Art Deco {Cherry Wine Sequel}

By angelicivory

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Adoration is beautiful, but fear is so much sweeter. {sequel to Cherry Wine-read that first, or this will ma... More

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678 23 28
By angelicivory

Morning came swiftly.

I was alone when I woke up . The sun, still low on the horizon, told me it was too early for anyone to be awake. Stretching, I pushed the covers away from my legs. I was awash with sweat, heart still racing from nightmare-induced adrenaline.

I'm getting married today, I reminded myself, heading to shower. I couldn't think too hard about it, or else my mind went into panicked overdrive. Married. Lex's—forever.

By the time I had showered and calmed myself enough to prepare for the day, Carlisle was waiting for me in my bedroom, a black bag over his arm.

"You ready to see the dress?"

Like the rest of the clothes provided for me, the dress fit like a glove. It was simple, perfect, with thin straps and a skirt that billowed out in gauzy layers around my legs, the low back coming to rest right at the base of my spine. Smiling, I turned in a slow circle, admiring myself in the huge mirror. Carlisle had his hands clasped to his chest, eyes glittering.

"You should have gone into fashion, not philosophy," I told him.

"A couple more things, and you're done," he said, beckoning me to him. I stepped away from the makeshift vanity he'd set up to do my makeup. He'd managed to cover my puffy eyes and turn me from a pale, sleep-deprived waif into a doe-eyed, pink cheeked blushing bride.

Carlisle lifted a delicate golden choker from the side table, and clasped it around my neck. "Something new," he said. It glittered with tiny diamonds, the chain so fine it was nearly invisible.

"Well, that's one down," I said. "Now I need something borrowed."

"I have that," said a voice behind me. I whirled, almost stumbling in my heels. Benji lounged against the stone door, a black box in his hand. His bow tie was undone, hanging around his neck, collar unbuttoned.

"Benji!" I cried, and flung my arms around my neck. Hesitantly, he wrapped a hand around my waist.

"Hello, sweetheart," he said in my ear. "Did you really think I'd miss your wedding?"

Benji had filled out in the time we were away, cheeks fuller and chest broader. He looked healthier than I'd ever seen him--no longer the scrawny lawyer I'd met in the FBI building.
Carlisle excused himself from the room, leaving us in silence, sizing each other up.

"You look beautiful," Benji said, eyes flickering over the fitted bodice of my dress. "Here, I have something for you."

He handed me the box, and I opened it carefully. A blue enamel flower sat nestled in layers of velvet cushioning. I picked it up, careful not to catch myself on the long hairpin it was attached to.

"It belonged to Lex's mother," Benji took it from me. "She wore it on her wedding day."

The weight of it settled heavily on me. I knew little of Lex's parents, but I knew their marriage ended tragically. I also knew Lex had loved his mother endlessly. Her death pained him in ways even I couldn't begin to comprehend.

"Is it alright?" I asked. "To wear it?"

Benji nodded, snapping the box closed. "I've been holding onto it ever since their will was executed. It's specifically for Lex's bride to wear on their wedding day."

I smiled at my reflection, still hardly believing what was about to happen. "Well, that covers the last three. Something old, something borrowed, something blue."

I turned to look at Benji again. His hands, shoved deep in his pockets, were balled into fists. Everything about him radiated tense energy.

"Are you in love with me?"

Benji jumped, eyes flying wide open. He stammered a few nonsensical syllables, and dropped his head. My heart sank to my toes.

"Don't tell Lex," he finally said.

"I won't." it was Benji's secret to tell, and I wasn't about to admit defeat on this subject, anyways. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder. I'd missed him more than I'd realized.

"I have to ask one more time," he said into my ear. "I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. Come back to the states with me. Come back to where I can keep you safe." His breath tickled my neck.

"You know I can't," I said.

"I know." Benji pulled away. "Stay still." With trembling hands, he nestled the blue flower in my hair. His hand lingered near my face, one knuckle brushing my temple.

Carlisle knocked on the door, and Benji jumped away, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I should go," he said. "Have a church to get myself to."

Carlisle raised an eyebrow at Benji's retreating back. He'd changed into a black suit, blond hair slicked back, shirt fully buttoned for once. I'd always had trouble seeing Carlisle as dangerous, but right then, I saw how deadly he could be. As he moved, I saw the butt of a gun tucked into his waistband.

"You ready?"

I took one last look at myself in the mirror. The girl looking back was not someone I ever thought I could be--glowing, beautiful, in love.

"Lets go."

