Rwby: a dancer falls in love.

By TraceZaraki03

1.3K 52 7

Weiss is a will know dancer. But she's missing something in her life. But that all change then she meets the... More

The dancer
The engineer
Date night
The kiss
The accident

Happy anniversary

170 8 2
By TraceZaraki03

Saturday morning Ruby gets up to meet Ren at the farmers market. They get some eggs and bread, also some Turkey meat to make finger sandwiches. Ruby goes to the fish shop and picked up some crap and shrimp. Ren gets assortment of cheese and crackers. Then they get some drinks. Different kinds of pop and juices. Ruby thanks Ren for the help. They go back to the house to make the food.

Their in the kitchen making egg salad sandwiches and turkey sandwiches. Blake was helping with the crap and shrimp putting it together on a plate making it look nice. Weiss was doing the cheese and crackers. Yang got some coolers for the drinks adding ice to get them cold. It was noon when the first Guest arrived. Weiss welcomes Pyrrha and Nora. Ruby introduced her friend Ren to the young lady's.

Nora and Ren hit it off. Weiss was talking to Pyrrha. When Jaune comes to the door. Ruby welcomed him and introduce him to the other. Of course Juane starts to flirt with Pyrrha. But she didn't mind. Weiss just smiled at them. Leaving them alone. Just in time to get the door. This time it was Winter and Penny.

Weiss hugged her big sister. "I didn't know you to know each other?" Weiss asked.

"Oh Penny works at the army base that I work at." Winter says with a small. Ruby see's her friend and Winter, so she goes over to hug them hello.

Weiss looked at Ruby and asked. "Do you know they new each other?" She pointed at Winter and Penny. Ruby nodded softly no.

"I forgot to tell Ruby I was working with Winter." Penny says.

"Yeah we just realized it when we both asked for today off. Oh but we did came together." Winter says.

Ruby smiled at them. Then introduced them to the other. Weiss whispers in to Ruby ear. "Do you think they like each other?"

"I don't know, maybe." Ruby answers everyone was having fun and getting to know each other. Then the door bell rings. Weiss was going to go get it but Yang bet her to it. When Weiss see's the older Version of Ruby and a tall blonde haired man she blushed and smiled at them. Ruby runs over and hugged and kissed them both after Yang did the same. Ruby waving Weiss over to them with a big smile.

"Weiss this is my parents, Mom aka Summer, and Dad aka Tai. Mom and Dad this is the love of my life Weiss Schnee." Ruby introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you finally. Ruby and Yang have told us all about you." Summer says then hugged Weiss, who hugged them back. When Weiss was hugging Tai she asked for a minute of his time in private. Ruby was walking with Summer in to the kitchen.

Tai looks at Weiss, who smiled softly at him. Weiss takes a moment to then ask Tai. "I was hoping I can have your blessing to ask Ruby to marry me. Please talk it over with Summer."

Tai just gave her a big hug. "I know how much Ruby loves you, so I give my blissing to you." Tai answers with a big smile. Weiss see's were Ruby smile comes from. She thinks Tai. They joined the other in the kitchen. Eventually she asked Summer for her blissing to. Summer gave it happily.

Someone was at the door again so the young couple go see who it is. Ozpen and Sun with Neptune we're here now. Weiss looked around smiling at her friends and family. That's when she notices that Coco and Velvet have not come yet. Weiss give Ruby a look of concern. Ruby notices this and walked over to her. "What's wrong my love?" Ruby asked.

"Well Coco and Velvet are not here yet." Weiss tells her.

"Oh maybe they are running late. Why not call them?" Ruby says then kissed her cheek. Weiss takes out her phone to call her friends. But no answer. Weiss then asked Ozpen and Sun if they know if Coco and Velvet are coming?

"Oh they had an appointment with the dr today." Ozpen tells Weiss. Weiss looked at Ozpen funny.

"Oh I hope they are ok." Weiss answers back.

Ozpen shrugged his shoulders, "that's what they told me, when I talked to them about coming." Ozpen says. Weiss goes and visit with the other for now. Yang had put music on and asked Blake to dance with her. Sun and Neptune starts to dance to.

Just as Ruby was coming over to ask Weiss, Coco and Velvet came to the door. Weiss hugged them hello. She was happy to see that they are ok.

