Steven Universe AU by: Samuel...

By Samuel152

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This AU (Alternative Universe) is about Steven who is 100% Human, not 50%. He also is still with the Crystal... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Laser Light Cannon
Chapter 3: Study Buddies
Chapter 4: Spinning Rooms
Chapter 5: Lion
Chapter 6: Sugilite
Chapter 7: Water Fountain
Chapter 8: Reflective Friends
Chapter 9: Ocean Gem
Chapter 10: Warp Tour
Chapter 11: On the Run
Chapter 12: Foreign Mechs
Chapter 13: Encrypted Message
Chapter 14: Invasion
Chapter 15: Jail Break
Chapter 16: Fears
Chapter 17: False Fusion
Chapter 18: Friendship
Chapter 19: Answers
Chapter 20: The Drill
Chapter 21: Below the Surface
Chapter 22: In the Barn
Chapter 23: Mystery
Chapter 24: Bismuth
Chapter 25: Secrets
Chapter 26: Space Prison
Chapter 27: Sacrifices
Chapter 28: Identity
Chapter 30: Spinel
Chapter 31: Volleyball
Chapter 32: Friends in Need
Chapter 33: New Enemies
Chapter 34: Rebellion
Chapter 35: The Fire Rises
Chapter 36: Deployment
Chapter 37: A Lost Boy
Chapter 38: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 39: To Be a Diamond
Chapter 40: Schemes
Chapter 41: Evil Intentions
Chapter 42: Acquired
Chapter 43: Entropy
Chapter 44: Happily Ever After (Finale)
1 Year Anniversary!

Chapter 29: Homeworld Savior

713 15 77
By Samuel152

Thanks to OliverTheEGirl and HowardTheAwesome1 for sparing me a very long brainstorm and helping me get a base idea for what this chapter is about. Follow them if you want, they deserve the credit for 25% of this Chapter.

"Change Your Mind" But written almost entirely differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven had prepared for the biggest fight in his life. Spent the last three days of training, more extreme and intense than usual. Steven had thought of a bright idea that he is going to share with the gems.

Instead of waiting on Homeworld to bring the fight to them, they bring the fight to Homeworld. It's risky, yes, but the element of surprise could tip the scales and give them the edge they need. If they are careful and fast, they could win the fight before Homeworld doesn't even know what hit them.

The only way this could go wrong is if they get caught on Homeworld, they slip up, or they already on their way to Earth. The sooner they do this, the better. Steven came into the livingroom with the other gems.

(Steven) Am I interrupting something?

(Pearl) No, we were discussing about our defenses against Homeworld. Do you have any ideas?

(Steven) I do have an idea but not about the defenses.

(Amethyst) What?

(Steven) We bring the fight to Homeworld.

Everyone went silent. Pearl spoke,

(Pearl) Steven, that's not a good idea.

(Steven) It's better if we take the fight to Homeworld. We can take defeat them before they even knew what hit them.

(Garnet) Theres too many to fight, Steven. It's better to fight them here on Earth. We have preparation time.

(Steven) If theres too many to fight, what's the point fighting them here than on Homeworld? Where we can use the element of surprise as well as they won't expect us to be there.

(Garnet) We're not going.

(Amethyst) Hey, listen. Why don't we vote on what we do next? We are a team, afterall.

(Pearl) That's a good idea. Who wants to stay here on Earth and defend it from Homeworld?

Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst raised their hands.

(Pearl) Those who agree with Steven?

Steven, obviously, raised his hand. Bismuth stands next to him.

(Bismuth) Steven's idea makes sense. I mean, Homeworld could be planning in their attack on Earth but if we get in their turf and attack without them knowing, we can get through their forces and defeat the Diamonds. With that suit, Steven has become almost unstoppable. We have trained for about anything so I think we can handle it.

She raised her hand. Peridot stood next to Steven.

(Peridot) Steven's plan is very tactical and risky. But if we want to protect the Earth, we gotta fight and with Homeworld, they could put us in rough decisions on Earth. But on Homeworld, we just gotta get through them carefully and fast. Besides, some of us know what's on Homeworld. We should succeed if we put enough effort in this plan.

She raised her hand.

(Peridot) It's a tie.

(Garnet) No, it's not. 4 against 3. Ruby and Sapphire chose to stay on Earth. I'm sorry Steven but it's safer if we stayed on Earth.

