Revenge | Hizzie

By HizzieCentral

18.5K 488 244

Hope Mikaelson is one of the most well-known names amongst the Witches, Wolves and Vampires that lived around... More

Welcome To New Orleans
Want To Get Lunch (As Friends)
No Goodbye?
Welcome To The Salvatore School
Death (PAST)
the letters
Ledge (Trigger Warning)
New Orleans 2

Text Messages

673 23 8
By HizzieCentral

Hope Staring at a white screen praying for a reply, "what's taking so long" Hope didn't like the feeling of waiting. She saw that it was read, it became clear that the other person was shy or didn't want to talk to her and it wasn't the second option. She decided to ask an icebreaker, hopefully, to get the two to speak consistently. "what did you think of the new School Counselor?" Hope typed out

In seconds three little dots going up and down the screen made Hope smile, she leaned in close as the message popped up. "I don't know, but I like her she seems like you can tell her anything, and she won't judge you," Lizzie replied

"Hey, I thought that's what I was supposed to do."

"getting jealous," Lizzie typed

"How can I be jealous over someone I never met," Hope said blushing thinking about it

"then why are your cheeks red?" Lizzie joked

Hope looked around and smile and typed, "Are you spying on me? I mean no there not," while lying down and swinging her feet up and down.

Both girls had talked like this for hours discussing everything from school lunch to the worst teachers.

"Hey" Hope texted

"Hey, back?" Lizzie typed

"I took your advice, and I dumped my girlfriend, I think she's mad."

"who wouldn't be losing someone like you," Lizzie said blushing.

"stop, my cheeks are hurting from smiling too much." Hope typed

"never 😉"

"I mean, I think it's obvious, but I'm gay," Hope typed out, and this was the first time she said it aloud.

"I don't know what I am, I like girls that's a given but boys I don't know. It could be about what happened, but I never saw a future with a boy." Lizzie said confronting herself

"believe it or not, you're the first person I ever told about liking girls. I dated them but never admitted it out loud. like I said, I don't have many friends or not anymore."

"I'm will be your friend" Lizzie typed

"I don't even know your real name so let's not pretend that we are friends because we both know that as soon as we see each other, we wouldn't be able to help each other at least while not being biased, so I am not your friend I'm just a stranger who is here to help you and vice versa."

"you know what I'm getting tired. I will talk to you later, I guess." Lizzie said, turning off the phone.

She wondered how she lost another person this time, "why am I so stupid why did I say I will be her friend she obviously doesn't want that. No one wants to be my friend; I'm crazy." Lizzie looked around the room, and on the corner of her shelf, there was a card, and she swears it wasn't there before. She slowly got up and walked over and grabbed the square object, and flipped it over to read what it was.

"you can come to see me anytime you need too" signed Camille

Lizzie walked out of the room, and she was finally going, to tell the truth to someone that cares enough to hear her.

Hope knew she messed up but couldn't do anything about it. "why did I say that she was just being nice, and I found a way to ruin it." She fell back on her bed, looked at the ceiling, and the small stars that were taped up. One of them triggered a daydream where Hope was happy and didn't push people away. Then reality set in.


Its been a few days since Camille came to the school was almost done getting to know everyone. She was reading over her notes when she heard two loud knocks. She said, "the door is open" and watched as Lizzie came in and sat down right across from her.

"Hey Lizzie is something wrong," Camille said

She nodded yes

"hey, you can tell me anything it will be strictly between you and me."

Lizzie tried to speak, but her throat suddenly ached with pain as she tried to use her voice. Camille offered her water, and after she took a sip, she cleared her throat. "someone Raped me," she said with tears rolling down her chin.

Camille walked to Lizzie and gave her a hug knowing how hard it must be even to say what happened, so she didn't ask for a name. She was going to let Lizzie tell her on her own time. The two sat there in silence for an hour before Lizzie said, "I don't know why I came here with everything going on right now you were the only one I could talk too."

"Lizzie, you can always come and talk to me no matter what, it could be about how good your day was or what to do about a crush just know I will never leave," Camille said

Lizzie smiled and said, "thank you," as she left.

She felt proud of herself. She was able to tell someone what happened face to face and not in a letter. She wasn't ready to say who it was, but he would pay for his actions when she was.


Hope hasn't received a message in days and was too proud to send one herself; She didn't expect one after everything she said. So when she was painting, and a notification sound was heard, she didn't pay attention. "Probably some spam" Then multiple sounds at the same time could be heard. She put down her paintbrush and picked up the phone to see three messages from the mystery girl.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't text you. But I didn't know what to say, but I needed to tell you that I told the new therapist about what happened, and I wanted to tell you I don't know why but I just felt like I needed too."

"I'm so proud of you" Hope typed out with tears in her eyes "about the other day, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I have trust issues. My last friend betrayed me, and I didn't want to feel that pain again. But if the offer is still up, I would love to be friends with you if you still want that."

Lizzie quickly typed "yes I still want that"

Hope got all excited and tried to play it cool "great."

The only people the two girls spoke to were each other. They both contracted to feel for the other in some way, shape, or form. It came to a shock to both of them because outside of the messages, they had crushes on people, but something about the other person behind the screen made both girls have flutters in their stomach every time a message was received.


One more person to talk too Camille waited in her office, not knowing that he would cause a chain of events that would make everything go upside down, at least for some people.

A soft knock could be heard, and he walked in with a smirk on his face knowing exactly what he was going to do.

"Hi, my name Is Milton, but most people call me Mg."

"Hi, Mg, I'm Camille, the school's new counselor."

"did you meet Lizzie yet?"

"I have met everyone except you."

"What did she tell you" he demanded

Camille put it together that this was who assaulted Lizzie. She said, "nothing we only met once. Why are you asking."

"it doesn't matter you won't remember I asked"

He leaned in and looked her dead in the eyes "you will leave this school and forget about everyone here, including me," he said while vamp speeding her outside but not before having her write a letter of resignation.


this is the last filler for a little while. thank you for the support

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