5: Who You Are

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I sat on the couch across from my Grammy. Robs sat to my right, he had a death grip on my hand. As if he was trying to ground me. I had my left hand covering my mouth. I couldn't believe a word coming out of my Grammy's mouth. It's like she got all of it out of a storybook! 

"Enough Grammy!" I finally snapped. "You must be kidding me, you really think I am an elf?"

"Your father is certain about this." She replied.

"Grammy, there's no such things as... uh, what... what was that?"

I felt so odd. Like all my energy had been drained. Much like Sportacus on a sugar meltdown. I leaned against the back of the couch. Robs rubbed my shoulder, a look of concern on his face.

"Why tell her now, Grammy?" He asked.

"You knew!" I exclaimed sitting up. "You knew this whole time and didn't think to tell me?"

"I couldn't tell you, Sarah. You weren't ready to hear the truth. And I still think that. You were raised as a human. It's not fair shoving this on you."

I stared at Robs in shock. My best friend in the world lied to me, my whole life. He had a very sad look on his face. He looked away from me.

"Now, that sudden decrease in your energy came from the Beldam." Grammy stated. "She's trying to take your life force from you."

"Lifeforce, what is that?" I asked.

"Your magic, dear. Now your uncle will be here soon to keep an eye on you..."

"Oh hell no, hell no! No way, I don't trust that guy as far as I can throw him!"

I jumped up and started pacing around. Then a funny feeling shot over me. I look Grammy over. She looks kinda funny, now that I think about it. I walked up to her and put my hands on my hips.

"Hey Grammy, I think you gotta frog in your throat." I said. "You might wanna clear it out."

"Oh thank you, dear." She said, clearing her throat.

Then she turned to Robs. He had a curious look on his face. Robs and I exchanged a glance. He suddenly smiled and turned back to Grammy.

"So Grammy, when's dad gonna get here?" Robs asked.

"In a few more hours, dear." She said her voice sounding an awful lot like my uncles.

"Gee Grammy, you sound like uncle Rascal." I said sounding concerned. "Are you feeling okay?"

She froze a surprised look on her face. Then a creepy smile spread across her face. She stood up and spun around. In Grammy's place was my least favorite relative, my uncle Rascal.

"Well, now that spoiled my fun." He said, sneering. "You two are far too clever."

"Yeah well, don't mess with the Rotten pair." I said fist-bumping Robs. "Its a really bad idea to prank us, especially with such an old trick."

Robs nodded in agreement. Then a frown crossed his face. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. I cocked my head. Robs' eyes went wide.

"The only prank he pulled was dressing as Grammy." He said. "The part about you being an elf is true."

"I can tell, you're usually laughing at this point." I said abruptly. "Look Robs, it ain't a matter of believing you, but you know me..."

"Yes, seeing is believing with you. I know, that's why the real Grammy and dad are coming to town for a few days. They'll explain everything much better than me."

I stared at him in shock. With a grunt, I flopped back onto the couch. Robs slowly placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him. He carefully pulled my head onto his shoulder.

I sighed and leaned fully on my brother. He wrapped his arm around my back. He rubbed my shoulder. Then he looked at uncle Rascal.

"The doors over there, you know." Robs said.

"Oh please, I have to see how your sister lays it on my brother." Uncle Rascal spat.

I growled and stood up. I headed for the front door and yanked it open. Then I turned back and signaled for Robs. He stood up and walked over to me. I waved for him to lean down.

"Do me a solid, big brother." I whispered. "Keep an eye on uncle Rascal for me?"

"Anytime Sarah, I wouldn't leave him alone in your house if he paid me." Robs replied. "Now go on, you have some important stuff to do."

"Yeah, later Robs. Oh, there's some eats in the fridge for you. And the remote is by the big comfy chair. Just don't fall asleep."

Robs nodded and walked back into the living room. I took a deep breath and walked outside. My uncle Rascal is lucky I had plans today. I grumbled as I made my way back to the park.

I saw all the kids and Sportacus playing soccer. Stephanie waved at me as I walked up. I smiled and nodded at her. She walked off the field and up to me.

"Hey Sara, where's your Grammy?" She asked.

"Well, that's a funny story kiddo." I replied. "Actually it was my uncle Rascal dressed up as my Grammy."

"What, why would he do that? That seems like a very silly thing to do."

I chuckled and shook my head. Most people don't understand the Rotten families' way of life. They've always been like that. Hell, even I join in the fun sometimes.

It's funny to see everyone's reactions. Although some of the jokes don't go over well. However, Robs and I usually get a good hard laugh. Unless our dad catches us.

"Sara are you okay?" Stephanie asked.

"Hmm, oh yeah just thinking back on my childhood." I replied scratching my neck. "I had a great childhood, my dad was the best."

"But you look nothing like Robbie Rotten. How are you related to him?"

I blinked a few times in response. Her observation skills are always surprising. You can't sneak much past this kid. I smiled as a flash of my bestie from basic shot through my head. Rocky would love Stephanie.

"You know kid you remind me of my best friend from basic." I said. "You couldn't pull the wool over her eyes either."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Heh, never mind, kiddo. How about a game of basketball?"

Stephanie nodded her head rapidly. I blinked a couple of times. That was surprisingly easy. She ran off and grabbed a basketball. I tilted my head and looked at the sports field. The other kids were out playing.

Stephanie came running up and held out the ball. She had a huge grin on her face. She was bouncing up and down. I smiled and held out my hands. She tossed me the ball. We checked it and started our daily game.

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