Steven took a moment before answering.

(Steven) Fine.

He walked outside. Bismuth and Peridot followed him.

(Peridot) Steven, what are you doing?

(Steven) If they're not going, I'll do it myself.

(Peridot) Steven, wait!

She grabbed his arm to stop him.

(Peridot) Don't go alone, you'll die.

(Steven) I'll die fighting a war that they refuse to be in.

(Peridot) Steven, you have to let us come with you. You don't know where Homeworld is.

(Steven) Fine... But I'm doing the rest myself.

10 minutes later

Steven had his armor and everything ready. Bismuth and Peridot are already inside the roaming eye and waiting for him to go. The others don't know about this.

The reason why Steven is doing this is not only so he can put an end to the war, but to prove his worth to the gems since they obviously still view him as nothing more than a human being. This had to be done, personal or not. Greg noticed Steven getting ready and asked him.

(Greg) Hey, son, what are you doing?

(Steven) Leaving. Don't worry, I'll be back.

(Greg) Where you going?

(Steven) Homeworld.

Greg nearly tripped.

(Greg) W-what?!

(Steven) The gems won't listen to me so I'm going without them.

Steven was walking to the roaming eye.

(Greg) (clears throat) Steven. Steven! Stop! Steven! STEVEN!

He got in front of Steven.

(Steven) What are you--

(Greg) I will not, under good conscious, allow you to go! You're outmatched by these--

(Steven) I'm what?

(Greg) You're not some harden warrior. You're a young man with too much anger. You're in over your head and I don't want you to die.

Steven walked past him and was about to step inside the roaming eye but then he stopped.

(Steven) Father who do you think I am? The scarfaced boy you found in the gutter? The boy who was too scared to be left alone? While you are here, I am out somewhere, the only one who actually gets something done!

(Greg) You may be--

(Steven) No, not may be, I am. I am part of the rebellion and fighting a war that they chose to be in. You don't see Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst coming with me, do you?

(Greg) No...

(Steven) Exactly. While they're not willing to fight, I am. And today will not be the day I die.

He was walking to the roaming eye.

(Greg) Steven.

He stopped

(Greg) Stay safe, please.

(Steven) ...I will...

He went inside the roaming eye.

(Steven) What's the estimated time to Homeworld?

(Peridot) In a fast pace, we should get there in about an hour or two.

(Steven) Okay. Do you know where to land that is the closest to where the Diamonds are?

(Peridot) I can have us land next to the Palace but thats as close as we can get.

There was a moment of silence.

(Bismuth) So, Steven, what are you going to do when we get there?

(Steven) I'm going to each Diamond at a time and convince them to help us out on Earth with the corruption issue. They would want their soldiers back but I am also going to tell them about Pink Diamond being alive. If talking won't work, then things would have to get physical.

(Peridot) Okay, if you plan on fighting the Diamonds, you need to be prepared for anything. They are more powerful than any other gem in existence.

(Steven) Is there anything I should know?

(Peridot) I should probably elaborate about the Diamonds. Blue Diamond, she isn't much of a fighter. She basically uses her powers against her enemies. Yellow Diamond, my former Diamond, is a skilled fighter and a master sword fighter, too. She'll be challenging your combat. White Diamond... Well, she... I don't know anything about White. Other than, she's the most feared gem for gem kind and Yellow and Blue fear about angering her.

(Bismuth) I heard she made even the toughest gems submit to her. I don't know what she did but I guess it scares them enough to submit. Steven, you have to be careful if you plan on talking to her or fighting her.

(Steven) I will.

The roaming eye continues to progress forward.

(Steven) Peridot.

(Peridot) Yes, Steven?

(Steven) Do you think you can upgrade the sequencer to Homeworld's standards?

(Peridot) Well... You're going to have to do it yourself since I can't be seen since I'm still a wanted gem on Homeworld. But don't worry, I'll tell you what to do before we get there. I reccomend you upgrade the sequencer first before going after the Diamonds. Their security is the toughest Homeworld has.

2 hours later

Peridot told Steven what he needs and how to do it. He should be fine on collecting the parts to upgrade the sequencer. Peridot lands Steven near the maintenance portion of Homeworld.

(Peridot) Do you remember what you need?

(Steven) Yes.

(Peridot) Okay, then. Hurry back before we get spotted.