Weiss gets everyone's attention.
"Now that everyone is here I wish to thank you all for coming. Ruby I love you so much and this year has been the best of my life. I hope to have many more with you. So Happy anniversary." Weiss says then takes out a cake she had made just for them. Everyone clapped and they cut the cake up. Ruby got that dance she wanted.

The young lady's are lost in each other eyes that Yang gets a good picture of them together.

They all had fun until the sun goes down. Then their friends started to leave. Pyrrha and Jaune hit it off that they started to date. Ren and Nora also started to date. Weiss was happy that the party started something. All the other are off for the night. Weiss gives Winter a big hug goodbye. Ruby tells Winter and Penny not to work so hard all the time. Then says to them they should go out with each other if they like each other. Both ladies just blushed at her.

Summer and Tai stayed the night in the guest room. Weiss spending the next day with them and Ruby. Yang and Blake gets to spend the evening with the parents.

"Sweetie can we go shopping next week end." Weiss asked. Ruby looked at Weiss with a smile.

"Yes of course we can. Was there somewhere you had in mind?" Ruby answers.

"Can it be a surprise?" Weiss asked.

"Ok, if that's want you wish." Ruby answers back. They go get ready for bed. They cuddle up with each other in bed. Falling asleep.

The next day Ruby and Blake was of to work. Summer and Weiss are in the kitchen making cookies for Ruby. Yang and Tai are in the gym together.

"So Weiss do you want to have kids with Ruby?" Summer asked as they are baking.

"Yes maybe one day, if it possible." Weiss answers her.

Summer smiled at her. "oh it's possible with genetics. You see we take eggs from both of you then splice them together. It's kind off expensive." Summer tells Weiss.

"Oh I have some money saved up and Ruby makes good money at work. So maybe we can do it in the Future."

"Yeah that will be nice. Yang and Blake have been saving up for the same thing. That and their wedding." Summer says.

"Oh really, how much money is this genetic thing anyway?"

"Oh like 15 Thousand dollars." Summer tells her. Weiss looked Shocked. They talked about it until Yang comes in the kitchen getting some water.

Weiss looked over at Yang and smiled at her. Yang smiled back. "What are you ladies taking about?" Yang asked.

"Oh about grand baby's." Summer answers. Yang looked shocked at this.

"Oh really? And what does Weiss says about having baby's? Yang asked.

"I said I want to if it possible." Weiss answers.

"Oh really and have you told Ruby this?" Yang asked.

"No not yet, I was planning on asking her to marry me first. But Summer was telling me about the genetics. Now that I know it's possible I will ask Ruby if she like to do it." Weiss explains.

"Well that's news to me, when did you plan on asking her?" Yang asked.

"Will I asked her to go shopping this week end. But I didn't tell her want for. I was going to take her ring shopping. Is that not ok with you?" Weiss asked.

Yang looked at her funny. "No, I mean I gust not." Yang says.

"What's wrong sunflower? Do you not what Weiss to marry Ruby?" Summer asked.

"No not yet. It not fare I wish to marry Blake first." Yang says.

Weiss looked at her friend. "I promise not to marry Ruby before you and Blake get married first." Weiss says.

"Yang if you need help with the money you're Dad and I can help." Summer says.

"It's not the money, we are ok. It's Blake parents. They are so busy running the white fang bakery that Blake can't ask them to come here for the wedding. I was hoping to get married on our anniversary this year. But Blake said that her Father says this is a bad year for them. The bakery is not doing so well." Yang answers all sadly.

"How about we all take some time off and go to help them? You know with all of us I bet we can get it up and running better." Summer asked.

Yang looked at Weiss. Weiss nodded yes. Yang got all happy she called Blake.
But she came back all sad again. "Blake said she can't get the time off work." Yang tells them.

Weiss looked at Summer. "Why not call Ruby. Weiss and see what she says about taking time off." Summer whispers to her. Weiss nodded yes and goes to call Ruby.

Two rings. "Hello snowflake what's up?" Ruby answers.

"Sorry to bug you at work Sweetie. But how hard would it be for you and Blake to get time off?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know, I can ask later and tell you tonight ok?" Ruby answers.

"Ok thank you sweetie." Weiss says back.

Weiss tells Summer Ruby will tell her tonight. Summer thanks her.

