Sporting Attitude

By MarvelJedi33

3.4K 65 7

Sarah Rotten is the younger sister of Lazy Towns' infamous 'villain' Robbie Rotten. Unlike her dear brother... More

1: Welcome To Lazy Town
Authors Note
2: The Kids
3: Setteling In
4: A Little Bit Of Mischief
5: Who You Are
6: Little Magical
7: Distressed
9: Memories Returned
10: Happy Travels
11: Old Tricks

8: To Become Her Hero

210 6 3
By MarvelJedi33

*Sportacus P.O.V.*

I glared at Robbie as Sarah stormed out of her room. How dare he accuse me of doing anything bad to her. I would never hurt her. Now my crystal was flashing and beeping again.

I ran out of the room and down the hall. I reached Sarah's living room and looked around. I had to find her again. She was in trouble and I had to help.

"What did you do?" Sarah's father asked. "Did you hurt my daughter?"

"No, I didn't." I replied. "Where did she go?"

"She went outside, Sporty boy." A gruff voice said.

I spun around and saw Sarah's best friend Rocky. She grinned and pointed towards the front door. Rosie the town dance instructor nodded in agreement. Her nose had finally stopped bleeding. And Rocky seemed to be assessing the damage.

"Thank you, Rocky." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, got get her." She replied. "She needs a good Elf like you."

I didn't bother trying to deny what I was doing and feeling. I had fallen head over heels for Sarah all over again. And after asking my father, I found out I had already met Sarah. Not only that, but I had also declared my love for her when we were children.

I ran out of her house and down the street. I saw the kids playing in the park. Stephanie waved and ran over to me. I continued looking around for Sarah.

"Hey Sportacus, are you looking for Sarah?" She asked.

"Yes, have you seen her?" I replied still looking around.

"Yup, she headed out towards LazyTown cliffs. She looked really mad too. Be careful, my uncle said some dirt might come loose."

"Thanks, Stephanie. See you later!"

I ran off and flipped over a few walls. I looked up and saw my airship hovering overhead. The ladder hanging down near the ground. I climbed up and into my airship. I dashed around getting it ready to fly. Finally, I jumped into the pilot chair and started flying towards the cliffs.

After flying for a few minutes I reached the cliffs. I jumped out of my pilot's seat and flipped over to the closet. I pulled out my backpack and filled it with different things. I also grabbed some climbing gear, just in case. I flipped my way to the door.

"Okay, door!" I shouted.

The door opened and I ran out. I pulled out my telescope and looked around the cliffs. I spotted Sarah still walking up to the top. Stephanie was right, she looked very angry. I frowned and jumped off the door. I folded my arms across my chest and spun around. My glider activated and shifted my pack. I flew down and landed not too far away from Sarah.

"Stupid dad and brother acting like I won't defend myself if a guy tries anything!" She muttered. "What am I, five?"

"According to them probably." I said.

"Holy shit! Oh man, Sportacus. Don't sneak up on me like that."

Sarah had spun around and started falling backward. I sprang forward and caught her around her waist. I carefully adjusted my grip and helped her stand up. She gripped my shoulder and motioned to a rock. I carefully helped her over and she sat down.

"Thanks, Sportacus." She muttered. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"You were in trouble." I replied. "As the town hero, I had to help."

"Look Sportacus, the whole town hero thing is cool and all. But I really don't need a hero. I'm perfectly able to save myself."

I winced slightly at her words. All I want is to help. And according to her friend, Sarah needs it. I'm not going to back down just because she has the Rotten family stubborn streak. I frowned as Sarah rolled up her pant leg and examined her prosthetic.

I took off my pack and dug around. Then I pulled out a first aid kit. I held it out to her. She huffed and smiled slightly. She took the kit, our fingers touched briefly. I gulped and let the kit go.

"Thanks again, Sportacus." She said. "After I take care of this I'm gonna keep going up, wanna come with?"

"Yes... I mean um, sure." I replied.

I stood back up and put my pack back on my back. I turned away from Sarah and hit my forehead several times. I heard a chuckle behind me. I looked back and saw Sarah smiling. She looked at me and shook her head.

"You're lucky you're cute." She stated.

I felt a deep red blush rush up my cheeks. Sarah chuckled again and stood up. I watched her test her prosthetic before she nodded and held out the kit. I shook my head and motioned for her to hang on to it.

"It's okay, you can keep it." I said. "I've got plenty in my airship."

"You seriously live in that dirigible?" She asked. "Impressive, if you like that sort of thing."

"Well, it's really not much. Just me and the talking computer. And my sports candy, and equipment. Other than that there's... Not much."

"Kinda lonely for ya, huh? I can hear that. C'mon, we got some ground to cover."