She opens the door and lets Steven out before closing it again. Steven walks over to the scatter parts while avoid the gems that are a few yards away from him. He grabs the first part he needs, two more to go.

He goes to a different section to check through the other pile of parts to see if theres second part he needed. Nothing, so he went further into the place to find the last two parts. He found the second part in a third pile of parts.

One more to go. He spent a few minutes searching for the final part, he couldn't find it. He checked the piles again to see if he missed it, still nothing.

He saw the final piece just by itself but covered in dust, he past it a couple of times. He grabs it and adds it to the sequencer and completes it. Now, he should be able to access any Homeworld security.

He gets back to the roaming eye.

(Peridot) Did you find the parts?

(Steven) Yes.

(Peridot) Okay. Next stop, the Palence.

She goes to a platform that was made for aircrafts to land.

(Peridot) I reccomend you go very fast and avoid as much attention as possible before you get to the Diamonds.

(Steven) Got it.

Steven got off the roaming eye and ran inside. No one was in the main room, perfect. He still kept his guard while sneaking to the hallway area.

He passed by a couple of doors but none of them looked like they would belong to any Diamonds. He was going after Blue Diamond first, figured she would be easy to start with. He found a pearl, Blue Diamond's pearl.

He snuck up on her, grabbed her, and pin her to the wall.

(Steven) Where is Blue Diamond? And don't think about lying, I'll know.

(Blue Pearl) S-She's i-in there.

He lets her go and walks to the door. He stopped before he went inside and turned around to look at her.

(Steven) If you tell anyone you saw me, I'll be after you next.

He threatened her and it worked. He walked inside the room and saw Blue in a chair. He walked up to her and she took notice.

(Blue Diamond) (gasp) It's you, the human. How did you get out of the Zoo? I put you there 10 days ago.

(Steven) Blue, we need to talk.

(Blue Diamond) No, you need to get sent back to the Zoo immediately before Yellow finds you. If she finds you, she throw you out in space to die.

(Steven) You need to listen to me.

(Blue Diamond) No, I don't. You're going back to the Zoo.

She was going to incapacitate him again with the gas but he remembered from last time and swatted her hand away.

(Steven) Saw it coming.

She then attacked using her emotional powers and hits him with it. Steven felt his emotions overwhelm him and he fell on his knees. Steven got a grip of himself before he lets his emotions take control.

He stood up.

(Steven) I felt worse.

He started walking towards her. She kept hitting him with her powers but nothing seems to work. She was scared about what he was going to do to her for attacking him.

He got in front of her and after a few seconds, he headbutts her and kicks her across the room. He walks over to her and grabs her.

(Blue Diamond) Get your hands off me!

He slammed her against the wall.

(Steven) Listen, Blue, I know you're upset with what happened to Pink Diamond. But you must know that she is alive.

Blue's eyes widen.

(Blue Diamond) What?

(Steven) She's alive, not shattered. It was a ruse.

After he tells her everything.

She was hugging him.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, thank the stars she's alive! After years of thinking she was gone is now over!

Those were tears of joy, not sadness.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, thank you for telling me! We need to tell the others.

(Steven) That was the plan. Where's Yellow?

(Blue Diamond) I know where she is. Follow me.

She leads him to Yellow Diamond's room. The door opens and they see that there are bubbles on the ceiling, Yellow's defeated enemies.

(Yellow Diamond) What are you doing?

(Steven) Yellow Diamond...

(Yellow Diamond) What are you doing, Blue? Take this human back to the Zoo.

(Blue Diamond) No, this human has a message to bring.

Yellow stood up from her chair.

(Yellow Diamond) What are you talking about? You can't keep bending the rules, Blue. You have to set an example. Take the human back to the Zoo, now!

(Blue Diamond) I won't. Let him speak.

(Yellow Diamond) Fine, I'll do it myself.

She attempts to grab Steven but Blue swats her hand.

(Yellow Diamond) Blue?!

She tried to use her powers on Yellow to get her to stop but Yellow charged and they both grabbed each other's wrists.

(Yellow Diamond) Why are you doing this? When Pink was shattered, I was there for you. And you dare use your power against me?!

She tackled Blue against the wall and broke it. They fell down on a walkway and Steven jumped down after them, landing behind Yellow.

(Yellow Diamond) You'd hurt a fellow Diamond?