Later that night When Ruby and Blake get home. Ruby goes to Weiss and asked her why they need the time off. Weiss looked at Summer. Who explains everything to her.
Ruby smiled and says. "Well we can get time off in two weeks." Ruby tells them.

Summer goes to talk with Tai. Then she goes to Blake. "So Blake we can all go help your family out it two weeks." Blake looks at her funny.

"Why are you going to help my family out?" Blake asked.

"So you and Yang can get married on this year anniversary. Besides your family is our family now." Summer says.

Blake looks shocked at this. She started to cry. Yang goes to her and hugged her. "Honey I told you my family is your family too." Yang says.

"But two weeks is aways away And the time it takes to help them. What about your jobs?" Blake asked.

Summer just smiled at her. "Oh Tai and I are retired now. So we have the time." Summer says.

"But you don't look old enough to have retired." Weiss says looking at Summer.

"Will thank you dear but it's true." Summer answers.

"Does that mean you are going to stay with us for a while?" Ruby asked. Summer nodded yes. Ruby jumped up and down like a little kid.

Yang looked happy to.

"So we all agreed to go in two weeks?" Tai asked. Everyone says yes. The next day Ruby and Blake book the time off.

Two weeks later they all go to menagerie. It takes them the day to travel. Summer booked hotel rooms for all of them. So 3 rooms in all. Blake didn't go see her parents until the next morning. They were surprised and happy to see her. Blake introduced the rest of her family to her parents.

Ruby and Tai notices that they mean oven was not working. So they started to fix it. Ruby had to make a new part for it. But it was as good as new afterwards. Blake's father was so happy he hugged them. Weiss was coming up with ideas to get the people to come in the store. Blake and her mom and Summer are baking. Summer was doing some cookies, Blake and her mom are making bread and buns.

Ruby goes over to Weiss and kiss her. Weiss smiles at her. Ruby was looking at her ring, a big smile on her face. Before they came Weiss took Ruby to the jewellery store. She got on one knee and asked Ruby to marry her. Ruby was shocked but happy. Then they looked at rings and picked one out for each other. Ruby got something simple so she can wear it to work and not worry about it getting caught in anything. Weiss got a Diamond ring with two rubies on the side.

Weiss see's Ruby looking at her ring. "Your sure do love that ring?" Weiss asked.

"Oh yes, because it's means I get to marry the most beautiful woman I know." Ruby answers then kissed her lips. Weiss was blushing. But then went back to work. Ruby help her make some files. Then they go for a walk around town to put them up.

The bakery was doing way better by the end of the day. The next day was just as good for them. Everyone was happy. Blake family bakery was getting back on it feet again. It only took 3 days. Everyone had the week off so they decided to go exploring. Blake's parents ended up hiring a young girl to help out at the bakery.

They take turns spending time with Blake and Yang. By the end of the week they all had to go home. Blake's Mom and Dad thanked everyone for the help. It takes a day to travel back home. On the boat ride Ruby and Weiss see some Dolphins swimming close by. Ruby was so excited she almost falls in the water. Weiss got to her in time. Ruby thanks Weiss with a big kiss.

Yang and Blake are cuddle up together on the sun deck. Summer and Tai are in their room.

Now back at home. Ruby and Blake go back to work on Monday. It Friday night. Ruby takes Weiss out on an date, Saturday morning to lunch time. They had a picnic at the park. They didn't get to spend as much time there as Ruby wanted to. Because of Weiss's fans. Ruby had to drive a different way home so no one can follow them home.

Saturday afternoon and the young couple got home save. "I'm sorry Ruby." Weiss says.

Ruby looked at her, then kissed her lips. "No it's ok my love." Ruby says softly. Weiss smiles at her and kissed her back. They are cuddle up with each other on the couch.

Later Yang and Blake came home from their date. Yang was in a good mood. Weiss and Ruby watched her singing and move around the house almost dancing.

"Most of been a good date." Ruby whispers to Weiss then giggles. Weiss nodded her head in agreement.

"Did you say something Ruby?" Yang asked.

Ruby nodded no. She didn't want to ruin Yang's good mood. Yang did go back to her happy mood.

