The Nerd Next Door

By NeireeWrites

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Anntoinette Topaz is 17 years old, She just moved to Riverdale because her dad got a better job offer. Chery... More



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By NeireeWrites

Month 1

"Baby, look!" Toni walked out of the bedroom, shirtless.

"What is it?" Cheryl asked as Toni sat on the couch with her.

"I have a small bump." Toni smiled, placing her hand on her stomach.

"Aww, you do." Cheryl giggled, softly touching it.

"It's so cute." Cheryl cooed, leaning down to kiss it softly making Toni giggle.

Month 2

"I love you and mama loves you. So hurry up, okay?" Cheryl talked to Toni's belly while Toni ate ice cream.

"Baby, it can't hear anything your saying." Toni giggled, caressing the back of Cheryl's head.

"I know." Cheryl smirked, pecking her wife's salty lips.


"It's okay, babe. Don't cry." Cheryl said as Toni cuddled into her.

Toni was crying because her favorite couple broke up on YouTube.

"I-I-" Toni tried to speak. Cheryl knew it was just pregnancy hormones, but damn.

"It's okay, come on. Let's go to bed." Cheryl kissed her forehead before pulling the covers over them.

It's going to be a long 7 months.

Month 3

"Ooh! Look." Toni pointed at the small T-shirt she spotted as she and Cheryl walked around target.

"I see, beautiful. But we're shopping for you, not the baby." Cheryl said softly.

Toni nodded, pouting as she walked off with Cheryl.

"How about this shirt? It's cute." Cheryl smiled at the purple shirt.

"I want it." Toni nodded.

Cheryl smiled, picking up the shirt, and others that were different colors.

"Look, Cher!" Toni pointed to some nice jeans.

"Those are cute." Cheryl smiled, kissing Toni's forehead as she grabbed them putting them in the cart.

As the couple continued to shop, they noticed a toddler walking by himself.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cheryl asked, bending down to his level.

"I can't find mommy." He frowned, looking around.

Cheryl pouted, "Okay. We're going to help you." Cheryl nodded.

She picked the boy up, letting Toni push the cart.

She went to the check out desk, asking the woman to speak on the intercome.

"What's your name?" Toni asked the boy.

"Roy." He nodded.

"If you're missing a toddler named Roy, Please come to check out 4." The woman spoke.

No less than 5 minutes later, a brunette haired girl walked up to them.

"There you are, Roy!" She said.

"Mom is worried sick. She left out looking for you." The girl said.

"Is this your sister?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes." The boy smiled, letting the girl pick him up.

"Thank you guys, so much." She said, shaking their hands.

"It's no problem." Toni smiled, waving as the siblings walked away.

"Okay, back to shopping." Cheryl smiled.

Month 4

"Okay. So, so far we have 10 boys and 7 girls." Toni said as she got everyone's thoughts on what the baby would be.

"Okay. We get the call in a few." Cheryl breathed out.

Toni nodded, hugging Cheryl as Cheryl held her.

"Nervous?" Cheryl asked.

"Very." Toni sighed.

"It'll be fine. We just ha-" She was cut off by the phone ringing.

She reached for it, answering it quickly.


"Yes, this is she." Cheryl smiled, looking at Toni.

She put the phone on speaker.

"I'm calling to tell you the baby's gender. Would you like to know, or is some else finding out for you?"

"I'd like to know." Cheryl nodded even though the woman couldn't see her.

"Coming on February 12 is a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations!"

Cheryl's heart stopped beating, "I-I. Thank you so much!" She recovers.

"Have a great day." The woman said before hanging up.

"Toni... We're having a fucking boy!" Cheryl cheered, pulling from Toni's embrace.

"I know!" Toni said more excited then Cheryl.

"K, let's go tell everyone." Cheryl said after they got their emotions out, grabbing her pregnant wife's hand as she led her outside to their family.

Month 5

"Ohhh, look at his little toes." Toni smiled as the doctor did a 3-D ultrasound on her.

"Yep, there is his finger." He pointed.

"He's very big, that's for sure." He smiled, "and of course, healthy." He added.

Cheryl smiled as she held Toni's hand, "His little nose." Cheryl giggled, wiping tears.

"He's growing very good, and at his own pace. It's most likely he may come early." He informed the married couple.

"Really?" Toni asked.

"Mhm. 11.4 percent of all pregnancies end in early deliveries." He said, printing out the 3-D pictures. (It's a true fact)

Month 6

"Then we're going to the park, have a mama and son day." Cheryl spoke to Toni's bully.

He started kicking, making Cheryl giggle.

"I think he likes that idea." Cheryl nodded, leaning up to peck Toni's lips.

"I love you." Cheryl said.

Toni smiled, "I love you more." Toni said, looking at the baby kick.

"He totally disagrees. I think he loves me more." Cheryl joked, making Toni laugh as she kissed Cheryl's lips again.

Month 7

Toni's been in pain during her 7th month.

The doctor said it's normal because her body is preparing for birth.

"He's head down, which is good." The doctor smiled.

Toni sighed of relief, "Will he move?"

"Nope. Most likely that's his spot for the next two months." He nodded.

"Great." Cheryl smiled.

Month 8

Toni was having trouble putting on her shoes. And as always her amazing wife came to rescue.

"Let me help, baby." Cheryl said, bending down to put the shoe on.

"Thanks, babe." Toni said.

"No problem, mamas. Let's go everyone has loads of stuff for D." Cheryl giggled, grabbing Toni hand as she gently led Toni downstairs.

"Hello family!" Toni smiled.

"Hey, T." Fangs greeted.

"Girl, your growing fast." Veronica said.

"I know. His pretty active too." Toni sighed, sitting down.

They started opening the stuff they brought for D.

"Awww, this is so cute!" Cheryl pulled out a newborn onesie that had his name on it.

"I know, I came across it when I was looking for name tags." Betty smiled.

They open a couple more clothes.

Toni pulled out a bunch of pacifiers, she furrowed her eye brows at her brother and Jason.

"You, see. Boys cry a lot!" Jason nodded as fangs spoke.

Toni chuckled, putting them away.

Toni's parents got a bottle rack while Cheryl's parents brought the bottles.

"Thank mom, dad, Penelope, and Clifford." Toni smiled.

"No problem, anything for our grandson." They smiled.

Month 9

Toni sighed, getting out of bed for the 10th time that night. Her bladder was pushing because his head was on her pushing point.

She did her business, before flushing the toilet then leaving the room.

"Mamas?" Cheryl woke up, looking up at the brunette.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Mhm." Toni hummed, but she spoke way too soon because then liquid started rushing down her leg.

"Fuck!" Toni groaned.

Cheryl turned on the limp, seeing the water.

"Holy shit! Your water broke." Cheryl said, getting up to help her wife onto the bed.

Toni watched as Cheryl moped up the substance before grabbing the baby's bag and their bag.

Ahhhh baby D's on the way. What do you think his name is?------>

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