10: Happy Travels

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I sat on the floor watching the clouds fly past while Sportacus set the autopilot. I heard him jump out of the pilot's seat and spring around. I turned around and watched as he did.

I grinned when he landed on an activator and a Soccer ball flew out of the wall. He sprang in the air and caught it with his feet. I clapped as he kicked the soccer ball all over the ship. Nearly hitting my head, I managed to duck out of the way.

He caught the ball and rushed over. He had a guilty look on his face. I chuckled and waved my hand. He still looked my head over.

"I'm fine Sporty Boy, you missed by a long shot." I said.

"Only because you ducked." He replied guilt lacing his voice. "If you hadn't you would have been seriously hurt."

"I'm not that weak Sporty Boy. Even if it hit my head I think I'd be okay."

He finally sighed and nodded. He stood back up and jumped around. I smiled and went back to watching the clouds fly past. As I sat there Sportacus froze when the ten on his chest flashed and made noise.

"Someones in trouble." He muttered. "I'll be right back Sarah."

He dashed out of the dirigible and flew to help whoever was in trouble. I just muttered an 'okay' under my breath. I leaned back on my elbows and stared at the ceiling. Then I flopped on my back, almost cracking my head on the floor.

As I laid there I reached into my pocket and pulled out an old worn picture. My squad stared at me from the picture; I smiled sadly. I could almost hear them shouting and laughing. Cracking crude and stupidly funny jokes. And the songs we all sang to pass the time waiting for missions to come in. There was never a dull moment with those bone heads.

I heard the ship start shifting around. I sprang to my feet and shifted into a defensive stance. A hole had appeared in the floor. Then Sportacus poked his head into the room and grinned. I stared at him confused, his ship was full of surprises.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

I walked over and circled the new device. Sportacus rose up on the platform and dropped a ladder on the floor. He cocked his head as I continued staring at the floor. I could see him bouncing from one foot to the other from my peripheral. I finally managed to look at him, he smiled and stood up straighter.

"What else does this dirigible do?" I finally asked.

"Nothing much, just normal things." He replied.

"Normal? Sporty Boy, there's nothing normal about this machine. What is it... Magic?"

"Of course! How else am I supposed to travel anywhere I am needed?"

"No clue. I guess I thought you ran everywhere."

Sportacus chuckled and shook his head. I smiled and looked back at my pocket. As I stared at it I felt something tickle my cheek. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Sportacus quickly backing up. I shifted my stance and looked him over.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He mumbled barely loud enough for me to hear. "I need to..."

I quickly stepped forward and cut him off. He froze when I gently kissed his cheek back. I watched his cheeks turn beet red. A small smile crossed his face. He looked down at me and gently placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Destination reached, home of the Forest Elves shrouded." His ship chimed. "It must be approached on foot."

I jumped away from Sportacus. And ran back to the window. My stomach dropped when I took in the view outside. The forest we reached looked dead. I felt my lungs constrict when I saw several trees without leaves and covered in what looked like black soot.

"Wha... What happened here?" I muttered.

"The Beldam." Was all Sportacus said in reply.

I looked at him and saw the anger in his eyes. His whole body was stiff and his muscles were shaking. I reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm. He looked at me and relaxed a little. I looked back outside and sighed.

"Alright Sportyboy, take me down there." I said. "I need to see what's there."

"Alright, follow me." He mumbled. "Just don't disappear again... please."

I nodded and walked to the door. He lowered the ladder and started climbing down. I followed him down and jumped off the ladder when I was close enough to the ground. Sportacus was already a few feet away, he was scanning the horizon. He pulled his telescope out and peered through it.

"We have to move, NOW!" He barked.

He ran back to me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me behind him as he charged towards the trees. Just as we entered the forest I heard a loud screech behind us. Sportacus shoved me ahead of himself and yelled at me to keep running.

"Don't look back Sarah!" He shouted.

I charged ahead and suddenly entered a clearing. I skidded to a halt and spun around. I scanned the edge of the trees looking for Sportacus. I felt panic well in my chest when he didn't run out after me. I listened to my surroundings, hoping to catch the slightest sound he'd make.

"It's no use, he's gone." A raspy voice said. "You can easily join him, just take my hand."

I snapped my head toward the voice. An old woman was standing in front of me. Sportacus was standing by her side, but he looked different. His eyes looked empty, a blank look on his face.

"No, that's not Sportacus." I said. "And this, this isn't real either."

I shook my head and looked at the forest. I tensed up and bolted towards the trees. Before I got very far I jerked to a halt. When I looked around no one had a hand on me. I looked down at my legs and froze. There was black goo sliding up my legs.


I was slammed to the ground. I groaned and looked around. Sportacus was leaning over me a look of worry on his face. I blinked rapidly, this Sportacus had different eyes than the one by the Beldam. He yanked me to my feet and charged toward the trees.

"What the hell?" I panted. "How did she do that?"

"Magic, dark magic." Sportacus replied.

He pulled me through several bushes before he stopped. I smacked into his back and groaned. Sportacus looked around slowly. He pulled me close to his side and tensed up. I gripped his arm and tilted my head.

"Alright, we need to get to the Forest Elves home." He said. "The shrouding spell around it should protect us."

I just nodded slowly, he gripped my hand and pulled me along behind him. As we moved through the forest, Sportacus continued looking around. I followed suit and slowly pulled my weapon out. I aimed at the trees around us.

"The last time you used that it didn't work." Sportacus said. "Why try using it again?"

"It's my best weapon on hand." I replied. "Especially since I can't use magic."

I pulled my hand away from Sportacus and gripped my weapon. I paused and stared at a giant tree. Spartacus just walked right up to the tree. Then he walked through it. I slowly followed him.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "This place is huge, is this where I lived?"

"Yes, and the day the Beldam attacked she burned the village down." He replied.

I walked further into the clearing. Sportacus watched me walk around. I looked back at Sportacus, he had a small smile on his face. He walked up to me and ran his hand down my arm. He took a deep breath and leaned his forehead on mine.

I felt him run his magic around us again. Whatever unease I felt started fading. Sportacus stepped back and took a deep breath. I sighed and turned to look at the clearing.

"So this is the grow back after the attack?" I asked.

"No, this is the main clearing, where important meetings were held." Sportacus replied. "I'll lead you to where the village is."

He walked off again and headed towards a huge pine tree. He sighed and reached out his hand. I watched in awe as his hand vanished into the tree.  Then the rest of him vanished too. I slowly followed behind him.

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