It's dinner time and Ruby and Weiss are cooking together. Ruby was flirting with Weiss as they cooked. Weiss just smiled and giggled at her. Ruby takes Weiss hand and pulls her in for a kiss Weiss was shocked.

But she did kiss her back afterwards. Dinner was finished cooking and all the girls eat dinner together. Yang then asked Weiss, "Weiss do you think you can help Blake and I plan our wedding in 3 months?"

Weiss says yes with a big smile. They talked about want they wanted to do for the wedding and other things about the big day. Weiss made a list of want to do. She helped Blake with her dress. Blake asked her to be made of honour. So they take about colour for Weiss's dress.

"I'd like a lavender dress for you Weiss." Blake says. Weiss nodded yes. Weiss makes an appointment at a bridal shop next weekend.

Weiss was really good at organizing everything. Yang and Blake where thankful.

Time goes by fast and the young lady's have their dress picked out. Yang and Ruby are out shopping for there outfits. Going for a nice tuxedo each.

Weiss had everything done except the cake. "Blake do you think your parents would like to make the cake for you?" Weiss asked looking up from her appointment book.

Blake smile at her, "Oh that's a great idea. I call them and ask." Blake answers. After Blake call her parents. Who agreed to make the cake. Everything was done. Weiss was so proud of herself. Yang told her she missed her calling as a party planer. Weiss just smiled at her.

"Well if the time ever comes were I can't dance anymore, I can always do this for a living." Weiss says. Ruby nodded in agreement.

A couple days later Weiss gets a call form Ozpen he wants to do a new show with Weiss as the star, Weiss thank him but telling him she can only do it if it isn't the same time as the wedding. Luckily it was a month before the wedding. So she can do both.

Ruby was excited about the new show. Even if she didn't know what it was about. Ozpen sends over the new story for her to read.

Weiss starts to read the story. By the end she was crying her eyes out. Weiss new character was ill and dies at the end. She never played anything like that before. So she was worried about it. But Ozpen had confidence in her acting. The other part of the play is her love interest in it. Weiss was hoping Ruby was ok with her kissing someone else.

"Ruby I need to talk to you about this new part." Weiss says looking worried.

"Oh I don't want to know anything about it until I see you on opening night." Ruby says back.

"But Ruby, I have a love interest in this story and we have a kissing scene." Weiss says. Ruby looked over at her.

"Are you worried about me being jealous? Or are you upset that you have to kiss someone else?" Ruby asked Weiss.

"Both, if I'm being honest." Weiss says.

Ruby smiled at her. "Well it just acting right? So I think it's ok with me. But do you know who you will be kissing?" Ruby asked.

Weiss looked at the play list for the name of who is her love interest. Her eyes widened at seeing the name. Ruby looked over at her with Curiosity.

"No I can't do it." Weiss says looking up at Ruby face. Ruby thinks Weiss looks pale. Ruby looked at the play list. But that didn't help because she didn't know who was who. Unless she reads the whole story. So she asked Weiss.

"Who is it?"

Weiss looked at her, "Neptune!" Weiss says then shakes her head no. "I can't do it Ruby."

"Well Neptune is dating Sun so that should help you feel better about it." Ruby says in a nice voice.

"No it doesn't because he used to hit on me all the time before he started to date Sun." Weiss tells Ruby, In a Panic. Ruby hugged her and calm her down.

"Well just talk to Ozpen about it maybe he will change it for you if you tell him you're not comfortable kissing him." Ruby says.

Weiss kissed Ruby. "Thank you so much, I'm so lucky to have you." Weiss says then she goes to call Ozpen.

Ruby can hear Weiss getting upset. So she goes to Weiss and hugged her, Weiss calms down. "No I'm saying anyone else but him is fine with me. Please don't make me kiss him." Weiss asked. Ruby can't hear want Ozpen said back but it made Weiss a little happier. "Oh thank you so much. I own you one." Weiss says.

Weiss looked at Ruby and then kissed her lips softly.

"Good news I take it." Ruby asked.

"Yes, and no." Weiss answers. Ruby looked at her funny. "I don't have to kiss Neptune now thank goodness. But I still have to kiss someone else besides you."

Ruby smiled at her. Then kissed her lips gently.
"Well just pretend it's me then." Ruby says. Weiss looked shocked at her.

They go to bed and talked about it some more. Weiss was feeling a little better about it the next day.


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