(Blue Diamond) Didn't we hurt Pink? She was suffering in silence for ages, just like our gems, just like me! And I know you're suffering in silence, too.

Yellow zapped her with her powers and was destabilizing Blue.

(Steven) Yellow, stop!

She didn't listen. Steven kicked behind her knees, she stopped and kneeled, he used her body to run up and land with his fist hitting her head. She was down but not for long, Steven ran to Blue.

He checked to see if she was okay. Yellow stood back up and Steven charged at her. He tackled her off the walkway and they landed on the ground with Yellow breaking Steven's fall.

She pushed him off and they both got ready to fight. She pulled out a sword.

(Yellow Diamond) You would be wise to surrender now or meet your demise.

They both circled each other. She swung the sword at him but used his arm to block it. He striked at her but only managed to get a punch.

She jumped back and tried slamming the sword down at him but he crossed his arms like an X to block it. He kicked her away from him. He thought of a move to use on her that he learned from someone.

He opened his arms like he was ready to attack and she did the same but was trying to jab the sword at him. He hits her left elbow with his right hand and hits her right elbow that is also carrying the sword with his left hand. When he hit her right elbow, he spun in freeflow to punch her right in the face that nearly made her fall.

She evaded when he tried to take advantage of her nearly being knocked over. She swung her sword multiple times but he blocks it and stepped on his knee to get a jump boost in the air to slam the sword into his skull but he grabbed her wrists and headbutts her. He goes to attack with a kick but she moves back to hit with the sword but he blocks, of course.

She spun around to kick him but he hits her leg down and tried to punch her with his left hand and giving her a right hook. She spun back around to hit him with her sword and he blocks it and tried to give her another right hook but she rolled underneath his arm to avoid getting hit. They charged at each other before she nearly impales him but he moved her sword away from him, jumps and kicks her with full force.

She jumps up high and lands with her sword attempting to attack him but he blocks. He held his arms to cover his head while she keeps hitting his arms over and over again to get him to slip up and she wasn't going to stop. Steven blocks the next hit but moves her sword in a awkward position before headbutting her and giving her a few punches.

He kicks her. She tried attacking again but Steven uppercuts her, slams that same arm on her sword handle which made her let go, hits her throat with the handle and finally kicks her to the wall.

(Steven) It's over, Yellow.

She looks at him.

(Yellow Diamond) What are you?

He threw her sword at her. It hits the wall next to her. When she looked at it and turned around, Steven snuck up on her and hits her to the ground.

(Blue Diamond) Enough! Stop fighting!

She came down there and helped Yellow up.

(Blue Diamond) Yellow, please listen to him.

(Steven) Pink is alive.

(Yellow Diamond) You are incorrect. She has been shattered by Rose Quartz.

(Steven) No, Yellow, she's alive.

(Yellow Diamond) Whoever told you that was misinformed.

(Steven) Pink Diamond is Rose Quartz.

(Yellow Diamond) That's absurd!

(Steven) No, it isn't. Think about it, Yellow, after Pink said she didn't want to do the colony anymore because of what it'll do to the Earth, Rose Quartz appeared. It's too much to be a coincidence, Yellow.

Yellow took that into consideration, he was right.

(Yellow Diamond) Where is she? Where is Pink?

(Steven) I don't know. But I do know that she's alive. Where's White Diamond?

Yellow has a shocked expression.

(Yellow Diamond) No, she would destroy you the second she sees you.

(Steven) Where is she, Yellow?

(Yellow Diamond) (Sighs) She's up there.

She pointed at the giant head.

(Steven) I need to talk to her.

(Yellow Diamond) It's best if you don't, she never listens to us.

(Steven) Then I'll make her listen.

The Diamonds escorts him to the door, it was locked.

(Yellow Diamond) None of us have the passcode.

(Steven) Don't bother.

He took the sequencer and put it to work. The alarm of the door was going off and Yellow and Blue were scared.

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

[Alarm Blaring]

The door finally opened. Steven stepped inside and the door behind him closed.

"Who dares enters my domain?"

He heard a voice but didn't see anyone around. He explored the room to find White Diamond.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

(Steven) Are you White Diamond?

He spoke, hoping she was.

"White is certainly what I am but I fear whatever you are won't matter anymore."

(Steven) I've come to bring a message.

"That Pink is back? I already knew, she never could be shattered like that. I knew everything."

