hatred {editing}

By hemmosocial

52.1K 1.8K 559

How can a person hate someone so much? Well, let me tell you. One person; one person can fill you with so mu... More

[12] Reasons
[13] Betrayal
[14] Breakfast
[15] Unexpected
[16] Mia?
[17] Broken
[18] Blame
[19] Just Kidding
[20] Ice Skating
[21] Parties
[22] Penguins
[23] Webcam Secrets
[24] Promises
[25] Watch Your Back
[26] Liar
[27] Change
[28] Hit
[29] Friends Again and Crushes?
[30] This is the Beginning
[31] Thinking Out Loud
[32] Wisdom Teeth
[33] You Did What?!
[34] The End of The Queen's Reign
[35] Luke's Secret
[36] Heartbroken
[37] Mistakes
[38] Too Late
[39] New Looks
[40] I Love You
[41] Proposal
[42] No More Secrets
[43] East Sydney
[44] New Places, Old Faces
[45] The Love Doctor
[46] Happy Endings
[47] Not So Good News
[48] The Truth Comes Out
[49] She's Gone
[49.5] NEW STORY
[50] Is This The End? (pt.1)
[51] Is This The End? (pt.2)
To be continued...


1.2K 39 12
By hemmosocial

1.1 - Heartbreaks


"So what's going on with you and Luke?" Calum asked, "I saw you coming out of his house the other day and I never had time to ask you about it." 

"Calum you are delusional. Nothing's happening between us and nothing will ever happen because I hate him with all my heart." I explained, "For the house thing, I was locked out of my house and there was a giant storm so Luke offered for me to stay at his house. It was no biggie." 

"Sure." He smirked, "Let me guess, you guys slept in the same room? A little birdie told me that you slept so soundly together." 

"It was Luke wasn't it?" I asked, already knowing the answer, "Calum, seriously it didn't mean anything. Whatever else he said, he was lying." 

"All I know is you two slept in the same bed together when you two 'supposedly' hate each other." Calum said, "You know I'm always rooting for you two."

"Why, though?" I asked, "He already has a girlfriend who is the wicked witch. She's evil and I don't even know why she even hates me so much. I didn't do anything to her." 

"You know there's a reason for everything." He said, "But, that's for Luke to tell you, not me because it's not my story to tell. So don't ask me to tell you."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Now Calum has made me more curious because he wouldn't tell me anything about the Hannah situation. 

"You're a really good singer, y'know?" I turned to see Luke walking up to me with his hands in his pockets. "This time I actually mean it." 

"Thanks." I said, genuinely. "I'm actually surprised that you actually are good too. I've never heard you sing before." 

"Well thank you, Hunter." He said, "I've never heard you sing either-"

"See you guys are always talking. Now, it's becoming nicer than it usually is." Calum said, interrupting us. "You see what I told you Luke, and also Emily, you guys are slowly becoming a cou-" 

"Shut up Calum." Luke said, putting his hand against Calum's mouth, sounding annoyed, "Don't say anything more or you might just regret it."

"What? I'm just saying." Calum said, backing off. "You two are just starting to be nice to each other. It's getting better and maybe soon, you two will be friends."


"Have you seen Mere around?" Calum asked, at the end of last period. "I mean so we can all meet up before class and all be together."

"Sure." I smirked, looking over at Luke, "Worried about Mere, huh?"

"Ooo Calum." Luke said, as we both moved closer to Calum, "Does someone got a crush on little ole Meredith."

"Shut up." Calum said, blushing. "I'm just wondering where our friend is. What makes you think that I like her all of a sudden? You guys are crazy." 

"Hey guys." Meredith said, walking over to us. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. She looked completely different. She didn't have her glasses on and wore some makeup. She even curled parts of her hair. I think she might have taken my advice.

"Yeah you look beautiful." Calum said, quickly regretting what he just said. "I mean not that you don't look nice everyday-but you look differently nice today." I saw Calum blush. Now another thing I can annoy him about. 

"Thanks Calum." She smiled at him. "Emily, I took your advice and changed my look a bit, is it okay?"

I didn't expect her to change her look entirely but I mean if she felt like it would boost her confidence and make her feel a lot better about herself, then it might be worth it.