I turned and followed after her. A small frown crossed my face. Sarah felt lonely, even with friends and family surrounding her. I couldn't help but wonder why. She was constantly hanging out with the kids, her brother, and now her best friend. How could anybody be lonely with that many people around?

"Hey, Sporty boy, you're lagging." Sarah said.

"Oh, sorry, I'm coming." I replied.

I jogged a bit to catch up. I paused when we reached a big outcrop. Sarah grunted and looked around. She hummed and walked over to a small eroded path. She looked it over and shook her head.

"That's way too dangerous." She muttered. "Do you see any other way up Sporty boy?"

"Um, no not really." I replied. "So now what?"

She huffed and walked around staring at the outcrop. She turned to me. She had a small smile on her face. Then she sat down and flopped back into the grass. I frowned and walked up to her side.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Easy, I'm enjoying the nice peaceful day." She replied. "No one to interrupt, we can relax for once."

I blinked and slowly sat beside her. I laid beside her and frowned. I looked at Sarah and cocked my head. She looked back at me and sat up a bit.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, but what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, we're relaxing, as I said. Just taking it easy, giving ourselves a rest."

I felt a smile tug at my mouth. Sarah smiled back and laid back down. She stared up at the sky. Then she pointed to one of the clouds.

"What'cha see there?" She asked.

I craned my neck to the cloud she pointed at. I cocked my head and looked it over. Then a grin crossed my face. I traced the shape I saw with my eyes.

"I see an apple." I said.

"Hmm, I see a tank." Sara said with a chuckle. "Man, that's a drastic difference."

I laughed and nodded in agreement. I felt something touch my hand. I looked down and saw Sarah's hand on mine. I smiled and gently wrapped my fingers around her hand. Sarah tensed up, then she slowly relaxed.

"I'll let go if you want." I said quietly.

I felt Sarah grip my hand back. A warm feeling shot through me. I took a deep breath and grinned. Sarah suddenly sat up. Her hand left mine, leaving a cold feeling behind. I frowned and sat up too.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Shh, someones watching us." She hissed. "They're right over... There!"

She spun around and pulled something out from behind her back. She held it up and aimed it at a clump of bushes. She slowly crept forward, the thing still up in front of her. I stood up and stepped up behind her. I looked at her hands and my jaw dropped.

"Why do you have that?" I asked. "You don't need guns in LazyTown!"

"Old habits die hard." She growled in response. "Now get down!"

She shoved me to the ground and crept forward. As she moved forward a black shadow rose out of the bushes. My crystal started flashing like crazy. I sprang to my feet and ran toward Sarah.

I slammed into her, knocking us both to the ground. Just as I did the shadow slammed into the ground where Sarah had been. I looked over my shoulder and huffed in relief. Sarah gasped and grabbed the collar of my vest. She rolled us farther away from the shadow. After we rolled a few feet Sarah got to her feet and aimed her weapon at the shadow again.

The shadow stayed near the bushes and in the cover of darkness. It slowly started to take shape. I stared as an old woman stood in front of us. She had a sinister smile on her face. I got to my feet and walked up behind Sarah. I wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Be careful, that's the Beldam." I whispered into her ear. "Please, I can't lose you again."

"What are you talking about?" She snapped. "That's the Beldam, she's just an old woman!"

"Don't be fooled, Sarah. She's using a disguise to fool you. She's very dangerous. She tricked your people once. That's why you're the only one left."

Sara grunted and fired her weapon. The Beldam lifted her hand. The bullet froze mi-air. She smirked and snapped her fingers. The bullet vanished into thin air.

"Oh my God!" Sarah gasped. "How did she do that?"

"She's an evil Fae she can do anything!" I said angrily. "She gathers the magic and life force of other magical beings."

"Like my people. She slaughtered my people to gain more magic. But she didn't get a chance to kill me. My question is why?"

"I'll answer that later. Right now we need to run."

"No way, I don't run from a fight. I tactically retreat."

Sarah fired off several more rounds. Then she grabbed my arm and sprinted down the hill. I stumbled a little before gaining my feet. I swiped my right hand over my left bracer and punched in a command. My airship landed in front of Sarah.

"Jump in!" I shouted.

Sarah sprang onto the door and ran in. I followed close behind. The door shut as soon as I got inside. My airship took off again. Sarah grabbed onto a wall to keep her balance. She had a very angry look on her face.

"Are you alright, Sarah?" I asked.

"Tell me everything, now!" She snapped. "I have a feeling my family is still hiding something from me."

I sighed and nodded. They were hiding something. Something very important. Something that will make or break what I've managed to slowly rebuild with Sarah.

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