4: A Little Bit Of Mischief

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The kids were taking a short break from the soccer game. I stood beside Sportacus drinking some water. Stingy stood up from the bench and walked over. He stopped in front of me.

"Could you check my wound from earlier?" He asked.

"Sure, let me see your hands." I replied.

He lifted his hands up. I gently took hold of his wrists and took off the bandages. He hissed as the wounds were exposed. I hummed, pulled out my medkit, and applied more antibiotics.

"There, that should do." I said.

He smiled and hugged me. My eyes went wide. Then I gently hugged him back. He pulled away and walked back to the other kids. I stood up, a little shocked.

"Hey Sportacus, does Stingy usually hug adults?" I asked.

"No, not that I have seen." He replied. "But it seems like he really likes you."

I felt a smile tug at my lips. Then I frowned as a funny sound reached my ears. I reached out and tapped Sportacus' arm. He looked at me a small frown on his usually cheerful face.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Do you hear that?" I asked.

"What? Oh, yes the thumping sound."

I nodded and turned around. I tapped Sportacus on the shoulder. He turned around and his jaw dropped. I just stared at the... The thing headed to the park.

"What the hell is that... Uh, thing?" I finally asked.

"I-I have no idea." Sportacus replied.

I squinted and looked the thing over. It looked like a toy robot that I used to own. But it was huge now. And purple, while my robot was black.

"Looks like a toy I had as a kid." I muttered.

"Really, you had a toy like that?" Sportacus asked. "Was it that huge?"

"Hah, no it was a regular-sized toy robot. Really annoying too. Robs used to mess with the mechanics to make it chase me. And repeat my name over and over."

I continued to stare at the robot as Sportacus and I talked. Finally, the robot stopped in front of us. A door in its belly opened and my brother stepped out. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Look, sis, I did it!" He exclaimed.

"The hell are ya yapping Robs!" I shouted in reply. "You could'a hurt someone, yaself included!"

He scratched his head and shrugged. Then he turned and hit the side of the robot. Shaking his hand he turned back and looked at Sportacus. A huge mischievous smile on his face.

"Well, I did this to challenge Sportaflop here." Robs announced. "And the challenge is to race my robot around town, and if Sportakook loses he has to leave town forever."

"Uh, Robs can I talk to you for a second?" I asked pulling him away. "Just come over here, what the HELL are you thinking?"

"Hey, I want some peace and quiet! But with this guy around I won't get it! And I want these kids to be lazy!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I put my hands up and walked back towards Sportacus and the kids. If this is what Robs wants, then I'll let him have his fun. And when it's over I'll help him ice his wounds.

"Well then have fun Robs, I'll be over here." I stated. "And I'll get the big first-aid kit."

"First-aid, hah I won't need it." He said.

"Oh yes, you will. I'll be right back."

I walked back to my house. It only took me a few minutes to find the first-aid kit. I snatched it up and ran back outside. When I reached the park Robs was climbing back into his robot. I sat down on the wall to watch the show.

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