"Yeah. You look really nice." I said, complimenting her. "But, remember you don't need to change your look for someone to love you. You just be who you are and people will like you because of it." 

"I know." She said, "I just thought that it'll be fun to change my look a bit. Maybe even just for a day. Change is always good." 

"I guess so." I said. "If you feel good about yourself in your new look, than you should be able to do whatever you want."

She shrugged. "Looking like this makes me not feel like a nerd anymore. I finally feel pretty and that's not something I thought that I'd be worrying about." She said, "This is not just so you know who will like me but, for my own self-esteem too." 

"What do you mean by 'you know who'?" Calum asked, questionably. "C'mon we're all friends. There's no such thing as secrets in our group, right?"

Luke and I looked at each other and finally we both had something in common. We both knew about Calum's little crush on Meredith and if he finds out that she likes Ashton, his best friend, than shit might happen.

"Fine." She said, "But, you promise not to tell anyone, not even that person because you know who this person is and my life would be ruined if you do. Emily, you tell him." 

"I don't know, maybe a certain guy called Ashton?" I said, looking away from Calum because I knew what his reaction would be. 

"What's so great about Ashton?" Calum asked, quickly and Luke and I knew that he's starting to get mad. "Not that he's a bad guy but- nevermind."

"Okay..." She said, "I better go. Ashton said that he wanted to talk to me about something before the end of the day. See ya guys tomorrow."

"That went a little downhill didn't it?" Luke said, "I mean that was truly unexpected. I mean Ashton, really? Not that he wouldn't be a good boyfriend but-"

"That's enough, Hemmo." I said, seriously. "I think he's had enough news for one day. More especially since he's already heartbroken-"

"That's enough guys, I gotta go." Calum said, sadly walking away. "I've had enough to deal with today as you two think I had and I don't want to be here for you two to talk for me. I'll see you guys on the bus." Calum walked away into the distance and that left Luke and I.

"He was mad." Luke said and I rolled my eyes.

"No shit Sherlock." I said, "He's like a puppy when it comes to his heart breaking and then he turns all hulk on us. He's really protective over her which means that this girl is serious. Our little puppy has fallen in love." 


"So what are you doing this holiday?" Calum asked Luke and I as we were sitting on the bus on the way home. He still seemed mad at whatever he was mad about but he still talked to us. 

"I have to go to New York with fucking Hemmo here." I said, unenthusiastically. "Since our parents happen to be besties, we're on the opposite end and don't get a say. I have to spend my whole holiday with Hemmo."

"New York sounds fun." Calum said, "I haven't been there before but I've seen some movies on T.V and at this time of the year, I bet it's snowing now."

"Not when you're spending it with the person you hate the most." Luke said, "Plus, it's like a 24 hour flight or something. I'd hate to have to spend it with her. I'd rather sit beside a bratty kid than her."

 "You know that I'm better to sit beside than a bratty kid." I argued, "Unless you would like crying and screaming the whole flight there and back. You just don't want to admit it but we all know the better choice."

"I agree with Emily." Calum said, "You're better off with Emily than some bratty kid."

Luke huffed, crossing his arms because now he realized that he was wrong and I was right. As always. "How you feeling...you know about finding out about Meredith?" Luke asked, "You seemed kind of mad earlier and we wanted to know if you were okay." 

"I don't know." He said, "Why Ashton? What's so great about him that makes her want to change for him. I know you shouldn't change just to make someone like you. It's not how it's supposed to work."

"Then, why do you like Meredith so much?" Luke asked, "It's not like you've been in a relationship before to know anything about one."

I shoved Luke in the shoulder because he was being impulsive. It's not like he knew what it's like to be in a good relationship either. He shouldn't be the one to say anything.

"I may not be in a relationship but I know how you should treat someone right." Calum said, "But, I wonder what Ashton wanted to talk to her about?"

"Might have not been important anyways." Luke said, "You know Ashton, full of nonsense. You could call him to find out, if you're so keen on finding out."

"I'm going to go text Mere." Calum said, "I don't want to talk to Ashton right now." Calum took out his phone and texted something to Meredith. "Guys, I don't think Mere is okay with whatever they were talking about."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "She said that she doesn't want to talk and that she's been crying for an hour now. We need to see if she's okay. Emily do you know where she lives?"