The church sat perched halfway up a cliff, a steep road filled with cutbacks leading to it. Open to the air and in full view of the bay below, it felt like a church from a fairytale. Cars were already parked outside, but the foyer was empty when we entered.

I took a deep breath, the smell of incense and old stone comforting. Carlisle handed me something, and I looked down, realizing he'd given me a bouquet of white roses.

"Wait," I whispered. "Will you walk with me?"

"Down the aisle?"

"Please," I asked. Carlisle faltered, and then nodded, taking my hand in his. I squeezed it nervously, and tried not think of my father, dead and unable to give me away. Those were not wedding day thoughts.

Carlisle led me to heavy wooden door. Behind it, a booming organ played, the thrum of it blocking out the last of my nerves. Carlisle counted under his breath, and swung the door open.

There were six people in the chapel. I knew the ceremony would be small, but the emptiness of the church momentarily stunned me.

That is, until I saw Lex. He stood at the altar, dressed in crisp black, hair wild and bronze. The stained glass behind him gilded him in a rainbow of rich colour. My world focussed sharply, everything but Lex falling away, until it was only him in that halo of light.

I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. If it wasn't for Carlisle steadying me, I would have broken into a run, full-tilt down the aisle, and into his arms.

All at once, I was in front of him, Carlisle placing my hand into his and backing away. Lex stroked my cheek, smiling in a way I'd never seen him smile; pure and utter joy.

His eyes alighted on the enamel flower in my hair, and he sucked in an audible gasp. "How did you get that?" he murmured to me.

"Benji," I whispered back.

Benji, who stood between us at the altar, cleared his throat. "Are we ready?"

Eyes shining, Lex nodded. "I'll go first." He looked at me, and carefully held both my hands. "From the first time I saw you, I knew you were going to change my life. I didn't know how, and I didn't know why, but I knew it. And you are. You have irrevocably changed me. You saved me, over and over, made me a better person with every minute I spend with you. I will spend the rest of my life repaying that debt. There will not be a day you are not loved. There will not be a day where you are anything less than the centre of my universe. There will not be a day you are not taken care of, for the rest of your life."

I couldn't help the tears. Lex, too, seemed on the verge of crying.

"I have waited for this day for months. Waited and watched you grow from that scared girl into the strongest person I will ever have the luck to know. I love you, and I will love you until I die, and then I will love you even from beyond the grave."

The urge to hug him, to fall into his arms and stay there, was overwhelming, but I couldn't. I cleared my throat, trying to keep my voice from breaking as I recited my vows from memory.

"There is a before and an after in my life. Before you, and after you. Before you, the world was grey, and I fought it at every turn. You pulled me from that, gave me the space to grow. You are, perhaps, the only person who saw who I was, instead of who I could be. You love in a way I can barely put into words. It is a bright love, a sacrificing love, one that doesn't allow law or impossibilities to stand in its way. It is a love I could spend the rest of my life  trying to match only to fall short. Instead, I will promise this: you will never want for love, for affection, for someone to hear you and be with you. I will be behind you no matter what. You are the smartest, kindest, bravest person I have ever met, and to be with you forever would be the greatest privilege of my life."
My voice cracked on the last word. I'd been writing my vows from the night he proposed. Never once had I felt like they encompassed everything he was to me, but now, looking at him, I knew he understood what I was saying.

A tear fell from Lex's eye. I reached up to wipe it away, and he held my hand to his face.

Benji held out a small box. Lex took the ring from it. I held my breath as he slipped the thin gold band over my finger.

Benji gave me a similar box. When I went to place the ring on Lex's finger, I paused. A tiny sun had been tattooed on his ring finger.

For my sun, my stars. The inscription on the inside of my engagement ring rang through my head. I put the ring over it, neatly covering the ink.

Benji's voice came out choked and thick with emotion. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lex's ring was cold when he cupped my face, pulling me in to kiss me. I held tightly to him, not wanting to be the first to let go.

It had happened. After months and months of fear and separation, we were married.

Everyone burst into applause as we went back down the aisle, either Reuben or Ivan whistling loudly. Outside, the sun blasted me in the face. Tourists on the mountain path turned, looking at the sudden noise, and then they, too were clapping.

Lex kissed me again, leaning our foreheads together. "Mrs. Luthor," he whispered.

"Yours," I whispered back. "Forever."

A/N oh my god. I am so sorry it's been so long—if you didn't see the announcement, I tested positive for covid a while back, and while i didn't have a deadly case, it's been a b i t c h to recover from. literally sleeping 18-20 hours a day weeks later.
anyways. it happened!!! i have split the whole wedding into 3 parts, which will be up soonish. Love u, and see u soon!!!

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