(Steven) Listen, there are gems on the Earth that were adequate soldiers that fought for your planet. They're suffering from your damage.

"They knew the costs of the battle they fought in. Besides, it's Pink's fault for that. When she returns, she'll get the punishment she deserves."

(Steven) You're going to fix what you did.

"And what if I don't want to?"

(Steven) Then, I'll make you.


"You think you can make me do it?"

(Steven) This is your mess, you clean it up.

"Pink's mess, I alway clean up after Pink. She was spoiled and she hasn't changed one bit. Always blaming others for her problems and surrounds herself by weaker individuals so she can feel superior."

(Steven) White, come out.

He eventually saw a figure.

(White Diamond) Hello there.

(Steven) You need fix what you've done.

(White Diamond) Why don't you make me?

She gave him a smirk.

(White Diamond) Or maybe I make you do what I want?

Her eyes shined and a beam came out of them and in Steven's eyes. He felt numbness and then fell over, struggling to get up. She was circling the boy on the ground.

(White Diamond) You're not dying, it just feels like you are. My powers are twisting your will and emotions. Soon, you will become like me!

She boasted while basking in glory, even though no ones here. Steven gets up.

(White Diamond) What? You're supposed to be under my control.

She tried again but he moved and punched her.

(White Diamond) (grunts) Okay, let's play.

She used her power again, but Steven duck and stood up quick to punch her again. She fought back by punching at him but he was backing away from her fists. He blocked her few punches and tried punching her but she caught his fist.

He struggled to pull his hand away since she has a good grip on it. He took advantage of this and hits her face with the back of her hand. He punch her again but she pushes him away.

He punched again but this time, he unintentionally cracked her gemstone on her forehead without knowing. She was in severe pain. She violently attacks but he blocks.

She pushed him against the wall, brutally attacking him with multiple punches in random places. He eventually moved out of the way and she hit the wall hard enough that it cracked. She was swinging wildly now from the pain and adrenaline.

Her next punch was countered when Steven moved her arm to get a direct hit to her face and another hit. She swung again but he moved out of the way and then move her arm to attack and eventually kicking her across the room. He walked up to her and noticed she was in pain.

He saw that her gem was cracked. His compassion took over and got the emergency healing water to pour on her gem. It healed.

(White Diamond) (Sighs in relief) Thank you...

She took a moment before speaking again.

(White Diamond) Maybe I should listen to you. Afterall, I am in your debt for saving me.

(Steven) Those gems on Earth don't deserve to be corrupted. They need to be fixed.

He helps her up.

(Steven) I think we can negotiate about something.


Steven and the Diamonds have made a deal. For healing White Diamond, they will heal the corrupted gems, all of them and the war will end since everyone now knows the truth. Steven has also made a second deal.

If they changed the way things work on Homeworld and make it fair and reasonable instead fear and violence, Steven would look for Pink Diamond and bring her to the Diamonds. They didn't agree at first but seeing as he infiltrated Homeworld without much problem, they agreed. Right they, they are in Rose's Spring (Where the Healing Water is).

He instructed them to sit in the fountain while he, Peridot, and Bismuth put the bubbles of corrupted gems in the water so they can be fully healed since all 4 Diamond elements are together. Steven watched the bubbles popping and the gems coming out as gems instead of monsters. Bismuth found the gems she missed and jumped into the water.

He looked at the Diamonds and they seemed to be enjoying watching the gems be healed and happy. White looked at Steven and she gave him a little awkward smile. He didn't smile back but she can tell that he and her are on good terms with each other.

After minutes of healing gems and clearing things over to the uncorrupted gems about how things are going to work for now on, Steven told Peridot to get Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst.

(Peridot) Fellow Crystal Gems! Follow me!

(Pearl) What? Is Homeworld attacking?!

(Peridot) No, no! Even better!

(Amethyst) It better be, I was about to beat my high score.

She gathered them and took them to Rose's Spring. When they saw Steven and the Diamonds, they about poofed themselves from the shock.

(Garnet) Yellow... Blue... White... all of them...

(Pearl) Steven? What happened?

(Steven) I went with my plan without you. It worked better than I thought it would.

(Amethyst) You went to Homeworld and went toe to toe with the Diamonds?

(Steven) All of them within a few hours. We healed the corrupted gems, look.