"I think so." I said, "I think we should get off at this stop right about now. We all need to talk to Meredith and what happened between Ashton and her."

Once the bus stopped, we got out and started walking towards the direction of her house. I had been to her house before and I knew what it looked like and I think we were going in the right direction.

"Are you sure you know where we're going, Hunter?" Luke asked, "It seems like we're a bit lost. We've been walking forever."

"Hemmo, I know where I'm going, I've been to her house before." I argued, "It's not like you would know where we are supposed to go. So, can it."

About a block from where we started, I saw Meredith's house and we were all glad of it. We all walked to the front door and Calum knocked first. He was eager to talk to Meredith and wanted to make sure she was okay.

The door opened and in the doorway stood a tall woman with long, brown hair. She looked like she could've been Meredith's sister. She looked too young to be her mother. "Hello, who are you?" The woman asked, "Are you one of Meredith's friends?" 

Calum nodded. "We heard that she was upset and wanted to see if she was okay." He explained, "Is she here?"

"Yeah, she came home and she was crying." She explained, "She ran upstairs and she wouldn't talk about anything. She wouldn't even open her door. If you guys could find out why she's so upset, then that'll be a big help." 

"We'll take care of her." Calum said, "Is her room upstairs?"

"Yeah, go up the stairs and the first door you see is hers." She said, "There's a big 'M' on  the door if you're lost. I'm Mary by the way."

"Thanks, Mary." I said, as we all made our way up the stairs and into the hallway. As Mary said, we saw Meredith's door by the 'M' on it. It stood out from the rest of our doors and Calum was the first to approach it.

Both Luke and I stood back against the wall as Calum walked up to it. "Mere." He said, softly, knocking on the door, "C'mon open up, we just want to talk."

"Just go away and leave me here to cry myself to sleep." She yelled, "I've had enough of life for today. I don't want to talk to anyone right now."

Calum looked turned and looked at us. He turned back to the door and sighed. "I'll try again." He said, "Meredith, seriously, ignoring anyone won't help you. It won't help any of us."

There was a silence until we all heard footsteps and she opened the door slightly. It was noticeable that she was crying because her eyes were red and watering. "Is it okay if I just talk to Calum, guys?" She asked, "It's just I need to talk to a guy and I'm more comfortable with Calum."

Luke and I nodded and Calum walked into her room. "Thanks for understanding guys." Calum said, "I'll see you tomorrow and I'm sure that I'll take care of her."


"So how have you and Jake been doing?" Luke asked, on our way home. "Are you two, you know together?"

"I didn't think that you would care, considering that you hate him and the fact that I might be happy for once." I complained, "But, we're not together. We've been on a couple of dates but nothing much happened from there. But, I'm starting to think that we are drifting apart and there's no spark anymore . I don't know what to do."

"You should tell him." Luke said, "A relationship is nothing when you don't have feelings for the other person. It's just dead by then. There's no use for it anymore."

"Do you have feelings for Hannah then?" I asked, "Is your relationship dead too because your relationship with her is toxic."

"I told you, she has something on me." He argued, "Breaking up with her would just make everything worse. In the situation I'm in, I don't want that. Look, I'll see you tomorrow. We're already at my house."

"See you." I said, as I saw Luke walking up to his door, opening it and closing it behind him. 

I walked over to my house and saw that there was someone at the door. I walked closer to my house and noticed that it was Jake. He was leaning against the wall as if he was waiting for me.

"What are you doing here, Jake?" I asked. He stood up from the wall and walked over to me. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something and I think we both know that we need to talk about this." Jake started and I was thinking the exact same. 

"I know." I said, "I don't think that we're going to be working out as a couple but we could still be friends right."

"I've been thinking the same thing!" He said, "It was nice to finally go out with someone but I don't think that anything was happening. We were like friends just hanging out. But, I'm glad that you feel the same way."


I think that was the shortest breakup ever lol

I also wanted to have a Calum or Meredith pov to explain but nah.

MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS AND EARLY HAPPY NEW YEAR because The next part would probably be next year.

Thanks for everything,


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