Dimitri off, "I'm not immune to emotion, you know. Far from it" Felix said "I haven't gone a day without questioning why my Father and Brother had to die, while I survived" he said then paused for a moment "I'll bear this pain until the day I die, but I refuse to wallow in it" he added. "I have more important things to do than blubber for my whole life" Felix concluded.

Dimitri stood there dumbfound for a moment contemplating what Felix had told him, "Heh. You know, Felix, you really are growing more and more like your brother" Dimitri said "Always so sarcastic, and constantly looking for a fight. But deep inside, more than anyone..." he trailed off.

Felix frowned, "What are you getting at?" Felix said.

Dimitri shook his head, "Oh... It's nothing" he said, and a small smile fell over his face, "But allow me to thank you. Your perspective has opened my eyes" Dimitri said.

Felix looked down, "Hmph. not my intention" he said "I couldn't stand the pathetic look on your face. That's all" Felix concluded.

Dimitri nodded, "I see. If you say so, then we will leave it at that" he said, Felix nodded to him and began swinging his blade at a dummy in the training grounds and Dimitri took this as his opportunity to leave.

Dimitri had been making his rounds around the monastery, he took to helping wherever he could. Some days it was in the green house other days in the kitchens. Naturally Gilbert had been oppose to the future King of Faerghus doing such "Menial tasks" but Dimitri saw this as part of his duty for his behavior, not that making food, and plucking weeds justified moons of verbal berating and hostility.

He had been on his way to the Kitchen when a soldier approached him, this was a bit surprising since most people still steered clear of Dimitri.

"Your Highness" the soldier said, "We received an express letter from the leader of the Alliance" he said and handed the letter to Dimitri then turned around and left.

Dimitri stood there for a moment.

A letter from Claude? That's a bit odd, maybe it was to begin talk of how things would be going once they returned to the monastery. Dimitri opened the letter and began reading it.

To Your Princeliness:

Dimitri, at Gronder Field we fought at opposing sides. I know that in the end our goals are different, that cannot be denied... Which is why I hate to ask, but there looks to be no other option. I'll get to the point, the Imperial army is heading for the Alliance's Aquatic Capital, Derdriu by its general Lord Arundel. As of right now we could really use your help. Please Dimitri.

- Claude Von Riegan

Did something happen?

The other day Byleth had been dead set that the help of the Kingdom would be unnecessary, but if Claude had sent a letter. An express letter none the less that means something has gone horribly wrong.


Dimitri rushed through the monastery until he found Gilbert, who was at the dock watching the fish.

Gilbert turned to face Dimitri, he must have heard him approaching he figured, "Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked.

Dimitri gave Gilbert the letter and quickly read it, "I received this from Claude" Dimitri said.

Gilbert nodded, "I'll call for a meeting, go wait in the Cardinal's room" he said and left to go and alert the others of the meeting.

Dimitri left and went to the Cardinal's room to wait as Gilbert gathered everyone.

Nearly half an hour passed, and everyone was in the room.

"What's this meeting about?" Sylvain asked as he took a seat nearby Dimitri.

"We have received a request for aid from the Alliance. They are being invaded by the Empire" Dimitri said.

Sylvain's brows furrowed "Is everything alright? I thought Byleth said they would be fine" Sylvain said.

Dimitri shrugged, "I do not know the details entirely, my guess is things must not be going as they planned" he said

"How are they fairing?" Ingrid asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I would assume that House Riegan has rallied the Alliance Lords, so they could face the enemy with as much strength as they could muster" Dimitri said "But we don't know for certain since the enemy's attacks must have forced them into a tough situation, especially if they are requesting our aid" he said. "I imagine the Empire is trying to quickly conquer the Alliance before they face any more losses especially after Gronder" Dimitri said.

"To think directly after a fight such as Gronder, they would immediately go invade the Alliance..." Gilbert said, "Their general is Lord Volkhard Von Arundel, he serves as regent to the Emperor" he said then paused for a moment "He has presumably taken command after the Emperor was wounded in Gronder" Gilbert added.

Dimitri nodded in agreement, "He is known for his shrewdness and excels not only in domestic affairs, but tactics as well. He is not an opponent we should take lightly" Dimitri said "The Alliance needs our help. What are your thoughts?" he asked

"If we turn our backs on the Alliance and Derdriu falls, it will undoubtedly make our situation difficult further down the road" Gilbert said "We would have enemies in two directions... In the Alliance to the Northeast and in the Empire to the South" he added.

Dimitri nodded, "That is true, and in any case, we wouldn't be able to march our soldiers safely in that scenario" he said.

"Plus, they're our friends, we already fought the at Gronder, let's not make that have to happen again" Annette said excitedly.

Gilbert nodded, "What do you think Dimitri?" he asked.

"I think we need to help them" Dimitri said while nodding his head, "Like Annette said I have already made the mistake of forcing us to fight them once, I won't make that mistake again" he said "This is the least we could do, they need us... And we cannot turn our backs on them" he added. "We will arrange to head out at once, prepare yourselves, everyone" Dimitri said.

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