He pointed at the fountain and they saw all the gems they fought but uncorrupted. Tears came out of their eyes because that sight alone was enough to tell them that the war is over, the Diamonds are no longer tyrants, and peace was established. Aside from them being happy, they were also shocked at Steven's accomplishment.

The word "Achievement" would be an understatement. To make it short, this is what Steven did: A human being took part in a gem war, battled Homeworld's above average warriors, battled the Diamonds, and did it all without shattering gems. The Cluster doesn't count since it was a geo-weapon and the Diamonds accept full responsibility over that.

Once the uncorrupted gems realized that this wouldn't been possible without Steven, they got out of the water, grabbed him, and lifts him in the air while cheering and thanking him for his service. They all were calling him "Homeworld Savior". They eventually put him down but some were wanting to talk to him, hug him, give him something, etc.

Some asked what made him do it, some asked where did he get his training, and some even asked why doesn't he shatter gems. He didn't answer the training question, that was something he didn't want to share. Steven discussed that Homeworld would be a different place for now on and that changes are coming.

Those who oppose can discuss it with the Diamonds or himself but nobody opposed to the idea. Steven also said that anyone who doesn't want to stay on Honeworld can live on Earth but not at the moment since there's no place for them to stay. Steven mentioned that a place will be built for gems that wish to stay on Earth.

But for the moment, gems would be staying on Homeworld until construction is complete. Steven is thinking about calling it "Little Homeworld".


After the Diamonds took the gems and left to get back to Homeworld, Steven was tying up loose ends. He fixed the Homeworld Warp Pad so if anyone needed to get to Homeworld or if someone wanted to talk to him. He got a communicator with a direct line to the Diamonds in case he needed one of them.

Now, he was going to the Moon Base to get Lapis, she can come back to Earth now. He used Lion to get there and he activated the helmet so he can walk to the Barn to get her.

(Steven) Lapis? Where are you?

(Lapis) Steven? What are you doing back here? Hasn't Homeworld attacked yet?

(Steven) No. The war is over, Lapis. You can come home now.

(Lapis) What? Are you serious?

(Steven) Yes, the Diamonds are no longer a threat anymore, Earth is safe, and peace has been established. You're free.

She smiled.

(Lapis) How has Peridot been? I know I left harshly.

(Steven) She misses you. She thinks you should come back.

(Lapis) Tell her I will. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Steven walked back inside the Moon Base and Lion took him home.

Back on Earth

Steven came back and waited for the ice to melt off his suit before putting it up for the day. Before he got upstairs, someone spoke to him.

(Garnet) Steven, can we talk?

He looked over his shoulder.

(Steven) What is it?

(Garnet) We just want to talk to you. If you're exhausted, we can talk in the morning.

(Steven) Okay, let's talk. Better to get it done now than tomorrow.

He walked downstairs to see Pearl and Amethyst sitting down on the couch, waiting for him to come down while Garnet was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

(Steven) What is it that you want to talk about?

(Garnet) About this morning, you suggested we should go to Homeworld.

(Steven) I know what I did was stupid but it worked.

(Garnet) No, it wasn't. It was a good plan, we were just overly cautious about it. We aren't like you, Steven. You're the soldier the war needed, thats why your plan worked. Your sophisticated, calculated, strong, and resourceful. We all have at least one of those qualities but you're all of them.

(Pearl) And we know you did all of this in attempt prove your worth. That you're more than a human. You've been patient with us, put up with a lot. We are going to be treating you a lot different from now on and that's a promise.

(Amethyst) Yeah, dude. You've done a lot in the last six months since we met you. You're a one man army!

(Garnet) We apologize for not accepting you as a Crystal Gem. You've earned more than that. We hope you can forgive us.

(Steven) ...

He took a moment to process all of what they told him.

(Steven) I accept your apology. I would like to ask your help to build Little Homeworld.

(Garnet) Of course, we're in this together.

They hugged him.

End of Chapter 29

Authors Note: I apologize if anything seems rushed, I tried changing a few things from the original series and tried to adapt it to a more serious tone instead of singing and emotional crying and stuff (No offense to anyone who likes that). I tried to get the Diamonds to be like how they are instead of reducing them to crying like in Future, some people didn't like that. I thought Steven fighting White and healing her was better than having him roast her. But that's just my opinion, let me know what you think, you don't have to sugarcoat it. And you all know what's next after this and I can assure you it'll be soon.

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